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AnswerRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
David Knechtges18-Feb-14 10:54
David Knechtges18-Feb-14 10:54 
GeneralRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
SledgeHammer0118-Feb-14 11:26
SledgeHammer0118-Feb-14 11:26 
QuestionRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
Eddy Vluggen18-Feb-14 11:20
professionalEddy Vluggen18-Feb-14 11:20 
AnswerRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
SledgeHammer0118-Feb-14 11:27
SledgeHammer0118-Feb-14 11:27 
GeneralRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-Feb-14 8:19
professionalEddy Vluggen19-Feb-14 8:19 
AnswerRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
Bernhard Hiller18-Feb-14 21:26
Bernhard Hiller18-Feb-14 21:26 
AnswerRe: Creating HUGE Bitmap objects? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon18-Feb-14 21:51
mvePete O'Hanlon18-Feb-14 21:51 
QuestionCompiling the codes Pin
Blubbo18-Feb-14 6:39
Blubbo18-Feb-14 6:39 
I am not sure if there is an easy way to compile the codes. I have created 1 exe and 4 dlls.

The exe relies (depends) on 4 dlls ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd').

Illustration is as shown below:
exe -> 'a' -> 'c' -> 'd'
    -> 'b' ----^

The 'd' dll is the lowest level. The 'd' is referenced in 'c' dll. and so on. Also that 'a' and 'b' dlls are referenced in exe.

Now when making changes in 'c' dll, I would compile the exe but the 'c' dll remains previous version, not updated when compiling the exe. I would have to compile each dlls ('a', and 'b') then the exe so that the updated 'c' dll is passed over to the exe.

Now for the question is there the easy way to compile those dlls at once? Thanks!

<edited>: Forgot to add that I'm using Visual Studio 2010

modified 18-Feb-14 12:56pm.

GeneralRe: Compiling the codes Pin
harold aptroot18-Feb-14 6:43
harold aptroot18-Feb-14 6:43 
GeneralRe: Compiling the codes Pin
Blubbo18-Feb-14 7:03
Blubbo18-Feb-14 7:03 
GeneralRe: Compiling the codes Pin
Blubbo18-Feb-14 7:48
Blubbo18-Feb-14 7:48 
AnswerRe: Compiling the codes Pin
Richard Andrew x6418-Feb-14 6:48
professionalRichard Andrew x6418-Feb-14 6:48 
Questionlooking for code to logout in multiple browser tab Pin
umesh lade18-Feb-14 4:56
umesh lade18-Feb-14 4:56 
AnswerRe: looking for code to logout in multiple browser tab Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Feb-14 11:49
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Feb-14 11:49 
GeneralRe: looking for code to logout in multiple browser tab Pin
Ramug1018-Feb-14 22:08
Ramug1018-Feb-14 22:08 
QuestionHow to load a function first? Pin
Member 776638518-Feb-14 0:28
Member 776638518-Feb-14 0:28 
AnswerRe: How to load a function first? Pin
Keith Barrow18-Feb-14 2:32
professionalKeith Barrow18-Feb-14 2:32 
GeneralRe: How to load a function first? Pin
Member 776638518-Feb-14 9:07
Member 776638518-Feb-14 9:07 
QuestionGetting rid of extra click... Pin
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 0:08
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 0:08 
AnswerRe: Getting rid of extra click... Pin
Shameel18-Feb-14 2:47
professionalShameel18-Feb-14 2:47 
GeneralRe: Getting rid of extra click... Pin
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 10:41
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 10:41 
AnswerRe: Getting rid of extra click... Pin
TnTinMn18-Feb-14 12:52
TnTinMn18-Feb-14 12:52 
GeneralRe: Getting rid of extra click... Pin
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 19:15
Danish Samil18-Feb-14 19:15 
QuestionHow to Implement the Search Engine(like google,bing, yahoo, etc.,) using C#? Pin
Anand Gunasekaran17-Feb-14 20:49
professionalAnand Gunasekaran17-Feb-14 20:49 
AnswerRe: How to Implement the Search Engine(like google,bing, yahoo, etc.,) using C#? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon17-Feb-14 20:52
mvePete O'Hanlon17-Feb-14 20:52 

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