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DataGridView Gantt Style Chart Using C# WinForm

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4 Oct 2015CPOL6 min read 72.7K   5.9K   67   15
In this article, we will learn about DataGridView Gantt Style Chart Using C# WinForm.
This article explains how to create a simple Gantt Style chart inside DataGridView in order to display the Project Schedule results.

Image 1


In this article, we will see how to create a simple Gantt Style chart inside DataGridView to display the Project Schedule results. In my previous article, I explained the same for ASP.NET GridView and also for MVC using AngularJS.

Few members requested me to do the same for Winform using DataGridView. I have made a simple program with the same functionality as my Webform example. Kindly refer to both articles to find more details about project Scheduling.

All business logic to display result are in my SQL Server Stored Procedure.

As I have explained in both articles, all the business logic to display the project management result has been done in my Stored Procedure. I have used Pivot query in my Stored Procedure to display the final result. We can see the details about how I have written my procedure to display the result in code part.

Using the Code

We will create a SCHED_Master table under the database 'projectDB'. The following is the script to create a database, table and sample insert query. Run this script in your SQL Server. I have used SQL Server 2012.

Image 2

-- =============================================                               
-- Author      : Shanu                                
-- Create date : 2015-07-13                                 
-- Description : To Create Database,Table and Sample Insert Query                            
-- Latest                               
-- Modifier    : Shanu                                
-- Modify date : 2015-07-13                           
-- =============================================
--Script to create DB,Table and sample Insert data

-- 1) Check if the Database Exists. If the database exists, then drop and create new DB
IF EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = 'projectDB' )


USE projectDB

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SCHED_Master](
    [ID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [ProjectName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [ProjectType] int NULL,
    [ProjectTypeName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [SCHED_ST_DT] [datetime] NULL,
    [SCHED_ED_DT] [datetime] NULL,    
    [ACT_ST_DT] [datetime] NULL,
    [ACT_ED_DT] [datetime] NULL,
    [status] int null
    [ID] ASC

-- Insert Query

--delete from SCHED_Master

           (1001,'Project-1',1,'Urgent','2015-06-01 00:00:00.000','2015-09-02 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-06-22 00:00:00.000','2015-08-26 00:00:00.000',1)

           (1002,'Project-1',2,'Important','2015-06-12 00:00:00.000','2015-8-02 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-06-19 00:00:00.000','2015-8-29 00:00:00.000',1)

           (1003,'Project-1',3,'Normal','2015-06-28 00:00:00.000','2015-09-03 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-07-02 00:00:00.000','2015-08-24 00:00:00.000',1)

           (1004,'Project-2',1,'Urgent','2015-06-28 00:00:00.000','2015-08-02 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-07-02 00:00:00.000','2015-08-26 00:00:00.000',1)

           (1005,'Project-2',2,'Important','2015-07-09 00:00:00.000','2015-12-22 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-06-28 00:00:00.000','2015-12-14 00:00:00.000',1)

           (1006,'Project-2',3,'Normal','2015-06-01 00:00:00.000','2015-08-04 00:00:00.000'
            ,'2015-06-22 00:00:00.000','2015-08-24 00:00:00.000',1)

-- Select Query

select ID,ProjectName,ProjectType,ProjectTypeName,SCHED_ST_DT,_
                      SCHED_ED_DT,ACT_ST_DT,ACT_ED_DT,status from SCHED_Master

After creating our table, we will create a stored procedure to display the project schedule result using Pivot query.

I will explain each step of my procedure so that you can understand it clearly to make your own with your table formats.

Step 1

Create the procedure with parameter and declare the variable inside procedure to be used in the SP.

Note here I have set the FromDate and ToDate static. You can change this as a parameter from SP to get dynamic results as per your date range.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ProjectSchedule_Select]
@projectId           VARCHAR(10)  = ''             
 -- 1. Declared for setting the Schedule Start and End date
 --1.Start /////////////
  Declare   @FromDate          VARCHAR(20)  = '2015-06-08'--DATEADD(mm,-12,getdate())
  Declare   @ToDate            VARCHAR(20)  = '2016-05-06'--DATEADD(mm, 1, getdate())  
  -- used for the pivot table result
    @SQLquery  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)     

Step 2

We have defined our Project FromDate and EndDate. Now we need to search the project schedule result from the given date. The main aim of the Project Schedule chart is to display the data range as Weeks, Month, Year or Day of any one format with continuous result within the range. To get the continuous result, I will get the Days if Sundays from the Start and End date. I will display the result as Week display, so here I have used every week Sunday date and stored all the dates to temptable for displaying the result.

This Temp table is created for getting all the days between the start date and end date to display as the Column Header.

-- 2.This Temp table is created to get all the days between the start date 
--   and end date to display as the Column Header
 --2.Start /////////////                                                                
 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays

    Select  @TOTALCount= DATEDIFF(dd,@FromDate,@ToDate);           
   WITH d AS                                                                       
              SELECT top (@TOTALCount) AllDays = DATEADD(DAY, ROW_NUMBER()
                OVER (ORDER BY object_id), REPLACE(@FromDate,'-',''))
              FROM sys.all_objects                                             
         SELECT  distinct DATEADD(DAY, 1 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, AllDays), _
         CAST(AllDays AS DATE))WkStartSundays  ,1 as status
 into #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays                                                                    
    FROM d                             
        AllDays  <= @ToDate                                      
   AND AllDays  >= @FromDate        
   -- test the sample temptable with select query
  -- select * from #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays
   --///////////// End of 2.

Step 3

I will join the above temp table to actual Schedule table to compare the dates and produce the result. Firstly, I will check for the Schedule result and using the union, I will combine the result to the Actual result and insert the final result to another temp table to generate our pivot result.

Image 3

Note: For actual data in pivot list, I will display the result as:

  • “-1” – For End Date of both Schedule and Actual result. In my program, I will check for the resultant value, if its “-1”, then I will display the text as “END” with red back color which is to notify the user for End date of each project.
  • “0” – If the result value is “0”, then it means the days are not in any Schedule or Actual days, so it should be left as blank.
  • “1” – If the result is “1”, it is to intimate as the Schedule Start and End days. I will be using Blue color to display the Schedule Days.
  • “2” - If the result is “1”, it is to intimate as the Actual Start and End days. I will be using Green color to display the Schedule Days.

This is only a sample procedure that explains a sample program for Project schedule, you can customize this table, procedure and program as per your requirement and set your own rule and status to display the result.

This temp table is created to schedule details with the result, here I have used the Union.

The first query returns the Schedule Project result and the second query returns the Actual Project result. Both these queries will be inserted to a Temp Table.

-- 3. This temp table is created to Schedule details with result here I have used the Union,
--the 1st query returns the Schedule Project result and the 2nd query
--returns the Actual Project result, both these queries will be inserted to a Temp Table
--3.Start /////////////
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP_results') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE #TEMP_results

      SELECT ProjectName,viewtype,ProjectType,resultnew,YMWK
      INTO #TEMP_results
                        A.ProjectName ProjectName   -- Our Project Name
                       ,'1-Scd' viewtype            -- Our View type first we
                                                    -- display Schedule Data and then Actual
                       , A. ProjectType ProjectType -- Our Project type here you can use
                                                    -- your own status as Urgent,
                                                    -- normal and etc
                       ,  Case when   cast(DATEPART( wk, max(A.SCHED_ED_DT)) _
                                 as varchar(2)) =  _
                                 cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) _
                                 then -1 else
                           case when min(A.SCHED_ST_DT)<= F.WkStartSundays _
                                       AND max(A.SCHED_ED_DT) >= F.WkStartSundays
                         then 1 else 0  end end resultnew  -- perfectResult as I expect
                       ,  RIGHT(YEAR(WkStartSundays), 2)+'-'+'W'+convert(varchar(2),_
                       Case when len(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays))='1' then '0'+
                         cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) _
                         else cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) END
                         ) as 'YMWK'  -- Here we display Year/month and Week of
                                      -- our Schedule which will be displayed as the Column

             FROM   -- here you can use your own table
                        SCHED_Master A (NOLOCK)
                                LEFT OUTER JOIN
                        #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays F (NOLOCK)  ON A.status= F.status

               WHERE  -- Here you can check your own where conditions
                       A.ProjectName like '%' + @projectId
                   AND    A.status=1
                   AND A.ProjectType in (1,2,3)
                   AND A.SCHED_ST_DT  <= @ToDate
                   AND A.SCHED_ED_DT  >= @FromDate
               GROUP BY
                    , A. ProjectType

   UNION  -- This query is to result the Actual result
                        A.ProjectName ProjectName   -- Our Project Name
                       ,'2-Act' viewtype            -- Our View type first we
                                                    -- display Schedule Data and then Actual
                       , A. ProjectType ProjectType -- Our Project type here you can use
                                                    -- your own status as Urgent,
                                                    -- normal and etc
                       ,  Case when   cast(DATEPART( wk, max(A.ACT_ED_DT)) as varchar(2)) =  _
                                          cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) _
                                          as varchar(2))  then -1 else
                           case when min(A.ACT_ST_DT)<= F.WkStartSundays _
                                          AND max(A.ACT_ED_DT) >= F.WkStartSundays
                          then 2 else 0  end end resultnew  -- perfectResult as i expect

                       , RIGHT(YEAR(WkStartSundays), 2)+'-'+'W'+convert(varchar(2),_
                       Case when len(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays))='1' then '0'+
                             cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) _
                             else cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) END
                             ) as 'YMWK'  -- Here we display Year/month and Week of
                                          -- our Schedule which will be
                                          -- displayed as the Column

             FROM   -- here you can youe your own table
                        SCHED_Master A (NOLOCK)
                                LEFT OUTER JOIN
                        #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays F (NOLOCK)  ON A.status= F.status

               WHERE  -- Here you can check your own where conditions
                       A.ProjectName like '%' + @projectId
                   AND    A.status=1
                   AND A.ProjectType in (1,2,3)
                   AND A.ACT_ST_DT  <= @ToDate
                   AND A.ACT_ED_DT  >= @FromDate
               GROUP BY
                    , A. ProjectType

    )  q

--3.End /////////////

Step 4

Here, I will display the final result using the pivot query from the final result of temp table result.

--4.Start /////////////
 --here, first we get all the YMWK which should be display in Columns 
 --we use this in our next pivot query
select @MyColumns = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(YMWK) 
                    FROM #TEMP_results
                    GROUP BY YMWK
                    ORDER BY YMWK
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
 --here, we use the above all YMWK to display its result as column and row display
set @SQLquery = N'SELECT ProjectName as Project,viewtype as ViewType,_
                ProjectType as PrpjectType,' + @MyColumns + N' from 
        resultnew as resultnew 
    FROM #TEMP_results
            ) x
                for YMWK in (' + @MyColumns + N')
            ) p  order by ProjectName, ProjectType,viewtype'

exec sp_executesql @SQLquery;

Here is the complete code for the Stored Procedure.

-- =============================================  
-- Author      : Shanu                                                                      
-- Create date : 2015-09-07                                                                      
-- Description : To get all project Schedule details  
-- Latest                                                                      
-- Modifier    : Shanu                                                                      
-- Modify date : 2015-09-07                                                                     
-- =============================================   
--  usp_ProjectSchedule_Select 'Project1'               
--  usp_ProjectSchedule_Select ''
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ProjectSchedule_Select]
@projectId           VARCHAR(10)  = ''
 -- 1. Declared for setting the Schedule Start and End date
 --1.Start /////////////
  Declare   @FromDate          VARCHAR(20)  = '2015-06-08'--DATEADD(mm,-12,getdate())
  Declare   @ToDate            VARCHAR(20)  = '2016-05-06'--DATEADD(mm, 1, getdate())  
  -- used for the pivot table result
    @SQLquery  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)     
  --// End of 1.
  -- 2.This Temp table is created to get all the days 
  --   between the start date and end date to display as the Column Header
 --2.Start /////////////
 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays                                                                       
 DECLARE @TOTALCount INT                                          
    Select  @TOTALCount= DATEDIFF(dd,@FromDate,@ToDate);           
   WITH d AS                                                                       
              SELECT top (@TOTALCount) AllDays = DATEADD(DAY, ROW_NUMBER()
                OVER (ORDER BY object_id), REPLACE(@FromDate,'-',''))
              FROM sys.all_objects                                             
         SELECT  distinct DATEADD(DAY, 1 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, AllDays), _
         CAST(AllDays AS DATE))WkStartSundays  ,1 as status
 into #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays                                                                    
    FROM d                             
        AllDays  <= @ToDate                                      
   AND AllDays  >= @FromDate        
   -- test the sample temptable with select query
  -- select * from #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays
   --///////////// End of 2.
   -- 3. This temp table is created to schedule details 
   --    with result here I have used the Union,
   --    the 1st query returns the Schedule Project result and the 2nd query returns 
   --    the Actual Project result, both these queries will be inserted to a Temp Table
 --3.Start /////////////
 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP_results') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TEMP_results   
       SELECT ProjectName,viewtype,ProjectType,resultnew,YMWK
       INTO #TEMP_results
                         A.ProjectName ProjectName   -- Our Project Name                                       
                        ,'1-Scd' viewtype            -- Our View type first we display 
                                                     -- Schedule Data and then Actual
                        , A. ProjectType ProjectType -- Our Project type here 
                                                     -- you can use your own status 
                                                     -- as Urgent, normal and etc. 
                        ,  Case when   cast(DATEPART( wk, max(A.SCHED_ED_DT)) _
                           as varchar(2)) =  _
                           cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2))  then -1 else
                           case when min(A.SCHED_ST_DT)<= F.WkStartSundays AND _
                           max(A.SCHED_ED_DT) >= F.WkStartSundays
                          then 1 else 0  end end resultnew  -- perfectResult as I expect   
                        ,  RIGHT(YEAR(WkStartSundays), 2)+'-'+'W'+convert(varchar(2),_
                        Case when len(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays))='1' then '0'+
                          cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) _
                          else cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) END                             
                          ) as 'YMWK'  -- Here, we display Year/month and Week of 
                                       -- our Schedule which will be displayed as the Column                 

              FROM   -- here you can youe your own table                                                          
                         SCHED_Master A (NOLOCK)       
                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN 
                         #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays F (NOLOCK)  ON A.status= F.status
                WHERE  -- Here you can check your own where conditions     
                        A.ProjectName like '%' + @projectId
                    AND    A.status=1
                    AND A.ProjectType in (1,2,3) 
                    AND A.SCHED_ST_DT  <= @ToDate                                          
                    AND A.SCHED_ED_DT  >= @FromDate  
                GROUP BY                                                             
                     , A. ProjectType  

    UNION  -- This query is to result the Actual result
                         A.ProjectName ProjectName   -- Our Project Name                                       
                        ,'2-Act' viewtype            -- Our View type first 
                                                     -- we display Schedule Data 
                                                     -- and then Actual
                        , A. ProjectType ProjectType -- Our Project type here you can use 
                                                     -- your own status as Urgent,
                                                     -- normal and etc 
                        ,  Case when   cast(DATEPART( wk, max(A.ACT_ED_DT)) as _
                           varchar(2)) =  cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) _
                                          as varchar(2))  then -1 else
                            case when min(A.ACT_ST_DT)<= F.WkStartSundays AND _
                                      max(A.ACT_ED_DT) >= F.WkStartSundays
                           then 2 else 0  end end resultnew  -- perfectResult as I expect 
                        , RIGHT(YEAR(WkStartSundays), 2)+'-'+'W'+convert(varchar(2),_
                          Case when len(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays))='1' then '0'+
                              cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) _
                              else cast(DATEPART( wk, WkStartSundays) as varchar(2)) END
                              ) as 'YMWK'  -- Here we display Year/month and 
                                           -- Week of our Schedule which will be 
                                           -- displayed as the Column                 

              FROM   -- here you can youe your own table                                                          
                         SCHED_Master A (NOLOCK)       
                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN 
                         #TEMP_EveryWk_Sndays F (NOLOCK)  ON A.status= F.status
                WHERE  -- Here you can check your own where conditions      
                        A.ProjectName like '%' + @projectId                                                     
                    AND    A.status=1                                                                          
                    AND A.ProjectType in (1,2,3) 
                    AND A.ACT_ST_DT  <= @ToDate                                          
                    AND A.ACT_ED_DT  >= @FromDate  
                GROUP BY                                                             
                     , A. ProjectType  
     )  q                 

 --3.End /////////////

 --4.Start /////////////
 --here, first we get all the YMWK which should be displayed in Columns 
 --we use this in our next pivot query
select @MyColumns = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(YMWK) 
                    FROM #TEMP_results
                    GROUP BY YMWK
                    ORDER BY YMWK
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
 --here, we use the above all YMWK  to display its result as column and row display
set @SQLquery = N'SELECT ProjectName as Project,viewtype as ViewType,_
                      ProjectType as PrpjectType,' + @MyColumns + N' from 
        resultnew as resultnew 
    FROM #TEMP_results
            ) x
                for YMWK in (' + @MyColumns + N')
            ) p  order by ProjectName, ProjectType,viewtype'

exec sp_executesql @SQLquery;

If we run the procedure, the final output will be like the following. Here, we can see I will display the result of every week using the pivot query.

Image 4

Create our Windows Form Application in Visual Studio 2015


Visual Studio 2015. You can download it from here.

After installing Visual Studio 2015, click Start, Programs and select Visual Studio 2015.

Click New, Project, then select Visual C# and go to Windows, then Windows Forms Application. Select your project location and enter your application name.

Image 5

Design your form. In my form, I have added a Textbox for searching the details by Project Name and a button to bind the result.

Note: I have used my DataGridView helper class to create the DataGridView at runtime instead of design time. Kindly refer to my article related to create a DatagridView helper class.

Form Load

In Form Load, initialize the DataGridView and add the DataGridView to Panel Control using the Helper Class. After DateGridview Initialized, bind the data to Grid.

private void shanuDatagridViewPaint_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Initialize Grid

Using my helper class, I will create the DataGridView at runtime. Pass all the parameters such as Grid Back Color, Height, Width and all properties to create at runtime like the following:

public void MasterGrid_Initialize()
        //First, generate the grid Layout Design
        Helper.ShanuDGVHelper.Layouts(Master_shanuDGV, Color.White, 
        Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.WhiteSmoke, false, Color.WhiteSmoke, 
        true, Color.FromArgb(112, 128, 144), false, false, false, 
        Color.White, 40, 20, "small");

    //Set Height, width and add panel to your selected control

    Helper.ShanuDGVHelper.Generategrid(Master_shanuDGV, pnlGrid, 1000, 600, 10, 10);
    Master_shanuDGV.CellFormatting += new DataGridViewCellFormattingEventHandler

As we can see after Initializing the DataGridView, I have used the CellFormatting DatagridView Event.

CellFormatting DataGridView Event

In Cellformatting DataGridView, I will check for each cell result and set the back color of each cell to display our Gantt style chart inside DataGridView. I will check for the project type and give each project actual and schedule result with unique color to see the result in more graphical output.

void MasterDGVs_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
                    ProjectType = ds.Tables[0].Rows[e.RowIndex]
                    ["PrpjectType"].ToString(); //e.Value.ToString();
                if (e.ColumnIndex > 2)
                    Color color1= Color.FromArgb(116, 176, 30);//Green
                    Color color2 = Color.FromArgb(0, 76, 153); //Blue

                    if (e.Value.ToString() == "0")
                        e.Value = "";
                        color1 = Color.FromArgb(116, 176, 30);  //Green
                        color2 = Color.FromArgb(0, 76, 153);    //Blue
                    else if (ProjectType == "2")
                        color1 = Color.FromArgb(218, 165, 32);  //golden rod
                        color2 = Color.FromArgb(255, 215, 0);   //GOLD 
                    else if (ProjectType == "3")
                        color1 = Color.FromArgb(147, 112, 219); //medium purple
                        color2 = Color.FromArgb(255, 105, 180); //hot pink

                    switch (e.Value.ToString())
                        case "-1":
                            e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 69, 0);  // Orange
                            e.CellStyle.SelectionBackColor = 
                                        Color.FromArgb(255, 69, 0); // Orange
                            e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
                            e.CellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            e.Value = "END";

                        case "2":
                            e.CellStyle.BackColor = color1;
                            e.CellStyle.SelectionBackColor = color1;

                            e.Value = "";
                        case "1":
                            e.CellStyle.BackColor = color2;
                            e.CellStyle.SelectionBackColor = color2;
                            e.Value = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
            { }

Search Button Click

In button click and on Form Load, I will call the bindData() to bind the data to the DataGridView.

Image 6

private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

bindData() Method

In this method, I will pass the stored procedure name and parameters to the Business Logic class. From Business logic Class, I will pass the parameter and SP name to DAL Class where it will connect to the database, get the result and return as DataSet. The final DataSet result from BL will get in Form and bind the result in DatagridView.

private void bindData()
                // Bind data to DGV.
                SortedDictionary<string, string> sd = 
                                 new SortedDictionary<string, string>() { };
                sd.Add("@projectId", txtProjectID.Text.Trim());
                ds = new ShanuProjectScheduleBizClass().SelectList(sd);
                Master_shanuDGV.DataSource = null;

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    Master_shanuDGV.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
            catch (Exception ex)

Points of Interest

Note: You can also extend this program to display the output in a more graphical way by using the DatagridviewCell painting event. You can draw your own custom format chart types inside the DatagridviewCell Painting event.

Note: Connection String

You can find "DBConnection.txt" inside the bin folder, change the connection string to your SQL Server DB Setting.

Change Connection String in code:

Image 7

You can find a "BizBase.cs" inside Helper/Biz folder. Change the connection string to your local SQL Server Connection String.


  • 9th September, 2015: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader
India India
Microsoft MVP | Code Project MVP | CSharp Corner MVP | Author | Blogger and always happy to Share what he knows to others. MyBlog

My Interview on Microsoft TechNet Wiki Ninja Link

Comments and Discussions

Questionno data showing Pin
Member 1096478215-Jan-19 5:07
Member 1096478215-Jan-19 5:07 
QuestionProblem in VS2017 Pin
Helio Rent26-Oct-18 10:46
Helio Rent26-Oct-18 10:46 
SuggestionConverting to VS2013 Pin
RickZeeland6-Feb-16 0:38
mveRickZeeland6-Feb-16 0:38 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Sarjoun23-Nov-15 15:43
Sarjoun23-Nov-15 15:43 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
JOE Heart Under Blade11-Oct-15 21:12
JOE Heart Under Blade11-Oct-15 21:12 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
syed shanu11-Oct-15 21:23
professionalsyed shanu11-Oct-15 21:23 
QuestionCollapse/Expand whole datagridview ? Pin
R.Hari Prasath28-Sep-15 0:19
R.Hari Prasath28-Sep-15 0:19 
Hi Sahnu,

Good work. Is it possible to collapse/expand the whole datagridview ?
AnswerRe: Collapse/Expand whole datagridview ? Pin
syed shanu28-Sep-15 14:10
professionalsyed shanu28-Sep-15 14:10 
GeneralRe: Collapse/Expand whole datagridview ? Pin
R.Hari Prasath29-Sep-15 0:02
R.Hari Prasath29-Sep-15 0:02 
GeneralRe: Collapse/Expand whole datagridview ? Pin
syed shanu29-Sep-15 1:24
professionalsyed shanu29-Sep-15 1:24 
QuestionGood work Pin
Santhakumar Munuswamy @ Chennai11-Sep-15 22:13
professionalSanthakumar Munuswamy @ Chennai11-Sep-15 22:13 
GeneralMy Vote of 5 Pin
aarif moh shaikh9-Sep-15 18:35
professionalaarif moh shaikh9-Sep-15 18:35 
GeneralRe: My Vote of 5 Pin
syed shanu9-Sep-15 18:42
professionalsyed shanu9-Sep-15 18:42 

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