The good news is that you will soon be able to buy as many 1-votes as you want. Even better, with the paid 1-votes, you will be able to 1-vote a post as many times as you like (until you run out of 1-votes, of course).
There is no obligation to vote, and the option to ask for clarification is present.
I will never again mention that I was the poster of the One Millionth Lounge Post, nor that it was complete drivel. Dalek Dave
CCC Link[ ^]
Trolls[ ^]
I don't feel a need to ask for clarification on an answer to a question that wasn't mine to begin with, unless the subject would happen to be very relevant to me. A reply should be clear and correct; if IMO it is wrong, then it is considered "bad".
And I am inclined to vote on things I have spent time on, i.e. the relevant messages in a thread that I have read and thought about. The voting system should not be such that it dissuades or refrains me from voting.
Dalek Dave wrote: There is no obligation to vote, and the option to ask for clarification is present.
That's true, it just puzzled me that I could only mark it as "bad". It's not consistent, and although I've seen it often, it bugged me not until now.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
When in doubt, don't vote...seriously. You don't have to vote. Instead, leave a question/reply/comment.
Just along for the ride.
"the meat from that butcher is just the dogs danglies, absolutely amazing cuts of beef." - DaveAuld (2011) "No, that is just the earthly manifestation of the Great God Retardon." - Nagy Vilmos (2011)
Slacker007 wrote: When in doubt, don't vote...seriously
I did not doubt; it was an incorrect answer as far as I was concerned, and I wanted to mark it as such. Partly, the result was as desired; the answer was no longer marked in green, indicating that it was not agreed on by everyone. It became nice green again after I corrected the vote.
Slacker007 wrote: Instead, leave a question/reply/comment.
Sounds like a good strategy to avoid arguments and downvotes. Doesn't fit me, though.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Eddy Vluggen wrote: Doesn't fit me, though.
Doesn't always fit me either.
Just along for the ride.
"the meat from that butcher is just the dogs danglies, absolutely amazing cuts of beef." - DaveAuld (2011) "No, that is just the earthly manifestation of the Great God Retardon." - Nagy Vilmos (2011)
There has been a lot of posts recently about univoter stalkers, etc. Let's face it: when John gets rolling about the IQ level of QA posters, it's fun to bitch-slap him with a 1-vote. But this can obviously lead to less-benevolent uses of the 1-vote, so here is my proposal: CP starts selling 1-votes for 10 for a dollar. So when you get 1-voted, you can feel good that you have helped CP's financial situation. Of course, 1-voting will also be seriously diminished. Who wants to spend money on such nonsense?
It's a win-win all around!
OK, that gets my 5
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
Use your 50 1-votes wisely.
Somebody in an online forum wrote: INTJs never really joke. They make a point. The joke is just a gift wrapper.
And my 1.
The way to earn the right to downvote is by also upvoting good things, no more, no less.
There was a joke icon, Luc.
C'mon, give us a grin. You know I'd never sell downvotes for $10.
$100 is a far more realistic number.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
An auction will earn you more, no doubt.
How about the 5-votes?
If articles had a "Related Articles" section it would be easy to link articles that are a series (part 1, part 2, etc...) or just articles that deal with the same subject. It would also be nice if this section could be edited by high level users so that we can add links to related content.
Reason this comes up is because a user is asking me about references to a topic, it would be easier to send him to one link that gives him more references than to try to search all of them out myself.
Will the virtual summit for 9/28 be recorded for later playback? I'm registered but cannot attend today.
Absolutely. We'll have them up for 90 days.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
Thanks Dave! I have responded on the other thread.
I have sent an article on Chart creator with MS Chart,But it is not published till now.
What reason can be?
There is a review process in place for articles now. For new authors, articles don't get automatically approved - people review them to ensure they are up to scratch and hopefully give feedback so that the author doesn't attract a barrage of 1-votes when the article goes live.
Thanks for reply.
Will they inform me if article not selected?
Unfortunately the "stuff needing approval" box has disappeared around the same time the six ton bus has landed at "some unknown location" (often referred to as GTA).
I have not recieved a codeproject newsletter since the September 16 mailing , entitled 'CodeProject | Mobile Developer News - Windows BUILD'. I double checked my mail filters and spam folders. I looked at my codeproject profile and everything appears to be in order.
-David Delaune