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GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Gerry Schmitz24-Aug-17 5:26
mveGerry Schmitz24-Aug-17 5:26 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Aug-17 5:50
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Aug-17 5:50 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Gerry Schmitz26-Aug-17 8:08
mveGerry Schmitz26-Aug-17 8:08 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Eddy Vluggen24-Aug-17 6:38
professionalEddy Vluggen24-Aug-17 6:38 
AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Bernhard Hiller23-Aug-17 21:16
Bernhard Hiller23-Aug-17 21:16 
Questionintel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:31
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:31 
QuestionRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Aug-17 21:37
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Aug-17 21:37 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 21:41
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 21:41 
Psudonym wrote:
Question 1. How to get the string length? Do I have to write my own function? or Do I have to define a public class and associate it with the string like... str.getlengthForIntel()

Yes. There is no standard function which will do that for you, so you will have to code it yourself.
Which way to go? Up to you - but I'd say that a class just for one function is a little inefficient. It's possible that an extension method might work out, but I'd probably make it a method within the processing class myself.

Psudonym wrote:
Checksum (how to get the checksum?

Wikipedia gives a good explanation of the checksum calculation:Intel HEX - Wikipedia[^] - it's not complicated at all, unlike CRC or more modern checksums, it's just a sum followed by a twos complement.

So write a function that reads your text string and converts it to a byte array, then write a second function that sums the array into a byte, discarding any carry, and complement it.
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AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:48
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:48 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 22:20
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 22:20 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Luc Pattyn21-Aug-17 23:14
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-Aug-17 23:14 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 1:31
Psudonym22-Aug-17 1:31 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff22-Aug-17 1:48
mveOriginalGriff22-Aug-17 1:48 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 17:22
Psudonym22-Aug-17 17:22 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Luc Pattyn22-Aug-17 1:56
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn22-Aug-17 1:56 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 18:13
Psudonym22-Aug-17 18:13 
GeneralI want to display this method into graphics form inside Private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Graphics graphics){} Pin
Member 1321093321-Aug-17 8:09
Member 1321093321-Aug-17 8:09 
GeneralRe: I want to display this method into graphics form inside Private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Graphics graphics){} Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 20:04
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 20:04 
Questionhow can I add data to datatable and bind it to datagridview c# Pin
ali nagi20-Aug-17 17:27
ali nagi20-Aug-17 17:27 
AnswerRe: how can I add data to datatable and bind it to datagridview c# Pin
Mycroft Holmes20-Aug-17 20:38
professionalMycroft Holmes20-Aug-17 20:38 
Questionhow cal i cal my list for left right and total and draw graphs Pin
Member 1321093318-Aug-17 4:31
Member 1321093318-Aug-17 4:31 
AnswerRe: how cal i cal my list for left right and total and draw graphs Pin
Dave Kreskowiak18-Aug-17 4:47
mveDave Kreskowiak18-Aug-17 4:47 
Questionhow can i Display Frequency graph of data i have.i stored it into list<>.now i want o display it as a graphical form Pin
Member 1321093318-Aug-17 5:33
Member 1321093318-Aug-17 5:33 
AnswerRe: how can i Display Frequency graph of data i have.i stored it into list<>.now i want o display it as a graphical form Pin
Dave Kreskowiak18-Aug-17 7:15
mveDave Kreskowiak18-Aug-17 7:15 
QuestionUnderstanding the steps in creating a GUI project named DisplayQuotes in Visual Studios IDE, C# programming Pin
Member 1336452016-Aug-17 16:14
Member 1336452016-Aug-17 16:14 

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