Windows Operating Systems provide a Structured Exception Handling (SEH) infrastructure.
On their side, some high-level languages provide internal support for it, namely a runtime library to easily deal with the OS implementation.
When an Exception is thrown, an automatic unwinding takes place, which translates to a backward search through the stack of function calls until an Exception Handler is found.
This process is totally transparent (and the inner workings vastly undocumented) for the developer, who normally needs only be concerned with delimiting the scope for the Exception Handler. The scope is defined with __try/__except
or similar clauses.
When programming in C/C++ or .NET, this works for what the developers are expected to do, i.e., insert the __try/__except
clauses and forget about it.
The Situation for Assembly Language
ASM programmers have no runtime library at their disposal to deal with SEH. Specifically with MASM (let's concentrate on the MASM model from here on, although things work more or less the same for other assemblers, namely those mentioned below), all they get is a set of Raw Pseudo Operations (there is also a set of MACROS, but almost mimic what the Raw Pseudo Operations do) that create unwinding information in the .pdata
and .xdata
sections of the PE Coff (see Ref 1, below).
There is a basic sample supplied with the description of the Raw Pseudo Operations, but it implicitly assumes the PROC (indeed, this means PROCEDURE) will be called from a C/C++ program, otherwise will not work as expected.
Rolling Our Own Runtime
1. Hooking the Callback
When there is an exception, the Operating System provides a Callback function, which in MASM can be prototyped as simply as:
_except_handler PROTO :PTR, :PTR, :PTR, :PTR
MASM provides a simple way to hook this Callback function, just add the name of some Handler after the FRAME attribute of the PROC.
While in C/C++, the compiler hooks the Callback behind the scenes when you establish __try/__except
Guarded Block scopes - in MASM, things are not so simple. That is, you have to find as well a way to lay out the Guarded Block scopes within each PROC (this is a bit hard too, although can be automated as I have done). The end result is that the correct Guarded Block have to be found within the Callback Handler itself because they have been independently layed out (more about this later and illustrated in our source code as well).
2. Understanding the Callback
From its prototype, we see that the Callback provides four parameter pointers (three of them pointing to structures).
- The first parameter is a pointer to an
structure, which is defined as:
ExceptionCode DWORD ?
ExceptionFlags DWORD ?
ExceptionRecord LPVOID ?
ExceptionAddress LPVOID ?
NumberParameters DWORD ?
Two fields of this structure have particular interest, the ExceptionCode
and the ExceptionAddress
- The second parameter is a pointer to the Establisher Frame. Although, may be important for debugging purposes (not so much in ASM, actually), we will not use it because our approach is handle the exception trying to restore execution rather than debug it.
- The third parameter is a pointer to a
structure, which represents the CPU register values for the thread at the time of the Exception. This is a large structure, too large to display here, but is available in the attached source code. - The fourth parameter is a pointer to a
structure, defined as:
ControlPc QWORD ?
ImageBase QWORD ?
FunctionEntry LPVOID ?
EstablisherFrame QWORD ?
TargetIp QWORD ?
ContextRecord LPVOID ?
LanguageHandler LPVOID ?
HandlerData LPVOID ?
HistoryTable LPVOID ?
ScopeIndex DWORD ?
Fill0 DWORD ?
I will not detail here the nitty-gritties of all these structures, they are immense and mostly undocumented.
3. The Handler of the Callback
Microsoft designates the Handler of the Callback by the name Language Specific Handler (LSH, for short). Although I would prefer the name Exception Handler, this name is already taken for the part of the program where execution resumes after the unwinding process is over.
As seen, the LSH receives a huge amount of information, which it can handle in diversified ways.
Our purpose here is nothing more than restore execution of the program (whenever possible), so we will focus the attention on what is essential and take the most reliable course of action.
From now on, our explanation will be based on what our own LSH for MASM does, but be aware that alternative ways, or even better ones, are possible, even though I am not aware of them.
So, after some preparatory errands, the first thing the LSH does is locate where the exception took place. The best bet is to rely on the ControlPc
structure. It tells us the RIP register value of the address where the Exception occurred within the PROC or where it left the PROC, if it couldn't be handled in there.
Then it calls the RtlLookupFunctionEntry
API, to obtain an entry in the Function Tables that correspond to the ControlPc
RIP register value. A PROC is added to the Function Tables whenever the name of some LSH is added to the FRAME attribute of that PROC. If RtlLookupFunctionEntry
returns a valid value (it usually does), we will obtain from it the Begin Address and End Address of some PROC.
With that information, all the LSH has to do is look for Guarded Blocks (as mentioned previously, for MASM, they need to be established by hand).
If a Guarded Block is not found, the LSH will return a value telling the Operating System to continue the search.
If a Guarded Block is found, the LSH will call the RtlUnwindEx
API to process the unwind. This function performs a massive unwinding work (see Ref. 3 below), which otherwise would be very error-prone if done by hand.
Finally, be aware that for each exception, the LSH will be called more than once, mostly catering for C/C++ cleanup needs.
Our Code
The defAsmSpecificHandler
Our source code presents a LSH, which I have baptized with the name defAsmSpecificHandler
. I could have used different LSHs for different PROC, but I decided to centralize all in a single Handler.
performs all tasks mentioned in the previous Chapter. In addition, it collects discretionary information to be reported when execution is resumed within the faulty program. Note that if the LSH was meant to be thread safe the collection of information should not be done this way. This is left as an exercise, I am not keen on complicating things that would deviate attention from the essential.
Here is the defAsmSpecificHandler
defAsmSpecificHandler PROC USES rbx rsi rdi r12 r13 r14 r15 pExceptionRecord:PTR, pEstablisherFrame:PTR, pContextRecord:PTR, pDispatcherContext:PTR
LOCAL imgBase : PTR
LOCAL targetGp : PTR
LOCAL BeginAddress : PTR
LOCAL EndAddress : PTR
LOCAL catchHandler : PTR
mov pExceptionRecord, rcx
mov pEstablisherFrame, rdx
mov pContextRecord, r8
mov pDispatcherContext, r9
mov rdi, OFFSET originalExceptContext
mov rax, pDispatcherContext
mov rsi, (DISPATCHER_CONTEXT ptr [rax]).ContextRecord
mov rcx, SIZEOF CONTEXT / 8
rep movsq
mov rcx,pExceptionRecord
jne @F
mov rcx,0
call ExitProcess
jnz @F
sub rsp, 20h
mov rcx, pExceptionRecord
mov rdx, pContextRecord
call saveContextAndExceptRecs
add rsp, 20h
cmp blocksDenested,0
jne @F
sub rsp, 20h
call denestCatchBlocks
add rsp, 20h
mov blocksDenested, 1
mov rcx,pExceptionRecord
mov eax, ExceptionContinueSearch
jnz @exit
mov rax, pDispatcherContext
mov rcx, (DISPATCHER_CONTEXT PTR [rax]).ControlPc
lea rdx, imgBase
lea r8, targetGp
sub rsp, 20h
call RtlLookupFunctionEntry
add rsp, 20h
cmp rax, 0
jnz @F
mov ecx, 1
call ExitProcess
mov r13, imgBase
mov r11d, (IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY PTR [rax]).BeginAddress
add r11, r13
mov BeginAddress, r11
mov r11d, (IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY PTR [rax]).EndAddress
add r11, r13
mov EndAddress, r11
mov rsi, dataexcpStart
mov r11, pDispatcherContext
mov r11, (DISPATCHER_CONTEXT ptr [r11]).ControlPc
mov catchHandler,0
mov r12, 7FFFFFFFh
cmp QWORD PTR [rsi], 204E4445h
je @loopEnd
cmp QWORD PTR [rsi], 544F4C53h
jne @ifEnd
mov r14, QWORD PTR [rsi].CATCHBLOCKS.try
cmp r14, BeginAddress
jb @ifEnd
cmp r14, r11
ja @ifEnd
mov r13, QWORD PTR [rsi].CATCHBLOCKS.catch
cmp r13, EndAddress
ja @ifEnd
cmp r13, r11
jb @ifEnd
mov rax, r13
sub rax, r14
cmp r12, rax
jbe @ifEnd
mov r12, rax
mov catchHandler, r13
jmp @ifEnd
jmp @loopStart
cmp catchHandler, 0
jne @F
mov eax, ExceptionContinueSearch
jmp @exit
mov rcx, pEstablisherFrame
mov rdx, catchHandler
mov r8, pExceptionRecord
mov LSHretValue, 66h
lea r9, LSHretValue
sub rsp, 30h
mov rax, pDispatcherContext
mov rax, [rax].DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.HistoryTable
mov [rsp+28h], rax
lea rax, originalExceptContext
mov [rsp+20h], rax
call RtlUnwindEx
add rsp, 30h
mov ecx, 1
call ExitProcess
defAsmSpecificHandler ENDP
How the Guarded Blocks Are Laid Out?
I use a set of three MACROS to define the Guarded Blocks (within the code they are defined by a structure called CATCHBLOCKS
) and our own PE SECTION, called dataexcp
, to store the information about them.
This is the start of our PE SECTION:
dataexcp SEGMENT PARA ".data" blocksDenested QWORD 0
dataexcpStart LABEL near
QWORD 204E4445h
ORG $-8 ; Overwrite END, if there are catch blocks dataexcp ENDS
And these are the three MACROS:
_ExceptionBlock TEXTEQU <0>
LOCAL tryPos, level
tryPos EQU $
level TEXTEQU @SizeStr(%_ExceptionBlock)
level TEXTEQU %(level -1)
_ExceptionBlock CATSTR _ExceptionBlock, level
dataexcp SEGMENT
QWORD 544F4C53h
QWORD level
QWORD tryPos
dataexcp ENDS
LOCAL catchPos, level
catchPos EQU $+5
level TEXTEQU @SizeStr(%_ExceptionBlock)
level TEXTEQU %(level -2)
dataexcp SEGMENT
QWORD level
QWORD catchPos
dataexcp ENDS
%jmp near ptr @catch&_ExceptionBlock&_end
LOCAL endCatchPos, count, level, temp
endCatchPos EQU $
level TEXTEQU @SizeStr(%_ExceptionBlock)
level TEXTEQU %(level -2)
dataexcp SEGMENT
QWORD level
QWORD endCatchPos
QWORD 204E4445h
ORG $-8 ;; Ready to be overwriten, if more Blocks dataexcp ENDS
count TEXTEQU @SizeStr(%_ExceptionBlock)
count TEXTEQU %(count -1)
_ExceptionBlock TEXTEQU @SubStr(%_ExceptionBlock, 1, count)
IF count EQ 1
temp TEXTEQU %(_ExceptionBlock +1)
BYTE temp
IF temp EQ 9
_ExceptionBlock TEXTEQU <0>
_ExceptionBlock TEXTEQU <temp>
With this little arsenal of MACROS, all we have to do within a PROC in order to delimit a Guarded Block is insert the triplet of MACROS, something like this:
someProcedure PROC FRAME:defAsmSpecificHandler
push rbp
.pushreg rbp
mov rbp, rsp
.setframe rbp, 0
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
someProcedure ENDP
Very easy, and it closely resembles the C/C++ semantics.
Tests Performed
I rolled up a set of six tests that must cover almost every situation faced in real life by ASM programmers. There are some marginal cases I have not dealt with. Anyway, if any reader believes they are relevant and presents code illustrating their case, I may update the article to deal with them as well.
As mentioned, defAsmSpecificHandler
is not thread safe, but changes needed to make it thread safe are few. This is left as an exercise.
The source code for the tests is in the attachments to this article.
Compatibility with C/C++
The defAsmSpecificHandler
is compatible with the Visual Studio C and C++ SEH mechanism. If an Exception can't be handled within the ASM modulo, it will be passed to C/C++ where it can be handled.
I illustrate it in one of the attachments, this is the relevant C/C++ part:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <excpt.h>
#include <windows.h> // for EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void proc1();
void proc2_0();
void proc3_0();
void proc4();
void proc5();
void proc6_0();
#ifdef __cplusplus
int filter(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep) {
#ifdef __cplusplus
printf("***Exception 0x%x at 0x%.8llx trapped in main***\n",
code, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress));
printf("***Exception 0x%x at 0x%.8llx trapped in main***\n",
code, (unsigned __int64)(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress));
int main()
__except(filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))
printf("\nExecuting Handler\n");
return 0;
Final Notes
- While this ASM code was primarily targeted to be assembled with MASM, it can as well be assembled without changes with JWASM or UASM (version 2.43 or later). JWASM and UASM have other features, which are not supported by MASM, but are essentially downward compatible with it.
- The code was tested in all operating system from Windows XP-64bit to Windows 10 64bit. However, for such an old operating system as Windows XP-64bit, you will need an appropriate linker (strictly, you can even use a recent one for that), you may be able to find it within the 64-bit resources provided by the time-honored MASM32.COM website.
- Unwind Helpers for MASM
- How to implement __try __except in ML64 (MASM)
- Unwind Data for Exception Handling, Debugger Support
- 26th October, 2017: Initial release
- 2nd November, 2017 : Update - Fixes in the test set (
), in the C/C++ example and various typos in the text
Jose Pascoa is the owner of AtelierWeb Software ( We produce security and network software and mixed utilities since 1999. The first program I published (in a BBS) was a MS-DOS utility, had the size of 21 KB and was done in Assembly Language. Nowadays, my low level languages are more likely to be "C", "C++" and "Delphi" rather than Assembly Language but I still like it. I have nothing against more fashionable languages like C# and technologies like WPF, actually I have played with them and published software with them.