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by orouit
This article describes a solution to access API and resources that are not available with WinRT.
by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
by HTML5 Partners
PageControl objects and navigation for your Windows Store app
by Intel
Florian Rappl, a 28-year-old PhD student at the University of Regensburg in Germany, won the Windows* 8 & Ultrabook™ App Innovation Contest for creating Sumerics, an app that performs a complex analysis of Ultrabook™ device sensor data and displays the results in visually compelling 2D and 3D graphs

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by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how to create a UWP application that uses a Window Runtime Component.
by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
by dpalash
Through this article, you will learn how to deploy the sideloaded Windows 8 app to production easily and maintain/provide regular upgrade version of the app.
by S.Prateek
This is a very basic and primitive guideline to use SqlLite as a common local database with Windows Universal Apps.

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Windows Store 

10 Feb 2013 by orouit
This article describes a solution to access API and resources that are not available with WinRT.
26 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
21 Oct 2014 by DamithSL
Add: using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging;Reference: Loading and processing bitmaps[^]
20 Jul 2015 by OriginalGriff
Probably not - most barcode scanners install as a "human input device" and emulate a keyboard so windows may not be able to tell at all.Your best bet is to ask the manufacturer of the device and see if they can help?
28 Oct 2014 by BillWoodruff
There are good examples of working infix calculators, and good solutions for the task of parsing a complex string and generating executable C# code, here on CodeProject; I suggest you search for those articles and read them to get ideas: [^].To make an infix calculator that really "works"...
5 Jun 2016 by OriginalGriff
A Universal Windows Platform application targets any machine running Windows 10 - so phones, tablets and PC. And they can certainly be on the Windows Store.If that is what you want to develop, then the Universal App template is the one you want to start with.See here: What's a Universal...
4 Jan 2013 by mayankkarki
Hi, I am working on a store app using html5 and js. I have two listview in a page with vertical scroll. Now I want to scroll them simultaneously. I coded like this
16 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
I just think, for steps/questions/issues about a 3rd party control (here ComponentOne Forum), looking at their forums would be more useful.Here: Componentone Forum[^]Look at their documentation and demo samples. If they do not help, post in their forum to get a quick and accurate reply for...
19 Jan 2013 by mayankkarki
Hi,I am working on a metro app and want to share something on Facebook and twitter. But in metro sharing their is source and target app concept. Source app is mine but how should I get Facebook and twitter as target app.
21 Jan 2013 by Marco Bertschi
You can use the Twitter and Facebook APIs.Twitter API 1[^]Twitter APIs List[^]Facebook API Usage[^]cheers,Marco Alessandro Bertschi
23 Jan 2013 by alex_and_ra
I want to write a Windows Store App that can capture video (without any sound) and take pictures. Imagine a digital camera: you can preview the picture on the screen of your device before pushing the button which takes the pic.The problem I'm facing now is the fact that the...
23 Jan 2013 by Jeff Blankenburg
In Windows 8, all you need to do is Share the content as a Share Source. This lets the user choose which app they want to Share your content with, as the Target. Maybe they don't want to use the default Twitter client, they'd rather use Tweetro. This mechanism lets them do that, while also...
24 Jan 2013 by mayankkarki
Hi,I am working on a win 8 app using VS 2012 and win 8 pro as development environment. I want to make sure that can I run this app in win RT also? or does it support only win8 pro
13 Feb 2013 by HTML5 Partners
PageControl objects and navigation for your Windows Store app
3 Mar 2013 by John Korondy
On Win8 desktop (1920x1080) my project looks great. On my Win8 laptop (1920x1080) the system reports effective resolution of 1371x771 and due to resolution scaling (of 140%) my project's elements no longer fit. Can someone please point me to some REAL code to prevent Win8 from applying the 140%...
11 Mar 2013 by FrankLavigne
If your writing a "Windows Store" app, then your app will run in Windows RT (aka Windows on ARM) as well as Windows on Intel/x86 (aka "Wintel").If you're writing in C or C++, you will have to deploy two packages. Any other language (C#, VB, JavaScript) will require only one package....
26 Apr 2013 by Intel
Florian Rappl, a 28-year-old PhD student at the University of Regensburg in Germany, won the Windows* 8 & Ultrabook™ App Innovation Contest for creating Sumerics, an app that performs a complex analysis of Ultrabook™ device sensor data and displays the results in visually compelling 2D and 3D graphs
4 Jun 2013 by Ravindra Sharma
Hi, I'm working on a windows store application, I'm selecting an image using FileOpenPicker and editing the image using an API, I'm displaying the edited image on a new image control. How do i save this image to the disk?
5 Jun 2013 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hello Ravindra,To save an image to IsolatedStorage from a PhotoChooserTask, use this (the e object in the task callback holds the stream.public static void SaveImage(Stream imageStream, string fileName, int orientation, int quality){ using (var isolatedStorage =...
6 Jun 2013 by Ravindra Sharma
Hi Sunasara,I'm working on Windows 8 application not Windows phone. Could you please post the code for a windows 8 application.
26 Jul 2013 by Verma.No.1
Configure Metro UI store apps to use proxy settings.
26 Jul 2013 by Intel
Case Study: Sesame Factory Engages Sensor Functionality on Ultrabook™ Systems for an Enhanced Diary Application
18 Sep 2013 by Bilaal John S
I think this link will help you for Facebook connectivity[^]Thanks,Bilaal
25 Nov 2013 by Jagan911
How to get the user selected date and time from win.js Date Picker and Time Picker controls in windows store app using javascript. The html of those controls is as follows.Scheduled Date and Time
18 Dec 2013 by Member 8920414
Here are same question that i followed but having no solution .visual studio 2012 new windows store app on windows 8 firewall errorWindows store app deployment errorWindows firewall can't change some of your settings Error code 0x8007042c. While following this solution steps .Typed...
4 Feb 2014 by Member 10570993
I have the following xaml I want to be able to drag and drop...
18 Feb 2014 by Gordon Beeming
How to use Application Insights with an existing Windows Store app
18 Feb 2014 by Gordon Beeming
How to use Application Insights with a new Windows Store app
9 Apr 2014 by son0nline
Hi!How can i access file in Windows store app not using the FileOpenPicker control.Like this in c#:string [] filelist = Directory.GetFiles(@"d:\");FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"D:\ab.jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(filelist[0],...
7 May 2014 by umaiyer
I think you can try accessing options under the LocalFolder under your appData. For example there are methods like CreateFile, GetFileAsync, OpenFileAsync etc.await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);Try using...
14 May 2014 by Vinay Sakpal
Hello Guyz,I need to show the Progress Ring Control while navigating from one page to another page.Below is the code that I have tried..Protected Overrides Sub LoadState(navigationParameter As Object, pageState As Dictionary(Of String, Object)) Me.ShowProgressGrid.Begin() ...
28 May 2014 by FELIPE PEDROSO
In this tutorial how to create a simple game using the Cocos2d-x framework in a Windows development environment and how to compile it to run on Windows 8 and Android.
26 May 2014 by Member 10211315
Infect, I interesting to launch My App to Store.So, I try it.Something problem that is I really Upload App Package to Store on 26/5/2014 about 6:30 PM.And then search my app on Store. But That is no have. why?My App Name is Myanmar News.why?What a problem?Please to answer me.
15 Jul 2014 by Mehul Thummar
How to add tweet/ sharing/ wall post functionality for Facebook/LinkedIn/Google Plus/Twitter integration in windows phone?Give me any idea or Example.Advance Thank You
19 Jul 2014 by Abhinaw Kumar Singh
I have one assignment in which have to build one App in grid Layout. and this app include multiple small application like text editor, audio or video player etc. So how to complete this. I think, I should use user controls for text editor and other, and bring these user control on...
10 Aug 2014 by Pradhyumn1
I am working on windows 8 store app in c#. I need to implement image fading in the app.I tried to add border over it and increase thickness but could not work.Can any one help me for how to implement it.Thanks
18 Aug 2014 by Mdimagh Firas
Hello,If you're looking for the simplest way to do that, you can use the Share Task for Windows Phone. You can share a Link, Media or Status.Just follow those links : - Share Link Task - SHare Media Task - Share Status linkOtherwise, you can use each social network SDK for an...
27 Aug 2014 by Narendra Macha
I'm using Xaml and C# for Windows 8 applications that includes Google maps. Is it possible to embed a WebView and load Google Maps in it with push-pins loaded in the map for a set of co-ordinates? what is the best design to work with Google maps inside a C#/XAML application?
27 Aug 2014 by Narendra Macha
i know there is no TreeView control in Windows store appIs there any alternative way to get TreeView control in Windows store app?
27 Aug 2014 by Gihan Liyanage[^]
28 Aug 2014 by Erik Rude
WPF Map App: WPF Meets Google Geocoding and Static Maps APIs[^]I know it says WPF, but it may be able to offer some ideas
22 Oct 2014 by PythonesqueSpam
I'm developing a Universal App in c# for Windows 8.1I'm trying to catch physical keyboard input and from the on-line literature have been pointed to KeyDown event and KeyRoutedEventArgs and the Key property. This works fine for most key characters and returns VirtualKey enumerations such as...
27 Oct 2014 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,Am developing a Windows Store 8.1 app using C# and xaml.I am doing Single sign on using Azure Active Directory Account log in.I do not want users to be redirected to the Microsoft Account log in screen, and then come back. I want to supply them with the log in credential screen...
28 Oct 2014 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,am developing a Windows Store 8.1 app using C# and xaml.I am performing single sign on using Azure Active Directory Account login.Case 1: I have added few users in Active directory and log in with the "X User"credentials in the app.When i delete that X user in AD and i try...
28 Oct 2014 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,Am developing a Windows Store 8.1 app using C# and xaml.In the app, Initially user will log in into the app using Azure Active directory single sign on log in(With Internet connection)But how to authenticate the user in Azure Active Directory when the user is not connected to the...
16 Nov 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
I want to conditionally disable/enable buttons on the bottom app bar, but there doesn't seem to be an "Opened" or "Opening" event or the like.How can I respond to the opening of the appbar so I can disable/enable these buttons based on the app's current state?
18 Nov 2014 by SureshMarepalli
How to convert image to byte array in windows 8.1 store apps developing.present i am using thisMemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(myimage);wb.SaveJpeg(ms, myimage.PixelWidth, myimage.PixelHeight, 0, 100);byte [] imageBytes =...
17 Nov 2014 by BillWoodruff
While I do not develop Win Store apps, a quick look at the documentation for 'SaveJpeg suggests you are missing arguments: [^].SaveJpeg(this WriteableBitmap bitmap,Stream targetStream,int targetWidth,int targetHeight,int orientation,int quality)It also "jumps out at me" that you...
25 Nov 2014 by Member 10825774
In my windows 8.1 store app,I'm retrieving data from a JSON file to App's UI. Line breaks are working fine there but when I display that data on Share Charm line breaks don't work. What am I doing wrong?var recipe = "\r\nINGREDIENTS\r\n";recipe += String.Join("\r\n", Ingredients.Text); ...
30 Nov 2014 by PythonesqueSpam
Characters typed on a physical keyboard are exposed by this event:
22 Dec 2014 by desf74
I've changed the listbox foreground color to default application background color so I get:[^]which is fine but when I select any element I get white background/foreground(or whatever it is):[^]How can I change this so I will...
28 Dec 2014 by Member 11171377
Hello,For two days i trying to convert the following code to analogue in WinRT, but I can't. The WinRT does not have DrawingImage, so I tried to proceed by analogy with the Path or Polyline, but I failed.I would be very grateful forYour help.
28 Dec 2014 by desf74
I trying to create line chart using WinRT XAML Toolkit[^] which is a port of SilverlightToolkit. The problem is values are displayed but I have no line(nothing is draw) in my LineChart. I followed the method used in this site[^]The result I get is[^]Xaml I...
28 Dec 2014 by anand89
Hi, I am creating an app in window 8. I have to convert the youtube video into mp3 format. How I can extract the audio from youtube video. I tried with YoutubeExtractor but it is not installing in window 8 giving the version error. So there is any other way to do this task?Thank You!
28 Dec 2014 by ridoy
Do you check it?YouTube to mp3[^]Also:How to progammatically extract audio mp3 from a youtube video?[^]How do I programmatically extract the audio from a YouTube video?[^]
5 Jan 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
I got a note from Microsoft that they needed me to add something to my app, which is available from the Windows Store.I made the change.Now, I can't see how to update the app, though. Nothing in Visual Studio, nor on my project's page (Windows Store dashboard) seems to do the...
3 Feb 2015 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,am developing a windows store app using C# and XAML.My application is Notes type of application where user can enter title and description in the page and they can save it.For the Textbox am enabled isspellcheck enabled property to True, so that if i enter some wrong text in the...
10 Feb 2015 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,am developing a windows store 8.1 app using C# and xaml.In my app i want to find logged in user name from Windows Registry.How can i get that from C# code?Anybody please help me.Regards,Santhosh
10 Feb 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
It has nothing to do with the registry...What you can do is get the username for the user currently running the application...Use WindowsIdentity[^] for that:string szUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
10 Feb 2015 by _Asif_
You can find the current logged in user @\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment\USERNAME in Windows 7.Please check below link for additional detailsRegistry key for the currently logged in user[^]
3 Mar 2015 by Apoorv Kumar Upadhyay
I have created a user control . The user control has an image control inside. Presently I am using WriteableBitmapEx and cropping the background image and displaying inside the user control .The actual requirement is to zoom in the pixels where ever the user control moves without compromising...
5 Mar 2015 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Hi,am developing a windows store app using C# and xaml.In my app i want to implement Speech to text functionality.My app works without internet connection.I need to implement speech to text functionality in my app which should work without internet connection.Is there any...
6 Mar 2015 by Subramanyam Shankar
use the event aggregrator pattern.
20 May 2015 by Naz_Firdouse
Try thisAdd a tapped event to the Bing Map likexmlns:Maps="using:Bing.Maps" The Tapped is like thisprivate void MapTapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e){ var pos = e.GetPosition(map); Location location; map.TryPixelToLocation(pos, out location); var...
28 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see:[^],[^],WPF Step by Step: Getting Started with WPF and Expression Blend[^].—SA
4 Aug 2015 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
I have developed few apps in windows store 8.1 and i want to port them to windows 10.Previously when windows 8.1 has released, In Visual Studio when you open the windows store 8 app code, in the solution we had an option called target to windows store 8.1, then it takes care of...
23 Aug 2015 by Keerthi Kumar(Andar)
Am creating a sample windows store app using HTML5 and javascript. In this app am using a x-ms-webview to load a website in it(eg The website contains some confirmation window like "**Are you sure want to logout??**".But confirmation window is not displayed windows store app.As...
25 Aug 2015 by sandy.L
Pick a folder and list out all the images in the folder in a list view control. The image selected in the list view is to be shown on the image control and the camera used to take the pic, date and time taken, location of the pic taken is to be displayed on a map control. (windows Universal app,...
31 Aug 2015 by Member 10319362
I am writing a Point-Of-Sale application for Windows Store (Windows 8.1). This is my intention: The application is free to install, but not fully functional; to use the app, users must buy an in-app product monthly.My question is:If a user, using one account, installed my application on...
29 Sep 2015 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
I have a Windows store 8.1 appI want to create app packages for them from command prompt. How do I create them using command prompt?Can anybody please help me?Thanks in advance
29 Sep 2015 by Krunal Rohit
MSDN[^] always helps :)[^]-KR
23 Dec 2016 by deepaksharma0390
I am working on this Windows 8.1 store app.I am trying to download a file from google drive using the google-drive-api v3 in background without it being interrupted if I navigate to some other page.Below is what I am doing to download a file but I am not sure what I need to do to make...
23 Dec 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You already have an async function, just add a Task.Run[^] function in the body to run the task in the background, that will just require to wrap the function code in there, and execute it. public void func() { Task.Run(async () => { // awaitable code here. });}You might...
25 Dec 2016 by deepaksharma0390
I am working on a Windows 8.1 store app.I have a Download task which downloads a file in background from Google Drive.Can someone please help me with any pointers how I can create download task queues and maybe get the progress of the download tasks and display it on some page while the...
25 Dec 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
I did see all of your comments on my answer to your previous question, unfortunately, system is down to support comments etc. A most simple method, if you just need to control when all of the background tasks finish, you can use Task.WhenAll() or Task.WaitAll() (you cannot await void), you...
15 Jan 2017 by deepaksharma0390
I am working on a Windows 8.1 UWP app.I am facing differences when I had put breakpoints while debugging the app for Windows Phone 8.1 which I am debugging on my Windows Phone 10 device.Below is code which I am calling from a page in windows phone using a button click :Can someone...
14 Jan 2017 by Patrice T
Quote:Breakpoints not working correctly ?If you suspect a breakpoint not to work properly, add some popup messages in your code to ensure that this piece of code is executed when you expect it.
7 Oct 2014 by S.Prateek
This is a very basic and primitive guideline to use SqlLite as a common local database with Windows Universal Apps.
28 Jun 2016 by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how to create a UWP application that uses a Window Runtime Component.
31 Jul 2015 by dpalash
Through this article, you will learn how to deploy the sideloaded Windows 8 app to production easily and maintain/provide regular upgrade version of the app.
3 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You are right, you don't want to apply scaling. Instead, you need your pages to be more or less independent on the window size.Say firm "no" to absolute positioning (as a rule of thumb) and fixed design.You need to learn liquid, fluid and elastic Web page design. Please...
28 Jun 2015 by Akira98
There is a total training course from beginner to advance[^]you ca also use this...
28 Oct 2014 by Priscillia Agnes
I want to make calculator in windows store with c# language, But i have a problem, the calculator just can do two operation at once, for example: 1+2, 3*5. I want to make calculator that can do many operation at once, for example: 1+4+6+7, 6/3*3.And here is the code:public sealed partial...
1 Oct 2014 by Mohammed Nabeel Khan
is there any api to use touch injection /simulation on windows phone 8.1.I found a sample touch injection but it is for windows desktop. does any one have an idea how to make it work on windows phone? .sample code will help better thanks.
13 Apr 2015 by Ziya1995
You use the subset of .Net Framework called .Net for Windows Store apps to bring C# functionality to Windows Runtime.Windows Runtime (WinRT) is unmanaged, but C# is managed, how?You use .Net for Windows Store apps types along with WinRT types and during execution .Net will interop with...
20 May 2015 by Msdx45
Naz_Firdouse Thank you so much your answer. This is solution for me.
21 Oct 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
I need to use a Bitmap class in my app, but this code: public class PushpinMetadata { public string FileName { get; set; } public DateTime DateTimeTaken { get; set; } public Bitmap thumbnail { get; set; } }...fails because...
21 Oct 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
Aha, voila, and Eureka - it's apparently BitmapImage that I need.
27 Nov 2014 by girishkalamati
then probably you should go for "directory synchronization"In short you need to maintain a machine which can sync details (objects i.e. User details) and put in File system which can be accessed by LDAP protocols on top of it and serve you the request even if your application is running...
4 Dec 2014 by AMIRAMERI
hii want call click button event another page.when i click a button in page 1, load page 2 and happen this event on page 2.I have 10 button in page 1 that each them open page 2 and call another event in page 2.under the windows store programming with C#.thanx
13 Apr 2015 by Ziya1995
You use the subset of .Net Framework called .Net for Windows Store apps to bring C# functionality to Windows Runtime.Windows Runtime (WinRT) is unmanaged, but C# is managed, how?You use .Net for Windows Store apps types along with WinRT types and during execution .Net will interop with...
20 May 2015 by Msdx45
Hello Everyone !I have to a Windows 8.1 store project and I must use bingmap or other maps for this project( I tried Bing Map). When I click on the map I want to take location(Latidude , Longtitude) of the this point. How can I do? If help me, I will be very happy. Thanks for answers.. :)
7 Jun 2015 by Msdx45
Hello Naz_Firdouse . My problem is simular first problem. I need same of the above code for silverlight for windows phone 8.1 app.
16 Jan 2013 by Gaurangraval
hello,i want to do this pl. help mei have darabase name -RTRcapDB.dbtable 1 name- Employee_Data field names are like("Emp_Id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,Name varchar,Address varchar,Designation varchar,"login_ID" integer)table 2 name- Address_Data field names are...
16 Jan 2013 by Gaurangraval
i want to do this help mei have darabase name -RTRcapDB.dbtable 1 name- Employee_Data field names are like("Emp_Id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,Name varchar,Address varchar,Designation varchar,"login_ID" integer)table 2 name- Address_Data field names are like ("Add_Id"...
26 Apr 2014 by Member 10674797
Hello,I'm trying to create an app which shows a different page on swiping left or right.I'm using the flipview control and loading it with Page class objects.It works well, but when I select a textbox inside, the control recieving the focus is the flipview instead of the textbox, and...
10 Nov 2014 by hitech_s
How to get the user information and the apps associated with an user based on his publisher id from the dev center(windows)
14 Nov 2014 by Member 11199542
Hi,I was just wondering if anyone knew some good tutorials for creating games for the Windows Store in Visual Basic .NET.Thanks,Jay
2 Dec 2014 by Santhosh Kumar Chindam
Remove alert | Edit | Delete | Change typeQuestionYou cannot vote on your own post0I am developing a Windows Store 8.1 app using C# and xaml.I have integrated log in authentication with Azure Active Directory single sign-on using .Net Back end mobile serviceCase 1: I have added a...
11 Apr 2015 by Ziya1995
1. .NET Framework Class Library[^]2. .NET for Windows Store apps APIs[^]The question:How much is '2' stronger than '1'?I wanna choose WPF or '2' to make apps, but i see '2' APIs and feel like poor about it.I need rich user interface, smooth animations and so on.I like '2',...