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Image class which contains an array of unique colors with counts used to sort by color and find duplicates.
by H. S. Masud
WrapPanel doesn't support virtualization. But we can improve the performance by simulating virtualization.
by Saranya Mahesh
Upload PDF, save file name to database, save pdf to a folder, create a thumbnail image of pdf and save it to a folder, and also save the image to database

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Image class which contains an array of unique colors with counts used to sort by color and find duplicates.
by Saranya Mahesh
Upload PDF, save file name to database, save pdf to a folder, create a thumbnail image of pdf and save it to a folder, and also save the image to database
by H. S. Masud
WrapPanel doesn't support virtualization. But we can improve the performance by simulating virtualization.

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23 Jul 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
You are attempting to delete the file that was read in within the thumbnail object. Perhaps if you disposed of the thumbnail object, the file resource would be released.
19 Nov 2021 by
Image class which contains an array of unique colors with counts used to sort by color and find duplicates.
24 Jan 2012 by IncredibleRam
Hello Developers,I got an Issue where i need to upload the PDF file to the Server using a User interface and then get the thumbnail of the first page of the PDF and show it in a collection (All i need for the time being is a tool which can be used to get a Thumbnail of the Uploaded PDF). Is...
7 Oct 2012 by Sabaat Ahmad
I want to create an application preferably using .NET to generate thumbnails for a custom file type (actually a .zip file). I want that the image i choose should become the thumbnail image in explorer. Can someone please help me?Thnx
7 Oct 2012 by JF2015
See the answer here that provides a VB.NET snippet (should be easily convertible to C#) that does exactly that.[^]
12 Mar 2013 by Deenuji
how to store my finger thumb in sql database...the following coding check my thumb 4 times and get verified....but i dont know how to store this thumb in sql database...pls guide coding:public partial class EnrollmentForm : Form { // Constructor public...
12 Dec 2013 by Grant Weatherston
Hi Guys, I'm looking for a library / solution that will allow me to get the first Slide from a presentation, and then generate a image file (pref jpeg), which i can pass through my class to resize the image to Thumbnail size.i am looking for a solution which is Free, or has a cheap...
26 May 2014 by Member 10844306
I am trying to display PDF thumbnails on website.When I am running the website on my local mechine from visual studio debug- the thumbnail images are displayed (tiff or pdf).When I run the site on the server after publishing it (Windows Server 2008 R2, ServicePack1, 64bit) - the...
10 Aug 2014 by Amir Hosein Nasr
1. Extract XPS File to your own temp folder2. Replace original thumbnail file with new custom for example in my project : const string thumbFile = @"\Documents\1\Metadata\Page1_Thumbnail.JPG";3. Repack all content of temp to new XPS via...
11 Sep 2014 by Member 11029647
The bit I'm struggling with is when I run the code as per below it populates the table with an image of an X in a square box.If I run the code with Response.BinaryWrite as the command i get a blank screen with my thunbnailPhoto attribute displayed.I have spent 2 months trying to resolve...
11 Sep 2014 by Kishore Pogaru
check this[^]
11 Jul 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
See, a nice CodeProject member has written an article for you: Custom Button Control with Gradient Colors and Extra Image (VB.NET)[^].
19 Jul 2016 by Soubarna Das
I have a small piece of code to load images from specified directory and create image-checkbox dynamically with them and add to a FlowLayoutPanel. Now I want to useelp threading to load images faster. I am a newbie and don't know how to use threading. Can anybody help me?My Code:Private...
19 Jul 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
See threading - Google Search[^].
7 May 2018 by Member 13814072
Hey there, I would like to know how to read out the first frame of a video and save it in a bitmap without previously saving it as an image file. I have already looked at many solutions on the Internet, but they all based on saving it as a file, but I would like a solution that looks something...
6 Feb 2019 by Member 8073143
Hi Tech folks, I wanted to get the thumbnail of the first page of Microsoft Office documents(MS word, MS excel, MS ppt,etc) using python. There are many ways to do it but my requirements is to get thumbnails of million of documents, so i am using Azure Batch Processing using python. So the...
9 May 2022 by Rajeev Jayaram
Try adding padding and amend border-radius like, .img-thumbnail img{width:100%;height:auto;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border-radius:50%} Hope this helps.
2 Jan 2012 by H. S. Masud
WrapPanel doesn't support virtualization. But we can improve the performance by simulating virtualization.
4 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
This is pretty bad code. Always use the using construct to force things to be disposed. As others have said, if you change your image, you also need to generate a new thumbnail, that seems obvious.
25 Jan 2012 by manognya kota
Generate Thumbnail Images from PDF Documents[^]Hope this helps.
4 Aug 2012 by Max110
hi all as a matter of fact I'm writing an image processing app by I make an image based on the other image . it means that "I have an image and I make some changes on it and save it again" but the problem is "the thumbnail of image doesn't change" . very simple code like this...
23 Jan 2013 by Tapirro
Hi,what I want to do is forcing Windows to use my program as a base for creating thumbnail from some kind of files that are not images. In Windows you can see thumbnails from images, word documents, pdf etc - this is what i want with other file types. I can create bitmaps from this files...
1 Mar 2017 by Saranya Mahesh
Upload PDF, save file name to database, save pdf to a folder, create a thumbnail image of pdf and save it to a folder, and also save the image to database
30 Jun 2014 by Varghese Paul M
I tried IThumbnailProvider (Vista and Above) and in most of the case it works fine in 32bit.However, in 64 bit, I am getting E_NOTIMPL error when calling GetThumbnail().Is there a way I can generate the thumbnail of a file in all desktop platforms of windows?
23 Jul 2012 by Behnam Mohammadi
I want delete a file but an error occured please help me.==============================The process cannot access the file 'D:\My Project\AzadUniv\New\12\GUI\Upload\NewsImage\5564868769930125853-Image' because it is being used by another process.==============================string...
25 May 2013 by kumarsaurav32
Complete code that I have so far implemented : check the link provided below
25 May 2013 by kumarsaurav32
I want to add drag and drop feature as seen in yahoo mail for attaching files in my contact us page purely in not in mvc.The attched files should have thumbnail preview and optionally deleting button and optionally progress bar.
9 Aug 2014 by Amir Hosein Nasr
hi!I have many XPS files that fist pages is blank.How can i change these thumbnail to anothther (custome) page via c#?TNX!
10 Jul 2015 by Đăng Khoa
Excuse me, I'm developing Music player and I want to create thumb button same as Windows media player. How to create it? Thanks
14 May 2022 by ĞĤØŞŢ NASRO
I have a problem when I change the auto value to 100%, the thumbnails appear completely without cropping in the phone mode, and in the desktop mode the pictures do not appear, what is the solution. ------------- This is the line of code: ...
14 May 2022 by ĞĤØŞŢ NASRO
The bug was found, the value has been changed max-width to 16000 instead of 480, thanks for participating @media only screen and (max-width:480px){ #footer-navmenu ul li a { display: inline-flex; }