Software developers are an odd lot. Of course, we all work to get a salary so that we can have the money to go and do, but intangibles seem to go a long way with us. I actually think that intangibles may go further with us than for those in other professions. One of the perks from where I work now is multiple monitors. It seems a little excessive, but once you have gotten used to having 2 monitors, it is hard to go back to having just one. About a year ago, I was able to upgrade and have 3 monitors + my laptop monitor. Add a Surface tablet to that and you would think that I had arrived in Nerdvana!
I originally had the thought of more = better with monitors, but I actually discovered that there is a tipping point, a point where negative ROI kicks in with regard to extra monitors.
For example, check this out:
Surface tablet, 3 monitors, laptop
This is my desk at work. The three monitors are extending the desktop from my laptop through a docking station. 4 monitors for your computer is great, right! Wrong. I discovered that any more than 3 monitors requires you to pivot your whole body to read items on the screen comfortably. This, for me, is the point at which there are just too many monitors.
For now, I leave my laptop closed and use my Surface when I want to take notes. Having 3 monitors allows me to have plenty of screen real estate without having to move myself around too much to see all of my content.