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by ASP.NET Community
The ListView control is a new data presentation control that was added to .Net 3.5 , you may wonder why its added to the framework , and what it
by ASP.NET Community
Here is a simple, pictorial example of inserting, updating, deleting and paging records using ListView

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by ASP.NET Community
The ListView control is a new data presentation control that was added to .Net 3.5 , you may wonder why its added to the framework , and what it
by ASP.NET Community
Here is a simple, pictorial example of inserting, updating, deleting and paging records using ListView

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11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
  The ListView control is a new data presentation control that was added to .Net 3.5 , you may wonder why its added to the framework , and what it
2 Nov 2017 by Mrunal Sonawane
Hey... As someone already stated that you cannot really download the folder as such, but you need to download the files one by one. You can get the list of the files from the 'ListDirectory'... Try this maybe... Private Shared Sub Main(args As String()) Dim ftpRequest As FtpWebRequest =...
29 May 2014 by Peter Leow
update product set productname = productname + '.v1'where supplierid in (1, 4);select * from product
7 Feb 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You have two different spellings for your connection object, which one is correct?OleDbConnection _Connection = new OleDbConnection(sConnection);_Connection.Open(); // ***** _Connectionstring cmd = string.Format("Update [{0}$A106880:A106880] set F1 = 12",...
15 Feb 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
First, you posted additional information as a SOLUTION to your own question. Bad move.Second, you're asking about the functionality of a library from an article. Authors of articles support their articles, not the general community.Ask your question in the forum as the bottom of the...
13 Nov 2016 by OriginalGriff
There are two problems here a use you haven't met one of them yet, because the other prevents it occurring.The problem you have met is simple: you cannot access class instance fields, properties, methods, or events within a Shared method because it (by definition) does not have an instance...
6 Sep 2017 by Patrice T
Check if every field is a string or not. Not a solution to your question, but another problem you have. Never build an SQL query by concatenating strings. Sooner or later, you will do it with user inputs, and this opens door to a vulnerability named "SQL injection", it is dangerous for your...
2 Nov 2017 by CodingIsDreamy
Ive tried the code i use to download a file but when i try and download a folder it doesn't work here's the code -- Public Sub CheckForUpdates() Dim localFile As String localFile = Application.StartupPath & "/Database/Sigs/" Const remoteFile As String =...
7 May 2018 by Kamil Cieplinski
Ok, I found the solution! foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows) { if (!row.IsNewRow) { row.Cells["Item"].Value = row.Index+1; } }
19 Nov 2021 by Chris Copeland
What you're observing is a something called Javascript Routing[^]. JS now has a way to intercept changes in the URL and action changes on the screen accordingly. Popular frontend JS frameworks support routing, such as: React[^] Angular[^]...
19 Nov 2021 by deXo-fan
Hi all, I see this on more and more websites: you click a link and the URL in the browser becomes whatever the href-part of the link is set to, but the browser doesn't reload the page. I know how this can be done with JavaScript, but that...
27 Jan 2013 by geoyar
I am trying to update my article.On the Update page I see buttons "save draft", "Upload files", "Preview", and "Publish".What button should I use to submit updates for editing?Also, when I am opening the Update page, I see all archive files appended to the article dated by the current...
27 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Just "Publish".If you can see a mess with dates, or anything else, first test it very accurately and record the steps to reproduce the problem. Then report the problem here:[^].—SA
1 Feb 2013 by rrjoshi2321992
this is my code for gridview update event.after i change value in text box in edit mode still it passes old value.. protected void SubCategoryGrid_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { string scn; int catid; int scatid =...
2 Feb 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
after i change value in text box in edit mode still it passes old value..This generally happens when you rebind the grid again before the event is raised. To handle/avoid it, make sure you have wrapped your datagrid databind code within page property IsPostback.if(!IsPostback){ //...
10 Jul 2013 by User 8696850
Hello everyone,I am developing c# win-form application.I need to add an option for automatic update ,i was using Click Once but it does not all time update to last version and give some problem sometime ..Did they are something else that i can use??Thanks in advance
10 Jul 2013 by Deenuji
Try the following linksLink1Link2All the Best
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Here is a simple, pictorial example of inserting, updating, deleting and paging records using ListView
6 Nov 2013 by Member 10327058
Hi all, i am using infragistics grid to insert,edit.. so far i was able to complete insert part. But now I am stuck with updating part.. I will post below my codes and can some one help me to figure out this issue..ig:WebDataGrid ...
10 Apr 2014 by Member 10717094
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ sqlCon.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update ItemInfo set Item_Name=@Item_Name, Dosage=@Dosage, Generic_Name=@Generic_Name where (Item_Name=@Item_Name)", sqlCon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Item_Name",...
10 Apr 2014 by Peter Leow
You have not used @Supplier_Namein your sql query, could one of the item_name supposed to be supplier_name?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[round 2]So the @Supplier_Name has not effect here, why add it as parameter? You sql query is saying that "Look for those records whose...
19 May 2014 by orgiliih
How to get old changes of a table row?Please see below to get close:when I update a row:update tTable set Note='test note 1' where id = 100 -- on 2014-05-13update tTable set Note='test note 5' where id = 100 -- on 2014-05-16update tTable set Note='test note 9' where id = 100 -- on...
19 May 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Your update command wrote the new value every time on the same row, updating the column (and if there are more than one rows with the same id it updates all of them), and SQL has no mechanism to store history - that's something you have to...
29 May 2014 by Kunal Ved
I have some data with given belowProduct tableProductID ProductName SupplierID1 Chai 12 Chang 13 Aniseed Syrup 19 Mishi Kobe Niku 410 Ikura ...
19 Jun 2014 by anup.bhunia
In windows application you could achieve that handling OwnerDraw or DrawSubItem events. If you change any value of the subitem, it will fire the DrawSubItem event and on that event you could draw the progress.You could refer to following article for more...
19 May 2016 by Krishna Chaitanya Bezawada
Hi,I have developed a c# windows forms application which will get particular data from an SQL table and displays the data in the data grid view in the form.For example, there is a textbox in c# form. If a user fills the text box with what he needs, it will get the particular data of the...
19 May 2016 by koolprasad2003
If you show the data then gridview then you can save the changed value in database, for that you can use 'CellValueChanged' eventsee below snippetprivate void dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e){ if(dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name ==...
9 Aug 2016 by Pete Rad
I have followed an online tutorial to guide me through connecting to an Access database and using data adapters and datasets to get data from the database.I have a single Windows form which starts by getting a list of Authors from my database 'Authors' table using a dataadapter and dataset and...
9 Aug 2016 by Maciej Los
Well, i'd suggest to read below articles:database - C# - Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement (An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll) - Stack Overflow[^]FIX: "Unhandled Exception" Error Message When You Use ExecuteReader Method with...
17 Aug 2016 by laeirbag
Hi everyone. I'm interested in building and using php_printer.dll for php 7. I know there are lots of workarounds, but I still would llike to make it possible via this old extension.I have no experience in developing/updating extensions and writing code at that level. Any help/hint is...
2 Feb 2017 by Menci Lucio
Hi,I recently updated my db2 engine in my test machine from 9.7 to 10.5.I wasn't able to have execute plains. It says The Explain table "db2inst.EXPLAIN_INSTANCE", column "25" does not have the proper definition or is missing. SQLCODE=-220,...
2 Feb 2017 by Menci Lucio
FOUND!The problem was the table and not the file was in old version. This DDL creates the tables, without droping them before. The tables were created in 9.7. Dropped tables, runned file, now all runs well.
14 Feb 2017 by Member 12802669
0down votefavoriteI have a TextBox with id=txtPlace and a gridview. If a user selects a row an put some Information in the TextBox and click on save. The Information should replace older records in the database(SQL)But It does not work. When I click on save, nothing...
30 Mar 2017 by F-ES Sitecore
If you mean the original path of the image on the client then you can't get that for security reasons.
8 Jun 2017 by obxsolo
Hello , i have a simple model Config and MyValue public Class Config Public Property ConfigId as Integer Public Property Name As String Public Property MyValue as MyValue Public Property ... end class Public Class MyValue Public Property MyValueId as Integer Public Property...
5 Aug 2017 by Ali Nemati
private void Bindload() { lbl_cat.Visible = false; if (Session["user"] != null) { string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["name"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr)) { ...
5 Aug 2017 by OriginalGriff
We can't help you with this: it requires the contents of your Session, and your database - neither of which we have access to. So, its going to be up to you. Put a breakpoint on the first line in the function, and run your code through the debugger. Then look at your code, and at your data and...
6 Sep 2017 by Member 13396035
Update Button is not working data type mismatch error is pop up What I have tried: Private Sub btnupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click Try Dim str As String cn.Open() str = "Update [Contact]...
6 Sep 2017 by OriginalGriff
Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Use Parametrized queries instead. When you concatenate strings, you cause problems because SQL receives commands like: SELECT * FROM...
26 Oct 2017 by Member 13486242
i have publish updates on web server and wont to download and install programmically. i place following code but it doesn't work. If (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) Then if condition return false and no code executes. What I have tried: Imports System.Deployment.Application ...
26 Oct 2017 by Graeme_Grant
If this is for a ClickOnce application, check out my article on the subject: Silent ClickOnce Installer for Winform & WPF in C# & VB[^] - it is a ClickOnce framework that you can use in your application + has instructions on how to test locally on your dev box.
7 Feb 2018 by faiqaa
The form allows me to register customers and save their relevant details into a text file, once I save customers I display this information into a list box. My main aim is now to be able to amend information relative to a customer I have already saved therefore when I select one customer's data...
7 Feb 2018 by Ralf Meier
You have 2 different problems : 1st: If you want to enter a new customer to your List you enter your data into the textboxes. After that you should have a Button which either must save this data to your file and also modify your Listbox. Perhaps you should also check if the "new" entered data...
7 May 2018 by Kamil Cieplinski
Hi, I'm trying to programmatically update my data in a dataGridView1 table. So, but pressing a button I add another row of data and it has an sequential index number (eg 1, 2, 3, 4... etc). I have also a delete row button which will delete selected rows - what I'm trying to achieve is to...
29 May 2018 by JavadUrmu
When I run my program it shows bellow error message : Dynamic SQL generation for the Update Command is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.' well , I tried to change code so if I change to this: dt.AcceptChanges(); ...
29 May 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're using a "SELECT *" om your SelectCommand. DO NOT DO THIS. Spell out each column you want, making sure you also return the primary key column of the table your executing the SELECT on. Without the columns spelled out and the primary key column in that list, the SqlCommandBuilder cannot...
26 Jul 2018 by Darryl Bryk
I assume before deleting that the tree is operating normally, expanding when it should. How are you deleting it? I use something like: pnode.Nodes[i].Remove(); where pnode is the parent node.
6 Mar 2019 by eramm01
I am migrating a VBNet programme from DAO to ADO. The database is an *.mdb database. In DAO I performed the following: Opened the database, created a recordset by using an SQL select command. I then could update using a recordset.edit/.update or a .addnew command. In ADO I do the folloing:...
6 Mar 2019 by CHill60
I'm with the others who are suggesting biting that bullet and updating to ADO.NET - especially as you are already spending ages trying to overcome the problems caused by using out-of-date technology. However, try the following to see if it gets you over your hump.. 1. I'm pretty sure it's the...
1 Sep 2019 by Salim Al-Adawi
Hi I m trying to update 2 images in the same form using 2 picture boxes and 2 dialog boxes , I can update only the first image using PictureBox1 but unfortunately i can't see any changes applied to the second one ! . I m using the following code :- updateQuery = " UPDATE Student,...
1 Sep 2019 by OriginalGriff
Not like that! Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Always use Parameterized queries instead. When you concatenate strings, you cause problems because SQL receives...
1 Sep 2019 by Salim Al-Adawi
I have solved the problem using the following code : cmd = con.CreateCommand() cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE staff_hr SET...
4 Dec 2019 by babudev
We have developed a windows form application in c#. We are releasing frequent updates on it. Each time we are uninstalling the existing one and installing newer which consumes lot of time. What I have tried: Need some best way to update the application from a common place to all other systems
4 Dec 2019 by DaveAuld
There are auto-update feature available to you, do a search on google, as there are many different examples and scenarios. Here is one example;[^] There are many more; here is another thread that...
31 Dec 2022 by Member 14930137
Conda is a python distribution.I am trying to update conda and spyder for the terminal.I am on a windows machine.OpenSSL is installed via a windows pacakge manager called scoop. What I have tried: I have tried the folowing commands as admin: ...
4 Aug 2018 by Eric Lynch
A few things...on your page load, you have a catch that simply discards any SQL exception. You should almost never do that. In general, you should either (at least) log or mitigate the exception. In your button click, you save the exception in some status text. Does an exception occur? Could...
14 Feb 2017 by $*Developer - Vaibhav*$
I think you have missed below line of code : cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();:)
15 Feb 2016 by AITECSS
Site for example, I have located at ABC\DEF\File.abchow could I include the folder ABC and subfolder DEF on the startup path of application? So when I deploy the updates it should be ABC\DEF\ path. Isn't it possible?What I have tried:I tried to put...
26 Jul 2018 by Markus Rechberger
I have a TreeView with several nodes and if a special node (you will see in code) is deleted, the parent node should be expanded after updating the TreeView. I still need help :( What I have tried: public void Remove(){ ... ... else if ((NodeType)n.Tag == NodeType.Attribute)...
19 May 2014 by Rajesh Siroya
.net c# - please help me, i want to update 2 column from temporary gridview to existing table.Database table : productopening ([PRODUCTCODE][curqty])Temporary gridview : ProductName(column 1), Balstock (column 9) (100 records need to update)Productname and productcode are same record...
19 Jun 2014 by jeffingeorge
Im Creating a download manager using and i have a list-view which shows list of downloaded files and files downloading. i want this list list of files to be updated according to the download progress .and i have progress bar for each items .how to make that possible?? ? somebody please...
7 Feb 2016 by kvchennai
In the excel sheet, I have more than 1 lac rows. Am trying to update specific cell and row. It's working and does the update only up to certain row but when I try A106880 row it's saying ' Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.'string sConnection...
13 Nov 2016 by Bob Janelli
I would like to update a listbox control on my form from a thread I created.I am using a thread to listen to port 514 which is the syslog port.When there is data to receive the thread then exits and returns the data.I would like to trigger an event on my main form that will then update...
30 Mar 2017 by Member 13044689
hello i have table(gridview) i use the features update the upload image i used the -Gridview Row_updating-Gridview Row_command but in the upload column in database i get the name of the file((* I want the path)) -Gridview Row_updating protected void...
4 Aug 2018 by Member 13937760
I populated a table with repeater control.when the user click edit button it will redirect to next page where the form for modification is available.and the data from table is automatically populated into those fields.After update if the user click update button it should updated into the...
7 Dec 2020 by Member 14916292
wrote valueconverter. it works, but when I update my viewLists, the converter doesn't work. what is the problem? And can I solve it? thanks. What I have tried: I have a listview:
7 Dec 2020 by Member 14916292
I successed solving it!!! I needed to refresh the viewlist so after i updated the listview item,I added the next two lines: studentWithValueConvector.ItemsSource = null; studentWithValueConvector.ItemsSource = students; that made...