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by Marat Bedretdinov
Shell interfaces in use. IShellFolder, IEnumIDList, etc.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.

Latest Articles

by Marat Bedretdinov
Shell interfaces in use. IShellFolder, IEnumIDList, etc.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.

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by Nitin K. Kawale
3D Vector Graphics class.
by _Flaviu
A class designed to connect to a database through ODBC and perform basic operations such as inserts, updates, and deletes
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to center window in WIN32
by Charles Kludge
void CenterWnd(HWND wnd){ RECT r,r1; GetWindowRect(wnd,&r); GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(),&r1); MoveWindow(wnd,((r1.right-r1.left)-(r.right-r.left))/2, ((, (r.right-r.left), (,0);}
by Nick Kulikovsky
There is ATL CWindow method CenterWindow:void CenterWnd(HWND hWnd){ CWindow wnd; wnd.Attach(hWnd); wnd.CenterWindow(NULL); wnd.Detach();}
by Binu MD
Change the default ICON of MFC applications
by Sayyed Mostafa Hashemi
Code for checking the avilabiltiy of Internet connection.
by Volirvag Yexela
This tip suggests the way of launching a process with Medium IL from the process with High IL.
by Arkadiusz@inquiry
CRichEditCtrl does not take the return
by _Flaviu
A memory CTreeCtrl like object, but resident in memory only
by Junaij
Timing code using debugger
by LaRoy Tymes
Here is a fun program that not only shows how to get precise timings by using the time stamp counter, it also shows how to call main recursively. This is a C program. C++ will not allow calls to main.#include "stdio.h"#include "Windows.h" // Required for Sleep#define CPUID __asm __emit...
by Jibesh
Simple Drag and Drop functionality in a dialog.
by m_sylvain
This tip shows how to build an FxEngine plugin to stream video data from a webcam
by David O'Neil
I needed an 'Update' solution for a project, and modified Geert van Horrik's 'Updater' to do so. This is the solution in Visual Studio Community Edition
by c-smile
The way to add generators with yield to C++
by MaxMax14
Keep the items highlighted when focus is on another control
by Orjan Westin
Simple function to get the text message corresponding to a system error.
by Southmountain
How to install Visual Studio 6 on Windows 7 professional (64 bit)
by _Flaviu
A way to know when a floating CDialogBar is closed
by textorijum
How to SIMPLY populate TreeView from some sort of "list" variable / object / structure
by Orjan Westin
Reading an input of any type, or simply enter, from the command line
by tonywilk
Everyone knows GDI+ is generally slow in rendering, what is not so obvious is what combination of settings is the fastest.I have an app which renders a lot of items, which may be drawn or are bitmap-sourced 'sprites', onto a full page (usually 1024x768). The first attempts ran at around 3...
by Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
Rendering polygon shapefiles and filling them
by Tu (Le Hong)
A scroll window that surpasses the 16-bit limit and can be hosted by a dialog.
by DigitalInBlue
Guidance on C++/C++!1 Parameter Passing
by Hasan Gurler
Simple DXF reader and viewer supporting the most common AutoCAD entities
by ravenspoint
This is an alternative for "Simple DXF Reader/Viewer with Spline Support"
by kennethman
Hide data inside the zip structure of any zip-based file.
by xdoukas
A tip on the implementation of Unix ucontext_t operations on Microsoft Windows.
by David Crow
An alternative to iterating a folder's contents to get the size is to use the scripting object, FileSystemObject.Using ClassWizard (Ctrl+W), the first thing you'll need to do is add the classes contained in the Script Runtime engine (scrrun.dll). This will add scrrun.cpp and scrrun.h to...
by _Flaviu
Improved Excel class