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Design and Architecture

SuggestionIODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Ralf Peine 202329-Nov-23 4:14
Ralf Peine 202329-Nov-23 4:14 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Mircea Neacsu29-Nov-23 10:47
Mircea Neacsu29-Nov-23 10:47 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Ralf Peine 202329-Nov-23 21:39
Ralf Peine 202329-Nov-23 21:39 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
jschell30-Nov-23 6:12
jschell30-Nov-23 6:12 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Nov-23 16:20
mveGerry Schmitz30-Nov-23 16:20 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Ralf Peine 202330-Nov-23 20:42
Ralf Peine 202330-Nov-23 20:42 
GeneralRe: IODA - Architecture Ralf Westphal - Anyone use it also? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon3-Dec-23 20:35
mvePete O'Hanlon3-Dec-23 20:35 
QuestionValidate Data Format Pin
Kevin Marois15-Nov-23 13:05
professionalKevin Marois15-Nov-23 13:05 
I'm working on a WPF app for a client that gets invoice remittance data from their customers as CSV files. My app extracts the Invoice Date, Reference Number, and Amount using metadata defined by my client for the input files. This metadata defines the columns in the file, and the index position of the Invoice Date, Reference Number, and Amount.

The key is the reference number. It is used to look up the invoice row in their accounting system. Once in a while their customer formats the reference number wrong. For example, one of the reference number formats is eight numbers, as in '20158011'. But from time to time, they send invalid data, as in 'RECOUP19718470_002ZT'.

Another customer's format is 'RDHC608965'. This column's reference number always starts with 'RDHC'. The remainder is the six-digit reference number.

What I would like to do is provide a place in the UI to define the required format of the reference number. If it was internal I would specify a regex, but this is something that my client has to define.

What's the right way to go about this?
In theory, theory and practice are the same. But in practice, they never are.”
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.

AnswerRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Nov-23 14:21
mveGerry Schmitz15-Nov-23 14:21 
GeneralRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Kevin Marois16-Nov-23 8:05
professionalKevin Marois16-Nov-23 8:05 
GeneralRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Gerry Schmitz16-Nov-23 9:49
mveGerry Schmitz16-Nov-23 9:49 
GeneralRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Kevin Marois16-Nov-23 10:46
professionalKevin Marois16-Nov-23 10:46 
GeneralRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Gerry Schmitz16-Nov-23 15:57
mveGerry Schmitz16-Nov-23 15:57 
AnswerRe: Validate Data Format Pin
jschell16-Nov-23 5:26
jschell16-Nov-23 5:26 
GeneralRe: Validate Data Format Pin
Andre Oosthuizen18-Nov-23 7:18
mveAndre Oosthuizen18-Nov-23 7:18 
QuestionHow to address security in white label software Pin
mozilly2-Nov-23 21:54
mozilly2-Nov-23 21:54 
AnswerRe: How to address security in white label software Pin
Gerry Schmitz5-Nov-23 5:06
mveGerry Schmitz5-Nov-23 5:06 
AnswerRe: How to address security in white label software Pin
jschell6-Nov-23 10:50
jschell6-Nov-23 10:50 
QuestionHow to address security for white-label web app Pin
mozilly2-Nov-23 0:56
mozilly2-Nov-23 0:56 
QuestionThoughts on Internationalization Pin
snorkie23-Oct-23 7:44
professionalsnorkie23-Oct-23 7:44 
AnswerRe: Thoughts on Internationalization Pin
Dave Kreskowiak23-Oct-23 9:17
mveDave Kreskowiak23-Oct-23 9:17 
AnswerRe: Thoughts on Internationalization Pin
Mircea Neacsu23-Oct-23 9:52
Mircea Neacsu23-Oct-23 9:52 
GeneralRe: Thoughts on Internationalization Pin
trønderen23-Oct-23 12:02
trønderen23-Oct-23 12:02 
GeneralRe: Thoughts on Internationalization Pin
Mircea Neacsu23-Oct-23 13:40
Mircea Neacsu23-Oct-23 13:40 
GeneralRe: Thoughts on Internationalization Pin
trønderen23-Oct-23 20:22
trønderen23-Oct-23 20:22 

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