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Great Reads

by Jesus Carroll
SQL Server 2016 introduces support for system-versioned temporal tables as a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point in time rather than only the data that is correct at the current moment in time.
by John Atten
Managing nested libraries using the GIT subtree merge workflow
by Ravi K. Acharya
The complete step-by-step guide to build a CI/CD pipeline for your Microsoft SQL Server database using Github, TeamCity and Octopus.
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to enable API versioning for ASP.NET Core Web API following three different techniques.

Latest Articles

by #realJSOP
A half-hearted approach to automatically versioning your projects
by Marcell Lipp
Git used for debugging
by Marcell Lipp
A proof introduction to Git blame and Git bisect
by Marcell Lipp
Interactive rebase tool in GIT

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10 Feb 2016 by Jesus Carroll
SQL Server 2016 introduces support for system-versioned temporal tables as a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point in time rather than only the data that is correct at the current moment in time.
16 Mar 2013 by John Atten
Managing nested libraries using the GIT subtree merge workflow
20 Oct 2019 by Ravi K. Acharya
The complete step-by-step guide to build a CI/CD pipeline for your Microsoft SQL Server database using Github, TeamCity and Octopus.
20 Jul 2017 by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to enable API versioning for ASP.NET Core Web API following three different techniques.
24 Sep 2015 by Matt T Heffron
I think this is what PIEBALDconsult was referring to: public void StartServer(bool InThread = false) { if (InThread) { Thread t = new Thread(it => StartServer((bool)it)); t.Start(false); } else { TcpListener listener = new...
18 Apr 2017 by Jochen Arndt
This would be hard to answer for anybody that has not seen your previous question How do I know the DLL version, in compile time?[^] An example using the sigcheck utility from the SysInternals suite: @ECHO off REM Specify source directory of your project here SET...
20 Mar 2020 by Marcell Lipp
Interactive rebase tool in GIT
7 May 2021 by Marcell Lipp
Git used for debugging
24 Sep 2022 by Gerry Schmitz
Quote: The version of .NET Framework (4.5 and later) installed on a machine is listed in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full. If the Full subkey is missing, then .NET Framework 4.5 or above isn't...
24 Sep 2022 by RickZeeland
The registry location seems to change per update as a user commented here: Correct approach to Check for .NET 6 installation - Microsoft Q&A[^] Quote: ...
27 Sep 2023 by OriginalGriff
You need to ask in the dedicated forum: CodeProject.AI Discussions[^]
31 Jan 2013 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,I'm implementing a project where I have a complex state object which needs to be stored away and at a later date consumed by a number of different services.The nature of this state object is that it is going to evolve where additional properties are added to the object.My concern...
31 Jan 2013 by Stephen Hewison
In asking my question I found the right terminology to find the answer in google.From .Net 2.0 onwards the framework has supported "Version Tolerant Serialization".This provides a number of tools for managing serialisation and deserialisation of object of different versions.These...
29 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Get rid of VSS by all means, as soon as possible!This is conceptually flawed and unreliable tool. Too many users suffered from it. Your code asserts are too valuable to trust it to proprietary unreliable system.Please see this discussion Revision control systems, which to choose...
7 Mar 2014 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,I'm looking for advice on web service API versioning.Until now we've used cache manifest web apps and web services to provide offline web functionality.This meant that we could be confident that the user would get the latest version of the software for the current API and...
7 Mar 2014 by Peter Leow
This article may help you to decide: best-practices-version-web-api[^]
2 Jun 2014 by Grant Weatherston
ok we'eve upgraded our server to Server 2012 from 2008, and made all sites live. This morning i went to install Team Foundation Server on the new server and it failed the pre-checks for configuring application tier.I then noticed several of our websites had gone down. The error was that it...
11 Oct 2018 by id-athul
I am using .Net framework 4.0, System.IO.Compression is only supported in 4.5. So I refered it from the 4.5 folder and it worked in my 4.0 application. Now the issue is that after publishing, I am not getting the dll(System.IO.Compression)in the Bin folder, So i am getting dll missing error...
24 Jun 2015 by Albert Holguin
Google provided an answer quickly.[^]If there is something there you don't understand, ask, but please try to find online resources first before asking questions.
20 Jul 2015 by Member 11849582
Hi,We have following scenario.We have lot of rules configured in database. There is an GUI which displays the rules to the developer and when developer makes any changes it gets stored in database.1) We want to create a version control for these rules where the history of these rules...
24 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Why making shorter something which is already based on wrong idea? The whole idea to create a new thread in a call is quite bad. There are different, much better variants, such as having a permanently working thread you feed with tasks (delegate instances); the tasks go in a blocking queue, so...
16 Mar 2017 by Dave the Golfer
I have created a project in using Visual Studio 2015. It all works well but needs to be improved to help users who are not computer literate and usually over 65 years old.I now need to modify the program. I want to implement some sort of configuration control and go to version control...
16 Mar 2017 by AnvilRanger
Here is a good link to get you started working with Team Services.Set up Team Services, Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio Team Services, or TFS[^]Here is a quick vid that might help you get started adding an existing solution to TFS.How to add a existing solution to TFS - YouTube[^]
17 Apr 2017 by Jochen Arndt
You have to create a user defined build step that makes this informatiomn available to your application before compiling. See Understanding Custom Build Steps and Build Events (VS 2010)[^]. A possible solution would be writing a batch / command file that gets the version string from the DLL...
14 Sep 2017 by Ch Smrutiranjan
Any pointers to Which API will update versioning in SharePoint 2013? And any code snippet to do it? What I have tried: I have checked update() vs systemupdate() but not sure about the API part.
14 Feb 2018 by Member 9983063
Hello Guys! i was working on android project now am change my system and install android studio and then when i import my project in android studio so i got this error Error:Failed to find Build Tools revision 25.0.3 i have installed all sdk and api of 25 but still am getting this error i dont...
14 Feb 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Failed to find Build Tools revision 25.0.3 - Google Search[^]
7 Mar 2019 by Randy Crockett
I am using Visual Studio 2017, developing Windows apps. I will be looking to hire a couple programmers soon and will need to make sure the new guys don't step on my previous work. I've used Visual Source Safe quite a bit over the years, but have not needed version control in over ten years. ...
7 Mar 2019 by F-ES Sitecore
I'd look into git. You can run a git server and have your devs connect to it. Visual Studio supports git so you can check in\out, examine history etc right from VS, and you'll probably want a dedicated git client too for maybe more advanced tasks. Popular git clients are git extensions,...
7 Mar 2019 by Mike Hankey
GIT is a distributed source control system, it creates a local copy of the repository. There's also Subversion which uses a central repository to keep the data. So if you want to look at top 10 VCS's see Top 10 Version Control Systems – Hacker Noon[^] and for a visual guide to VCS's see A...
14 May 2019 by Member 8647646
I have below controller structure - 1. ValuesController : Controller 2. ValuesV2Controller : ValuesController 3. ValuesV3Controller : ValuesV2Controller 4. ValuesV4Controller : ValuesV3Controller All controllers having one common method Get(Type value); to get a particular record. Type of...
30 Apr 2020 by Member 10053160
I am creating patch for my application to deploy small changes to customer. In my application I have 100 .CSProject. Out of 100 library I made code changes in class library A, B, C and Library D is calling to A,B and C library. So Is there any...
30 Apr 2020 by RickZeeland
Maybe you can use this VS add-in: Versioning Controlled Build[^] You can read the CodeProject article where it mentions "Increment modified projects" under Batch Commands: Versioning Controlled Build[^]
6 Sep 2021 by Ajeet S 2021
I have complete software built on .net code and visual studio 19 ver that has both windows and web apps. On the folder level complete code is inside a C:\Code\source\v2.000 and BuildAll.sln that builds the complete software is...
6 Sep 2021 by Richard Deeming
Rather than opening the solution, try opening the v2.000 folder. You should then be able to add the entire folder to source control. Develop code without projects or solutions - Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Docs[^]
12 Apr 2022 by Christopher Fernandes
I have an ASP.Net Web Forms project under which the BO, BL, DA class files are stored in the App_Code folder. I just recently added 3 class libraries to the project namely(projectBO, projectBL, projectDA) I use VisualSVN for version control with...
24 Sep 2022 by DoingWork
Dear Fellows How to check .net 6.x.x version installed or not by Registry ? for both x86 and 64 bit OS. What I have tried: I found 2 registry values by google but their exists multiple on different PCs. So I want to handle all registry keys...
2 Jul 2023 by Aarón Barreira Diz
Greetings, I have a database that I have generated in SQL Express 2014 (its version right now is 12.0.2000.8). However, I have noticed that when adding it to Visual Studio 2017 as a local copy (to make it server independent), the version is...
2 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You can try and copy files manually, we had an instance beforw with different files and the following seemed to work for us, in your case the following might help - Visual Studio's SQL Server Local Database tools and packages are designed to...
2 Oct 2023 by Randy McClure
The new version paired with BlueIris does not seem to work. Support has recommended that I use v2.0.8. Where can I find that download? What I have tried: Searching the internet with no luck
19 May 2020 by Marcell Lipp
A proof introduction to Git blame and Git bisect
2 Mar 2020 by Marcell Lipp
GIT has a huge amount of users, but there are only a very few who know all the differences between cherry-pick, rebase and merge.
23 Oct 2016 by Zebedee Mason
How I avoid embarrassing releases (now)
2 Sep 2014 by Rohan Kishor Garud
RoundhousE (RH) is a database migrations engine that uses plain old SQL Scripts to transition a database from one version to another.
30 Sep 2014 by Dominic Burford
Versioning your .NET application with Nant and Subversion
3 Jun 2022 by #realJSOP
A half-hearted approach to automatically versioning your projects
21 Oct 2015 by Olivia Glenn
Create meaningful version numbers that everyone - developers, testers, operations, managers, and even end-users - will find helpful
7 Jan 2013 by mumera
3 Effective Techniques For Software Versioning
24 Sep 2015 by SrgjanX
Is there a way to make this code shorter? Whenever I call function in thread I have to do this, making two function for one, maybe you think I'm dumb, but I really need a shortcut to this, I make my code looks stupid using this method. It looks like this:public void StartServer(bool...
28 May 2013 by Member 8150207
Can we maintain documents(like SRS) versioning in Visual Source Safe
2 Jun 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
What happened that you updated you .NET Framewrok to 4.5 (default on 2012). Now your older config file has no WebPage version info (that the case on project created with VS 2012 or before). now your application will try to choose the default (4.5) framework but unable to work with, so you have...
23 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You should not do such things. The namespace "System.IO.Compression" is used by several DLLs all put in the GAC. You should always reference those DLLs by strong names, not by their executable modules. Please...
24 Jun 2015 by pyler
I want to download some "*.c" and "*.java" files onto my dektop from a server I connected to via ssh. CVS is the only currently supported version control system on the server and I'm not very familiar with it.So how do I checkout files/folders from the server onto my desktop using cvs?
17 Apr 2017 by Zon-cpp
Hi, My project is with VC2010 . I use from a dll in this project. i register and use ".tlb" file of this Dll. #import "C:\Windows\System32\MyDll.tlb" raw_interfaces_only How do i determine the version of current dll, that is registerd in my system, when i'm compiling the project? I want: ...
18 Apr 2017 by Zon-cpp
Hi how write version of a file in a text file, by a batch file? What I have tried: have a batch file that writes version of a specified file in a text file.