What's in a sig becomes what's in a post, so forum rules apply.
We're fine with links to homepages, blogs etc - general "this is me" stuff. But not outright advertising.
Chris Maunder
Am I in Signature Jail?
I changed my sig line just to include my home page now, but it still doesn't show up.
If this is an automated process & it only shows up when the link is "clean" enough I can keep trying and not bother you. I'm just now sure how it works and how I can bother you the least.
modified 12-Dec-16 9:42am.
raddevus wrote: I changed my sig line just to include my home page now,
In looking at your profile your sig seems exactly the same.
Chris Maunder
That's odd. It had three links before and I thought that was what you were concerned with so I changed it to my main site which is my blog. Wonder why you are seeing something different?
It doesn't matter. However it shows up is fine....or if it doesn't show up at all, that's fine too.
I've seen a few articles that are missing the comments and discussion section. The header is there but no possibility to see existing comments or add new one. For example Arrgh.js - Bringing LINQ to JavaScript[^]
I'm just wondering if CP could be a more dynamic website. I mean, the whole page needs to be refreshed even to see an article's updated status like total viewers, downloads etc. And not to mention that it takes a new page to be opened to add comments or discussions. So it would be great if article's status could be updated on-the-fly I don't know what other people thinks but all these are my opinion. So let me know your opinion
We're currently working on updates to address exactly these issues.
Chris Maunder
Great I'm so much glad to hear that from you. Hope we will see the update very soon. All the best
Long live Code Project!
I thought that too initially but the Arduino part is C.
Choosing the "Everything Else" category might have been a better choice.
Thanks for the catch. I've removed it.
Sean Ewington
It looks like Sean was playing.
Speed of sound - 1100 ft/sec
Speed of light - 186,000 mi/sec
Speed of stupid - instantaneous.
No, I think he just let it past the Spam filter. Looking at the versions it would appear that OP was trying to update it after it got closed, leaving it in a slightly confused state.
Actually I marked it all as spam while it was in the filter.
Sean Ewington
Strange, it certainly got on to the QA queue.
I'm having a problem getting CP to display. I'm getting an error in the codeproject.global.ssl.fastly.net
This is the error:
GET https://cdn2.developermedia.com/a.min.js
(anonymous function) @ Lounge.aspx?fid=1159&fr=1:50
(anonymous function) @ Lounge.aspx?fid=1159&fr=1:51
If I copy an image link and open it in another tab, I get a not private message.
I hit advenced and proceed to display the image, I then go back to the CP tab and refresh and it's fine, temporarily.
Any ideas? This behavior just started a few days ago. I've got the latest .net, browsers, win7. It doesn't occur on phone or winio at home.
We've dug in and can't find an issue our end. The certs are all in place and are happily being accepted by everything we through at it.
Chris Maunder
Chris Maunder wrote: everything we through at it.
Just threw that out there, eh?
What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?
The metaphorical solid rear-end expulsions have impacted the metaphorical motorized bladed rotating air movement mechanism.
Do questions with multiple question marks annoy you???
me needs sleep.
Chris Maunder
It must be on my end. I'm currently leave one of your graphics on another tab, when I go to a new page in CP I have to go to the graphic, refresh, when it tell me I don't have a secure connection I do the advanced go there anyway drill, then back to the CP page, refresh and all is fine....until the next page.
I'm comfortable with that.
As opposed to those using IE on XP and Java 6. Poor souls.
Chris Maunder
In last Coding challenge, there is 40 solutions and there is 20 solutions on a page.
The problem is that the question shows 3 pages and the third page show no solution.
Coding challenge: convert tabs to spaces[^]
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein
Two things are difficult in programming: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer