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WPF Toolkit


Great Reads

by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
by Wade Harvey
This article shows how to use Winforms, WPF and C# to create a File Explorer Clone with Tabs and an extremely fast parallel file search utility.
by Peer Adi
A WPF application base solution using Castle Windsor and commonly used utilities.
by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how to create a UWP application that uses a Window Runtime Component.

Latest Articles

by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
by Wade Harvey
This article shows how to use Winforms, WPF and C# to create a File Explorer Clone with Tabs and an extremely fast parallel file search utility.
by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how to create a UWP application that uses a Window Runtime Component.
by Peer Adi
A WPF application base solution using Castle Windsor and commonly used utilities.

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WPF Toolkit 

5 Jan 2012 by Abbath1349
I posted two DataGrid on a form, but in the 2nd DataGrid binding does not work. The properties ItemsSource they show the same values. If one change in the second changes automatically. How do I make it work properly?
5 Jan 2012 by Shmuel Zang
Did you validate that the properties that you want to bind to, realy exist in the DataContext. It's the first time I see properties which their names are in language other than English...
6 Jan 2012 by Abbath1349
relevant code: private void themeSelector2_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { try { if (myDataSet.Tables["Asks"]!=null) myDataSet.Tables["Asks"].Clear(); ...
18 Nov 2013 by Peer Adi
A WPF application base solution using Castle Windsor and commonly used utilities.
16 Oct 2012 by Rupali Jadhav
Like the paint application there are user controls to draw shapes (rectangle, circle, lie etc.). But when i drag and drop that control on page view all other controls are working properly except line control. In case of line when i drag & drop control it displayed very large on screen and i m...
22 May 2012 by xakpc
Hello.I need WPF DataGrid with 10 columns, where columns 5-10 have more than one subrow in the row. It should look like thiscol1| col2 | col3 |----|--------|--------|row1|subrow1 |subrow1 | |--------|--------| |subrow2 |subrow2...
22 May 2012 by Clifford Nelson
That is actually very...
10 Dec 2012 by Shahare
Hi allI'm using IntegerUpDown from the WPF toolkit and I'm binding the minimum, maximum, and value properties.When the view loads, some of the values in the IntegerUpDown control display "0" (invalid input which I can't touch) even though the minimum is set via the binding to "1" (I...
10 Dec 2012 by Shahare
I ran a test:I added a converter to each property and found that the order of the propertieswhen writing the control in xaml is the order how they are bound.My control was written as follow: Once I inverted the...
8 Jan 2012 by arunkumarspiro
Hi i have one task to scanning one file by using c#,but Scanning process do not scan entire file,it will be scanned main attributes only.this main attributes Defined by developer.
3 Dec 2015 by member777000
Is there any library to link with c#( like helix-toolkit )which can display .ply format 3D color mesh ???
3 Dec 2015 by George Jonsson
Refer to Wikipedia page PLY (file format)[^]See the external link section.There are several C++ libraries but no C# as I can see, so you have to use pInvoke in order to connect to the library in C#.Platform Invoke Tutorial[^]You could also write a managed C++ module that you then...
22 Jun 2014 by Nitin Go
I want to show my text box as Process Box(Flow Chart Process Box).Following code change looks of text box but it will be not editable now.Please help.Thanks in advance.
23 May 2022 by Reza jafery
The blink cursor can be seen in Word 2019 and 2010: If you look closely, you'll see that the cursor in Word 2019 progressively fades and returns. Also when you press the Enter key, the cursor advances slowly to the next line. Word 2010: Click...
23 May 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Customizing the Caret of a WPF TextBox[^]
30 May 2012 by Anubhava Dimri
Hello Everybody,I need a Charting Control for Showing the Result in Chart form in Windows Mobile 7.So Please suggest me the software or Location for that purpose.Thanks
29 Sep 2012 by Sandip.Nascar
Have a look to the following...
20 Jun 2012 by Sravanthid28
i want checkboxlist in Wpfusing xaml i got the checkboxlist in design but i don't know how to use this in code this is my xaml code ...
20 Jun 2012 by Roman Lerman
Sample code here[^]and here[^]
20 Jun 2012 by Adam David Hill
Here's a working example, based on your XAML:First of all, the code-behind:using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Windows;using System.Windows.Documents;namespace WpfApplicationCheckBoxList{ /// /// Interaction logic for...
20 Jun 2012 by Sravanthid28
i want checkboxlist in Wpfusing xaml i got the checkboxlist in design but i don't know how to use this in code this is my xaml code
20 Jun 2012 by Oleksandr Kulchytskyi
Hi.First of all create and bind entity to your UI.Let assume that you create model like this:public class MyModel{public bool IsChecked{get;set;}public string Name{get;set;}}Define for your listBox template for item: ...
1 May 2014 by Member 10629274
I want to clone a row of DataGrid in wpf i.e: on run time I will select a row and add a button which add a new row in datagrid and will have the same values which the selected row had.Please help me achieving this functionally. Please let me know if more clarification is required.Thanks
1 May 2014 by Abhinav S
Assign the datasource of the first datagrid to the second datagrid.This way you will have two grids displaying the same data.
7 Apr 2013 by danait25
Hi,First of all - I need my project to be in WPF .. and it's my first one.(I mostly develop web systems)I have a form with a grid in it, that split the window to 2 rows / 1 column.On the second row I added a canvan with a background image that display several items and there's a...
7 Apr 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
It sound very much like something I have done before:WPF-Drawing Canvas Control[^]
15 May 2015 by Federico Barbieri
I have a problem with the datepicker. When I click on the datepicker, the month is truncated, how is displayed in the image in the link.Image of my problem[^] toolkit:DatePicker x:Name="datePickerData" Height="25" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"Help please!
13 Mar 2017 by friend12king
I am unable to disable if I use WindowChrome.WindowChrome style. Please let me know your input to resolve this problem. Without WindowChrome, I am able to disable context menu with the same piece of code.What I have tried:
13 Mar 2017 by Graeme_Grant
This Google search: wpf disable window context menu - Google Search[^] has many solutions for you including this one: wpf - Disable the whole Context Menu - Stack Overflow[^]
16 May 2012 by farhan.mycom
How to have Summary row in the Datagrid control. For example I want to display the Total of some columnbelow in the Datagrid control like a summary...
16 May 2012 by hunain.esh
I think this would be helpful to you:[^]
3 Jan 2013 by Christian Graus
If you can't ask us here, we're not likely to answer on another site that we may well not use.
3 Jan 2013 by BuBa1947
I have a data grid & a Listview.The datagrid displays a table from a database vertically.and I have added a listview that shows the status of the servers.Now I have to added a new column called Delta which should display the difference between the Average column 108 & 121 from the...
12 Feb 2014 by kingsa
Hi all , i have dynamic menu control in wpf from each menu item should having usercontrol namefrom their i need to navigate i have tried it not workin g converting string control can u guide or send snippets public void MenuBuilder() { MenuItem...
25 Mar 2014 by snprani
I got initial help for propertygrid control from this link to launch and display sample data. My requirement is based on an event, i should change the property grid's SelectedObject value from its viewmodel.My XAML contains Usercontrol which has Extended wpf toolkit's PropertyGrid...
5 May 2014 by Shai Vashdi
Hi Snprani,Please look on similar question that I've answered:Property Grid Binding in MVVM Architecture[^]Now, you only need change the View-Modle (i.e. SelectedObject) by code.Best Regards,Shai
28 Jun 2016 by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how to create a UWP application that uses a Window Runtime Component.
11 Aug 2014 by Member 10007566
Just wondered if you could please help me with this: I had my code working in a couple days, but as I tried running it as for keeps giving me this ERROR " A first chance exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll" This is a WPF Application and...
11 Aug 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
Just by the error message it is impossible to tell you what's wrong. There are a thousand different ways for you to run the machine out of memory.But, usually, this is because you either: A) Allocated objects but never released all references to them and continued to allocate more...
15 Oct 2012 by Jorge Heriberto
Hi I'm using a simple chart with the chartingToolkit in System.Window.Control.DataVisualization.Charting in WPF & I want to export the chart to a PDF format. Do you have any sample to do it.Greetings...
16 Oct 2012 by Lacy00
This article will be very useful for you. How to Use C# to Create Excel Chart and Convert it to PDF[^]. The tool it uses is a third party, but it also has a WPF version, you can give it a try.
16 Oct 2012 by Clifford Nelson
The easiest is just to use wpf printing (for example see[^]), then all you have to do is install something like cutepdf and let the user pring to a pdf file ([^]).
16 Oct 2012 by Maciej Los
Probably you need to use iTextSharp[^] free software.Please, see these:WPF and iTextSharp[^] - similar question on social.msdn site.Creating-PDF-documents-with-iTextSharp[^] - excellent article on CP site.
5 Nov 2013 by DonWim
check out my article: Export WPF page to PDF file[^]You can just add the simple chart ad control on a fixedpage, in a fixeddocument and export it into XPS and convert to PDF... no additional printers needed. Can completely be done in code, with one click !
9 Oct 2015 by Ziya1995
Situation: I have ColorPicker in Canvas.Goal: To use events of ContextMenu.Problem: The ContextMenuOpening event doesn't fire and the ContextMenu.Opened event results error as many other events.Notes:1. I mean a drop menu by "ContextMenu", but i don't know what "ContextMenu" exactly...
9 Oct 2015 by Richard Deeming
A context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click on something. The color-picker's popup isn't a context menu, which is why the ContextMenuOpening event doesn't fire. And unless you've explicitly set the ContextMenu property, it will return null, which is why you're getting a...
9 Apr 2012 by Fistum Mekuria
I read your post about how to customize the calendar tool. Currently am working on application that requires plotting a graph by choosing a specific day from the calendar. I have sql database but I couldn't figure out how to bind the days into my database and plot the graph. Please help. Thanks.
9 Apr 2012 by VJ Reddy
It seems you want to ask the above question to the author of this Code Project articleExtending the WPF Calendar Control[^]For this purpose if you post your query in the message board of the articleExtending the WPF Calendar Control - Comments and Discussions[^]using the Add a Comment...
21 Apr 2018 by Wade Harvey
This article shows how to use Winforms, WPF and C# to create a File Explorer Clone with Tabs and an extremely fast parallel file search utility.
23 Nov 2019 by Member 14665657
WPFvisifre.charts is dependent on WPFtoolkit . Both these are outdated. can anyone suggest libraries that can be used for charts in WPF project What I have tried: nuget package managers has extendedWPF toolkit but not sure whether they are as powerful as visifire
31 Jan 2021 by RickZeeland
Maybe one of these: best-and-fastest-graphic-controls-for-wpf-c[^] (see the remark about Live Charts below) For more, see: c# - WPF chart controls - Stack Overflow[^]
10 Feb 2014 by ankitkamdar
How can I get DataGrid cell value At Execution Time in WPF.Actually Problem Is That I Take To Columns in datagrid one is string and another column is Combobox and I cant get Combobox value so how can i get Combobox value???? i want to store it in a variable
13 Feb 2014 by khurram ali lashari
Try this.. string yourvariable = dataGridView1.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value.ToString()//here i assume your combox box is in the second cell of datagrid view You can Change it Like this Cells[0]
13 Feb 2014 by joginder-banger
try this link a complete information how to bind.........DataGrid Template Columns creation in Runtime (using C#) and DataBinding[^]
22 Nov 2013 by Member 8840306
I am using Visual Studio 2012 and developing wpf application and i need to use grid view control .On right clicking toolbox and selecting Show all, Common xaml controls appear along with grid view.But they not active for use.why? Can any body tell me how i can use grid view in wpf form ?Thanks
23 Nov 2013 by Tesfamichael G.
You don't need to go through toolbox -> choose items ->in tab WPF Components.Actually the components are available by default. However if the current window is code windows (a window were you can not drop a control into), the case you have mentioned could happen.Please explain it to me.
24 Nov 2013 by Irina Pykhova
Common XAML tab is for Windows Store applications and can't be used in WPF. It was hidden intentionally. When you selected to show hidden tabs, all the stuff which can't be used gets disabled. The same thing will always happen if you show something inappropriate for the current application.You...
14 Feb 2016 by Smurfy0815
Hellois it possible to add a Name or a property to an object (e.g. sphere) thatwas created with the Helix Meshbuilder Class?Background:I like to add some metadata to all created objects and Show them on a tool-tipif the user clicks on it.Any help will...
24 Jun 2015 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support or assist in the distribution of copyrighted material in any way, form or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers. If you want to know how to find such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and...
2 Jul 2013 by Gordubal
Hello everyoneI'm working with the WPF-DatagridI need to add an image field to datagrid from database. Image stored in table in string type - this is file name only('*.png'). I have to convert it to bitmap and add to datagrid with other text fields from table. any suggestions?(.NET 3.5;...
8 Jul 2013 by Raman Midha
I Hope following solution will help youKey Features:1) DataTable : to store data from database and to bind this data with data grid2) ValueConverter : Convert column value to specified image source3) DataTemplate : Template for grid column having image type 1) DataTable : here i...
24 Sep 2016 by Alpha21oct1989
I need to create a datagrid whose column should be bound to the piechart in such a manner that when I change the value of the column the piechart should get updated.I want the datagrid should have two columns and should populate these fruit collection values.Also most importantly the...
3 Oct 2016 by Harpreet05Kaur
Hi,You can use various ChartJS's these days for displaying your data in charts.Try the following : FusionJS, CanvasJs , amCharts and many more.Hopefully it will help you.
11 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There are too issues here: 1) how to show an image; 2) how to layout multiple images if their number is not known at the build time.There can be many solutions of the second problem, depending on how sophisticated to layout behavior should be. In a pretty simple case, it could be just...
18 Sep 2022 by Shradha Deep
I wanted to create a transparent overlay window on top active window. The overlay window consists of canvas and dynamic buttons. I am able to draw overlay window but the position is not correct with respect to active window. I am passing same...
22 Dec 2014 by Info7410
Hi All,I am plotting the graphs using WPF Tool kit. I could able to draw the lineseries and everything works fine.But now my requirement is to display the tool tip showing the data points of the lineseries at that particular clicked point within the chart.Even i could able to display the...
6 Aug 2016 by Ali Bagherzadeh
I tried to design WPF chart same as below design imageproblem is how can make background grid same as sample image, more column line between major tick's lineI found that there is MinorTickMarkStyle, I try to make style for it not shownHere is both image of my control and design...
6 Aug 2016 by User 2837507
Hi, did you ever get a solution to this? I am having the same issue. Would like to know how you solved it! Thanks.
1 Jan 2012 by MohammadIqbal
Dear friends,How I can access the cells of a DataGrid in WPF,as in DataGridView . is there any tutorial in thisbest regardsIqbal
1 Jan 2012 by Rajeev Jayaram
See this similar answer[^]
13 Jan 2012 by aungthu07
I want to add wpf button to wpf datagridcomboboxcolumn. How can I do this? Please help me.
13 Jan 2012 by Wayne Gaylard
Your best bet would be to use a DataGridTemplate column and create your own DataTemplate like this:-
29 Jan 2014 by kingsa
HI, I have a frame i want to add button in navigation bar of frame can u guide me or send snippets
29 Jan 2014 by Ahmed Bensaid
Take a look at this MSDN thread ;)[^]
12 Feb 2014 by kingsa
Hi, I have menu control i have to nagivate different pages using menu control, menu items bound from database can u guide me or send snippets
22 Feb 2014 by Pankaj Nikam
What you can do is create a Menu in XAML and name it something which you can refer to. In the code behind, you can create MenuItem as per your database records. And set the tag to identify what the MenuItem is - lets suppose you assign ID of the record to it. Handle the Click event of it and get...
31 Mar 2023 by KUMAR619
Hi All, Before negative voting I would like to read my question to fully understand my situation. I am working on WPF application where we create a portable tool for specific function. My problem is that we are facing DLL Hijacking issue when...
9 Jan 2013 by BuBa1947
Hello all, My goal is to display my database table values ( I have two columns as Total and Used) on a pie chart. I used the WPFToolkit for the chart control and created a pie chart structure.but I am stuck with binding the chart to the datasource. Any one can pls suggest me a...
9 Jan 2013 by Krunal Rohit
Hello, please take a look over here, it could solve your problem, perhaps :[^]
24 Feb 2014 by kingsa
HI, I have Datagrid with check box column , if any child row unchecked of check box column the main header column also be unchhecked how can i acheive this can u guide me or send snippets
24 Feb 2014 by Abhinav S
TryAdd checkbox to WPF Datagrid[^]CheckBox Checked and Un-Checked Events in Data Grid Header[^]WPF DataGrid CheckBox Single Click Checking/Unchecking[^]
11 Jun 2012 by Anubhava Dimri
Hi Experts,I have two Radio Button(Male,Female) which i have to bind By Property (Gender). But My Gender Property Returns the Integer Value (0 For Male and 1 For Female).So Please Suggest Me how to bind the data from database to form?Thanks
21 Jun 2012 by ClockEndGooner
Greetings, eg_Anubhava;I found that Item #358 – Binding a RadioButton to an Enumerated Type at from Sean Sexton's "2,000 Things You Should Know About WPF" to be of tremendous help. In both his example and...
18 Dec 2013 by kingsa
Hi, Below like i want to add one more column Delete option in grid view , how can i acheive this can u guide or send snippets, I am using wpf 3.5 versionStackPanel Margin="320,0,0,0" Grid.RowSpan="2"> ...
17 Dec 2022 by mojtabahakimian
I'm using C# WPF in Visual Studio with .NET Framework 4.7.2 with SQL Server 2019 Database, and using LiveChart What I want I'm looking for easy and good tool for chart in WPF to control these things : ...
17 Dec 2022 by Graeme_Grant
LiveCharts - LiveCharts2[^] is very simple to use. The documentation is very good with code samples given. From their documentation, ref: samples.bars.withBackground - LiveCharts2[^] 1. ViewModel using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;...
10 May 2012 by Member 8313767
How to show the positive and negative values in chart control specially on y axis. The x axis must be positive values only. And type of series is line series. I am using WPFToolKit chart control. I need both +ve and -ve values to be displayed in 'Y'- axis and only +ve values in 'X'-...
2 Apr 2012 by ravithejag
I am writing a program that requires an angle between the 2 hand joints .Please help me in writing this code
17 Apr 2012 by Deepak_Sharma_
Hi,Read reply marked as "Answered" in the following link:[^]Useful link for Kinect:[^]
9 Feb 2015 by Info7410
Hi All,I am trying to plot a graph with a LineSeries having x-axis as DateTimeAxis and y-axis as LinearAxis.I have to display my x-axis (DateTimeAxis) in the format of mm:ss (i.e, in the minutes and seconds only). Here i dont want to display the hours part of the DateTime object bbut i...
11 Oct 2013 by Member 8840306
I want to insert data into new rows and edit existing rows of data grid in db table.I have set in datagrid CanUserAddRows="True" in xaml .Here is my sqlite code for connecting with datagrid: SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand("update Security_details set...
24 Aug 2017 by saimanisha
iam using textbox and listbox when i type "a" in textbox it shows "a" based words in listbox but down that list box i have other controls too.i made listbox to be visible only when data is binded to it from database .but the problem is its size is getting increased.i want to show it above the...
24 Aug 2017 by Pete O'Hanlon
A WrapPanel does just what it's name would suggest - it wraps objects around to fill available space. I suspect what you are thinking of is a StackPanel - this "stacks" the items either horizontally or vertically depending on how you set its Orientation.
17 Dec 2013 by kingsa
Hi, I want to make project as setup ,which i was developed in wpf with mysql can u guide me or send snippets in visual studio 2010
17 Dec 2013 by BK 4 code
Please go through this URL[^]
18 May 2014 by IT-discovery
I working on WPF application using MVVM pattern. the question is : How to Check wether the Textboxes content are valid or not and by the way make a Save Button Disable until all textboxes fill by valid data. I googled more and more but in all scenario the answer was implementing IDataerrorInfo...
4 Mar 2013 by BuBa1947
I have a tab-control with three tab items. each tab item has a datagrid placed on it.and all these three datagrid's on their respective tab items is of Master-Detail-SubDetail to navigate from first tab item's to the second tab item' when a user selects a row on the master...
26 Mar 2013 by Lance Contreras
I have an ObservableCollection which I would bind to the ItemsSource and I have a property type of Tag which I will bind to the SelectedValue. Whenever I want to change the selected tab, I just set the selected value. Here's my dirty code. I hope this will help you with your problem.
6 Nov 2014 by Member 11208228
Both the datagrid headers are in the order as Filename, FileExtension and FilePath.I have enabled multiple selection of rows in xaml by setting SelectionMode="Extended".C# codeusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using...
6 Nov 2014 by Maciej Los
Think of it! It's quite simple. There are needed two lists (type of GetFile): 1. for source dgv and 2. for destination dgv.Fetch data from first dgv into GetFile class, add to the second list and remove from first one.Try!