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by aroman
This blog entry shares a project that computes the band structure of a crystal having the diamond/zincblende structure, for various elements.
by Mukit, Ataul
this tip tells about a tool that converts a win32 rc file to XML
by kurta999
Automotive development tools and other things
by Andres Cassagnes
A basic guideline to start with GUI designing with wxWidgets

Latest Articles

by kurta999
Automotive development tools and other things
by aroman
This blog entry shares a project that computes the band structure of a crystal having the diamond/zincblende structure, for various elements.
by Vaclav Naydenov
How C++ library YB.ORM can help manipulate the data stored in RDBMS using domain classes. Basic concepts of ORM are explained by examples.
by Andres Cassagnes
wxWidgets resources examples and COM port communication.

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21 Jul 2021 by aroman
This blog entry shares a project that computes the band structure of a crystal having the diamond/zincblende structure, for various elements.
20 Jul 2011 by Mukit, Ataul
this tip tells about a tool that converts a win32 rc file to XML
1 Dec 2011 by LaxmikantYadav
To do this you can use PRINTER_INFO_2 which has a field called pPortName. And then you can string compare it with the string "FILE" and get all the queues which are connected to the "FILE" port. And you can similarly add in more parsing logic for detecting other virtual printers. This structure...
23 May 2023 by kurta999
Automotive development tools and other things
1 Dec 2011 by Mohibur Rashid
to add with Laxmi, I wrote(probably, cant recall, whether I wrote it or downloaded it from any site) to get all the list of printersint getAllPrinter(HWND hList){ int i,j; wchar_t *pPrInfo4=NULL; wchar_t *pPrInfoP=NULL; wchar_t *pStr =NULL; DWORD ...
29 Sep 2011 by sooraj from Bangalore
How to include and use new fonts in wxWidgets projet?I am using VS2005.I just want to print text using new ttf font.Thanks in advance!!
13 Oct 2011 by soori080
How to get the status of printer and the job sent to a printer using wxWidgets. Find the printer.Things I have to do is: 1. Find a printer. 2. Check the status of the printer. 3. Send the job to print. 4.Printer should Return an ack after the job fails/Completes.Thanks in advance.
13 Oct 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Take a look at PrintDlgEx[^] and the GDI Print API[^] on MSDN for some basic information.
21 Oct 2011 by sooraj subramanya
Hi,1. How to get the status of a printer and the jobs sent to printer using any language for MAC OS?2. Are there any interfaces in wxWidgets to get the print job status and the printer status?Tried Google for many days, Dint get any solution for MAC OS.In windows we can use the...
1 Dec 2011 by sooraj subramanya
How can a C++ program distinguish an actual printer from a virtual printer (e.g. a PDF creator)?
13 Dec 2011 by sooraj subramanya
Hi,Note : Please dont consider this as a repetitive question because MAC and windows like 2 different worlds so I decided to ask as 2 different questions.I am very new to MAC. Like in windows we can differentiate between real n virtual printers using port name of PRINTER_INFO...
15 Mar 2012 by ashriv
Hello friends,How to set week days start with Monday/Sunday with wxDatePickerCtrl .I am using the DatePickerCtrl- and wxWidget doc says ,it set 'Start Day of the week' from Locale settings.but it not work properly. so , is there any other way to do this?Thanks.
1 Feb 2012 by lixiaoxin
i want to setup a grid with tree-like controls,like the article below. But that article is based on MFC, what i need is based on wxWidgets.Tree control and Buttons for MFC Grid control[^]i want some help for how to advance a tree-like appllication in a grid?
21 Feb 2012 by sooraj subramanya
hi,am very new to mac and wxWidgets..I need to create an installer for a Mac application in xcode using wxWidgets. how to start with?Help please....
28 Feb 2012 by sooraj subramanya
hi,How to Include wxWidgets libraries in a COCOA application, so that I can build a COCOA app using wxWidgets??
6 Mar 2012 by sooraj subramanya
1. Carbon App2. Cococa app.We can create app using the above.Add that app to a dmg.Its Done!! :)
6 Mar 2012 by sooraj subramanya
Hi,have created an exe using wxWidgets,It has 4 wizards which i have created using wxWizards.But am unable to change the button name or enable /disable name of any 1 among 4 wizards.Its always giving next, cancel and back for me.How to change those .. Please help...
6 Mar 2012 by Chandrasekharan P
These links might help you [^] or [^]
18 Jun 2012 by sooraj subramanya
hi,I am providing a path name to a file in wxURL like wxURL url("");But I am not able to catch the one error when the file mentioned in the path is not present using wxURLError GetError().How to check whether the file is present or not and then continue...
19 Jun 2012 by Ravi Tuvar
Check this out to check if the file is exist on HTTP server..!How to check if a file exists over HTTP
19 Jun 2012 by amolpatil2243
Try like this, I have tried it in my application...string filePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "HP2133.jpg"; FileInfo imageFile = new FileInfo(filePath); bool fileExists = imageFile.Exists; Label1.Text = "File exits?: " + fileExists.ToString();
28 Oct 2012 by akc_joeson
When I use wxActiveXContainer and ShockwaveFlash ActiveX to display flash media, I set "transparent" to the ShockwaveFlash's "WMode" variable.However,the flash media's background still be rendered. the code:const CLSID CLSID_ShockwaveFlash = __uuidof(ShockwaveFlash);const IID ...
31 Jan 2013 by Patty7
Using wxWidgets, I have a wxWindow, with a wxWindow child window. If I disable the child window with EnableWindow(false), or Disable(), the parent window gets the mouse messages in Windows, but it does not work in Linux. In Linux the parent does not receive the mouse messages. What...
31 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Why do you think a disabled window should handle any input? Disabled is disabled, it should not do it. Just review your code design. You should handled the user input to the currently active window, and an active windows is always enabled, otherwise it is not active.—SA
10 Apr 2013 by vasantha kumar S
I want to have a image below a cursor when I drag and drop icons from a wxListctrl to a wxPanel.But when I try doing it i am not getting the image.Please help me out.Thank you.wxImageList* n1=ListCtrl1->GetImageList(wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);wxBitmapDataObject...
10 Apr 2013 by vasantha kumar S
I am Developing a windows application. IDE: CODEBLOCKSIn codeblocks there is no "mouseover event" to capture the mouse event.please help me out.Thank you
10 Apr 2013 by CPallini
Quote:In codeblocks there is no "mouseover event"Sure, but Windows API do provide the functionality. Just have a look at the documentation[^].
16 Apr 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
It looks like you need to track the Mouse Over state yourself by counting wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW and wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW events per Window.You'll probably be OK to set the initial flag state to false in all cases as you'll likely get an enter event on Window creation if the mouse is already over...
21 Jun 2013 by Member 9743899
I have this locale switching problem.First of all this is my directory structure:+ Project--+ locale-----+ en--------- ja--------- application.exeThis is part of my code:wxConfigBase *cfg = wxConfigBase::Get();lang = cfg->Read (Locale,...
23 Dec 2013 by chenfengrugao
This is my first time using wxwidgets, and encountered some error like some functions haven't defined:wxEntry, wxAppConsoleBase, ZN9wxtestApp6OnInitEv', and so on.D:/MyApps/digital_drawing/wxtest/wxtest/wxtestApp.cpp:17: undefined reference to `wxEntry(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*,...
23 Dec 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
You are missing an option to name the library file(s) that contain these references. In most cases it would be something likemingw32-g++.exe -LD:\Dev\CodeBlocks\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\gcc_dll -o bin\Debug\wxtest.exe obj\Debug\wxtestApp.o obj\Debug\wxtestMain.o obj\Debug\resource.res ...
4 Jun 2015 by KarstenK
Some search path for the include is missing. At first search the file "window.h" on your hard disk. If found add this sub path to your compiler path else install the SDK.Maybe removing the "wx/ part solves the problem?
9 Dec 2016 by alex_buz
Getting this error during wxWidgets compilation for FileZilla on Windows10/MSYS2/Cygwin.$ ./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-static --disable-shared --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-unicode --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin...
9 Dec 2016 by KarstenK
Both values are different structures, because the members are of different type. Look at the definition code of them. You cant convert them => make an instance and set the members.
21 Nov 2017 by KarstenK
In the Sample overview of wxwiget you find a link to sample applications which also demonstrates other stuff for you.
8 Dec 2017 by KarstenK
your exePath is a string object, which you must set in your window to some object like a label or a text field.
17 Dec 2017 by SureshMunna
im new to this technology ,so that i do not have any idea about this powershell launch with button will you plz help me. What I have tried: void GUIFrame::getAssemblyDir() { wxStandardPaths &path = wxStandardPaths::Get(); path.UseAppInfo(wxStandardPaths::AppInfo_AppName);...
13 Dec 2017 by Jochen Arndt
You do it like with any C/C++ program for Windows. Use the standard library function system - C++ Reference[^] to invoke cmd.exe or the CreateProcess function (Windows)[^] passing cmd.exe or powershell.exe with appropriate parameters.
1 Jan 2018 by Toufique-Sk
I am trying to build a mediaPlayer using Python (LIB: wxPython, Mplayer, MplayerCtrl, OpenCV). I am using openCV to give a no look Pause feature. Real Time pace detection is running on a infinite loop and in Mplayerctrl Pause serves as Both Pause and Unpause button. and also the playback...
9 Apr 2018 by Member 13536260
I think I really need help right now. I downloaded the wxWidget windows installer and build it with Visual Studio. Everything went fine (except for the fact that I waited 1 hour waiting for MSVC building it). Now I created a small project with these source: MainEdit.h #pragma once class...
9 Apr 2018 by Jochen Arndt
Avoid using absolute paths when including files. Because you have added the paths to the Include Directories just use the plain header file name: #include If that does not work use (I have not used wxWidgets with VS so far): #include
25 May 2021 by mustafa uop dawood
when use WX.FileDialog of WxWidgets and select file name contain Emoji character path from WX.FileDialog return question mark inside box ??? such as this original path selected "/Users/Mustafa/Desktop/😀Test 😍.txt" but the path returned from...
11 Aug 2014 by Andres Cassagnes
A basic guideline to start with GUI designing with wxWidgets
19 Aug 2013 by Oliver Kohl D.Sc.
This is a small "how to" that shows you how to get wxWidgets running under Windows
4 Sep 2014 by Andres Cassagnes
wxWidgets resources examples and COM port communication.
30 Oct 2014 by Vaclav Naydenov
How C++ library YB.ORM can help manipulate the data stored in RDBMS using domain classes. Basic concepts of ORM are explained by examples.
8 Dec 2017 by SureshMunna
while debugging I have got the path of the exe file in exePath variable,but i'm facing the problem to display it on the window. What I have tried: void Align::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxStandardPaths &path = wxStandardPaths::Get(); path.UseAppInfo(wxStandardPaths::AppInfo_None);...
4 Jun 2015 by ArbolOneDotOrg
Even though Code Blocks has a template for wxWidgets, I’d like to start my application from zero. So, I created an application using the ‘Console Application’ template and added the ‘#include ’ as the first step, as suggested here. But I get an error saying...
21 Nov 2017 by SureshMunna
Actually I have created one tree control with wxTreeCtrl class,but I cant get the checkboxes to that ctrl. I have tried in but no use, so will u plz tell me how to add checkboxes to that treectrl in wxWidgets. What I have tried: wxTreeItemId rootId = tree->AddRoot("Root"); wxTreeItemId...
17 Dec 2017 by SureshMunna
i have found the solution for this task. Try this: wxExecute("cmd");