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GeneralRe: Create Directory Pin
toxcct17-Jan-07 0:31
toxcct17-Jan-07 0:31 
GeneralRe: Create Directory Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian17-Jan-07 1:20
professionalRajesh R Subramanian17-Jan-07 1:20 
AnswerRe: Create Directory Pin
KarstenK17-Jan-07 2:45
mveKarstenK17-Jan-07 2:45 
QuestionProxy server for yahoo messenger. Pin
spsharma17-Jan-07 0:15
spsharma17-Jan-07 0:15 
AnswerRe: Proxy server for yahoo messenger. Pin
ThatsAlok17-Jan-07 0:20
ThatsAlok17-Jan-07 0:20 
QuestionCRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent16-Jan-07 23:58
neilsolent16-Jan-07 23:58 
QuestionRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:56
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:56 
AnswerRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent17-Jan-07 5:34
neilsolent17-Jan-07 5:34 
Thanks for your input.
Possibly could be caused by something like that.

I have run an isql statement and independently verified that the correct data is returned. So it would have to be caching within that database session. I'll try coding in dropping and recreating the connection, but it's obviously a terrible idea performance-wise.

Also, why would it return all zeroes? I would have thought you would just get the old copy of the image returned if caching was going on..

I don't have many ideas how I can effectively debug this.


AnswerRe: CRecordSet - odd behaviour with image data fields Pin
neilsolent17-Jan-07 8:30
neilsolent17-Jan-07 8:30 
QuestionCListView selection question Pin
PatrykDabrowski16-Jan-07 23:18
PatrykDabrowski16-Jan-07 23:18 
QuestionDirectX 7 in normal mode Pin
svatich16-Jan-07 23:00
svatich16-Jan-07 23:00 
AnswerRe: DirectX 7 in normal mode Pin
Mark Salsbery17-Jan-07 5:33
Mark Salsbery17-Jan-07 5:33 
Questiondialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer16-Jan-07 22:45
cpp_prgmer16-Jan-07 22:45 
GeneralOT : Thank you [modified] Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:50
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:50 
GeneralRe: OT : Edit your article and add a title ! Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:23
professionalRajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:23 
Generalfixed Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:26
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:26 
GeneralRe: fixed Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:31
professionalRajesh R Subramanian16-Jan-07 23:31 
JokeRe: fixed Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:33
toxcct16-Jan-07 23:33 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 1:21
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 1:21 
GeneralRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
toxcct17-Jan-07 2:26
toxcct17-Jan-07 2:26 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:59
David Crow17-Jan-07 3:59 
GeneralRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 4:28
cpp_prgmer17-Jan-07 4:28 
AnswerRe: dialog init / spin-ctrl msg handling Pin
AshishMahajan15-Jan-09 22:49
AshishMahajan15-Jan-09 22:49 
QuestionLNK2001:unresolved external symbol __afxForceEXCLUDE Pin
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 22:27
shivapriyak16-Jan-07 22:27 
AnswerRe: LNK2001:unresolved external symbol __afxForceEXCLUDE Pin
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:46
toxcct16-Jan-07 22:46 

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