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by Huisheng Chen
Using reflection to dynamically verify if an assembly is in debug or release compilation
by honey the codewitch
A Pike virtual machine and optimizing compiler for regular expressions using an NFA engine
by Vladimir Ivanovskiy
This article shows how to compile and run F# code during runtime.
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Object creation driven by source code in any language you have designed

Latest Articles

by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Java, two common runtime issues related to class loading are ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError. These exceptions can be confusing for developers, especially when diagnosing and fixing classpath issues.
by honey the codewitch
Adventures in Reflection.Emit! Here I present a regular expression engine with a Compile() feature.
by Tiago Cavalcante Trindade
How to use WSL, GUI on WSL and how to compile for Linux on Windows
by Peter Belcak
A short review of the literature on the subject of multi-machine parsing

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6 Jan 2024 by honey the codewitch
Adventures in Reflection.Emit! Here I present a regular expression engine with a Compile() feature.
10 Jan 2021 by Peter Belcak
A short review of the literature on the subject of multi-machine parsing
3 Feb 2020 by honey the codewitch
A Pike virtual machine and optimizing compiler for regular expressions using an NFA engine
19 Jan 2020 by honey the codewitch
A completely programmable lexer/tokenizer/scanner generator in C# using a Pike Virtual Machine
17 Jan 2020 by honey the codewitch
A Pike VM for running non-backtracking NFA regular expressions in C#
9 Jan 2020 by honey the codewitch
Generate powerful, maintainable parsers in most major .NET languages using a friendly grammar format
6 Jan 2020 by honey the codewitch
Using Parsley to parse a C# subset into the CodeDOM
31 Dec 2019 by honey the codewitch
Use the Parsley compositional parser generator to parse a complicated grammar with backtracking.
7 Dec 2019 by honey the codewitch
Getting an accurate CodeDOM back from a C# source subset
9 Mar 2019 by AlexeyYakovlev
This paper demonstrates a technique of building Sprache parsers using grammar inheritance.
8 Jan 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Object creation driven by source code in any language you have designed
5 Jan 2016 by p0a1u2l3
How to Build a Simple Dependence Injector from scratch using C#
26 Dec 2015 by Frank-Rene Schaefer
Using Quex to generate lexical analyzers
12 Jul 2012 by Christopher Diggins
An introduction to creating programming language tools using C# 4.0.
22 Aug 2011 by Vladimir Ivanovskiy
This article shows how to compile and run F# code during runtime.