Add-on find dialog:
To-do cached add-on was designed to simplify developer’s tasks,
like debugging and code management. As a result of my work a Visual Studio
Add-on component was created. It makes some things easier.
Debugging Features
Main feature of Debugging is STL containers
expanding. This add-on supports debugging of such STL containers:
Also special debugging
features were added they add support of very long strings to Visual C++
debugger. Add-on fixes Visual C++ Debugger limitation to string output.
(Visual C++ debugger can show only 242 symbols of the string). This Add-on
can expand very long strings (more than 65536 symbols):
Add-on is also capable
of showing XML long strings with user friendly formatting/indenting. It
also supports quick find by simple string or RegExp (Regular Expressions).
In Find Dialog any part of the string can be copied to the system clipboard
for the future use of developer.
Code Management Features
has special features which can be used to manage Visual C++ project source
code. In simple words it looks like:
adds a comment with special signature, like:
after such keyword the task description could be written.
Add-on can support as many keywords as developer wants. The main advantage
of this Visual C++ add-on is that it parses comments. Add-on parses all
comments in source code, checks commented strings for needed keywords
and displays results. Add-on is capable of distinguishing comments of
two types // - single line and /*
- multi line comments. Each keyword used in Add-on must start from '//'
or '/*' symbols - if you want to parse comments
only, and from any other symbol if you want to parse full source code.
Results of parsing are cached and updated when developer save changes
to file. That is why add-on have name To-Do Cached. Results of
its work are printed into Macro tab of output window. Find
needed string in output window and make a double click on it to proceed
to that string in your source code. Add-on also understands multi line
comments written as a list of single line comments, example:
Add-on will interpret such comment as a long
one comment and will display it by one line. Results of work can be sorted
and filtered.
Toolbar look's like:
![](ToDoCached/image003.gif) |
Results |
This is a first button in toolbar (direction from left to right). Press
this button to display results of keywords search in Macro tab
of output window. It’s a pity but I still don’t know how to
set active Macro tab on button press. That is why after press you
must change tab to Macro manually
![](ToDoCached/image004.gif) |
Workspace |
Press this button to free the cache of add-on. Needed only when
there are too much files in workspace. Don’t open Option dialog
after that– according to add-on logic, it will have to parse the
workspace again to display statistics.
![](ToDoCached/image005.gif) |
Some of the add-on’s features can be configured using Option Dialog.
![](ToDoCached/image006.gif) |
all files
On press add-on will automatically open all files in active project and
change all spaces in files to tabs.
![](ToDoCached/image007.gif) |
all files
Reverse process of Tabify action. Add-on will open all files of active
project and change all tabs to spaces.
![](ToDoCached/image008.gif) |
Debug Dialog |
Open STL Debug Dialog of add-on. On
button press add-on will try to locate variable in currently opened source
file by selection or by cursor position.
Example of application tested with STL and C++ classes datatypes.
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <stack>
#include <comutil.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
typedef std::string string;
typedef std::map<long, string> TLongStr;
typedef std::map<string, string > TStrStr;
typedef std::map<long, long> TLongLong;
typedef std::multimap<long, string> TMLongStr;
typedef std::multimap<long, long> TMLongLong;
typedef std::multimap<string, string> TMStrStr;
typedef std::vector<string> TVStr;
typedef std::vector<long> TVLong;
typedef std::list<string> TLStr;
typedef std::list<long> TLLong;
typedef std::set<long> TSLong;
typedef std::set<string> TSStr;
typedef std::multiset<long> TMsLong;
typedef std::multiset<string> TMsStr;
#define STR_DEF_TEST string( DEF_TEST_STRING )
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
char buffer[ 8192 ];
TLongLong mapLL; TLongStr mapLS; TStrStr mapSS;
TMLongLong mmapLL; TMLongStr mmapLS; TMStrStr mmapSS;
TLLong listL; TLStr listS;
TVStr vecS; TVLong vecL;
TSLong setL; TSStr setS;
TMsLong msetL; TMsStr msetS;
string strValue = DEF_TEST_STRING;
for( int j=0; j<10; j++ )
strValue += strValue;
const char * czBuffTestLongVariableNamesWithSomething = strValue.c_str( );
CString cstrClass = czBuffTestLongVariableNamesWithSomething;
CComBSTR combstr = cstrClass;
BSTR bstr = combstr;
bstr_t TBstr = bstr;
for( long i = 0; i<4000; i++ )
sprintf( buffer, "%04d - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" , i );
string temp = buffer;
mapLL.insert( TLongLong::value_type( i, i+1 ) );
mapLS.insert( TLongStr::value_type( i, temp ) );
mapSS.insert( TStrStr::value_type( temp, temp ) );
mmapLL.insert( TMLongLong::value_type( i, i+1 ) );
mmapLL.insert( TMLongLong::value_type( i, i ) );
mmapLS.insert( TMLongStr::value_type( i, temp ) );
mmapLS.insert( TMLongStr::value_type( i, temp ) );
mmapSS.insert( TMStrStr::value_type( temp, temp ) );
mmapSS.insert( TMStrStr::value_type( temp, temp ) );
listL.push_back( i );
listS.push_back( temp );
vecL.push_back( i );
vecS.push_back( temp );
setL.insert( i );
setS.insert( temp );
msetL.insert( i );
msetL.insert( i );
msetS.insert( temp );
msetS.insert( temp );
return 0;
Date Posted: 17/Aug/2001
First article was posted to CodeProject
From that moment many things were changed and new functionality added.
Updated: 7/Sep/2001
Tons of changes.
Updated: 20/Jan/2002
More changes.
Updated: 21/Apr/2002
Updated download package