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Combination of Id-ParentId and HierarchyId Approaches to Hierarchical Data

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17 Jul 2017CPOL8 min read 30.4K   332   15   1
Combine Id-ParentId and HierarchyId approaches to keep and fetch the data in hierarchical and alphabetical order


Hierarchical and Alphabetical Sorting

To sort the data hierarchically and alphabetically means sorting a tree using Depth-first search algorithm and selecting nodes with the same parent in the alphabetical order of their names.

The hierarchical sorting together with the level of nesting is a good way to emulate an expanded tree or a table of a book contents using just a flat list of objects without the necessity to build a tree of objects.

Just fetch the records, sort them hierarchically and alphabetically, indent each record n times, where n is the level of nesting, and you'll get the expanded tree for UI and reports.

Two Approaches

There are several approaches to structure a relational database to store the hierarchical data. The one, which is being used more frequently is the Id-ParentId approach.

The Id-ParentId approach has a few drawbacks that make it necessary to seek alternative methods of storing hierarchical data.

The most difficult and expensive tasks in Id-ParentId approach are those, which require recursive methods, for example:

  • find all descendants
  • find all ancestors
  • calculate the level of nesting
  • sort flat records hierarchically and then alphabetically

As a response to these difficulties, Microsoft added the HierarchyId data type to SQL Server since version 2008.

The HierarchyId data type:

  • helps finding descendants and ancestors without recursion
  • has fast GetLevel() method
  • contains the information about a node position in hierarchy
  • contains the information about a node order within its parent children

If you need to build a clustered index on HierarchyId, then all the node-records will physically be stored in the order in which they are most frequently fetched.

But the HierarchyId data type still has drawbacks, which are the trade-offs for its useful properties:

  • impossibility to use HierarchyId as a foreign key to a parent, i.e., self-referencing
    (actually a foreign key to a parent can be substituted with PERSISTED REFERENCES as it is described in this article, but all the pros and cons of such a solution are waiting for their researchers)
  • difficult ways to generate HierarchyId for added and changed records to keep required order, SQL Server does not do this automatically, it is up to the programmer to manage it
  • difficult use of the HierarchyId as a primary and foreign key: it may regularly change
  • it has no corresponding type in JavaScript (for example)

So what to choose: Id-ParentId or HierarchyId?

An acceptable solution to this dilemma of choice may be the combination of two approaches: Id-ParentId and HierarchyId.

This combination will allow us to:

  • use Id as an integer, ever increasing and unchangeable primary key
  • use ParentId as a self-referencing foreign key
  • use HierarchyId to keep the records physically sorted in hierarchical and alphabetical order

This article describes the way to unite the both approaches and ensure their normal operation.

Some Facts about HierarchyId

Column and Field Names in this Article and Source Code

  • Hid — column of HierarchyId data type
  • HidPathstring column for human-readable path of HierarchyId
  • HidCode — a binary presentation of HierarchyId converted to a string and without leading 0x

To Human-Readable Format

The HierarchyId data type is a materialized path encoded into binary format. It can be decoded to human-readable string path with ToString() method:

select Hid, Hid.ToString() as HidPath, Hid.GetLevel() as Level from Folders order by Hid;

Hid           HidPath        Level       
-----------   -------------- ------
0x            /              0
0x58          /1/            1
0x5AC0        /1/1/          2
0x5AD6        /1/1/1/        3
0x5AD6B0      /1/1/1/1/      4
0x5AD6B580    /1/1/1/1/1/    5
0x5AD6B680    /1/1/1/1/2/    5
0x5AD6B780    /1/1/1/1/3/    5
0x5AD6D0      /1/1/1/2/      4
0x5AD6D580    /1/1/1/2/1/    5
0x5AD6D680    /1/1/1/2/2/    5
0x5AD6D780    /1/1/1/2/3/    5

-- Note: ToString() and GetLevel() are case sensitive!!!

From Human-Readable Format

The opposite operation from string path to binary format works also:

declare @Hid hierarchyid = '/1/1/1/1/3/';

select @Hid


The above is the implicit conversion. HierarchyId has the explicit Parse() method, although a call format is a little strange:

declare @Hid hierarchyid = hierarchyid::Parse('/1/1/1/1/3/'); -- Parse() is case sensitive!!!

select @Hid


Tricky Numbering System of Paths

The interesting thing about the HierarchyId is the way of how it manages the numeration of a node inserted between two other nodes.

To get a Hid for a new node, HierarchyId uses GetDescendant() method from parent Hid and uses two Hids of nodes between which the new has to be inserted:

declare @Parent hierarchyid = 0x;

print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1/', '/2/').ToString()     -- /1.1/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1/', '/1.1/').ToString()   -- /1.0/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1/', '/1.0/').ToString()   -- /1.-1/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1/', '/1.-1/').ToString()  -- /1.-2/

print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1.1/', '/2/').ToString()   -- /1.2/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1.2/', '/2/').ToString()   -- /1.3/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1.3/', '/2/').ToString()   -- /1.4/

print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1.3/', '/1.4/').ToString() -- /1.3.1/

print @Parent.GetDescendant_
('/', '/').ToString() -- /

-- by the way

declare @Hid hierarchyid = '/';
select @Hid; -- 0x63A08A49A85258

declare @Hid hierarchyid = '/-1.-2.-3.-4.-5.-6.-7.-8.-1234567890/';
select @Hid; -- 0x41F8F87A3C1D8E87216D9A81A73A

-- special cases with null

print @Parent.GetDescendant(null, null).ToString()    -- /1/
print @Parent.GetDescendant('/1/', null).ToString()   -- /2/
print @Parent.GetDescendant(null, '/1/').ToString()   -- /0/

Why Need Binary Encoding?

If we can build a string path, why do we need this HierarchyId binary encoding?

Could we just sort the hierarchical data by this string path?

Look at this example:

select hierarchyid::Parse('/1/') as Hid, '/1/' as HidPath union all
select hierarchyid::Parse('/2/')       , '/2/'            union all
select hierarchyid::Parse('/10/')      , '/10/' 
order by HidPath;

Hid     HidPath 
-----   --------
0x58    /1/
0xAA    /10/
0x68    /2/

The same query but ordered by Hid makes the right sorting:

Hid HidPath
----- --------
0x58    /1/
0x68    /2/
0xAA    /10/

Microsoft uses the sophisticated algorithm of HierarchyId to encode the string path so that it can be used for hierarchical sorting just by the Hid column value.

The Solution

Master and SLave

So let's combine Id-ParentId self referencing approach with HierarchyId.

The Id-ParentId part will be responsible for Id primary key, self-reference ParentId foreign key and be the leading, or master.

The HierarchyId part will be a calculated field, or slave.

Of course Hid as a persistent calculated field is the denormalization. But this is a conscious step and a compromise for the advantages of HierarchyId.

The best place and moment to calculate the HierarchyId and keep it in coordinated state is a stored procedure and while saving the node.

User Catalog for Experiments

Let's imagine we have a multi-user application where each user keeps its own Catalog.

This Catalog keeps information in hierarchical Folders.

The table for these Folders might look like this:

create table dbo.Folders
    UserId    int           not null    ,
    Hid       hierarchyid   not null    ,
    Id        int           not null    identity,
    ParentId  int               null    ,
    Name      nvarchar(50)  not null    ,

    constraint CU_Folders unique clustered (UserId asc, Hid asc),

    constraint PK_Folders primary key nonclustered (Id asc),    

    constraint FK_Folders_UserId foreign key (UserId) references dbo.Users (Id),

    constraint FK_Folders_ParentId foreign key (ParentId) references dbo.Folders (Id)
    constraint CH_Folders_ParentId check _
    (Hid = 0x and ParentId is null or Hid <> 0x and ParentId is not null)

Note that the clustered index is built on UserId and Hid, but the primary key is built on Id column.

This allows to keep all the records of the user's Folders hierarchically sorted physically. And, at the same time, use the integer primary key as a foreign key for another tables and DTOs.

It is well known, that the hierarchy built on HierarchyId may have one root only.

Because the clustered key is the combination of UserId and Hid columns, a table dbo.Folders may have one root for each user.

The root node is mandatory, every user's catalog must have one, so the root is mostly a system record that is not edited by users.

Once the root node is a system record, every other nodes must have a parent and ParentId must be not null.

The Best Place to Make Calculation

As Microsoft states it here: "It is up to the application to generate and assign HierarchyId values in such a way that the desired relationship between rows is reflected in the values."

The best way to create and keep integrity and consistency of hierarchical data in our case is always use the same stored procedure to insert and update a Folder node.

A user-defined table type that represents saving Folder may serve as a parameter to the SaveFolder stored procedure:

create type dbo.FolderTableType as table
    Id        int           not null  primary key clustered,
    ParentId  int           not null  ,
    Name      nvarchar(50)  not null

and here is the SaveFolder stored procedure itself:

create procedure dbo.SaveFolder
    @Folder dbo.FolderTableType readonly
    set nocount on;
    begin -- variable declaration 
            @ParamId         int         ,
            @ParentId        int         ,
            @UserId          int         ,
            @ParentHid       hierarchyid ,

            @StartTranCount  int         ,
            @OldHid          hierarchyid ,
            @NewHid          hierarchyid ;        

        declare @FolderIds table ( 
            InsertedId  int        not null,
            OldHid      hierarchyid    null,
            NewHid      hierarchyid    null    


    begin try
        set @StartTranCount = @@trancount;

        if @StartTranCount = 0 
            set transaction isolation level serializable;
            begin transaction;

        begin -- init variables and lock parent for update 

                @ParamId = Id, 
                @ParentId = ParentId 

                @UserId    = UserId,
                @ParentHid = Hid      
                Id = @ParentId;


        begin -- save the @Folder 

            merge into dbo.Folders as target
                    -- full join in this 'select' allows to see picture 
                    -- as if the change already applied
                    -- thus coalesce(t.Id, f.Id) take new value if t.Id exists 
                    -- and old value if not                    


                        -- LAG and LEAD functions help to find the previous 
                        -- and next Hid values if to sort by Name

                        Hid      =  @ParentHid.GetDescendant (

                                        LAG (case when t.Id is null then f.Hid end) 
                                             over(order by coalesce(t.Name, f.Name)),

                                        LEAD(case when t.Id is null then f.Hid end) 
                                             over(order by coalesce(t.Name, f.Name))
                        Id       =  coalesce( t.Id       , f.Id       ),
                        ParentId =  coalesce( t.ParentId , f.ParentId ),
                        Name     =  coalesce( t.Name     , f.Name     )
                        (select * from dbo.Folders where ParentId = @ParentId)  f
                        full join @Folder t on t.Id = f.Id
                -- for LAG and LEAD functions we need all children of the @ParentId
                -- but for merge we need the Folder where source.Id = @ParamId 
                as source on source.Id = @ParamId and source.Id = target.Id 

            -- target.UserId = @UserId here just to make sure that 
            -- we do not reparent a Folder to another user

            when matched and target.UserId = @UserId then
                update set
                    Hid       =  source.Hid  ,
                    Name      =  source.Name ,
                    ParentId  =  source.ParentId

            -- source.Id = 0 here just to make sure that we insert a new Folder 
            -- and not already deleted one
            -- not matched Id can be deleted by another user and we can try to add it again

            when not matched by target and source.Id = 0 then
                insert (
                    UserId   ,
                    Hid      ,
                    ParentId ,
                    Name     )
                values (
                    @UserId         ,
                    source.Hid      ,
                    source.ParentId ,
                    source.Name     )

                inserted.Id  ,
                deleted.Hid  ,

            into @FolderIds (
                InsertedId  ,
                OldHid      ,
                NewHid      );


        begin -- reparent children 

            -- saving folder might change its ParentId
            -- in that case Hid of all its children should reflect the change also 

            select top 1 @OldHid = OldHid, @NewHid = NewHid from @FolderIds;

            if @OldHid <> @NewHid 
                update dbo.Folders set
                    Hid = Hid.GetReparentedValue(@OldHid, @NewHid) 
                    UserId = @UserId
                    and Hid.IsDescendantOf(@OldHid) = 1;

        if @StartTranCount = 0 commit transaction;

    end try
    begin catch
        if xact_state() <> 0 and @StartTranCount = 0 rollback transaction;
        declare @ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000) = dbo.GetErrorMessage();
        raiserror (@ErrorMessage, 16, 1);
    end catch;


If to save each Folder by the above stored procedure only, then the Hid column will always have actual and consistent information.

Fetch a Folder With Its Descendants in Hierarchical Order

Thus the following stored procedure fetches a Folder with all its descendants and sort them hierarchically and then alphabetically as if they are an expanded tree:

create procedure dbo.GetFolderWithSubFolders
    @FolderId int
    set nocount on;

        d.Id       ,
        d.ParentId ,
        d.Name     ,
        [Level]    =  d.Hid.GetLevel(),
        HidCode    =  dbo.GetHidCode(d.Hid),
        HidPath    =  d.Hid.ToString()
        dbo.Folders f
        inner join dbo.Folders d on d.UserId = f.UserId and d.Hid.IsDescendantOf(f.Hid) = 1
        f.Id = @FolderId
    order by

For example:

exec dbo.GetFolderWithSubFolders @FolderId = 40

Id    ParentId  Name  Level  HidCode    HidPath    
----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ------------
40    13        3A    3      5AD6       /1/1/1/
121   40        4A    4      5AD6B0     /1/1/1/1/
364   121       5A    5      5AD6B580   /1/1/1/1/1/
365   121       5B    5      5AD6B680   /1/1/1/1/2/
366   121       5C    5      5AD6B780   /1/1/1/1/3/
122   40        4B    4      5AD6D0     /1/1/1/2/
367   122       5A    5      5AD6D580   /1/1/1/2/1/
368   122       5B    5      5AD6D680   /1/1/1/2/2/
369   122       5C    5      5AD6D780   /1/1/1/2/3/
123   40        4C    4      5AD6F0     /1/1/1/3/
370   123       5A    5      5AD6F580   /1/1/1/3/1/
371   123       5B    5      5AD6F680   /1/1/1/3/2/
372   123       5C    5      5AD6F780   /1/1/1/3/3/

What is the Use of HidCode?

As it stated above, HidCode is a binary presentation of HierarchyId converted to varchar and without leading 0x.

Here is the dbo.GetHidCode scalar SQL function:

create function dbo.GetHidCode
    @Hid hierarchyid
returns varchar(1000)
    return replace(convert(varchar(1000), cast(@Hid as varbinary(892)), 2), '0x', '');

The HidCode string can be used on a client side to sort a flat list of Folders hierarchically.

Chapter for the Perfectionists

The above method of Hid calculation works well, but it has a tiny drawback.

-- imagine you have two sibling folders

Id    ParentId  Name  Level  HidCode    HidPath    
----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ------------
364   121       5A    5      5AD6B580   /1/1/1/1/1/
365   121       5B    5      5AD6B680   /1/1/1/1/2/

-- and you want to insert a new folder 

Id    ParentId  Name  
----- --------- ----- 
0     121       5Aaa  

-- the result will be 

Id    ParentId  Name  Level  HidCode    HidPath    
----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ------------
364   121       5A    5      5AD6B580   /1/1/1/1/1/
1234  121       5Aaa  5      5AD6B62C   /1/1/1/1/1.1/
365   121       5B    5      5AD6B680   /1/1/1/1/2/

See this sequence in HidPath: 1 -> 1.1 -> 2 instead of 1 -> 2 -> 3

In time, this ugly sequence may become more uglier.

If you are OK with that, then just skip this chapter.

But for the others, I would suggest one more option for keeping the hierarchical data in actual state.

Here is the stored procedure which recalculates the HierarchyId so the path consists of integer numbers in a continuous sequence.

create procedure dbo.SaveFolderWithHidReculc
    @Folder dbo.FolderTableType readonly
    set nocount on;
    begin -- variable declaration 
            @ParentId        int            ,
            @UserId          int            ,
            @ParentHid       hierarchyid    ,
            @ParentHidStr    varchar(1000)  ,
            @StartTranCount  int            ,
            @OldParentId     int            ,
            @OldParentHid    hierarchyid    ;

        declare @FolderIds table ( 
            InsertedId    int        not null,
            OldParentId   int            null,
            OldParentHid  hierarchyid    null

    begin try
        set @StartTranCount = @@trancount;
        if @StartTranCount = 0 
            set transaction isolation level serializable;
            begin transaction;

        begin -- init variables and lock parent for update 

            select @ParentId = ParentId from @Folder;
                @UserId        = UserId ,
                @ParentHid     = Hid    ,
                @ParentHidStr  = cast(Hid as varchar(1000))        
                Id = @ParentId;

        begin -- merge calculated hierarchical data with existing folders 

            merge into dbo.Folders as target
                        Hid      =    cast(concat(@ParentHidStr, -1, '/') as varchar(1000)),
                        Id       ,
                        ParentId ,
                as source on source.Id = target.Id 

            when matched and target.UserId = @UserId then
                update set
                    ParentId = source.ParentId ,
                    Name     = source.Name

            when not matched by target and source.Id = 0  then                                                         
                insert (
                    UserId   ,
                    Hid      ,
                    ParentId ,
                    Name     )
                values (
                    @UserId         ,
                    source.Hid      ,
                    source.ParentId ,
                    source.Name     )
                @FolderIds (
                    InsertedId   ,
                    OldParentId  ,
                    OldParentHid );

        begin -- reculculate SubFolder Hids

            select top 1
                @OldParentId  = OldParentId ,
                @OldParentHid = OldParentHid

            exec dbo.ReculcSubFolderHids @UserId, @ParentId, _
                 @ParentHid, @OldParentId, @OldParentHid ;


        if @StartTranCount = 0 commit transaction;

    end try
    begin catch
        if xact_state() <> 0 and @StartTranCount = 0 rollback transaction;
        declare @ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000) = dbo.GetErrorMessage();
        raiserror (@ErrorMessage, 16, 1);
    end catch;


The trick here is in call of ReculcSubFolderHids stored procedure after the @Folder save:

create procedure dbo.ReculcSubFolderHids
    @UserId        int          ,
    @ParentId      int          ,
    @ParentHid     hierarchyid  ,
    @OldParentId   int          =  null,
    @OldParentHid  hierarchyid  =  null

    declare @ParentHidStr varchar(1000)    = cast(@ParentHid as varchar(1000));
    declare @OldParentHidStr varchar(1000) = cast(@OldParentId as varchar(1000));

    with Recursion as
            Id       ,
            ParentId ,
            Name     ,
            OldHid   =  cast(Hid as varchar(1000)),
            NewHid   =  cast(
                                case when ParentId = @ParentId then @ParentHidStr _
                                     else @OldParentHidStr end,
                                row_number() over (order by Name, Id),
                            as varchar(1000)
            ParentId in (@ParentId, @OldParentId)

        union all 

            Id        =  f.Id       ,
            ParentId  =  f.ParentId ,        
            Name      =  f.Name     ,
            OldHid    =  cast(f.Hid as varchar(1000)),
            NewHid    =  cast(
                                 row_number() over _
                                 (partition by f.ParentId order by f.Name, f.Id), 
                             as varchar(1000)
            Recursion r        
            inner join dbo.Folders f on f.ParentId = r.Id 
            r.OldHid <> r.NewHid
    update f set 
        Hid = r.NewHid
        dbo.Folders f
        inner join Recursion r on r.Id = f.Id and f.Hid <> r.NewHid
        f.UserId = @UserId;

The above stored procedure calculated the paths which consist of integer numbers in a continuous sequence.

-- So the result of the example in the section beginning with SaveFolderWithHidReculc will be 

Id    ParentId  Name  Level  HidCode    HidPath    
----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ------------
364   121       5A    5      5AD6B580   /1/1/1/1/1/
1234  121       5Aaa  5      5AD6B680   /1/1/1/1/2/
365   121       5B    5      5AD6B780   /1/1/1/1/3/

This method has the drawback also. It works well until the recalculated branch consists of up to about 10,000 nodes, when the time for calculation do not exceed a second. 100,000 nodes recalculation may take up to 15 seconds or more.

Read a Tree in C#

The implemented Id-ParentId reference allows to build a tree of Folders in C#.

More over, once the Folders are sorted hierarchically, the tree can be build for one iteration through the flat list of Folders.

Suppose we have a Folder class in C#:

public class Folder
    public Int32 Id { get; set; }

    public Int32? ParentId { get; set; }

    public String Name { get; set; }        

    public IList<Folder> SubFolders { get; set; }

So the following method builds a tree for one pass through the hierarchically sorted Folder list:

public static IList<Folder> ConvertHierarchicallySortedFolderListToTrees
                            (IEnumerable<Folder> folders)
    var parentStack = new Stack<Folder>();
    var parent = default(Folder);
    var prevNode = default(Folder);
    var rootNodes = new List<Folder>();

    foreach (var folder in folders)
        if (parent == null || folder.ParentId == null)

            parent = folder;
        else if (folder.ParentId == parent.Id)
            if (parent.SubFolders == null)
                parent.SubFolders = new List<Folder>();

        else if (folder.ParentId == prevNode.Id)

            parent = prevNode;

            if (parent.SubFolders == null)
                parent.SubFolders = new List<Folder>();

            var parentFound = false;

            while(parentStack.Count > 0 && parentFound == false)
                parent = parentStack.Pop();

                if (folder.ParentId != null && folder.ParentId.Value == parent.Id)
                    parentFound = true;

            if (parentFound == false)

                parent = folder;
        prevNode = folder;

    return rootNodes;

The above method works two times faster than the following method for an unsorted Folder list:

public static IList<Folder> ConvertHierarchicallyUnsortedFolderListToTrees
                            (IEnumerable<Folder> folders)
    var dictionary = folders.ToDictionary(n => n.Id, n => n);
    var rootFolders = new List<Folder>();

    foreach (var folder in dictionary.Select(item => item.Value))
        Folder parent;

        if (folder.ParentId.HasValue && 
            dictionary.TryGetValue(folder.ParentId.Value, out parent))
            if (parent.SubFolders == null)
                parent.SubFolders = new List<Folder>();


    return rootFolders;

Both methods can build multiple roots, so the return type is IList<Folder>. That is useful when you need to fetch several brunches detached from the tree or several independent trees.

About Source Code

The attached archive contains the Hierarchy solution, created in Visual Studio 2015,
which consists of two projects:

  • Hierarchy.DB - SSDT project to create database for SQL Server 2016
  • Hierarchy.Tests - Test project to call the repository methods and see the result

The solution contains the examples of:

  • How to fetch a Folder by Id with HidCode, HidPath and full path from the root Folder
  • How to fetch immediate SubFolders of a Folder
  • How to fetch a Folder with all its descendants as a flat list and as a tree
  • How to fetch a Folder with all its parents as a flat list and as a tree
  • How to add a new Folder with Hid calculation on the fly
  • How to edit a Folder keeping right hierarchical and alphabetical order
  • How to reparent a Folder - assign a Folder to another Parent in edit method
  • How to delete a Folder with all its descendants
  • How to find Folders by Name and build branches from the found Folders to the root as it realized in Visual Studio is Search Solution Explorer

In order to install the database and run the tests, change the connection string in file Hierarchy.DB.publish.xml and in App.config to yours.

The Database project contains the dbo.GenerateFolders stored procedure which generates hierarchical data for tests. This generation occurs automatically during the database publish phase.


  • 21st June, 2017
    • Initial publication


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
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GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
dmjm-h23-Jun-17 9:37
dmjm-h23-Jun-17 9:37 
Excellent job.

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