Run Demo
This tutorial will begin by walking you through the integration of the Laravel 5 and Bootstrap 3 themes. Afterwards, we will show you how to add PHP datagrid. If the Laravel and Bootstrap theme are already up and running on your server, you can skip directly to “Create ‘dashboard.blade.php’ Child Template View”.
Install Laravel 5 (with Composer)
Let’s get started. Laravel 5 has the following system requirements:
- PHP >= 5.4
- Mcrypt PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
Please note that these Laravel 5 system requirements apply to both the web and the command line interface. There’s always the possibility your server could be running different versions of PHP in the command line than on the web server. If this is the case, modify your PHP alias to point to the same PHP executable for both. Lastly, acquire a copy of phpGrid from download page for later use.
It’s highly recommended to use Composer to install Laravel. In order to keep the code lightweight, Laravel does not come prepackaged with any third-party libraries. Instead, it relies on Composer to manage any dependencies. Learn more on how to install Composer here.
To install Laravel, in the command line, go to web root (e.g. /www), and execute the following command:
#composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
To run Laravel, certain permissions must be configured; allow the web server to have write access to subfolders under the “storage” and “vendor” folders.

Laravel, AdminLTE Integration
In a previous phpGrid Bootstrap integration tutorial, we used the Bootstrap SmartAdmin theme. In this tutorial, we will use a different theme called “AdminLTE“, an excellent and free Bootstrap 3 admin theme created by @Almasaeed2010. You can preview it at https://almsaeedstudio.com/AdminLTE.
Technically, AdminLTE works even without Laravel framework. But, by integrating it with Laravel, you get the added benefit of MVC routing and views, which ultimately results in cleaner, and more importantly, scalable code. However, the downside is that one must edit each AdminLTE page to covert it to Laravel views, preferably by using Blade template.
Convert AdminLTE “starter.html” to Laravel View
At this point, we need to convert AdminLTE’s default “starter.html” to Laravel views so we can host our PHP datagrid. This will consist of splitting the file into several “include” files, which will then be called by the startup routine.
- First, download AdminTLE from almsaeedstudio.com and extract the file. Copy the folders “bootstrap”, “dist”, “plugins”, and file “starter.html” to Laravel “public” folder. Open “starter.html” and copy its contents to the clipboard. This will be used as our starting point to create the new Laravel view.

- Create a new view named “admin.blade.php”. (Note that all Blade templates should use the “.blade.php” extension.) Paste the text we copied from “starter.html” in the previous step, then save the new view in “resources/views”. This will be the admin default layout from which the various Blade templates will be derived.

- We now need to divide the code in admin.blade.php and copy it to a series of reusable sub-views. Create a new folder called “includes” under “resource/views”. This folder will be used to store these admin sub-views.

- Cut out the
section, paste it as a new view which we will call header.blade.php. Change any hyperlinks or file references to use the Laravel “asset” help function. Save the new file in the “includes” folder.
<header class="main-header"><!--
<a class="logo" href="index2.html">
<span class="logo-mini"><b>A</b>LT</span>
<span class="logo-lg"><b>Admin</b>LTE</span>
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- Now, go back to admin.blade.php and cut out the
sidebar section and paste it into a new view called sidebar.blade.php. As in the previous step, change any hyperlinks or file references so they use the Laravel “asset
” help function. Save this file in the “includes” folder.
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- Repeat these steps for the
and <control>
sidebar sections. Name the files footer.blade.php and controlsidebar.blade.php.footer.blade.php.
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- Add the “
” statements for the newly-created sub-views in admin.blade.php, as shown below:
- Also in admin.blade.php, add the section between sidebar and footer. Copy and paste section
<div class=”content-wrapper”>
(see below) where we will host the code in which phpGrid will be rendered. Also include @yield(‘content’)
in <section class=”content”>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="content-wrapper"><!--
<section class="content-header">
<h1>Page Header
<small>Optional description</small></h1>
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> Level</a></li>
<li class="active">Here</li>
<section class="content"><!--
- Move the required JavaScript found at the bottom of “starter.html” to
section (not <header>
!) in admin.blade.php.
<!– jQuery 2.1.4 –->
<script src=""{{"></script>
<!– Bootstrap 3.3.2 JS –>
<script src=""{{" type=""text/javascript""></script>
<!– AdminLTE App –>
<script src=""{{" type=""text/javascript""></script>
<!– Optionally, you can add Slimscroll and FastClick plugins.
Both of these plugins are recommended to enhance the
user experience. Slimscroll is required when using the
fixed layout. –>
- We are almost done. In admin.blade.php, make sure to change any hyperlinks or file references to use Laravel “asset” help function.
Create “dashboard.blade.php” Child Template View
We just created our admin layout by dividing the file “starter.html” into various views and sub-views and saving them as PHP files. “admin.blade.php” will be our parent layout – the one that will be used as a basis for all other admin layouts and the file from which these other layouts will extend. $grid
is the variable that holds the PHP datagrid passed from route next.
{!! $grid !!}
Where Is phpGrid??
Up until now, the walk-through has addressed converting AdminLTE to Laravel views. Everything in Laravel 5 is autoloaded using PSR-4 within the app/ directory. You can also see this in the composer.json file.
Although we foresee the capability in future releases, for backward compatibility reasons, phpGrid currently does not support the namespace
construct. Without namespace
support, we cannot call our C_DataGrid
class from directly within the Laravel Controller. The workaround is to call phpGrid
directly from a route file. For this reason, instead of storing phpGrid
in the app/ directory, we place the phpGrid
components in the public folder.
So, go ahead and download a copy of phpGrid if you haven’t already done so, and extract the files into the Laravel “public” folder. Complete the installation by configuring the conf.php file. For instructions on how to do this, see setup phpGrid configuration.
Once you have completed the previous step, in the Laravel route file “app/Http/routes.php”, copy and paste the following code snippet:
Route::get(‘dashboard’, function () {
require_once(public_path() ."/phpGrid_Lite/conf.php");
$dg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM orders", "orderNumber", "orders");
$dg->enable_edit("INLINE", "CRUD");
$grid = $dg -> get_display(true);
until later with display_script_includeonce method.
return view(‘dashboard’, [‘grid’ => $grid]);
That’s it. You can now run the demo.
Run Demo
Where is the Controller?
Now, you are probably going to ask, “Where is Laravel controller for our view?” The answer is it is simply not needed for our datagrid
. The route we created in a previous step essentially controls the view for us. In a perfect world, the controller would be where all logic and pass information for rendering views would be handled. However, phpGrid
’s current lack of namespace support makes it impossible for us to call the phpGrid
library from within the Laravel Controller. In a future phpGrid
release which offers namespace support, this workaround will no longer be necessary.
I hope this tutorial gives you a jump start on using phpGrid with Laravel.
Have a grid day!
The post phpGrid, Laravel 5 and Bootstrap 3 appeared first on phpGrid.