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by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
by Shenwei Liu
Creating PDF reports for grouped or non-grouped data lists in C# with many custom options and configurations (providing source code with .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 3.1)
by Simon Jackson
Syncfusion’s "Succinctly" series, one of the largest free (and still growing) set of technical books covering everything from languages, to source control systems and beyond.

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by FormerBIOSGuy
This article describes a set of batch, AWK, and PostScript files that together allow you to create personalized, 12-page PDF calendars for some year.
by Petrov Vladimir
Simple solution for PDF performance from Image files of any kind
by Uzi Granot
PDF File Analyzer is designed to read, parse, and display the internal structure of PDF files. Version 2.1 supports encrypted files.
by Uzi Granot
PDF File Writer is a C# .NET class library allowing applications to create PDF files. The code was developed for VS 2022 and .NET6. The latest update is a major upgrade.

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14 Feb 2013 by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
16 Aug 2013 by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
10 Feb 2020 by Shenwei Liu
Creating PDF reports for grouped or non-grouped data lists in C# with many custom options and configurations (providing source code with .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 3.1)
22 Jul 2013 by Simon Jackson
Syncfusion’s "Succinctly" series, one of the largest free (and still growing) set of technical books covering everything from languages, to source control systems and beyond.
24 Oct 2014 by Yvan Rodrigues
Quickly count the number of pages in a collection of PDF documents
24 Sep 2012 by Maciej Los
Have a look here:Fill/Retrieve data from PDF Form Fields using VB.NET and Excel File[^]Read Pdf Using Csharp[^]Shareware software:[^]Hand...
14 Aug 2013 by Martin-Hallonqvist
This article describes how I wrote a small Windows service for handling the task of sorting and renaming scanned (and run throgh OCR) documents depending on contents.
21 Mar 2015 by Amit Singh Baghel
A useful tip to export a Div to PDF (with Unicode support) with the help of NReco-PDF Generator for .NET (C#), JQuery and Handler in ASP.NET
8 Jun 2015 by Dirk_Strauss
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it.
3 Apr 2013 by Modesty Zhang
Porting PDF.js to Node.js with interactive forms elements
24 Apr 2015 by Ly Nguyen - LN
How to export HTML to PDF with Bookmart and TOC using iTextSharp-LGPL.4.1.6
28 Jun 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
You can pass Adobe commands as query string parameters to the web site link. E.ghttp://myapp/mypdf.pdf?#zoom=100%&view=fit&navpanes=0&toolbar=0 will change zoom to 100 %, view to fit , no navigation panes and no tool bar.For more look this [^] link.EDITEDWell, accept the parameters...
2 Jul 2012 by Ganesan Senthilvel
You can convert the web page content into PDF using iTextSharp library. Download ITextsharp and add its reference to your project. ITextsharp is a free HTML to PDF Library at[^]using System.IO;using iTextSharp.text;using...
9 Mar 2015 by Gregory Morse
Rendering Qur'anic (complex Arabic) scripts with Unicode in a PDF
12 Aug 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
Your code is running on the server so the pdf is opening on the server, but no-one is there to see it and more than likely your threads are hanging or are throwing errors. It appeared to work when developing locally because the client and server were the same machine.To show a PDF on the...
24 May 2010 by Narsimlu Keshagouni
Best fitting the text fields while adding text to the PDF files to save page space.
19 Jan 2011 by Toniyo Jackson
Try this,Generate PDF documents from a HTML page using ASP.NET[^]
26 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Check these threadsHow to Convert PDF, Word Doc and Excel files to JPEG using C#?[^]Convert Word document [Multi Page] into JPEG File in C#[^]convert the contents of word file to JPEG in c#[^]html to jpg with c#[^]Convert PDF to JPG or PNG using C# or Command...
9 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Here: Exporting a DataGridView to an Excel/PDF/image file by using Reporting Services report generation[^]It's in C#, but has all what you need. You should be able to get the logic and how to move ahead for export. In case, you need VB.NET code, there are free converter on net that can...
3 Mar 2016 by MacParekh
hi all,I am working on desktop application. My PDF file contain data in tabular formatI want that tabular data in to Excel. Is it possible?If yes then how can i achieve it?Is there any third party tool,dll(free) to achieve this functionality?Thanks in Advance
31 Oct 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
If you had deleted all references to the PresentationFramework, you wouldn't have this issue. :) You must have missed something somewhere that still references it. It may be as simple as a using statement at the top of a file.
6 Apr 2013 by Modesty Zhang
Running pdf2json module in RESTful Web Service, built with resitify and nodejs
12 Sep 2013 by ridoy
There will noting be good after such a good answer from Maciej Los.I only extend it with other 2 links containing a sdk and one sample code that can help you:PDF to Excel SDK[^] A code for PDF to EXCEL conversion?[^]
15 Dec 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First thing to understand: PDF is not a part of W3 standards (and I think it's good), so you cannot do anything to show a PDF file, it remains the problem of client part. Some browsers will be set up to show PDF as pages in browser (usually, with some browser plug-in), some won't. You should not...
16 May 2017 by Jochen Arndt
You have to know the type of data being passed. Without that information you can't do anything useful. If you know that the data represents some kind of file type you can try to detect the type. With Linux there is the file command that uses the magic(5): file command's magic pattern file -...
6 Jun 2017 by juliashs
The following code works fine: DOCINFO Dinfo ; ... Dinfo.lpszOutput = (LPCSTR)"D:\\Test1.pdf";
7 Jun 2010 by Dalek Dave
PDF FILEThat should do the trick.
7 Oct 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
I guess these articles should help you out. Did you had a look at them?Tutorials on creating PDF files using C# 2.0[^]Creating PDF Tables using C# (.NET 2.0) and iTextSharp[^]
3 Dec 2010 by compninja25
Well, I changed the process over to fire up Foxit Reader and it worked like a champ! I guess it was just something that Adobe doesn't like?Oh least it's working! whew!For anyone else that might run into this issue, it's a windows service that is installed with my local user...
31 Jan 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
I've just taken a look at the project page at and it seems to me that there isn't much development going on in recent times for Report.NET. I don't know if you need this for a commercial product or not, but please have a look here:[^]. For commericial use...
26 Jul 2011 by Donsw
How do I store a pdf in a database and have it searchable by google. I have a pdf displaying on the WEB page with javascript (linkbutton) but google does not search it. We have other pages that google can see and do search. We need to have the pdf's in a db since there are many of them. on a...
4 Dec 2011 by Abhinav S
If you want to use some third parties - see[^].This particular article - Creating PDF Documents in ASP.NET[^] uses iTextSharp for implementing this requirement.
20 Jan 2012 by Amir Mahfoozi
Have you tried this method :[^]or this one :[^]
20 Jan 2012 by Manoj Kumar Choubey
Quote:you can use iTextSharp library for generating PDf Files dynamically using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using...
6 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
The error implies that the AcroFields class does not implement IDictionary - it is a generic List of KeyValuePairs instead.Replace DictionaryEntry with KeyValuePair or KeyValuePair or even a var and you should be fine. You may...
23 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This code cannot even compile. What's the use of asking questions, if you fail to copy-paste the real code? Please see: ch1 is attempted to define 4 times, and ch2, ch3 and ch4 are not defined. Just look at your actual code with more attention, perhaps you see some simple problem like that, use...
7 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look at these:How to create PDF files from ASP.NET pages[^]Export Html to Pdf using iTextSharp(GridView)[^]
5 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Export Database to Excel, PDF, HTML, RTF, XML, etc. for ASP.NET without Automation[^]And similar answers on CodeProject[^]
12 Jul 2012 by bbirajdar
12 Jul 2012 by Tim Corey
I ran a quick Google search and came up with these links that all have an answer to your question:Creating PDF Documents in ASP.NET[^] (It is in VB.NET, but easy to...
19 Dec 2012 by Zoltán Zörgő
Hire people to do this for you. :)This is a really challenging task not for a "quick answers" kind of forum. There are commercial applications for such tasks, but in general it can't be performed with 100% accuracy. What you need:- an OCR engine (let's suppose, that the quality of the...
12 Jan 2013 by Faisalabadians
HIu can write to existing PDF by using iTextSharp. I have worked on the problem you have mentioned. so go with these postsCreating PDF documents with iTextSharp[^]Creating PDF Tables using C# (.NET 2.0) and iTextSharp[^]
9 May 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
Or, you could just do the entire thing in Word. What you're describing is called "Mail Merge" and you can print the entire document to a PDF "printer" without a single line of code.
12 Sep 2013 by Maciej Los
Have a look at similar questions and answers: PDF table data to Excel using[^]Convert PDF to Excel CSV in C#, VB.NET, VBScript, Delphi using PDF Extractor SDK[^]converting PDF to Excel file [^]How To Convert PDF to Excel in .NET Framework[^]Excel to PDF .Net library[^]
12 Sep 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello Rayn,.NET framework does not support it natively. You will have to use a third party component like this[^] product, commercial though.Regards,
2 Apr 2014 by nandakishoreroyal
Please refer the following Link
9 Apr 2014 by SoMad
I don't really know if this helps because I am not familiar with the tool you are using, but I tried pasting your SVG below and I found that CodeProject's HTML thingy is a bit picky when it comes to accepting SVG and it did not display the image until I removed the spaces and line breaks within...
14 Apr 2014 by Maciej Los
Have a look here:[^]Quote:You can use Ghostscript to convert the PDF files into Images, I used the following parameters to convert the needed PDF into tiff image with multiple frames...
15 Jun 2014 by Jamal Seyedi
How to create print button for non-IE browsers in RDLC Viewers
17 Mar 2015 by Ozone Developer
Hi,I've been working on an application to help manage a Health Management Organization departments.Its my first commercial piece of software and I'm excited about rounding up this week if I can get this issue sorted out.Here's the problem...The MIS department receives a PDF 4 times a...
28 Oct 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
If you don't want to use any third-party tools then you'll need to learn the PDF format and how to create PDF documents yourself. .net has no in-built for PDF as it is a proprietary format so you're going to have to use some form of third party tool or do it yourself.
28 Oct 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
HTML5 and PDF have two different view on the concept of "document". Please note, that PDF is based on PostScript, which is a complex programmable descriptive language for printers. The web for which html5, css3 and other things bootstrap relies on are living in a totally different world.So...
12 Nov 2015 by claudetom01
Good evening,For that there are already many solutions in .NET, you go through the assembly. Drawing.Printing. See the examples that you can find everywhere even here;)PrintDocument ClassorBasic Text and Image PrintingorHow to print more pages in C#orPrinting in C#In your...
10 Jan 2016 by ridoy
If your bytes array contains only characters then you can go with FileWriter. If it isn't then OutputStream is the way to go.OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("out.pdf");out.write(bArray);out.close();
9 Mar 2016 by glen205
Take a look at the Specification document for PDF:Adobe PDF 1.7 specification (link to over 1300 pages it represents an incredibly complex document format and if you have a project to deliver in any reasonable timescale I'd suggest (as others have) to use a library. I...
4 Apr 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't. You have no control over which application on the client side opens the PDF for viewing. If you don't want a password prompt, the only way to get around that is to save the PDF without that security on it and send that PDF file to the client.
13 Jul 2017 by OriginalGriff
You can't do it. You do not have access to the client printer (or other hardware) from your server: you cannot even force the user to open the PDF file when you send it to him, much less install a PDF reader and tell it to print - which is what you would need. This is why you find results like...
19 Jun 2019 by Uzi Granot
Application to extract user data from fillable PDF document. It is based on PdfFileAnalyzer project (version 2.1)
16 Apr 2020 by Maciej Los
Seems, it's nothing hard to achieve... See: How-to: Creating a Rich Text Editor - The complete WPF tutorial[^] WPF RichTextEditor with Toolbar[^] Create A Rich Text Editor Using WPF[^] Finally, you have to "dump" (save) entire content to pdf...
8 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
So move the test outside the loop. If there is one page, use the SaveFileDialog. It there are more than one, use a FolderBrowserDialog and then your loop without the check it does at the moment.
3 Aug 2021 by Richard Deeming
That's some very confused code: you have a byte array, so you copy it to a MemoryStream, then copy the MemoryStream to another byte array, and then write that third copy of the data to a local file, before sending the local file back to the...
12 Nov 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It all depends on the UI framework/library you are using. For System.Windows.Forms, you should better use PrintDocument (See Solution 1). For WPF… see, for example,[^].—SA
3 Mar 2024 by M-Badger
Open and save PDF document in ASP.NET MVC | Syncfusion[^] ASP.NET Core PDF Editor Control: How to view, edit PDF file online in browser using C# ASP.NET MVC PDF viewer[^] Recommend a free PDF developer's library for C# - Microsoft Q&A[^] C#...
24 Nov 2009 by Christian Graus
Surely you realise that you're asking us how you can steal the work of those people on this forum who also write books, because you're not willing to pay for them ? Who do you expect to help you to do that ?
15 Feb 2010 by Christian Graus
By buying a library to do it.....................
19 Apr 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
DCITMAN wrote:How can I correct this?How indeed? I don't think anyone could give an answer to this question as you have given no information as to how these columns are formatted into PDF or what language and libraries you are using. Try rewriting your question with some technical details.
31 May 2010 by ntrraorao
HiI have created a pdf file using ItextSharp in pdf. it created pdf file. I need to show the pdf file once it created. Please suggest meThanks in advance.
7 Jun 2010 by AspDotNetDev
There are a couple ways: Download PDF.
2 Aug 2010 by E.F. Nijboer
There are some options you could try. Since you only need to print the documents you only need a kind of viewer. There is an example here on codeproject for this:PDF Viewer Control Without Acrobat Reader Installed[^]Good luck!
15 Aug 2010 by holyoxx
Hi,Anyone there who knows how to hide the navigation bar by coding? In AcroPDFLib this are the only codes that can be hide.setShowToolbars(false);setShowScrollBars(false);Thanks in advance. :)
14 Sep 2010 by AspDotNetDev
Did you even try to Google for an answer? It's pretty obvious. You save the file data as a file, then launch Adobe Acrobat, telling it which file to open. If you need to know how to do any of that, feel free to Google for it. If you are still having problems after having tried to solve them...
7 Oct 2010 by
Hi Guys,Ive been searching the web now for the past few hours looking for a way to convert my excel document in .xls format, (i also have in code, the excel app, workbook and worksheet) if these can be used, and i am looking to convert this into a PDF.After reading a number of different...
6 Nov 2010 by Bishoy Rasmy
Try This Way : Code in C#using System;using System.Xml;using System.Web.Configuration;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Text;using System.Drawing;using System.Drawing.Imaging;using...
21 Jan 2011 by Rupa1
How can i convert an .aspx page to a PDF file in button click using ASP.NET? Can anybody who knows please help me?
21 Jan 2011 by Gandalf_TheWhite
I have gone thorugh this recently, I suggest you to go with iTextSharp.I have tried many ways and finally concluded it as a best available solution.They provide very good support for Conversion.And with help of 'htmltopdf'(search this term), You will be able to convert part of HTML to...
3 Feb 2011 by R. Giskard Reventlov
Try here for help: iText[^]. There is an iTextSharp[^] project page and other help. I have used iTextSharp in a couple of projects and will be using it in my current one as well. It was fiddly to get going but well worth it.
1 Mar 2011 by Yusuf
You got a bit confused. you don't need to post to both your page and ZOHO. You only need to post to your page, not ZOHO. First post to your page, you handle whatever you want to handle in your page. When things are ok, then you redirect to ZOHO.There are several ways of doing this, I can't...
24 Mar 2011 by CPallini
You either:(the fast route)Use a library (free or commercial). As already suggested, Google would help you finding itor(the 'scenic' route)Study the PDF specifications (freely available) and write your own code to do the job.
29 May 2011 by thatraja
I just this in GoogleConvert HTML content to PDF[^]EDIT---------------------Convert HTML to PDF in .NET[^]
29 May 2011 by RaviRanjanKr
I've already given there-CP Answer[^] solution of this question. whatever you can go through this link-[Convert HTML to PDF Using iTextSharp][^] for getting all steps which will guide you how to do it.if you have any problem with solution then stick a please and revert back again. All the...
13 Jun 2011 by Uday P.Singh
Using JavaScript you can use regular expression to get file extension like this: var extens=(/[.]/.exec(myfile)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(myfile) : undefined; myfile is the address or the path of the file. This simply takes the part of the string after "." . Then you can place some control checks...
4 Aug 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
17 Aug 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Most difficult part is reading PDF. It's easier to find some SDK in Java or for .NET than in the form of a COM component. Anyway, there is a number of products, mostly commercial ones; try to find one:[^].Now, you will need to generate...
27 Aug 2011 by André Kraak
If your intent is to open the PDF from your application using a viewer.Install a PDF reader like Adobe® Reader®[^] or Android PDF Viewer[^] and use it to open the document from your application.If you want to render the PDF inside your application you could use the open source application...
19 Sep 2011 by Dalek Dave
I have been emailed a PDF file which is a set of tables.I what to manipulate and analyse this data set, but...I can copy and paste, but it becomes an image on the Excel worksheet.OrI can copy the data and it becomes unreadable (non human readable that is, looks like a binary file...
19 Sep 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Dalek, the option is to read PDF in your code written in Java or C# (or some other .NET language). Then you can present the PDF data as some text you can import in Excel or directly create an excel file using Microsoft Office interop, in this case its better to use .NET (well, in all cases it's...
21 Sep 2011 by Orcun Iyigun
Well since you havent specified if you are going to do it programmatically or by a help of 3rd party software. I may not cover all the issues that you ask for.So if you need a software there are some free softwares that will help you to accomplish that. Check the links to see available...
23 Sep 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Aspose.PDF has a very good help system, look at the following link :Manipulating Images in an Existing PDF File Use the PdfConverter class.
1 Nov 2011 by Prerak Patel[^][edit][^]
7 Nov 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Yes it's possible; here[^] are some links which will lead you to the library helper.
21 Nov 2011 by #realJSOP
Make sure you've added a reference to your assembly for the appropriate itextsharp DLL(s).
22 Nov 2011 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,I am not sure whether there exists such a tool. However you can have a image printer driver and then use the respective softwares via commandline interface to automate the printing of the files to the image printer. I definitely won't recommend use of command line via ASP.NET. You can...
1 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Similar question with answerHow to convert PDF, Word, Excel to jpg in C#.NET[^]
6 Dec 2011 by S V Saichandra
you can get samples from this article:Creating PDF Tables using C# (.NET 2.0) and iTextSharp[^]
7 Dec 2011 by Smithers-Jones
Have a look here:iTextSharp[^]How to create PDF files from ASP.NET pages[^]Export Html to Pdf using iTextSharp[^]I found those by typing "export .aspx page to pdf" into Google, something you obviously haven't done. Google is your friend.
28 Dec 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
You cannot do this, since PDF files are not simple streams, but have a specific table based structure. You can use one of the third-party libraries such as iTextSharp[^], or get the document specification from Adobe and write your own.
9 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Not really XML based. PDF structure is very different, if you need to map it onto XML, you would need to 1) do it yourself, 2) apply some mapping rules of your choice and your way of defining such rules — there is no predefined one-to-one correspondence between PDF and XML.For working...
5 Feb 2012 by Roliking
Hi All, I am using iText sharp pdf generation method and trying to apply page numbers to the pdf document that i generate. While doing so i am calling the pageendevent class once before adding the table to the document, here i notice that the page number is being applied only to the first...
21 Feb 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
I would think that you need to create an index of all the words in your files so you can do speedy searches. You could do this immediately by scanning all files or build it up gradually by creating it as each search is processed. Unfortunately the second option will still mean that early...
21 Feb 2012 by SummiG
Hello,How about method in this article([^])?I hope that it can be helpful for you.