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Stored procedure


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by Kuv Patel
Debug stored procedures in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.
by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET offers a number of places to store state, both on the client and server. However, sometimes it's difficult to decide where you should put
by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET Session state provides a place to store values that will persist across page requests.  Values stored in Session are stored on the server
by Paw Jershauge
An easy to use extendedproperty procedure (alternative to sp_dropextendedproperty, sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty)

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by NightWizzard
Read and/or modify database objects like views, triggers, stored procedures and functions from .NET code.
by Paw Jershauge
An easy to use extendedproperty procedure (alternative to sp_dropextendedproperty, sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty)
by koolprasad2003
This article will help you to know how to Debug your stored procedure
by Kuv Patel
Debug stored procedures in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.

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Stored procedure 

18 Feb 2016 by Kuv Patel
Debug stored procedures in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.
24 Sep 2011 by Sander Rossel
I partly agree. I do not quite get your "SP's are not faster" point. You make Command Objects with query strings? You pass to them Parameter Objects so you have a parameterized query? If you go at it that way I can imagine there is no speed penalty, since that approach simply executes the query...
19 Aug 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer - 1. Function vs. Stored Procedure in SQL Server[^].Quote:The difference between SP and UDF is listed below:2. SQL SERVER – Question to You – When to use Function and When to use Stored Procedure[^].3. Differences Between Procedures and Functions[^].4. Difference Between...
2 May 2016 by CHill60
You have a problem with your attempt - the called Number must be a varchar column so you can use SUBSTRING but you haven't surrounded the number with quotes.I've assumed the following data schemas:create table [Call Details]( OrigParty1 bigint, calledNo varchar(50), DateOfCall...
8 Jun 2020 by CHill60
Start here.. Top 10 steps to optimize data access in SQL Server: Part I (use indexing)[^] SQL Server Performance Tips and Guidelines[^] SQL Query Optimization FAQ Part 1 (With video explanation)[^] Improving the performance of queries using SQL...
12 Mar 2013 by Yvan Rodrigues
It's uncommon but it's possible.The magic beans you are looking for is called a prepared statement[^].You could query your table-table for a table name and assign that to a variable and then construct the SQL for the prepared statement on-the-fly.See The Curse and Blessing of Dynamic...
30 Jul 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
As far as I understand, you are populating the TextBox when LinkButton is clicked. So, you must be binding the Primary Key value of each row in GridView.Else bind that by using the DataKey property of GridView.Now, try to get the DataKey of the Row, when LinkButton of that Row is...
28 Oct 2014 by PhilLenoir
It is all there in the T-SQL documentation:Update ([^]):An update query is always effectively for multiple rows for a set of rows defined by the WHERE clause (or FROM clause join). UPDATE table set field = value will update every row in...
6 Jan 2015 by OriginalGriff
Um...SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();cmd.Parameters.Add("@empcode", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(TextBox1.Text);cmd.Parameters.Add("@empname", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox2.Text;cmd = new SqlCommand("submitrecord",conn);cmd.CommandType =...
26 Feb 2015 by ZurdoDev
Right after you add all the parameters you then clear them out.Remove this line:cmd2.Parameters.Clear();
13 Nov 2015 by Maciej Los
You can pass comma separated list of parameters as single parameter. Then - inside a sp - you have to split values into several rows. How? Please, see: Using comma separated value parameter strings in SQL IN clauses[^]But i'd suggest to re-think your programme and create connection between...
19 Jul 2016 by Asad Ali Mirza
You are missing the IN * from PLC_ClientContactPerson where PLC_ClientContactPersonID IN (select PLC_ClientCotnactPersonId from PLC_DealCOntact where PLC_DealID=@DealID);You can also useselect * from PLC_ClientContactPerson a, (select...
8 Dec 2016 by CHill60
Solution 1 shows you how to get an output parameter from a Stored Procedure. But you already know how to do this as you asked a very similar question earlier that dealt with output parameters.To get the return value you need still to add an appropriate parameter to the collection for cmd but...
12 Feb 2020 by MadMyche
The first thing that stood out to me in this was a poor choice in a variable declaration. I see NO valid reason for this as @NewID will always be the same size; you would be better off with using NCHAR(37)DECLARE @NewID nVARCHAR(4000) =newID()...
9 Jun 2011 by prot0col
This command might help,select ROUTINE_DEFINITION from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINESEvery row is a stored procedure
10 Jan 2012 by Ravi Sharma 2
Dear Developer,I want to send multiple Id into storedprocedure parameter using IN Query.CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_proc_select] ( @bankId int)as begin select * from tbl_bankmaster where bank_id in (@bankId)endif I execute this procedure with sending multiple...
10 Jan 2012 by Om Prakash Pant
There are multiple ways of doing the same. one option is to use the dynamic sql query. Example:CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_proc_select](@bankId varchar(4096))asbegin exec('select * from tbl_bankmaster where bank_id in (' + @bankId + ')')endexec sp_proc_select...
7 May 2012 by Dhanamanikandan
You can set this value in web.config. For example, to change the timeout for one specific page: See...
19 May 2012 by OriginalGriff
Yes:DECLARE @OrigQuantity INTSELECT TOP 1 @OrigQuantity = curQuantity FROM Products WHERE Id=3UPDATE Products SET curQuantity = @OrigQuantity - 2 WHERE Id=3SELECT @OrigQuantity
1 Sep 2012 by Wendelius
Have a look at this blog. It has a very thorough example of returning a value from a stored procedure:[^]
15 Nov 2012 by Nandakishore G N
do you know ,what is the priority given for the admin in user_grp?..I think You will be knowing the priority.then initially in your sp check the presence of the username and password usingif exists(your query)then,declare a variable of your datatype and pass the usergrp for...
4 Dec 2012 by MT_
I believe you need to replacecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_firstname", firstname);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_lastname", lastname);withcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstname", firstname);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastname", lastname);Hope that helps. If it...
13 Dec 2012 by Rai Pawan
HiPlease be aware that you are calling the RETURN statement before the commit transaction instruction, so in a way your commit transaction statement never gets executed. You must know that inclusion of return statement implies that the it exits unconditionally from a query or...
27 Feb 2013 by CHill60
In your procedure your first parameter is @username nvarchar(50),but you haven't put it into your C# code"username", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value=...{Edit] - from the comments attached OP wants the username to be autogenerated by the line SET...
28 Feb 2013 by OriginalGriff
Change your c# code: the SP is expecting @subitem_name and you are providing subitem_namecm1.Parameters.Add("@subitem_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = txt_subitem.Text;You will need to change the names of all parameters to match!
12 Mar 2013 by Pheonyx
You could repeat the same process one after the other for both stored procedures.However if you were going to do this I would wrap them around a "Transaction" object so that if one fails it will roll back both the changes.
26 Mar 2013 by Dee_Bee
Hi all,How to call stored procedure in Silverlight Web Application.I'm working on Silverlight apllication and using WCF services for database connections.I'm writing queries to retrieve data from database. But I need to retrieve data using stored procedures. How to achieve...
27 Mar 2013 by Member 8196277
//Well, assuming you use ADO.Net in the service side to access the SQL Server://Remember, that SQL Service calls sits in the .Net service application - which is using //clean .Net (2.0 -> 4.5) and that, has ADO.Net access. You cannot access ADO.Net //directly from the Silverlight...
12 Apr 2013 by Abhinav S
It will not be optimal for you to fetch records in groups of 30 from the database. To optimize this connection and network overhead, get all data using a single query. Put this data in a DataTable.Loop through groups of 30 in the DataTable, get the email ids and send mails before proceeding...
24 Jul 2013 by Thomas Daniels
Hi,Have a look here:[^][^]I see that you use string concatenation to build a query. NEVER use string concatenation to build SQL queries! If you use it,...
29 Oct 2013 by Richard C Bishop
You want to do something like this:if @Mode= 'Searching'BEGINSelect [Hadith_Text] ,[Hadith_Urdu] ,[Hadith_English] ,[Chapter_English_Name] ,[Chapter_Urdu_Name] ,[Baab_English_Name] ,[Baab_Urdu_Name] ,[Baab_Id] ...
26 Jan 2014 by Roja23
You can't have assignment operation inside a case statement, it can only return value which can be assigned to quantity in your above code. So replace attrited = 'true' with whatever value you want to assign to quantity. It will be something like below. update PD set quantity = ( ...
4 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
10 May 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
You could start something like this:Btw, the core of writing a program is logical structure than the actual syntax.CREATE PROC uspSetSubscriptionPayment @PayMethod varchar(50), @PackageType varchar(25), @Userid int, @ConstID int, @SubscriptionIdentity int...
23 Oct 2014 by CHill60
I ran your sql and swapped the EXECUTE for a PRINT and got thisSELECT DISTINCT [Projektdefinition DB] AS Zugänge FROM [xyz]EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT [Projektdefinition DB] AS Zugänge FROMxyzso I think this will fix your problemSET @Dynamictb2 = N'SELECT DISTINCT [Projektdefinition DB] AS...
28 Oct 2014 by Er. Dinesh Sharma
HI Try thiscreate procedure demo1@input int as declare @transcounter intset @transcounter=@@TRANCOUNTIF @@TRANCOUNT>0save tran demoelsebegin trydelete emp where empid='1'commit tranEND TRYBEGIN CATCHEND CATCH;
2 Nov 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
Just by looking at the question, it's very difficult to pinpoint what is the real reason.However, you need to look at the following factors:1.) Has there been a substantial change in the dataset i.e. the amount of data your database/tables.2.) Usually, SQL Server keeps an optimal...
2 Nov 2014 by Tomas Takac
In the query you produce you need to name the inner query like this:SELECT ...FROM ( ... ) x -- name it yourselfGROUP BY CourseName,GL_Course.StartDateThe inner query needs to have an alias even if you don't reference it explicitly in the outer query.EditIn your code...
3 May 2015 by OriginalGriff
Don't store it like that.SQL is not good at string manipulations, and you need to find two numbers, extract them, validate them, convert them to an integer, and then compare them.Instead, change your database to use two integer columns (and possibly an NVARCHAR column for the prefix) and use...
25 May 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
In stored procedures all table names should be known at "compile time" meaning you can't use variable names.If you need dynamic queries then you should use exec() :[^]However there are security issues...
16 Jun 2015 by Mathew Soji
No, you can't call a web page function from SQL Server. But you can call managed code written in .NET class library in your SQL Server 2005 and later version stored procedure.Please refer below links.Execute .NET Code under SQL Server...
14 Aug 2015 by Wendelius
In my opinion the first problem is that you're using varchar for numeric data. You should always use native types like bigint or float or similar when storing data.The limit of 30 numbers comes from your conversionCAST(PrivilegeID AS NUMERIC(30, 0))You could try with CAST(PrivilegeID...
24 Apr 2016 by Tomas Takac
To assign each result to a different variable do it one by one like this:SELECT @pending=COUNT(*) FROM tblRequest WHERE RequestStatusID='pending'SELECT @sent=COUNT(*) FROM tblRequest WHERE RequestStatusID='sent'Alternatively you can store the results in a table variable a query...
4 May 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
You can sort the result you are getting by executing the query you have shared using ORDER BY clause. And yes, if you want this sort to happen in a customized fashion, you can use CASE WHEN.. clause accordingly.Something like following may be-select...
12 Jul 2016 by abinash panda
Declare @cSex varchar Set @cSex = (Select cSex from StaffMaster where iSMID = @iSMID) While(@iSMID
16 Feb 2017 by Garth J Lancaster
well, first off, the exception actually says there's something wrong with your sql - do you have a column 'Id' for example - what happens if you remove the 'order by...' clause ?secondly, thats a horrible way to write SQL statements - you should use parameterised queries, along the lines of...
2 Apr 2017 by CHill60
Use a parameterized query and it should overcome the problem. OleDbCommand.Parameters Property (System.Data.OleDb)[^] Exampe: (untested) cmd = New OleDbCommand("SP_ExpEntry", con) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OperationId", 1)...
8 Jul 2017 by Wendelius
I wouldn't say that the size of the database should be the driving force to use or not to use procedures. After all a database which someone thinks large may be small to another. The factors that affect the usage of the procedures include: Eliminate round-trips, with procedures you may be...
19 Feb 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
You code does indeed delete every record from TBL_sale_invdet where any record has the saleinvid of @saleinvid. It then inserts a single record with the same specified @saleinvid. What did you think was going to happen? If every record in your TBL_sale_invdet has the same saleinvid value,...
20 Jan 2019 by OriginalGriff
Yes, you can. But ... not like that. Your code is trying to insert the value to the DB: INSERT INTO employeeAttritions(EmployeeID, WaveNumber, ...) VALUES (@EmployeeID, @WaveNumber, ...) And then read the identity value from the system immediately after: SET @EmployeeID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() But if...
26 May 2019 by phil.o
You could try:UPDATE dbo.AD_Staff_Attandance SET TotHours = dbo.GetTotalWorkingHours(DateOut, DateIn) As there is no WHERE clause, this request will update all rows in the table; the request will last proportionnaly to the number of rows.
9 Nov 2019 by MadMyche
While it is not something I generally recommend; it may just be easiest to use a CURSOR for this application. This is a rough sample of what it could look like, it is up to use appropriate variable types/sizes and to work out what the SELECT statement actually will be; so consider this a...
24 Jan 2020 by MadMyche
There are a couple of ways to achieve this. Here is your original query, along with two other versions based on the query you provided (based on what I authored a day ago).SELECT PartID, SupplierId FROM #parts WHERE PartID NOT IN ( SELECT t.PartID FROM #tempsupplier AS s INNER JOIN...
3 Feb 2020 by Richard Deeming
You can't generate a dynamic pivot without using dynamic SQL. Which means you have to use EXEC. You could potentially use sp_executesql[^] if you had parameters to pass in. But you can't pass the pivot column names as parameters. The only other option would be for your query to return the raw...
13 Feb 2020 by Jörgen Andersson
One way of doing batch inserts:DECLARE @Batchsize INT = 5000; DECLARE @RowCount INT = @Batchsize; DECLARE @LastID INT; WHILE @RowCount = @Batchsize BEGIN SET @LastID = ( SELECT ISNULL(max(MyTableID), - 1) FROM MyTable...
27 Feb 2020 by Maciej Los
You need to use ORDER BY clause[^]. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT CurrCode, YEARNO, Monthno, TOTALAMOUNT FROM [dbo].[ML_tbl_Analaysis] where Currcode =@CURRCODE ) tbl PIVOT (sum(TOTALAMOUNT) FOR [yearno] IN...
10 Mar 2020 by Maciej Los
You can use CTE[^] togethe with PIVOT[^] for such of requirement. See: DECLARE @tmp TABLE(partId int, PartDone nvarchar(50)) INSERT INTO @tmp(partId, partDone) VALUES(555444, '0012'), (911877, '0221'); ;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT partId, PartDone,...
7 Nov 2020 by Daniel Pfeffer
In table #TempPc, you define Mass as a float. A float typically has a range of about 10-38 to 1038, and a precision of about 6 digits. This means that a value such as 580.28613 will be rounded to 508.286. If you use the double type, your value...
17 Sep 2021 by CHill60
When summarising data in a SELECT statement you would never use UPDATE. You are doing one or the other not both (although you can update a table based on the results of a SELECT, but the image does not imply that that is what you are trying to...
10 May 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your problem isn't necessarily the validation. It's the fact that you're storing dates as a string in the database. That's NEVER a good idea.
10 Jul 2023 by Graeme_Grant
This is your 5th question posted. At least put some effort in and learn to format your code so we can at least read it. I have done that for you. If you want help, and for us to read your code, take pride in what you post, it will show. Click on...
5 Jun 2011 by Sander Rossel
I have been using the Entity Framework for a while now. A few advantages for me are automatic Class creation from the DB metadata and using LINQ. Also, using an ORM tool does not mean you cannot use Stored Procedures. I do not think one method is better than the other. It depends on requirements...
5 Jun 2011 by #realJSOP
One advantage is that you learn how to not expect a 3rd-party library to be a magic bullet, and that no matter what you select, there will be issues to overcome.
3 Aug 2011 by sudeshchandram
I have corrected your code, Please try this,string sCon = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConString"]; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sCon); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@Username", SqlDbType.NVarChar,50); SqlParameter p2 = new...
24 Sep 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Once upon a time I was under the influence of vendor marketing and used stored procedures extensively, now I am against them altogether, so that's where I stand.The vendors have you believe that :1) They are more secure. Implying that you access your data through them nstead of direct...
23 Jan 2012 by Swapnil3
There is a one way that u can use Update statement after insert statement in your stored procedure.
6 Feb 2012 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Refer this, might help you[^]
15 Mar 2012 by BobJanova
PDF files are self-contained documents with internal cross referencing, object IDs and so on. You can't just run them together. You either need a PDF reading/writing library or, if the PDFs are simple and you can follow the format, you need to read in all the objects, renumber the IDs of the...
12 Apr 2012 by Wes Aday
You need to call reader.Read() before trying to access the data. In your example you are calling it after. Change your "do" loop to a "while" should fix it.while(reader.Read()){ tempVal = reader[0].ToString(); }
7 May 2012 by Ashish Sehajpal
try this :SqlCommand.Timeout = 1000;try changing your time out values for your command object depending upon the requirements. But this is not a good idea to rely on timeout. rather change your SP.
17 May 2012 by Wendelius
The procedure itself is quite straightforward, modify the statement as per requirements and then include inside a procedure, see CREATE PROCEDURE [^]About the query, I would advice to separate the first column to two separate columns if the data describes different things. Concatenated...
17 May 2012 by VJ Reddy
If the requirement is to retrieve nth row from the Table then, the ROW_NUMBER function of Sql Server can be used for this purpose as shown belowCREATE PROCEDURE GetnthRow @nthRow nvarchar(30)ASWITH OrderedMarks AS( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY stdName) as RowNo,...
31 Jul 2012 by sauravbanthia
If you want to check through a stored procedure that whether the username and password used in the login process is correct or not, then you may use an output parameter in the stored procedure. Declare an output parameter as follows:Declare @result as int outSuppose table name is...
15 Aug 2012 by Wendelius
The likeliest reason is that the col parameter in your stored procedure is too small in length. So try increasing the length of that parameter in your procedure definition.
15 Aug 2012 by pradiprenushe
Check your @col data type. I think you have used less character in varchar(20).But you input is hvaing more than 20 chracter.'country,IPRStart,IPREnd' = 23 characterSo your input is get shrink so it is taking first 20 chracter. Try this varchar(max); or some big value like 100
16 Aug 2012 by Aritra Nath
Hi guys,I'm trying to update a table through stored procedure. I am having a page from which on button click a popup window appears. i'm sending a ID from the main page to the popup window using querystring, where the details from the table by ID is displayed in textbox. Here we can change the...
16 Aug 2012 by __TR__
Hi, The below article might be helpful.Sending a DataTable to a Stored Procedure[^]
21 Aug 2012 by Wendelius
While SCOPE_IDENTITY works fine to get the primary key, I typically prefer the OUTPUT clause. The main reason is that the OUTPUT clause can return much more information from the inserted row and also may reduce roundtrips especially if the statement is called from outside the SQL Server.For...
15 Sep 2012 by skydger
I think it is a problem in this string:if (result.Rows.Count>0)Try to set following code in your procedure:SET NOCOUNT OFF;
16 Sep 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look at these on how to pass on parameters for SSRS: Reporting Services (SSRS) OR Filter Logic[^]MSDN: Add a Filter (Report Builder and SSRS)[^]Adding Filter Parameters to SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Reports[^]
19 Sep 2012 by WebMaster
change your code by tis way:if (dr.Read()){ object[] values = new object[dr.FieldCount]; Int32 ob = dr.GetInt32(0); ob = dr.GetInt32(0)}
22 Oct 2012 by Zoltán Zörgő
The easiest way is to use regular expressions. As SQL server does not support regular expressions by default, you have to extend it using .net integrated user function. It is really not complicated. See these two articles:[^], Regular...
27 Oct 2012 by Zoltán Zörgő
No, MAX and such things might mislead you in production environments since there is also something called transaction. If your primary keys are identities[^], you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY[^] and IDENT_CURRENT[^] to get the latest identity generated on a table or in a scope. You probably will need...
7 Nov 2012 by OriginalGriff
It's not possible to be sure without the tabl;e definitions, but I would suspect this line:SELECT cast(VendorId as Int), cast(VendorName as int), cast(AccountId as int),cast(AccountName as Int),APIName ,SUM(TransactionCount) I doubt that VendorName and an AccountName are integer values - the...
7 Nov 2012 by Shanalal Kasim
Please change below sqlSELECT cast(VendorId as Int), cast(VendorName as int), cast(AccountId as int),cast(AccountName as Int),APIName ,SUM(TransactionCount) toSELECT convert(Int, VendorId ), convert(int , VendorName), convert(int , AccountId),convert(int, AccountName),APIName...
18 Nov 2012 by
For creating Temporary table :EX :create table #tempTable(Name varchar(30)) // #TableName for creating temp table
28 Nov 2012 by Mycroft Holmes
While I did not go through the whole thing, looking at the desired output you need a pivot query!blatant plug for article Pivot two or more columns in SQL Server 2005[^]. This may help it is perfectly valid for 2008 and later!
4 Dec 2012 by Krunal Rohit
I'm gettin' this error : Procedure or function 'RegistrationProcedure' expects parameter '@firstname', which was not supplied.Stored Procedure : ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RegistrationProcedure @user_id varchar (10), @firstname varchar (50), @lastname varchar (50), @password varchar...
4 Dec 2012 by
Hi dear,Check this solution.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", 10);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstname", firstname);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastname", lastname);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", password);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email",...
14 Dec 2012 by Aelion
I found problem solution!I should pass whole command parameter like this SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(com);not just com.CommandText ... it was stupid.... but I lost so much time...
9 Jan 2013 by Sumit_Kumar_Sinha
create procedure [dbo].[Resource_Update_sp] @ID int, //ID for updating a specific records @FirstName varchar(50),@LastName varchar(50),@PrimarySkill varchar(50),@SecondarySkill varchar(50),@Email varchar(50),@Phone int=0,@ResourceManager varchar(50),@Customer...
25 Jan 2013 by MT_
Well..well,You are saying you have data in the table so naturally the first condition in your SP will be trueYour update statement is in ELSE, so it will never execute.Second and very important point, you do not have "where" clause in the UPDATE statement, this will update ALLThe...
6 Feb 2013 by Rob Branaghan
Based on just the code you have above... You dont need the select * from Library. You also dont need to have so many sets and selects.try just Select Count(*) As TotalCount FROM bookissue WHERE bookid = @book_id AND stuid = @stud_idAt a guess that will only tell you the number of times...
6 Feb 2013 by Irbaz Haider Hashmi
What i am getting hereyou need to have the count for books available in the library?select count(1) from librarywhere bookid not in (select bookid from bookissue)There must be some relation in both the tables. What i did here is that i counted the books in the library that does...
15 Feb 2013 by Chris Reynolds (UK)
Posted as a solution so we can close this down:It looks like the OP was passing null values into his function and needs to check for this as Fred says before attempting to insert into SQL.
2 Mar 2013 by Karthik Harve
Hi,LINQ To SQL, will always convert the stored procedure definition into a Named Parameter method signature. So, you must pass the default values. Anyway, you can avoid this. you just have change the Named parameter signature to optional method signature. when you drag and drop the...
6 Mar 2013 by Ankit_Sharma1987
Hello Friends, I have code, to pick up the, values from database in Session, By Clicking on Dynamically Generated Linkbutton. I want to redirect those values to another page, my code is here..using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using...
10 Mar 2013 by Maciej Los
Please, check how to add parameters to SqlCommand: SqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue[^].Hint: You need to pass 5 parameters ;)