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Great Reads

by Federico Alterio
Elegant replacement for awaiting a limited set of tasks
by Alon Lek
Running tasks in parallel while taking into account the dependencies between them
by honey the codewitch
Explore adapting Socket's async model to a task based one and adding some awaitable socket operations to your projects
by M. van der Corput
Simple task based spinner for a console application

Latest Articles

by Federico Alterio
Elegant replacement for awaiting a limited set of tasks
by honey the codewitch
Use TaskCompletionSource to turn an event or callback based model into a Task based one
by honey the codewitch
Explore adapting Socket's async model to a task based one and adding some awaitable socket operations to your projects
by honey the codewitch
Leveraging some less well known areas of the .NET Task framework to schedule tasks to execute on your own conditions.

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23 Jul 2020 by honey the codewitch
Explore adapting Socket's async model to a task based one and adding some awaitable socket operations to your projects
13 Mar 2016 by M. van der Corput
Simple task based spinner for a console application
29 Aug 2013 by Keith L Robertson
Write synchronous-looking asynchronous methods without async/await in Visual Studio 2010.
9 Apr 2015 by Omar Al Zabir
An example Web application showcasing the amazing features of ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, EF together with ESB to build a secure, reliable, REST based web api, and web frontend.
7 Jul 2014 by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
How to handle asynchronous tasks in Android Activities
19 Mar 2014 by Chris Maunder
Using, managing and loving your TODO list.
9 Aug 2016 by Rasik Bihari Tiwari
Let's understand the evolution from older multi-threading world to Task Parallel library (alias TPL). What are the use cases where you would want to leverage TPL instead of creating threads on your own. What are exact areas where TPL has real edge.
13 Mar 2015 by User 6918454
Light-weight image viewer for .NET 4.5.1, supporting multi-core processing
2 Jul 2012 by Henning Dieterichs
This library provides a MSBuild task for compile time validation of units of measurement within C# code.
4 Jun 2018 by George Swan
This piece shows that, by returning a Task from an Event Handler instead of the usual void, the management of the event can be more structured and versatile.
18 Jul 2020 by honey the codewitch
Leveraging some less well known areas of the .NET Task framework to schedule tasks to execute on your own conditions.
7 Apr 2014 by FIorian Schneidereit
A free and open source library for XAML-based task dialogs.
14 Aug 2012 by Gary Stafford
Automate the creation of Task-type Work Items in TFS using PowerShell