I am working on creating intel.hex file from the inputted .txt file. The format of Intel Hex file is
Steps that I follow....
1. Input a .txt file using combo-box and browse button (working fine)
2. Read .txt file using StreamReader (Working fine)
3. Read a single line of the txt file as string (working fine)
4. Get the length of the string ( Now here is a twist)
If I just do str.length, I get the length of the string but it is not of use for me...
Lets take an example of a txt file having data 123456GCTJ
the string str = "123456GCTJ" and str.length = 10
However, since I am converting this text to intel hex format, the string is actually this way...
12, 34, 56, G, C, T, J -> Length = 7
Now, I have to do this dynamically.
Question 1. How to get the string length? Do I have to write my own function? or Do I have to define a public class and associate it with the string like... str.getlengthForIntel()
5. Once, I have length, append the data to the format i.e. Start of Frame + Address + Data + checksum
(Working Fine)
6. Checksum (how to get the checksum? I have written below piece of code which I doubt will work once we have solution to above question)
private string GetChecksum(string strData)
byte checksum = 0;
char[] DataArray = strData.ToCharArray();
byte ArrayLen = 0;
string strAscii;
while (ArrayLen < strData.Length)
if ((DataArray[ArrayLen]) != ':')
checksum += (byte)(GetNumberFromString(DataArray[ArrayLen], DataArray[ArrayLen + 1]));
checksum = (byte)(~(int)checksum);
checksum += 1;
strAscii = ((checksum & 0xF0) >> 4).ToString("X") + (checksum & 0x0F).ToString("X");
return strAscii;
private byte GetNumberFromString(char cHighByte, char cLowByte)
uint uHighByte, uLowByte;
uint uFinalNum;
uHighByte = GetHexValueFromAscii(cHighByte);
uLowByte = GetHexValueFromAscii(cLowByte);
uFinalNum = (uHighByte << 4) + uLowByte;
return (byte)uFinalNum;
private byte GetHexValueFromAscii(char Ascii)
byte HexNum;
if ((Ascii >= 0x30) && (Ascii <= 0x39))
HexNum = (byte)(Ascii & 0x0F);
HexNum = (byte)Ascii;
return HexNum;
Quote: the string str = "123456GCTJ" and str.length = 10 What are you expected to do with that string? Do you need to convert it into some other form, or does it get transmitted exactly as is? If the latter then you just need to write a method that scans the content and counts the number of pairs of digits (as one item) and the number of single characters. The total will give you the required length. As to the checksum: what are the requirements?
Psudonym wrote: Question 1. How to get the string length? Do I have to write my own function? or Do I have to define a public class and associate it with the string like... str.getlengthForIntel()
Yes. There is no standard function which will do that for you, so you will have to code it yourself.
Which way to go? Up to you - but I'd say that a class just for one function is a little inefficient. It's possible that an extension method might work out, but I'd probably make it a method within the processing class myself.
Psudonym wrote: Checksum (how to get the checksum?
Wikipedia gives a good explanation of the checksum calculation:Intel HEX - Wikipedia[^] - it's not complicated at all, unlike CRC or more modern checksums, it's just a sum followed by a twos complement.
So write a function that reads your text string and converts it to a byte array, then write a second function that sums the array into a byte, discarding any carry, and complement it.
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apparently, the link for intel hex file is not pasted in previous post. Here it is..
Now, the txt file data has to be converted to this file format.
Lets take an example of txt - 1234GCTJ
When I read this txt into string, I get "1234GCTJ"
To get checksum of it, I need to convert it into hex which is...
12, 34, 'G', 'C', 'T', 'J'
So, I read the string into CharArray and then convert ASCII to HEX.
Now, it is possible that the input text is...
In this case, the chararray will give me 0x31, 'G', 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 'K'
And I will have to convert it into equivalent Hex ie. 1, 'G', 23, 4, 'K'
I am wondering, how to do that.
I hope I have clearly specified my requirement.
Why is that giving you difficulty?
It's pretty trivial: loop through each character in the input.
if the previous char was a digit, then if the current is also a digit, convert them both to a single value and add them to the output and continue with the next character. If not, add the last digit to the output as a nibble. (i.e. '0' becomes a 0 byte, '1' becomes a 1 byte, ...
If the current char is a digit, save it for next time.
If it isn't, add it directly to the output.
After the loop finishes, check if the last character was an un-output digit and output if needed.
One loop, a bool, a byte variable, and a List<byte> to output to: this isn't a complex operation, and shouldn't take a developer more than a couple of minutes to write...
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That is not how Intel hex works!
when your data is a text string, then each charactershould be turned in a two-digit hex number wether it is a digit or not.
Thank you for help!
Well, I thought to go with slightly simpler approach...
string = "1234GCTJ"
Now, I will use it as it is for checksum calculation meaning, I will do checksum calculation as...
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 'G', 'C', 'T', 'J'
I won't use them like ... 12, 34, 'G', 'C', 'T', 'J'
Here it is..
StrLine is the Txt read line-by-line from the inputted file
string strLine;
int iBytelen;
long lBaseAddress = 0x7830;
string subString;
string strTempStrForChecksum;
uint iLoopcntr, iLoopcntrcopy;
int index;
subString = strLine.Trim().Substring(0, strLine.Length - 1);
strTempStrForChecksum = ":" + iBytelen.ToString("X") + lBaseAddress.ToString("X") + "00" + subString;
strTempStrForChecksum += GetChecksum(strTempStrForChecksum);
pFile.Write(strTempStrForChecksum + "\n");
But, there is problem here also...
the SubString holds the actual text bytes i.e. "1234GCTJ"
strTempStrForChecksum = ":" + iBytelen.ToString("X") + lBaseAddress.ToString("X") + "00" + subString;
I am expecting subString to print it in hex format i.e. 31323334'G''C''T''J'
So, I tried
but it is throwing compilation error.
Then I tried subString.ToCharArray()
but it is also not giving expected output.
Please let me know how to do this?
That isn't what Luke was saying: intel hex format is all in hex:
So your string "1234GCTJ" would be stored in Intel hex format as a string: "313233344743544A" with the appropriate line wrapping.
Read the link I gave you: it explains Intel hex format pretty well.
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Correct...this is what exactly I am trying to do now.
My previous understanding was wrong and I realised it.
And my code is fairly working i.e. formatting and calculating checksum. But only one part I am struggling with...
string strLine;
int iBytelen;
long lBaseAddress = 0x7830;
string subString;
string strTempStrForChecksum;
uint iLoopcntr, iLoopcntrcopy;
int index;
subString = strLine.Trim().Substring(0, strLine.Length - 1);
strTempStrForChecksum = ":" + iBytelen.ToString("X") + lBaseAddress.ToString("X") + "00" + subString;
strTempStrForChecksum += GetChecksum(strTempStrForChecksum);
pFile.Write(strTempStrForChecksum + "\n");
I am expecting this as outputting... intel formatted string but actual output still has 1234GCTJ
instead of 31323333447...
subString.ToString("X") and subString.ToCharArray() is what I tried to converted 1234GCTJ to 31323334... but none of them are working.
If you want "Intel hex" do exactly what the spec says; if you want something else, don't call it "Intel hex".
Whatever you do, calculating the checksum does not involve the textual representation, it starts off with the data bytes no matter what they represent.
I could solve the problem.
This is the solution...
private string ToHexString(string str)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);
for(int i=0; i<str.Length; i++)
byte b = (byte)str[i];
return sb.ToString();
However, this has opened up new problem.
Now the checksum is wrong
When I pass string "Quote: :107830003132313131303031323331323334363120 "
for checksum calculation, the expected o/p is 0x2B however the function returns "20".
this is the function...
private string GetChecksum(string strData)
byte checksum = 0;
char[] DataArray = strData.ToCharArray();
byte ArrayLen = 0;
string strAscii;
while (ArrayLen < strData.Length)
if ((DataArray[ArrayLen]) != ':')
checksum += (byte)DataArray[ArrayLen];
checksum = (byte)(~(int)checksum);
checksum += 1;
strAscii = ((checksum & 0xF0) >> 4).ToString("X") + (checksum & 0x0F).ToString("X");
return strAscii;
When I debug the problem, I could see, the function received first 1 in string as 31. I know that is the problem, it should receive first 10 as 10 and not as 31 30
private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Page page, float x, float y)
AddCaptionAndRectangle(page, "Vertical Forces Graph", x, y, CHAR_WIDTH, CHAR_HEIGHT);
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Chart chart =
new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Chart(x + 10, y + 25, CHAR_WIDTH - 25, CHAR_HEIGHT - 25, ceTe.DynamicPDF.Font.Helvetica, 10, RgbColor.Black);
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.PlotArea plotArea = chart.PrimaryPlotArea;
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Title headerTitle =
new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Title("Vertical Forces (VTF)");
if (vtfGraph.Count > 0)
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries leftVTFLineSeries =
new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries("Left VTF");
leftVTFLineSeries.Values.Add(vtfGraph.GetLeftVTF(0, 100));
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries rightVTFLineSeries =
new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries("Right VTF");
rightVTFLineSeries.Values.Add(vtfGraph.GetRightVTF(0, 100));
ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries totalVTFLineSeries =
new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Charting.Series.IndexedLineSeries("Total VTF");
totalVTFLineSeries.Values.Add(vtfGraph.GetTotalVTF(0, 100));
If you are waiting for permission, consider it given.
If you have a problem, then it's probably a good idea to explain what problem you are having, where you are having it, and what help you need in solving it...
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I want to add many items after scan them one by one from database into datatable
public void CheckItem( string itemcode)
string constring = @"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=pos;User id = sa;password=123";
SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand();
using (SqlConnection objCnn = new SqlConnection(constring))
using (objCmd = objCnn.CreateCommand())
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Items where Item_Code=@Item_Code";
objCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Item_Code", itemcode));
SqlDataReader myreader = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
decimal sumprice=0;
if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
dt = objDT.NewRow();
dt.Columns.Add("", typeof(decimal));
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
I suggest moving the instantiation of the datatable to a class level (outside of you method) and each time you populate dt you add the dt rows to the class level table.
The class level table is the one that will be bound to your DGV
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
anyone cal add code in this for that
public class VerticalForceGraph
private List<verticalforce> vtfList = new List<verticalforce>();
public int BufferSize { get; set; }
public void Add(VerticalForce vtf)
// remove first item if condition
if(vtfList.Count > BufferSize)
// vtfList.RemoveRange(1, 1);
public int[] GetLeftVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Left).ToArray();
public int[] GetRightVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Right).ToArray();
public int[] GetTotalVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Total).ToArray();
// and i want to cal it here and draw graph
private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Graphics graphics)
Pen yellowPen = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2);
Pen bluePen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
Pen redPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);
int hOffset = heatmapWidth / 2;
int vOffset = heatmapHeight / 2;
//Display title
using (Font title_font = new Font("Times New Roman", 20))
using (StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat())
string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
Point title_center = new Point(this.heatmapWidth / 2, 20);
Point titleleft = new Point(this.heatmapHeight / 4, heatmapWidth/10);
Font leftfornt = new Font("Times New Roman", 10);
Font totalfont = new Font("Times New Roman", 10);
Font rightfont = new Font("Times New Roman", 10);
graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
graphics.DrawRectangle(outline, new Rectangle(heatmapCoord_X, heatmapCoord_Y, heatmapWidth, heatmapHeight));
Rectangle graph_area = new Rectangle(heatmapCoord_X, heatmapCoord_Y, heatmapWidth, heatmapHeight);
graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, graph_area);
graphics.DrawString("VTF Grahical View",
title_font, Brushes.Blue,
title_center, string_format);
graphics.DrawString("Left VTF", leftfornt, Brushes.Blue, titleleft, string_format);
int xOffset = 50;
int yOffset = 20;
heatmapCoord_X + xOffset, heatmapCoord_Y + (heatmapHeight - 50),heatmapCoord_X + xOffset, heatmapCoord_Y + yOffset
heatmapCoord_X + (heatmapWidth - 10), heatmapCoord_Y + (heatmapHeight - 50), heatmapCoord_X + xOffset, heatmapCoord_Y + (heatmapHeight - 50)
You haven't described a problem at all as your "question" makes no sense. Your code makes even less sense.
We have no idea what you're having a problem with or what you're asking.
namespace VistaBalanceAlgorithms
public class VerticalForce
public static float SteadyStateTotalForce = 1;
public static bool SteadyState = false;
public VerticalForce(float[] frameValues)
Left = 0;
Right = 0;
Total = 0;
if (frameValues != null)
float leftForce = frameValues.Take(frameValues.Length / 2).Sum();
float rightForce = frameValues.Skip(frameValues.Length / 2).Sum();
Left = (int)((leftForce / SteadyStateTotalForce) * 100);
Right = (int)((rightForce / SteadyStateTotalForce) * 100);
Left = Left < 0 ? 0 : Left;
Right = Right < 0 ? 0 : Right;
Total = Left + Right;
public int Left { get; protected set; }
public int Right { get; protected set; }
public int Total { get; protected set; }
public class VerticalForceGraph
private List<VerticalForce> vtfList = new List<VerticalForce>();
public int BufferSize { get; set; }
public void Add(VerticalForce vtf)
if(vtfList.Count > BufferSize)
public int[] GetLeftVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Left).ToArray();
public int[] GetRightVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Right).ToArray();
public int[] GetTotalVTF()
return vtfList.Select(x => x.Total).ToArray();
here i want to cal it on another class
//here i only created rectangle inside panel and draw x and y acc to panel scale
private void HeatmapViewMode(Graphics graphics)
graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, new Rectangle(heatmapCoord_X, heatmapCoord_Y, heatmapWidth, heatmapHeight));
Pen semiTransPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 255), 3);
var points = m_CopTail.GetPoints().Select(c => { c.X = c.X - m_AutocenterOffsetX; c.Y = c.Y - m_AutocenterOffsetY; return c; }).ToArray();
if (points != null && points.Length > 1)
SizeF copPointSize = new SizeF(10, 10);
SizeF centerOffset = new SizeF(copPointSize.Width / 2, copPointSize.Height / 2);
PointF copPoint = new PointF(COP.X - m_AutocenterOffsetX - centerOffset.Width,
COP.Y - m_AutocenterOffsetY - centerOffset.Height);
graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, new RectangleF(copPoint, copPointSize));
if (m_CopTail.TimeRange.TotalSeconds > 0)
graphics.DrawCurve(semiTransPen, points);
if ((Mode == ModeOfOperation.STABILITY_MODE && m_CopTail.HasAutoCenter() == true) ||
(m_CopTail.HasAutoCenter() == true && CopArrow == true))
PointF centerPoint = new PointF(heatmapCoord_X + heatmapWidth / 2f,
heatmapCoord_Y + heatmapHeight / 2f);
PointF endPoint = new PointF(copPoint.X + centerOffset.Width, copPoint.Y + centerOffset.Height);
var distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((centerPoint.X - endPoint.X), 2) + Math.Pow((centerPoint.Y - endPoint.Y), 2));
float triggerZoneDiameter = 30f;
StabilityTriggerZoneDraw(graphics, triggerZoneDiameter, distance > triggerZoneDiameter);
graphics.DrawLine(stabilityArrowPen, centerPoint, endPoint);
if (heatmap != null)
heatmap.Draw(graphics, heatmapCoord_X - m_AutocenterOffsetX, heatmapCoord_Y - m_AutocenterOffsetY, 80);
It's "calibrate", not "cal". Yes, it makes a difference when talking to other people who are not involved in your project.
So, what's the problem? You still haven't described the problem you're having.
I need to get 'Form1' to retain its black back-ground color while the 3 labels with a white BackColor displaying famous quotes are not visible (Form1 totally black) until a mouse pointer hovers over a label and reveals the famous quote(s) during the execution of runtime.
Ronald Richards
What have you tried?
Where are you stuck?
What help do you need?
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I followed the instructions that tells me to put three labels to the form each displaying a famous quote. When the program starts, the BackColor of the form and each of the 3 labels should be black. Now, as the user passes or hovers the mouse pointer over a label it should change the label's BackColor white thus revealing the quote. The results I get is not the same. That is, when the program starts the BackColor of the form is black, but the 3 labels do not have a black back ground at all. Instead, all the labels on the form are visible (showing quotes) with a white BackColor. Now, as I hover my mouse pointer over each label the back ground color of the form turns white and as I release the pointer from the label(s) the back ground color of the form returns to black.// The control settings in the properties window are: On Form1; BackColor = ControlText(black) & ForeColor = ControlText(black)// On Label1,Label2,Label3; BackColor = White & ForeColor = ControlText(black). In the Events window settings are:On Form1; Load = Form1_Load & MouseHover = Form1_Load// On Label1,Label2,Label3; MouseHover = Label1,2,3_MouseHover
Ronald Richards
Well you answer you own question!
Member 13364520 wrote: When the program starts, the BackColor of the form and each of the 3 labels should be black.
Member 13364520 wrote: On Label1,Label2,Label3; BackColor = White & ForeColor = ControlText(black).
So set the BackColor of the Labels to Black...
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Welcome to CodeProject !
Questions here need to have more detail than what you've written. At the least, share the ideas you have for this project: what is required to sense the mouse moving over a Control which is not visible ?
Hint: examine the Rectangle.Contains method.
«While I complain of being able to see only a shadow of the past, I may be insensitive to reality as it is now, since I'm not at a stage of development where I'm capable of seeing it. A few hundred years later another traveler despairing as myself, may mourn the disappearance of what I may have seen, but failed to see.» Claude Levi-Strauss (Tristes Tropiques, 1955)
if a Controls foreground and background colors equal its parents background color, would you call it visible?