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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Create Directory Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian17-Jan-07 1:20
professionalRajesh R Subramanian17-Jan-07 1:20 
AnswerRe: Create Directory Pin
KarstenK17-Jan-07 2:45
mveKarstenK17-Jan-07 2:45 
QuestionProxy server for yahoo messenger. Pin
spsharma17-Jan-07 0:15
spsharma17-Jan-07 0:15 
AnswerRe: Proxy server for yahoo messenger. Pin
ThatsAlok17-Jan-07 0:20
ThatsAlok17-Jan-07 0:20 
QuestionCRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent16-Jan-07 23:58
neilsolent16-Jan-07 23:58 
QuestionRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:56
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:56 
AnswerRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent17-Jan-07 5:34
neilsolent17-Jan-07 5:34 
AnswerRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent17-Jan-07 8:30
neilsolent17-Jan-07 8:30 
Further testing has revealed that the image data column is always corrupted (set to all zeroes) for the first row returned when Open() or Requery() is run against the CRecordset-derived class.. not sure what is different about this first row..


QuestionCListView selection question Pin
PatrykDabrowski16-Jan-07 23:18
PatrykDabrowski16-Jan-07 23:18 
QuestionDirectX 7 in normal mode Pin
svatich16-Jan-07 23:00
svatich16-Jan-07 23:00 
AnswerRe: DirectX 7 in normal mode Pin
Mark Salsbery17-Jan-07 5:33
Mark Salsbery17-Jan-07 5:33 
Questiondialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer16-Jan-07 22:45
cpp_prgmer16-Jan-07 22:45 
GeneralOT : Thank you [modified] Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:50
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:50 
GeneralRe: OT : Edit your article and add a title ! Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:23
professionalRajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:23 
Generalfixed Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:26
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:26 
GeneralRe: fixed Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:31
professionalRajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:31 
JokeRe: fixed Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:33
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:33 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 1:21
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 1:21 
GeneralRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
toxcct17-Jan-07 2:26
toxcct17-Jan-07 2:26 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:59
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:59 
GeneralRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 4:28
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 4:28 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
AshishMahajan15-Jan-09 22:49
AshishMahajan15-Jan-09 22:49 
QuestionLNK2001:unresolved external symbol __afxForceEXCLUDE Pin
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 22:27
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 22:27 
AnswerRe: LNK2001:unresolved external symbol __afxForceEXCLUDE Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:46
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:46 
GeneralRe: LNK2001:unresolved external symbol __afxForceEXCLUDE Pin
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 23:53
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 23:53 

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