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by Graeme_Grant
A Modern Toggle Switch - From mock concept to a full custom WPF control that you can plug into your own apps
by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a simple WPF Carousel Control
by Edwyn Amador
Handles and validates input typing and pressed keys in TextBox, RichTextBox and ComboBox, displaying custom balloon tips messages

Latest Articles

by Graham Wilson
A progress bar which displays progress as passage through a simple maze.
by Graham Wilson
A collection of simple .NET Framework/.NET WinForm controls and utilities.
by Graham Wilson
A track bar control which displays the track line as a spiral
by Peter Huber SG
Concurrent threads can use LogViewer to show the user scrollable information efficiently

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15 Nov 2017 by Graeme_Grant
A Modern Toggle Switch - From mock concept to a full custom WPF control that you can plug into your own apps
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
21 Nov 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a simple WPF Carousel Control
17 Jul 2019 by Edwyn Amador
Handles and validates input typing and pressed keys in TextBox, RichTextBox and ComboBox, displaying custom balloon tips messages
4 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you
13 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
22 May 2012 by Mahfuzur Rahman.
Column based selection in rich edit control.
30 Nov 2011 by Marc Clifton
Revisiting the XTree implementation, using a generic controller.
16 Feb 2016 by Clifford Nelson
This article presents a behavior that can make another UIElement visible when the mouse down event occurs on the UIElement this behavior is attached to. Have extended this to directly support fading of a Popup control
25 Apr 2012 by Razi Syed
Easily bind a class to .NET data controls like GridView, FormView, etc., and get an updated object or list back in the code-behind effortlessly.
21 Mar 2022 by Peter Huber SG
WpfTestbench helps you to write sophisticated test windows for your WPF controls with few lines of code
23 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Implementation of radar chart for various .NET platforms
2 Sep 2022 by Peter Huber SG
Concurrent threads can use LogViewer to show the user scrollable information efficiently
3 Jun 2012 by tdkmodchip
Toolbox popup component that is resizable and floats.
22 Jul 2020 by siliconvideo
This StringBox control implements keystroke validation using regular expressions and a touch of glue logic
19 Nov 2011 by User008
Drag 'n Drop asynchronous files from an external server or device
9 May 2012 by Guillaume Waser
WPF Progress controls and comparing related threads methods
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The GridView control was introduced with ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 as a replacement for the DataGrid control.  While it has many
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community 2.0 came with a new set of controls that were designed to to be used for web parts. These controls were kept in the Web Part Toolbar. Here is
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET Validation Controls are powerful server controls that are used for validating user input.  These controls provides both server side and
2 Jun 2012 by Ben Baron
Java source code to demonstrate Executable Integration which is a concept of integrating several distinct executables to create a single application
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Check out the Feature Specifications for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5. These older documents give you an insight into what features made
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Nearly all the controls in ASP.NET have properties that can be databound to.ArticlesJesse Liberty has a fine article on Data Binding in ASP.NET
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
From ScottGu: Scott Mitchell is also writing some great data articles on using the ASP.NET 2.0 DataSource controls for the excellent
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Web controls are ASP.NET controls which are understood and compiled on the server and render as HTML markup on the page. Most of the web server
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
With the release of ASP.NET 2.0, a new set of controls were made available to help provide navigational elements to your web sites. These controls
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Composite controls are controls that combine multiple controls together to form a new reusable control.  For example, a simple composite control
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Asp.Net provides way to work with the HTML Server controls on the server side programming with a set controls collectively called HTML Controls.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community 2.0 came with a new feature called a theme. A theme is a collection of property settings that allow you to define the look of pages and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX 1.0 Extensions allows you to develop custom client controls that function purely on the client-side. Those controls are developed
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
A ValidationSummary control is displayed when the IsValid property of the page is false. It "polls" each of the validation controls on the page and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The Button control provides a command button-style control that is used to post a Web Forms page back to the server.When used in a templated list
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The PlaceHolder control can be used as a container control within a document to dynamically load other controls. The PlaceHolder control has no
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
A Label control allows you to add text to your web page.  Unlike a Literal control, a Label control supports various properties such as CssClass,
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The SiteMapDataSource control is a data source to the site map data that is stored by the site map providers that are configured for your site. The
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
When the standard toolkit of ASP.Net server controls do not provide the required functionality, Web User controls can be built or used. Web User
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Ajax ValidatiorIn this Article I'll Show you How to call a RequiredFieldValidator With the aid of AJAX.Step1:- In this case,there are three controls
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
  It is very good to know how we can add controls in XSLT.We know by using XSLT we can transform XML document to any format like
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Service contract means the collective mechanisms by which a service’s capabilities and requirements are specified for its consumers. We must say that
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
I have seen most of the developers using parseInt to convert a string to a number. Here we need to understand that What does this parseInt will do,
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
View state is where the status of the page is saved when it is submitted to the server. View state is saved as hidden controls, within the form. View
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
 In this article we will show you how to reference server side controls from JavaScript code (A server control is a control that has a
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Being a new web developer can be hard. There are way too many technologies and frameworks to learn and it is very easy to get lost in the sea of buzz
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Few days back I came across a problem on site wherein a user wanted to get information about controls of a Page from a different page.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
 C#protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){    // Change the title    Page.Header.Title = "My Content Page Title";        // Change
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Below are some tips in SSRS:1.      ToDisplay Top N rows in report using Tablix controlCreate a parameter with IntegerDataType and select Default
6 Dec 2022 by Graham Wilson
A track bar control which displays the track line as a spiral
25 Mar 2021 by Aleh Baradzenka
In this article, you will learn about an adjustable control that has zooming and scrolling tabs, dragging with the mouse, custom drawing and much more.
1 Sep 2019 by Ashley Davis
This article examines the use and implementation of a WPF custom control that is used to display and edit networks, graphs and flow-charts.
30 Dec 2022 by Graham Wilson
A progress bar which displays progress as passage through a simple maze.
26 Aug 2018 by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
5 Apr 2013 by Steve Marsh
The LEDBulb is a .NET user control for Windows Forms that emulates an LED light. Its purpose is to provide a sleek looking representation of an LED light that is sizable, has a transparent background and can be set to different colors.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
When a page request is sent to the Web server, the page is run through a series of events during its creation and disposal. In this article, I will
28 Feb 2013 by Ty Anibaba
Learn to create a simple custom control that allows users to dock.
1 Jan 2011 by Ashish Kaila
Learn how to leverage UI automation in testing your UI and also to support accessibility features
12 Jul 2017 by Alexander Sharykin
WPF HexGrid Panel
16 Mar 2021 by Aleh Baradzenka
This control is another kind of tab. Tabs are displayed as horizontal stripes and can be collapsed into buttons. Each tab is assigned its own window, which is shown when you click on the tab.
28 Jun 2015 by NightWizzard
Simply add a single code module to add instant design capabilities to all windows forms of your application!
6 Aug 2013 by dmitrat
MultiRangeSlider control to specify not intersecting ranges
22 Dec 2013 by Kashif_Imran
The article shows the proecess of creating and using a discrete value slider for Silverlight.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
What is is the next generation web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft based on .NET Framework. But not to be
25 Jan 2012 by Chrene91
An article on how to write your own textbox with the option to use a watermark.
15 Jan 2013 by EricFaust
A custom made DropDownList control for ASP.NET
11 May 2011 by gaps96
Draws sets of tree nodes in a vertical way. Allows to Export an Image to SVG.
28 Apr 2022 by free5lot
Camera_Net is a FLOSS library for using video-cameras and video-inputs in .NET projects easily
17 Jun 2012 by Apemania
C# Forms RichTextEditor with custom hyperlink with Outlook address like text entities, custom popup listbox, and a screen tip.
23 Aug 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a highly configurable rotary dial control.
7 Nov 2013 by Adam Zgagacz
ComboBox extension methods for binding with Enum types
28 Feb 2019 by SSDiver2112
A custom Panel that creates a glow effect around a child control or a drop shadow when it receives focus
16 Mar 2021 by Aleh Baradzenka
In this article, you will learn about a control that is necessary for the partition of the dialog, main or child window of your program by several parts.
20 Jan 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
This article will definitely help you. Here, I will show you how to modify the XAML to add different content to create a multi level row group header too.
7 Nov 2013 by Alexander Chernosvitov
ActiveX component for 3D visualization, embedded in different client applications.
11 May 2011 by Super Lloyd
A much simpler composite application library.
11 Jan 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
A Quick Guide to Silverlight Ribbon Controls (Part - 1)
9 Mar 2012 by Sacha Barber
Show hows to alter the DatePicker to use keyboard up/down keys for cleverer date selection.
16 Nov 2011 by wborgsm
MouseWheelRedirector redirects mouse wheel events to the control under the mouse pointer in Windows Forms applications, regardless of the control being clicked/focused. Just attach the control to the Redirector, no additional coding is required.
17 May 2012 by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
29 Aug 2017 by Meshack Musundi
A WPF user control for displaying a country's flag
13 Jun 2015 by Graham Wilson
A circular motion control
10 May 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
DataPagerPlus allows user to displaying Navigation Button (right), Page Number (center), Total Records (left) on Pager
20 May 2021 by DebugST
Have you ever imagined that your flowchart is executable?
30 Jan 2012 by Gil Yoder
WPF Controls Tester is a small application written to test several WPF controls and panels in order to study their behavior. Beginning WPF programmers may benefit by studying techniques used within this application.
30 Jan 2012 by synek317
A listbox control that allows reordering of items using drag'n'drop.
2 Aug 2010 by Ashish Kaila
Illustrates UI modelling in WPF, leveraging templates.
20 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Things to be taken care by developers while writing code or designing different layersPresentation Layer:Choose your UI elements
25 Apr 2012 by Arash Sahebolamri
PersianDate type, and two WPF controls (PersianCalendar, and PersianDatePicker) for working with Persian dates
4 Feb 2014 by Mikhail-T
Extends MVC HtmlHelper class so you can create POSTable checkbox list.
27 Jun 2016 by Shahdat Hosain
Rendering horizontal submenu with horizontal submenu by ASP.NET menu control using CSS friendly menu adapter from a scratch in .NET with C#
23 Sep 2010 by Ronald Partridge
Enhances your ASP.NET forms with fancy highlighting and combining validation groups
3 Dec 2010 by gbahns
Create fully functional windows with custom chrome and caption buttons in WPF
31 May 2011 by VallarasuS
This article demonstrates a customizable busy progress indicator for Windows Forms applications.
30 Apr 2012 by Arpad Pandy
This is an alternative for "Silverlight Extended Canvas Control to Crop Images"
16 Jun 2016 by _eol_
This article presents the minimal code necessary to display a hierarchical tree using Popups.
3 Jun 2012 by Jawahar Suresh Babu
Character Map is a free utility found in Windows Machines. It is similar to the "Insert Symbol" tool in few MS Office applications. This article explains how to implement this tool using WPF.
1 Apr 2012 by CharlieSimon
For latitudes, longitudes, ranges, bearings, times and other formatted numeric input
29 Dec 2010 by yonken
A multi-select tree control that is based on Richard's implementation
24 Nov 2010 by Kambaa
How to check whether .NET is installed in PC Visual Basic 6 code
29 May 2011 by OlegKrivtsov
This article demonstrates a file preview control in a WTL application.
26 Jan 2011 by Ed Guzman
Custom controls to display the list of countries and corresponding states (provinces).