Whenever it comes to data science or machine learning; the first thing that crosses our mind is somewhat prediction, recommendation system or stuff like that. Actually, recommendation systems are pretty common these days. If we talk about some most popular websites like Amazon, ebay, yts and let’s not forget about Facebook, you’ll see those recommendation systems in action. You would definitely have come across some things with the tag ‘you might be interested in’, ‘you might know this person’ or ‘people also searched for’ kind of things. So I decided to take a look at how things work and here I am. We’ll talk about some basic and common types of recommendation systems, how they work and we will develop them using Python. One thing to be noted; these systems does not match the quality, complexity or accuracy used by the tech companies but will just give you the idea and a starting point.
Environment Setup
Ipython notebook or now known as Jupyter notebook is one of the most commonly used tech for scientific computation. The main reason for its usage is because it excels in literate programming. In other words, it has the ability to re-run the portion of a program which is convenient when dealing with large datasets. Easiest way to get Jupyter notebook app is installing a scientific python distribution; most common of which is Anaconda. You can download the Anaconda distribution from and simply install it using default settings for a single user.
Our environment is all set up now so let’s actually do something. Create a new folder naming Book Recommendation System (named it this way because we are going to build book recommendation system you can name it anything.) Now launch the anaconda command prompt and start a new notebook by entering the following command:
$ jupyter notebook
You should see the following screen:

What it did is create an empty notebook inside our mentioned folder and will also launch a web-based interactive environment for you to work in. Now let’s talk about some commonly used recommendation systems and see things in action.
This article assumes your very basic understanding of working with data science libraries of python. Even if you're new to this, go ahead as I tried breaking down things easy. Also, the dataset I’m going to use for this article is rather a small dataset based on collected data from Amazon and goodreads. You can download it and feel free to experiment. Code will also work fine with any other datasets.
Popularity Based Recommender
This is the most basic recommendation system which offers generalized recommendation to every user based on the popularity. But it does make sense even with all the simplicity. Let’s take the scenario of an ice cream parlor. Every other customer orders the chocolate flavor so indeed that is more popular among the customers and is a hit of that ice cream parlor. So if a new customer walks in and ask for the best, he would be suggested to try chocolate flavor. The same is true about tourist attraction, hotel recommendations, movies, books, music, etc. whatever is more popular among the general public, is more likely to be recommended to new customers.
As mentioned before, this type of recommenders make generalized recommendation not personalized. It means that this system will not take into account the ‘personal’ preferences or choices, rather it would tell that this particular thing is liked by most of the users.
Building one will clarify the idea behind. Let’s get started.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
and numpy
are two powerful libraries provided by python for scientific computation, data manipulation and data analysis. numpy
; above all; provides high performance, multi-dimensional array along with the tools to manipulate it. Whereas pandas
is known for its data structures and operations for manipulating data. We will be using both of these libraries in this article.
data = pd.read_csv('listing.csv', encoding = 'latin-1')
books = pd.read_csv('books.csv', encoding = 'latin-1')
Just to test if we have right data.


rating_count = pd.DataFrame(books, columns=['book_id','no_of_ratings'])
rating_count.sort_values('no_of_ratings', ascending=False).drop_duplicates().head(10)

most_rated_books = pd.DataFrame([4755, 2409, 2194, 4696, 1616], index=np.arange(5), columns=['book_id'])
detail = pd.merge(most_rated_books, data, on='book_id')

You can also get only the most rated book as follows:
most_rated_book = pd.DataFrame(books, columns=['book_id', 'user_id', 'avg_rating', 'no_of_ratings'])


You can also get the description of any column using the same function.

Correlation Based Recommender
As this is an age of more ‘personalized’ stuff so, popularity based recommenders are not enough to satisfy the need. Thus, there exist Correlation Based Recommenders which would make the recommendations based on the similarity of items (review similarity we’re talking about). The basic idea behind being that if you like this item, you are most probable to like an item similar to it. Correlation Based Recommenders are a simpler form of collaborative filtering based recommenders. They give you more flavor of being personalized as they would recommend the item that is most similar to the item selected before.
We are going to use Pearson’s correlation for our recommendation system. This recommendation system would use item based similarity; correlate the items based on user ratings.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv('listing.csv', encoding = 'latin-1')
books = pd.read_csv('books.csv', encoding = 'latin-1')

rating = pd.DataFrame(books.groupby('book_id')['no_of_ratings'].mean())


rating.sort_values('no_of_ratings', ascending=False).head()

ratings_pivot = pd.pivot_table(data=books, values='user_rating', index='user_id', columns='book_id')

As we are interested in finding correlation between two variables, for that, we are going to use Pearson correlation
which would simply measure the linear correlation. In this case, we are interested in knowing the relation between two books based on user rating.
correlation_matrix = user_rating.corr(method='pearson')

As you can see, now our table contains pearson correlation coefficient values.
OneManOut_rating = ratings_pivot[4755]

similar_to_OneManOut = ratings_pivot.corrwith(OneManOut_rating)
corr_OneManOut = pd.DataFrame(similar_to_OneManOut, columns=['PearsonR'])
You’ll encounter a runtime warning because of encountering divide by zero.

But that will not get into our way so it can be ignored. We’ll still get the output as follows:

OneManOut_corr_summary = corr_OneManOut.join(rating)
OneManOut_corr_summary.sort_values('PearsonR', ascending=False).head(10)

book_corr_OneManOut = pd.DataFrame([2629, 493, 4755, 4571, 2900, 1417, 2681, 1676, 2913, 1431],
index = np.arange(10), columns=['book_id'])
summary = pd.merge(book_corr_OneManOut, data,on='book_id')

Now if you see most rated book in our dataset which is One Man Out: Curt Flood Versus Baseball is of law genre but our recommendation engine is giving us mixed recommendations including Travel, Law, etc. This is because we are using the relation between ratings to make our recommendation. This book was rated 4 times in our dataset and so was the very first recommended by our recommendation engine. It means our recommender is working.
Content Base Recommender
There exists another type of recommender known as content based recommender. This type of recommender uses the description of the item to recommend next most similar item. Content based recommenders also make the ‘personalized’ recommendation. The main difference between correlation based recommender and content based recommender is that the former considers the ‘user behavior’ while later considers the content for making recommendation. Content based recommender uses the product features or keywords used in description to find the similarity between the items. Let’s see how can we build one.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
is used to compute the linear kernel between two variables. We would use this function instead of cosine_similarities()
because it is faster and as we are also using TF-IDF vectorization
, a simple dot product will give us the same cosine similarity score. Now what is TF-IDF vector
? We cannot compute the similarity between the given description in the form it is in our dataset
. This is practically impossible. For this purpose, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
is calculated for all the documents which would simply return you a matrix with each word representing a column. sklearn’s TfidfVectorizer
would do this for us in a couple of lines:
book_description = pd.read_csv('description.csv', encoding = 'latin-1')

books_tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
book_description['description'] = book_description['description'].fillna('')
book_description_matrix = books_tfidf.fit_transform(book_description['description'])

The above shape means that 4186
words are used to describe 143
books in our dataset
cosine_similarity = linear_kernel(book_description_matrix, book_description_matrix)
indices = pd.Series(book_description['name'].index)
def recommend(index, cosine_sim=cosine_similarity):
id = indices[index]
similarity_scores = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[id]))
similarity_scores = sorted(similarity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
similarity_scores = similarity_scores[1:6]
books_index = [i[0] for i in similarity_scores]
return book_description['name'].iloc[books_index]


If you notice the results we got; book at the index 2 is similar to book at index 6 according to our recommendation engine. Let’s follow along the description and see if our recommender is working.
As per goodreads; here’s the very short description of the “Angela’s Ashes”:
"When I look back on my childhood, I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood."
And “Running with Scissors” goes as:
“The true story of an outlaw childhood where rules were unheard of, the Christmas tree stayed up all year round, Valium was consumed like candy, and if things got dull, an electroshock-therapy machine could provide entertainment.”
Which shows somewhat similarity between the synopsis of the story. Also both books belong to the genre ‘Biographies & Memoirs’. This shows that our recommendation is good enough with all its simplicity.
To Readers
The complete repository containing dataset and Jupyter notebooks also exists on github. You can download it here.