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Everything / Sprites



Great Reads

by Christ Kennedy
Make, edit, and animate graphics easily with a practical, easy to use IDE
by BouncyTarget
A sample Role Playing Game using SpriteLibrary to do the graphics
by ToughDev
Revisiting Mario Game Written in Pascal
by Chris Boss
Draw pictures using much simpler means, including the good old fashioned Stamping technique.

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
Revisiting Mario Game Written in Pascal
by Christ Kennedy
Make, edit, and animate graphics easily with a practical, easy to use IDE
by BouncyTarget
This is an article about making 2D sprites in Windows Forms.
by BouncyTarget
A sample Role Playing Game using SpriteLibrary to do the graphics

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19 Oct 2020 by Christ Kennedy
Make, edit, and animate graphics easily with a practical, easy to use IDE
4 Aug 2016 by BouncyTarget
A sample Role Playing Game using SpriteLibrary to do the graphics
25 Sep 2013 by Fredrik Bornander
You don't want to use BufferedImage.getSubImage for every frame, what you want to do with your sprite sheet is to render a portion of is rather than creating a new Image object.Something like this can help:public class SpriteSheet { private final BufferedImage image; public...
4 Sep 2013 by Chris Boss
Draw pictures using much simpler means, including the good old fashioned Stamping technique.
30 Jun 2014 by Keith O. Williams
I have several sprite exposed errors. How do I correct the following errors:Sprite cannot expose Sprite outside the project through class Board ' Alternative method Public Sub AddPiece(ByVal Sprite As Sprite) ' Add this piece using the below methid ...
2 Aug 2014 by Member 10983886
I'm working off the sprite template in xcode.In MyScene.m we have-(id)initWithSize method where I declareSKSpriteNode *myArray[widthPixels][heightPixels];then create a spritemyArray[i][j] = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"orange"];and add it[self...
27 Mar 2015 by Member 11561537
Hey I have this project in which the player is supposed to go up like Mega Jump and I want to animate the player so that when it goes left or right or down it changes its image according to it. Any ideas how I can achieve this? This is my code where I create the player.func createPlayer() ->...
15 Sep 2021 by strangerick
Hello! I'm making a simple game in C# and i'm trying to slice my UI images into 9 smaller rectangles, so the image doesn't get stretched when drawing to different resolutions, but my current implementation does not seems correct and i would...
14 Sep 2021 by BillWoodruff
See if this gives you some ideas: // requires: // using System.Collections.Generic; // using System.Drawing; // must be a top-level class: i.e., non-nested public static class ShapeExtensions { // rectangles returned in column-major order ...
3 Oct 2017 by BouncyTarget
This is an article about making 2D sprites in Windows Forms.
22 Apr 2015 by Jitendra_Jain04
Responsive web design is an approach to web design which focuses on rich user experience and provides optimal usability to users for viewing websites.
25 Sep 2013 by Gigabyte Giant
Good day everyone,I am developing a game and I am using a spritesheet for my image loading, however it seems I have run into a problem somewhere while developing this.Now I am using a canvas on a JFrame, so if that makes a difference in what I have to do let me know please.In all of...
30 Jun 2014 by Keith O. Williams
I am making a Bejeweled game in Visual Basic Professional 2010 (which is apart of the web browser known as Scoontz) and I stumbled across an error when trying to draw a sprite: DrawSprite is not a member of Scoontz.SpriteHere is the code (with the line in question in bold): ' Note...