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by JBildstein
Write cross platform desktop applications with .Net Core by using the OS native webview.
by Adrian Pirvu
Basic principles in designing User Interface (UI / UX)
by Revanth Ramesh
Futuristic Talking 7-Segment Time Display Widget in WPF
by wim4you
Launch additionally a limited number of hand picked Programs, Documents or Folders from the taskbar

Latest Articles

by JBildstein
Write cross platform desktop applications with .Net Core by using the OS native webview.
by Adrian Pirvu
Basic principles in designing User Interface (UI / UX)
by Revanth Ramesh
Futuristic Talking 7-Segment Time Display Widget in WPF
by wim4you
Launch additionally a limited number of hand picked Programs, Documents or Folders from the taskbar

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by JBildstein
Write cross platform desktop applications with .Net Core by using the OS native webview.
by wim4you
Launch additionally a limited number of hand picked Programs, Documents or Folders from the taskbar
by A. Ganzer
Validation of input made as easy as possible for Windows.Forms, WPF, console-applications or any other purposes
by Michael Mann (mann.DEV)
Plugin migration with new features of .NET 3.5.
by Dirk Bahle
UI and code-behind is executed in different threads. Long running processes need asynchronous execution. This artice shows a way of doing this in a ViewModel approach.
by Amit Kumar Dutta
Discusses a technique to record current geographic location from mobile and display in web pages (with Location History Browsing)
by Mario Majčica
A simple Flickr application using the Flickr.Net API library and some cool effects.
by Murray Brooks Davis
How to make a simple, end-to-end, mobile, Java enterprise application including a RESTful web service and an Android client.
by Agent__007
A simple WPF text clock gadget for Windows
by JamesHurst
Walks through the creation of an on-screen virtual keyboard for entering non-ASCII chars
by Steffen Ploetz
JavaScript plugin gaugeSVG to generate widely configurable SVG gauge for a web dashboard
by Andriks
A MessageBox replacement with some much needed extras
by Fredrik Bornander
Creating a command that can handle warnings and adapt to the way the user uses the UI.
by Michael Haephrati
A simple and easy to use InputBox() function for any type of C++ program for Windows
by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET AJAX can be easily extended to create almost any control you can imagine. Be sure to take a look at the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.Blog
by Giorgio Minardi
How to create an MVC HTML Helper and package it for Nuget.
by honey the codewitch
Explore my user interface library with an example of an Internet enabled clock
by Nick Polyak
Describes Single Page Applications and a new BPF Framework that helps to develop SPAs.
by Igor Kushnarev
How 3D carousel could be implemented for Android platform
by xandytsui
An Introduction to a new Android-java based MVVM Presentation Framework
by Kevin Murani
Android sliding menu.
by Gregory Shpitalnik
Android: Ready to use simple directory chooser dialog with new folders creation ability - single Java class implementation.
by Anoop Pillai
Demonstrates how to use ASP.NET MVC, SignalR, EF and Knockout Js to build real time syncing UIs
by Ramu Sangabathula Original
When the user modifies ASP.NET web form fields and leaves the web form without saving it, we should notify the user about the modified data.
by honey the codewitch
Continuing our series with a knob control and a MIDI visualizer
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
How to handle asynchronous tasks in Android Activities
by Guia-Project
Unit-Testing of WPF User Controls via UI automation
by Amit_Mittal
A way to achieve automatic scrolling during a drag operation
by Adam Zgagacz
Simple WinForms auto-repeat button in a few lines
by Srivatsa Haridas
Simple steps to a Multithreaded application
by Gerald Gomes
This article will make an attempt to describe a basic way to start implementing animation in WPF.
by Intel
This article covers design considerations for tablet apps, including UI design, session length, accommodating user differences, and localization.
by Intel
The goal of the series is to enable you to design a successful user interface experience into your project from the start.
by Ben Hall (
In this article, we'll create our app, focusing on the customer user interface.
by Ben Hall (
In this final article of this series, we create a viewing screen for manufacturer employees to view orders and send them on to the processing department.
by Stas Wolski
This tutorial describes how to create a basic Google-like event calendar app for Windows 8.
by Stanley Wu
In this article, we expand our basic app by connecting customer’s information with their appointment history, using some basic filtering and screen layouts.
by Stanley Wu
In this article we look at giving the app the ability to create new customer information and book new appointments.
by Stuart Wheelwright
Step-by-step explanation of building a Task Timer app using web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery Mobile.
by User 6744868
I have been a fan of the Windows Aero styled windows since Aero was first introduced in Windows Vista. However, there is little to no Aero inclusion in the .NET Framework, so I set out to create my own Windows Aero themed form.
by Pranay Rana
Calling Server Side function from Client Side Script
by gggustafson
This article introduces the reader to the steps taken to create a user control that displays a circular indeterminate progress control.
by madeas
A cross-browser collection of CSS box-shadow + Generator the file box-shadows.min.css + Box-shadow CSS Generator
by Amit Kumar Dutta
Discusses a simple and testable way to bind Commands inside DataTemplates (Parent-Child scenario) in any WPF or Silverlight application built with the MVVM design pattern
by Kikoz68
This article describes a new approach to business rule authoring in ASP.NET without the use of traditional decision tables
by Ray_Liang
In this article, I will show you how to build a component model for ASP.NET MVC3 with Builder and Factory design patterns. You could use this model to write your strongly type components to binding data, handling harchical objects and write jQuery UI controls / HTML5 controls for ASP.NET MVC3.
by rld1971
How to draw and manage shapes onscreen via mouse gestures
by Rajat Bittharia
Grid based on JSON data using MVC with Entity Framework and MySQL.
by After2050
This article demonstrates the steps in creating a simple jQuery plug-in with a sample called Map Scroller.
by Nitij
This article demonstrates how to create JavaScript tooltips.
by Bart Dubois
Describe how to create list of items with custom defined layout resource
by Apemania
C# Forms RichTextEditor with custom hyperlink with Outlook address like text entities, custom popup listbox, and a screen tip.
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
This article will definitely help you. Here, I will show you how to modify the XAML to add different content to create a multi level row group header too.
by Mehdi Gholam
Quick reflection based data entry control in one line of code
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
Help Beginners to move their 1st step into developing their android application
by VallarasuS
Helps you extend WPF designer and design controls right on the designer
by wborgsm
How to draw muliline formatted text on a System.Drawing.Graphics object.
by Dennis E White
Development of a jQuery plugin to be used to create and draw on a canvas element
by Bernhard Häussermann
Shows how to programmatically enable full-keyboard-access tabbing behaviour in your Mac OS X application.
by After2050
This article demonstrates how to create public and private members in JavaScript through a sample.
by Florian Rappl
How to run End-To-End tests in an Azure Pipeline using Nightwatch.js framework with TypeScript
by Eugene Sadovoi
Implements delayed or disabled INotifyCollectionChanged.
by Fred van Lieshout
OLE container implementation for hosting a Flash Player control using C++, with support for calls and callbacks between C++ and Flash ActionScript.
by Razi Syed
This is an alternative for "EntityUI Automatic UI Generator using CodeFirst Approach"
by Razi Syed
Automatic UI Generator with two-way binding for ASP.NET Forms from an object using Code First Principals
by Stas Wolski
The article explains how to integrate dhtmlxScheduler, an AJAX-based, interactive event calendar, in your ASP.NET MVC application.
by Ben Baron
Java source code to demonstrate Executable Integration which is a concept of integrating several distinct executables to create a single application
by JReichert
Use FlexibleMessageBox.Show to seamlessly replace your usages of MessageBox.Show and get more features in a single class you can easily add to your project
by Ruth_Haephrati
There's no reason the buttons used as part of your programs' UI shouldn't be beautiful and practical at the same time. Introducing: ButtonFly — an all-in-one C++ class to reduce your overhead and create beautiful buttons.
by Govardhana Reddy
Multilingual support for applications using Google Translator and jQuery.
by Paolo Parise
Fast data entry using association rules.
by Adi Saxena
Beginner level guide (step by step) on UI Automation Testing in iOS 4
by Vince Valenti
An example of how to add a checkbox to a list view column header. We also implement select/unselect all when a user toggles the checkbox.
by Xomega Team
A design pattern and implementation example for building advanced search forms
by Michael Simonov
The article discusses dynamic xHtml to xHtml XSL transformations for PDF output purposes.
by ASP.NET Community
Basically when DataList is rendered HTML in Table and like below   HTML Code placed at ItemTemplate
by Paul M. Parks
You can provide a Ribbon in Windows 7, but still support menu input, while only releasing one executable.
by Zijian
Basic user interaction designs with buttons in Web applications
by Joel Laird
A framework for creating and using HTML components
by After2050
This article demonstrates how to use images in web and the things you have to take care on using them.
by NightWizzard
...for example a WYSIWYG HTML editor to edit or display emails...
by Leslie Godwin
When you add additional layers to a UIView, those new layers don't animate in the same way that the UIView's Backing Layer does. I have a trick that fixes this gotcha good and proper.
by Dor Alon
iPhone Safari like ComboBox
by Mark Pelf
Tutorial on “Events Bubbling” in JavaScript language
by strofo
Part 1 of creating a dynamical filtering mechanism in C#
by Shawn Lawsure
A usable suite of JavaScript UI controls written with TypeScript.
by ASP.NET Community
Recently I have come across a situation where I need to customize the UI of jQuery UI autocomplete plugin. For reference I am adding the plugin
by Mehmet Murat TANDOĞAN
How to use jQuery mobile autocomplete in ASP.NET using generic handler(.ashx) file with database connection.
by Dennis E White
jQuery UI Alert dialogs to replace the JavaScript dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt)
by silverazure
This article describes a JSON data visualizer for popular Web Services like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Twitter using jQuery, JavaScript, and ASP.NET MVC 2.0.
by Anshu Krishna
kLib: A small library to make DOM operations very easy.
by Varavut
Learn to create the UI part for your Android Application
by Praveen Meghwal
This article explains how to implement on-scroll loading data from the server using jQuery as seen on Facebook.
by Durgaprasad Budhwani
This example will give you knowledge about how to design your site for different cultures.
by EmitsorGrp
Give language support to your Windows Phone 7 applications
by Soufiane Rabhi
Business application based on WPF MVVM and Entity Framework 6
by Nick Polyak
This article introduces Avalonia as a new multiplatform XAML/C# solution for Web and Mobile development platform on top of its Desktop capabilities that had been available for a while.
by Nathan Campos
Making multiple virtual screens on your App Inventor project
by User-Rock
Why to prefer object composition over inheritance
by Nitin Kunte
Online Rich Text Editor with Mail Merge and download file as Word option
by Samuel Teixeira
Why simple if we can be complex?
by greggma
Provides an alternative to an ObservableCollection that is less UI intensive
by Ludmal de silva
PageManager is a web server control which allows developers to easily integrate jQuery and JavaScript files.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
PDF MERGER and PROTECTOR is the best pdf merger software which is fast and powerful way to join(Merge) PDF files with password protection as well as you can apply stamper with either any type of image or text. Using this utility you don’t required installation of Adobe Acrobat. Looks Exciting ???
by VaibhavTiparadi
This article describes how to plot path on Google map using array of latitude & longitude points.
by Beavis Killer
This article demonstrates how to generate plain old class objects (POCO) from the Entity Framework v4 (EF4) and use them through RIA Services in SilverLight version 4.
by Yuval Naveh
A playback practice tool for musicians that allows slowing down, changing pitch, defining presets and loops on music files.
by Member 12883374
Gaining extra control of an application's UI through accessing the visual tree
by Aydin Khatamneajd
Using ModelMetadataProvider to Set Display Name Metadata for the Model Fields at Runtime
by Nicolas Kogler
Extensible code editor with syntax highlighting, code completion and line numbering
by stebo0728
Develop a Preferences style sectioned list adapter using Android Mono C#.
by ASP.NET Community
SilverlightThe Rich User Interface helped to create a website which will make the UI as a desktop application. Silverlight 4.0 even came with out
by Sunil Pandita
The articles intriduces with the concept of single page web application and describes in detail how we can built ome such using AngularJS
by Tim_Duncan
This article highlights a few of the advances in Corel Painter* 2015.
by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
by honey the codewitch
How to make very responsive, flicker free interactive screens without using a lot of memory
by iampeluca
Description and usage with examples of a helper lib to create Swing applications
by christian.gaetano
In this article I walk through the steps to add React’s best data grid – FlexGrid – to your web app using only Facebook’s Create React App, Wijmo, and a few lines of JavaScript.
by Bishal Goswami
The Companion App: Its basically a utility app proposed for ultrabook which consists of the likes of a search tool, a geo location browsing tool and a language translator tool.
by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to implement the MVP pattern in ASP.NET ?
by Shubhabrata Mohanty
This article describes how a Worker thread can take control of the UI and can update the UI, created by the UI thread.
by RikTheVeggie
A Tri-State Tree View designed for Directory Browsing and Installers
by Christoph Buenger
Describes PHP application development with the free Scavix Web Development Framework (Scavix-WDF).
by David Rousset
Today, I’d like to share with you the basics of collisions, physics & bounding boxes by playing with the WebGL babylon.js engine and a physics engine companion named oimo.js.
by freakyit
UserControl with a custom ControlDesigner that prompts for the ControlName after drop in the Designer
by junnark
You want a little pop-up window to show additional information when you hover over a field on the GridView. The example below shows information about the respective related table (foreign key) when you hover over the link.
by honey the codewitch
Combine some great technologies for rich, responsive IoT user interfaces on the ESP32
by Bernhard Häussermann
An Objective-C class that sub-classes UIViewController to enable easily implementing split views in iPad applications.
by Modesty Zhang
Some client side common tasks implemented by a jQuery Plug in with demo source code
by Eitan Michaelson
A custom tree control for Win32.
by J.Starkl
A windows-service which can handle different operations in separate threads and which can be controlled by a small GUI program
by Vladimir Svyatski
How to correctly draw WinForms Tab Control with bottom alignment when visual styles are enabled
by alexy.shelest
This project is a real-time multi-threaded trading application framework developed with WPF / MVVM
by gbahns
Create fully functional windows with custom chrome and caption buttons in WPF
by amr azab
Simple animated loading text, like last MSN messenger, show animation and transparent mask in WPF
by dmitrat
MultiRangeSlider control to specify not intersecting ranges
by MarkLTX
A subclass of the WPF TextBox control that displays an ellipsis when the text doesn't fit.
by Sam Shiles
Bringing WPF like declarative data binding to ASP.NET Web Forms to enable declarative two-way data binding to any object whilst opening up MVVM UI development.
by Er. Puneet Goel
Scroll View are widely used in Android Layouts. Now when a user scrolls the view, we need to find the scroll event of the scroll view. So this article is all about finding these events across all the Android API Versions.
by Shai Raiten
Create Masking using XAML for WP7, WPF and Silverlight