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Great Reads

by blitzkrieged
This is a demonstration of splicing an animated GIF (or any image) frame by frame without having to write to the disc.
by Andy South
We have established a goal to decide, what solution (as in a combination of software and services) among those we chose allows extending the audience of an event with minimum efforts.
by TheCannyCoder
Introduction to functional programming in Java 8
by Maximilian1986
Implement the Lambda expression to handle the class Shape in Java8: the power of declaration programming.

Latest Articles

by Adérito Silva
A demonstration about how to read an exact number of bytes from Stream objects
by honey the codewitch
Add progress reporting to your downloading or copying using this code
by Ray K
Extending BinaryReader/Writer to support a different byte order, string and date formats, and advanced navigation in binary files
by Sibeesh Passion
What if there is a tool which helps you create a stream solution in Visual Studio so that you don’t want to go over the browser and do some manual button clicks? That’s where the Azure Data Lake and Stream Analytics Tool extension come into play.

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2 Jul 2014 by TheCannyCoder
Introduction to functional programming in Java 8