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by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.
by Muhammad Magdi
Simple native file Uploader with a progress bar without using flash player or any external file Upload plugins
by Serge Jerkezian
How to upload, rename and resize in MVC

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by Muhammad Magdi
Simple native file Uploader with a progress bar without using flash player or any external file Upload plugins
by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.
by Serge Jerkezian
How to upload, rename and resize in MVC

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10 Dec 2016 by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.
17 Jun 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
All you need is a cloud storage (because you are not sure of whether to use 4Shared or MediaFire). You can look for other options, I have used Dropbox API[^], which was convenient for me a lot. C# is a programming language, not a software application to connect to services and upload files....
28 May 2024 by Richard Deeming
Quote: function uploadFile() { var file = _("file").files[0]; var formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("file", file); Your uploadFile function explicitly only sends the first file from the first input. If you want to upload...
9 Apr 2015 by Mario Z
First I don't know why you are using sessionState in MVC, note that a good practices dictates that you should consider avoiding them (even before the MVC was introduced).Nevertheless back to your upload issue, you can modify the project's web.config file to enable the 2GB upload. To be more...
14 Jan 2016 by Stephen Hewison
What type of affinity are you using in your NLB?If your server affinity is important for your processes to work I'd suggest using the Network affinity option.We have users behind load balanced proxy servers. This means subsequent requests can come from different public IP addresses. ...
9 May 2016 by Nayan Ambaliya
Dear all, Environment:ASP.Net web application - windows authentication (disabled anonymous authentication) - Intranet web application - Form with jQuery file upload (Ajax Mini Upload using blueimp) - Able to select multiple files when click browse - adds and upload simultaneously using...
15 Feb 2018 by Tim Carmichael
Regardless of the type of code, the issue is still the same. If a default item has not been provided, what should the default item be? In this case, you can pick an image of your choice as the default image, then, when the user chooses an image, replace the image with what the provide. So, your...
13 Mar 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
You can't encrypt the file at the client. Well, you probably could but it's worthless as you'd need to expose your "secrets" allowing anyone to decrypt your data. If you want to avoid man in the middle attacks then use https, that's what it's there for.
27 Nov 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Looking at the ByteArrayInputStream (Java Platform SE 7 )[^] documentation it would appear that this parameter is a staging buffer for reading the input stream. You need to provide a buffer of some number of bytes for the upload to use.
30 May 2019 by MadMyche
The best way to do this would be to not build your own JSON from scratch; and to use JavaScripts FormData object to assemble the information and submit it. Thoughbot | Ridiculously simple Ajax uploads with FormData[^] SitePoint | Easier Ajax With the HTML5 FormData Interface — SitePoint[^]...
11 Sep 2019 by MadMyche
Well for starters you have invalid HTML; form nesting is generally prohibited Please select the option: Choose from the list MyReport...
2 Dec 2019 by Herman<T>.Instance
REPOST! See SQL .bak file upload site - Web Development Discussion Boards[^]
5 Oct 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Quote: i mean base64 for encode the image but, i dont wanna use that.. so, i remove it You cannot remove it. For large data like image, you need to pass this using Request Body. HTTP uses the byte format of the data in the body. You think you...
3 Nov 2020 by Richard Deeming
Try prefixing your UNC path with two forward slashes: $targer_dir = "//".$nama.".jpeg"; NB: You will need to validate the $nama variable to ensure that it doesn't contain any invalid...
14 Jan 2022 by CHill60
You need to read the documentation or talk to the community at Shopify Community · Shopify Help Center[^]
12 Aug 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
See Trail: JDBC Database Access (The Java™ Tutorials)[^]
22 Oct 2023 by M Imran Ansari
You can upload a file to an AWS S3 bucket and get the URL using the AWS SDK for .NET, which is available as the AWSSDK.S3 NuGet package. First, install the AWSSDK.S3 package using NuGet. You can do this by running the following command in the...
13 Feb 2024 by Richard Deeming
Applications which are not running "elevated" do not have write access to the Program Files / Program Files (x86) folders by default. This has been the case for many years. You need to choose a better location to store the files you want your...
18 Jan 2015 by saxenaabhi6
I wrote svc service to upload a file to server, the service run in streamed mode and i can chunk file in any size before uploading. My test run is to upload files (all 1Gb+) over 50 + test connections (over 50 Gb Data). To do that i created a console application that consumes that file service...
4 Feb 2015 by Member 11302653
Hi,I want to upload a video larger than 1 or 2 GB then how to upload it using Mvc?Thanks
4 Feb 2015 by Liju Sankar
Please refer this Article on Uploading Large Files Through Web Service[^]also refer this thread.[^]
4 Feb 2015 by Yesii
This thread offered a third party control which can upload maximally 4 GB files to server side:[^]
22 Feb 2015 by Aditya_Goud
How to upload a file in windows phone i mean which controls are used to browse the files (phone Content) are they pre-defined for windows phone or do we need to create manually. Browsing them and uploading them .
1 Mar 2015 by ENG.Samy Sammour
I am trying to make a multiupload code.with two button :add : to add the file from fileupload to a list.upload : to upload all the file from the the list i am saving :Vale = the file name.FullPath = full path from the client side.and i want to upload them from the...
1 Mar 2015 by Abhinav S
The path on the client side will not be sent to the server - Get Full Path from FileUpload control in ASP.Net[^].Just the file will be transferred.
14 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
We can't answer that: there are just far too many differences.Common reasons are:If you are using any databases, you could have the connection strings wrong.You could be using MessageBox and expecting that to work.You could be trying to use applications that are installed on your PC,...
8 Apr 2015 by Member 10875212
can any one help me i create upload project but i cant upload large size i read more articles and i try more to put this value in Max Length but i cant if i put 3 G i ...
15 Apr 2015 by Menci Lucio
Hi,I published an article, and posted also its relative code. Someone said that this code was not readable. I downloaded the .zip file, corrected the wrong files, removed the old file from article, and uploaded the new one.He says that this file still not readable. It could be because the...
15 Apr 2015 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to post this question here: Help -> HelpArticle Writing Discussion[^]
27 Apr 2015 by Modi Mayank
Try something like, $("").trigger("click");Check here for more details.
15 May 2015 by kubibay
Hi,I want to cors upload my video file from browser to Amazon S3 storage via project. But I keep getting this error:the request signature we calculated does not match the signature you providedHere is the javascript code I have;function uploadFile() { var access_key =...
31 May 2015 by Member 11670657
I have to upload multiple files. So i am using Ajax.ActionLink for that. @Ajax.ActionLink("Choose File", "UploadItemView", new { }, new AjaxOptions { ...
20 Jun 2015 by OriginalGriff
Here is how I do it: A generic Image-From-DB class for ASP.NET[^]
20 Jun 2015 by Member 11411753
I solved the problem.. thanksClass1 cl = new Class1(); string ID = Session["IDUSER"].ToString(); byte[] bytes = (byte[])cl._Get_PicInfoGV(" WHERE EmailID = '" + ID + "'").Rows[0]["PicData"]; string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); ...
18 Aug 2015 by Member 11919181
Hello,I built a new website with the help of ASP.NET and I used MS-Access for database connectivity.I registerd a domin in,could anyone tell me now what should i do because i am new in the makket of web developing.
19 Aug 2015 by orgilhp
I am using python to upload a file to ftp server. My code is belowimport ftplibs = ftplib.FTP('', 'username', 'password')f = open('filename to upload', 'rb')s.storbinary('STOR filename', f)This code gives me an error.soccet.error: [Errno 111] Connection refusedWhen...
30 Aug 2015 by edward-l
I'm currently coding a program that handles images and show a preview before upload them, that preview includes the option of deleting some items of the bunch selected. I've look over it and as far as I've been able to read in posts related to this question is "not possible" and the most viable...
30 Aug 2015 by Patrice T
Quote:My problem lies in how I'm going to upload the remaining files since the items in the file element stays immutable....If the list is immutable and you can't update it, may be you can reload it the same way you loaded it on first time.
10 Oct 2015 by Member 12048582
guys I m working on a project in which I have to upload file to amazon s3 from fileupload . I want a simple way to do it. I m new to this so I don't know how to do it . I will appreciate if you shared a sample code for it.
10 Oct 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Let me Google that for you...[^]
18 Oct 2015 by IshaqSalam
hi..i'm beginner in programmingI have a problem to upload image to ditectory in server.this is my simple codeDim image As Imagedim URLFolder As String = "http://IP Server/destination/"....image.Save(URLOpenFolder + "test.png")but it's not workplease help me..
19 Oct 2015 by nikhilbhanda
I have a brief information about how to fetch pins and board of my pinterest account using this linkhowever I want to post a Picture with Title and Description with windows form or WPF application, by going through abouve link but it saysExample requestReplace and...
18 Nov 2015 by George Jonsson
Have you tried to set the credentials?WebClient.Credentials Property[^]
7 Jan 2016 by Torakami
Hi , I want to give functionality where user can upload photo for his profile picture .But on my teamplate the image which displays is in very small size as profile image.I am not getting how can i convert that image so proper image will be available as profile on my master page
14 Jan 2016 by Member 7741262
Hi,I have a problem with Load balancing severs with my .net MVC application. In My application we generates XML/TXT file and Save it in Server and user will download the XML/TXT file from server.The problem is when the user generates XML/TXT file and save it in server, user is...
16 Feb 2016 by NerdyButNew
I have a IIS Server and I have a KCFinder (combined with an CKEditor) to upload images and files over an editor. When I upload an image it gets uploaded fine and I can see it. Other admin users can see it as well. But each other user that isn't in the admin group has no permissions to the...
22 Mar 2016 by arslan afzal bhatti
i am trying to upload a video to YouTube by using YouTube data API, from my application but unfortunately the API which provided by YouTube developers is not working before three weeks i tested the code and it was working fine but now when i try to finally use it in my application its causing...
1 Apr 2016 by vJay Yadav
I have application which communicate with Two servers.1. Main Server (My all application are here)2. Audio server (Here the client upload audio with help of application hosted at main server)Both server are in LAN network.I am connecting to Audio Server from my local machine with...
31 Mar 2016 by RickZeeland
You might try to turn NetResource into a struct instead of using a class.
1 Apr 2016 by vJay Yadav
I fixed it my own,The issue was i didn't provide domain name to the server while login. Thus an overload of method with domain name worked for is itusing (NetworkConnection.Access(AudioServer.NetworkPath.Remove(0, 2), AudioServer.DomainName,AudioServer.Username,...
12 May 2016 by kubibay
I need to find a way to upload files without interruptions for MVC project. Even if I open another page from the site, I want the upload to continue. Is there a way to do this for .net MVC Project ?What I have tried:I don't have anything in my mind. Looking for solutions.
12 May 2016 by Kunwar Bahadur Singh
Refer thisAsp-net-mvc-Async-File-Uploading-using-JQuery
5 Jun 2016 by Nithin B
Hi,I have database with EmpNo(Int) and EmpImage(Image) columns.I am using HttpHandler to display the Images.I am storing Images both in database and folder.Now I want to change the names of Images in folder as names of EmpNo whose I didnt change while uploading.So need to...
5 Jun 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
If you're not storing the image name in the database you cant magically expect SqlDataReader to invent a name for you. I can think of two options, but, the first of those would depend on the image name being part of the metadata for the image - as in EXIF data - so, ignoring that ...Option...
11 Jul 2016 by kubibay
I have an MVC project. I have a video upload page. What I want to do is once the user uploads a big sized video file I want user to be able to browse around the website without upload interruption. User will start the upload and see the progress of upload on all pages.What I have tried:I...
20 Jul 2016 by Sake562
Upload folder to ftp server in c#What I have tried:I searched some resources but i couldnt find anything
20 Jul 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't upload the folder. You upload the files in the folder one at a time.
20 Jul 2016 by Patrice T
Easy solution:- Use an FTP client, they are feature rich.Hard solution:- Build your own FTP client.
4 Aug 2016 by KyLim0211
i have a upload function in my system which allow user to upload their pdf file.when i upload file from my pc to server , no issuemy pc --> //
4 Aug 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Your previous location will work because the uploaded image files are stored within your website root folder which has proper permissions configured in IIS.Your new path for upload is hosted outside of your website which why you are getting error (e.g permissions error). To overcome that,...
24 Aug 2016 by Richard Deeming
Once again, document.querySelector()[^] returns the first matching element. If there is no matching element, it returns null.Your document does not contain an element, so document.querySelector('img') will return null.You then attempt to set the .src property on the returned value,...
19 Jul 2018 by Max7891
0down votefavorite I'm very new to AngularJs I could manage to develop CRUD SPA using Angular and ASP.NET MVC , I wanted to upload single image with every record I add in my database beside store the image path in every record something like product id ,name, quantity and the image...
19 Sep 2016 by Harpreet05Kaur
HI,Please refer to the following link, It will help you. File Upload Using AngularJS and ASP.NET MVC5[^]
27 Oct 2016 by PEIYANGXINQU
Now I want to upload the picture to the server,before uploading it,I want to edit it,such as rolling angle,cropping.I find the plugins but some of them can not work in ie6,some of them can work but do not have rolling angle function? Do you know any jquery plugin?What I have tried:The...
28 Nov 2016 by Atul Shriram rane
I have implemented Excel upload functionality and its working fine on my machine but when I am deploying it on Web Server, Its not working and in Event Viewer I can see below mention Error:C# code:HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["UploadedFile"]; ...
28 Nov 2016 by Mehdi Gholam
Excel interop [and interop in general] is not meant to be used in a server environments (and you have to install MS Office on your server in any case).Try using libraries instead like : EPPlus-Create advanced Excel spreadsheets on the server - Home[^]
20 Dec 2016 by Richard Deeming
If you're using a modern browser[^], you can use the FormData class[^] to upload the file:function ChooseFileFunction() { var fileToUpload = document.getElementById(''); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url:...
22 Dec 2016 by super_user
I am trying to upload multiple files.. if user may upload 1 file then they may b go with submit button but if user wants to upload multiples files then they should click on upload more files and then next fileupload will be display how i do this.. i want to upload file separtely .. not want to...
22 Dec 2016 by Snesh Prajapati
Below article is solving same issue:Uploading Multiple Files Using jQuery and Generic Handler in ASP.Net 4.5[^]
25 Dec 2016 by Leena0711
Urgent help to upload video using webservice on vimeo pro account.What I have tried:Tried from all sites. Not getting code.
25 Dec 2016 by OriginalGriff
It doesn't quite work like that.We do not do your work for you.If you want someone to write your code, you have to pay - I suggest you go to and ask there.But be aware: you get what you pay for. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.The idea of "development" is as the word...
28 Dec 2016 by Leena0711
Below is my code. Which is working fine and uploading video on my vimeo account. But the responseArray always returns null. I want the uploaded video id in return. Can anybody help on response from viemo with uploaded video id.WebClient wc = new WebClient(); ...
27 Feb 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Windows Phone's WebView perhaps does not file upload itself — see here, File uploading not possible from inside a Webview?[^]. Maybe Microsoft did not want users to upload the content, using WebView. An alternate to this would be to use your own HttpClient object and then upload the file to...
19 Mar 2017 by H.AL
I made a complete javascript function using jquery and ajax to upload files ... Everything is working perfectly untill I realized that for some files the error function is fired in ajax instead of success function. Below is my code:$.ajax({ url: 'MyService.asmx/UploadFiles', ...
19 Mar 2017 by H.AL
I found it: I have just added this block in my web.config file The problem was when file size is nearest 5MB, then the request fails
3 May 2017 by Wessel Beulink
The bottom line is that one of your columns in the source table is bigger than your destination columns. You need to find that column and change it in a bigger size value.
26 Jul 2017 by Member 10939272
I am using Puploader to upload file in a java project. I am restricting some of the filetypes like .exe from uploading. But when the extension is changed it gets uploaded. For example, when a user changed the extension of the test.exe file to test.txt and tried to upload, its get uploaded in the...
26 Jul 2017 by OriginalGriff
No, there isn't. The file extension is what gives the file it's "type", there is no other "signature"to a file which gives this information. And the file extension is part of the file name and can be changed at will; previous file names (including extension changes) are not stored anywhere and...
7 Nov 2017 by ddgjgj
These are the classes im working with : public partial class AttachmentFile { public string Id { get; set; } public string FileName_ { get; set; } public string Ext_ { get; set; } public int FileSize_ { get; set; } public Nullable...
9 Nov 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
If you're posting this to show people how to do it, posting it AS A QUESTION in this forum is the wrong way to do it. Write up an article instead. Also, what is "best practice" is dependent on the application and requirements. What you posted is not a "best practice" for every situation. Hell,...
13 Jan 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Grant Storage Permissions FIrst! You need to set the correct permissions in your manifest, as listed in the Android documentation.
23 Jan 2018 by Member 13637584
Hi I have a feature below in which allows user to upload a profile picture for themselves, Store in directory and in the database which links to their USERID. Once they upload, i want to display this image and also display if they go out of it and then back in? Can someone help me out with code...
23 Jan 2018 by webmasterVM
so you want the previous updated image on the page when turning back? if(isset($_SESSION ['currentUserID'])){ echo " Upload an image of yourself here!
30 Jan 2018 by Member 13625812
Hi I have an upload feature which has a delete feature on this. See below my deleteProfile code which runs on MyProfile, once i select delete file it redirects to a blank page under 'deleteProfile.php' whereas I want it to stay on MyProfile.php can someone help? What I have tried:
30 Jan 2018 by luplup
You cannot redirect with header(location) after have begin writing the buffer with echo. And line 4, like Rashid said, there is another mistake, you send php in another file, and so it never execute line 5 and all the next.
8 Mar 2018 by Member 13690846
Hi All, I am trying to connect to Office 365 using console application , please find my cod ebelow. But i am getting error Cannot contact site at the specified URL What I have tried: using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using...
5 Mar 2018 by Maciej Los
Quote: You can use your My Site to share information and connect with other people to build your professional network. This article describes some key features, and provides some steps to help you get started. As is described above, you need to configure your sharepoint site. I'd strongly...
8 Mar 2018 by Member 13690846
I tried many things with no success. SO i have tried with Microsoft Graph and it worked fine.
13 Mar 2018 by Member 12666574
I have code to encrypt and decrypt files using Cryptography and Steganography to upload it to a server and return download it with the same manner. but code is run at server. how to make the encryption and decryption process executed at client side to avoid man in middle attack. ...
21 Mar 2018 by A_Griffin
This will work with any file type on the serverResponse.Write(Request.Headers("X-File-Name")) Dim output As FileStream = File.Create(PathToFolderEndWithBackSlash & Request.Headers("X-File-Name")) Dim input As Stream = DirectCast(Request.InputStream, Stream) Dim...
5 Jun 2018 by Member 13808853
Hi, First Many Thanks for your site with information. I have used your Multiple File upload using jquery. Lightweight Multiple File Upload with Thumbnail Preview using HTML5 and Client Side Scripts[^] In that After validation, the file is in the Filelist . If any of the validation fails...
1 Jul 2018 by Member 13894210
My code was working fine for one image upload.I tried to upload three images and save it in another folder. I also changes php.ini file max_post_size=32M I am not getting nay error but unable to move uploaded file in defined location. html code: please help,i am stuck in this issue...
16 Aug 2018 by SANDIP A PATIL
Dear All, I Have one project like Naukari and Monster, within Project i need to upload the Resume, after uploading resume file it will automatically read the content from File and Separate the Field like Name, Contact, Email, Skills and store into DB . Please give me the Suzzetions Thanks, ...
16 Aug 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
Didn't search very hard: GitHub - bjherger/ResumeParser: A framework to parse resumes, extract contact & other information, and check for required terms[^] How To Create Your Own Job Board Using WordPress | Elegant Themes Blog[^]
25 Oct 2018 by Anele Ngqandu
I am having issues with the end point of fine uploader, it refuses to hit the api controller. After drag and drop it goes straight to onSubmitted but does not use end point. Please assist what am I missing. What I have tried: var galleryUploader = new qq.FineUploader({ element:...
25 Oct 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
It is going to onSubmitted because you have submitted the file to be uploaded. Events | Fine Uploader Documentation[^] If it's not hitting your endpoint then the issue is probably something else. Maybe the trailing slash you have on the endpoint address? Check the network tab of the browser...
1 Nov 2018 by Harry Ike
I have tried everything i found on net and none seem to work and ive been on this for past 2 weeks. i want to be able to upload image file along with other form data and insert or update my sql DB. the list and delete works fine while create and update shows an error that says Error...
27 Nov 2018 by ruggedtexts
The following code is from this link starting on line 85. I'm a beginner in Java and Google Cloud Storage. I understand all of it except for the second parameter, "file", that is to be the byte array format. If I have a video that is 100GB what would the byte array parameter be? * Uploads...