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Comments by BC @ CV (Top 95 by date)

BC @ CV 5-Mar-13 17:24pm View    
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil" -- DonaldKnuth
In my 10 years as a programmer I have rarely had a serious problem with code that performed too slow and have regularly had headache inducing problems with overly complicated and hard to maintain code. Unless the project requires super optimized performance I always go for the simplest most easy to read solution.
BC @ CV 1-Mar-13 10:52am View    
Actually the Contains() method will return true if there is a partial match.

true: StringToSearch = "This is a string with some text in it.";
TextBox1.Text = "tex";

false: StringToSearch = "This is a string with some text in it.";
TextBox1.Text = "txt";

true: StringToSearch = "Brian Williams";
TextBox1.Text = "Wi";
BC @ CV 28-Feb-13 12:19pm View're searching a blank string? O.o
I guess I don't understand what you're doing. All I can tell you is in the code I gave you the if will be true when the text in TextBox1 is found within the StringToSearch.
BC @ CV 28-Feb-13 12:14pm View    
5'd as well, I learned a few things.
BC @ CV 28-Feb-13 11:04am View    
How about "VB.Net" "Data" "Grid""? If you can't effectively research a topic, particularly one with as much material as data presentation, then you are in the wrong business. A software developer has to know how to research and be resourceful.