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by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
How to use picojpeg library on a PIC with ILI9341 320×240 LCD module
by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.
by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?

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13 Feb 2022 by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?
8 Jul 2015 by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
6 Sep 2022 by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
17 Feb 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It really depends on your UI library and what you call rendering. In WPF, for example, rendering is already a thread separate from UI thread. I don't think this is a correctly posed question. In all cases, you should separate the game scenario from UI. Then you just have to render the scene in...
17 Nov 2022 by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.
3 Jul 2012 by DamithSL
You are try to inherit TrayMenuClass from MenuStriptry ContextMenuStrip or ToolStripDropDownMenu instead of MenuStrippublic class TrayMenuClass : ContextMenuStrip and try to cast it and assign this.notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)this.contextMenuStrip1;
6 Mar 2017 by nmeri17
I have a DOM element with children that contain placeholders. I need to loop through the object in the JSON array and replace the placeholders with corresponding keys in the array.What I have tried:Here is the html element I wish to prototype:
16 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Google is the place to search for documents on the subject.
21 May 2024 by Kevin Marois
Have you looked at the ActualSize properties?
3 Mar 2012 by Robert1974
I want to do a C# program that shows a mandelbrot fractal. What graphics tools is the best suited to do this. GDI+, WPF or other? I have never worked with graphics other than simple forms and controls.
2 Mar 2012 by OriginalGriff
Have a look at this: Mandelbrot Set for C#[^] it just uses SetPixel, which is part of System.Drawing
3 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Either WPF or System.Drawing with System.Windows.Forms could work for you. I would suggest you use a bitmap for rendering. This way, you can have a tree of already calculated regions on a complex plain, and you can derive new region from any of the already rendered regions using mouse...
10 Apr 2012 by nagiub2007
i have a text from jquery method :المجموعه 1محمود حسن ابراهيم عبد الصمد
10 Apr 2012 by Angel1320
Do you mean , you want these three "fieldset" tags in div "ulAndil" at run time and "fieldset" html is in JQuery method?
29 May 2012 by chathura666
I found an article in here,Render SWF files and get a bitmap buffer of those rendering files[^]but its very old.It uses a library called "ZFlash". its very old i guess. now its no where to be, is there any new way of doing this?any info would be great... :)thank...
28 May 2012 by merano
The Renderflash Source you found does compile (some Changes needed for VS2010) and plays the included mobinex.swf. The Lib-Code seem to bee in ZFlash.cpp.Is the really a problem ?
1 Nov 2012 by Member 8786070
Hi ALL,I have stuck up with a problem when developing a custom control.Below is the code for ref.When a using this control in my application,I need a table to be displayed.But its not happening.So please help me out.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using...
15 Nov 2012 by ajulot
Hello All,I have a report that I created with multivalue parameters (some which have default values and some which don't). The user selects relevant parameters and subsequently clicks on the format he/she wants to view it which in this case is in Excel format.My question is how do I...
6 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You are barking up a wrong tree. IIS does not render anything.—SA
17 Feb 2013 by Member 8061245
Hello , I am developing now some experimental game engine for 3D games (via XNA) and i was thinking of splitting the physics and rendering processes to separate threads in C# .So , i was reading in some article at StackOverflow that Multi-Threading isn't always effective and may even hurt...
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new feature called Post-Cache Substitution, which is aimed at optimizing the development experience for this mostly-cached
9 Jan 2014 by AlanWilliamson
I have some HTML documents that I want to render to a Windows form using a referenced style sheet, after which I want to select (highlight) some text and then use a context menu to invoke a text manipulation process. I have been trying to use the WebBrowser control but while I can access the...
19 Aug 2014 by Saph_7
Hello everybody,I have this application that launches wpf windows in the interactive desktop(via interactive services detection service pop-up).Everything works fine on windows 7.Trying the application on a windows 8 tablet results in having a black sreen instead of the wpf window.the moment...
21 Aug 2014 by Saph_7
I found the solution to this.It seems that my tablet can't render WPF UIs using hardware acceleration, so you have to turn it off.In my case i can do this via code because i'm using .Net framework 4.0.The instruction is RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode =...
14 May 2015 by Member 11690093
Hello,I want to start working on my 3D rendering project soon. The objectives of the project is implement a interface where user will be able to create a model of room. After that application will add a few furniture element. Is there any kind of engine that will enable me adding custom...
14 May 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
All of the engines allow you to add your own custom textures and models. That is their job to allow you to create your own models, add different texturing and shading to them. I have tried 2 3D modeling tools (Maya and Unity 3D). I have loved Maya because it lets me create models using...
8 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
See, in particular:[^].If you want something else, try to find it:[^].—SA
22 Aug 2016 by MadsBorik
I have a strange problem. Hopefully someone has an easy and very logical explanation on this  The web based system is a course enrollment system. An ASP.NET 2.0 site has been moved from Windows 2003 server (IIS) to a new Windows 2012 server (IIS).After this potation a dynamically...
22 Aug 2016 by Patrice T
Obviously, something behave differently on both servers.The only solution is to use the debugger on both servers to see where the code don't behave the same. You will probably see that there is a point where it don't do the same.You should learn to use the debugger as soon as possible....
30 Aug 2016 by Member 11535706
I got the Image from avi an it also binds continuously to the image tag, but does not have any effect on aspx ,page not renderprivate void video_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs){ try { // get new frame Bitmap bitmap = eventArgs.Frame; ...
6 Mar 2017 by nmeri17
The current, more robust function looks like thisfunction renderConstruct(datas, target, prototype) { $(datas).each(function(index, data) { var clone = prototype.first().clone(), name =\{\{(\w+)\}\}/gi, function (match, $1)...
16 Aug 2017 by Namith Krishnan E
Try this while chaging the culture. Set newCulture as your changed culture CultureInfo newCulture = (CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); newCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; newCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator = "-"; ...
17 Aug 2017 by Richard Deeming
If you want to control the format for a specific field, use the DisplayFormat attribute: DisplayFormatAttribute Class | Microsoft Docs[^] [DisplayFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy")] public DateTime? PublishDate { get; set; } (NB: DateTime? is a shorthand way of writing Nullable.) If you want to...
29 Aug 2017 by ddgjgj
So this is the view : div class="row"> @foreach (var module in Model) { if (module.Placeholder == "left" && module.PageId == "contact" && module.Control == "Tabelar2") { ...
30 Oct 2018 by simarmannsingh
I have to display text. For that, I am trying to follow this[1] tutorial to display the text. As mentioned in the tutorial, I've linked the libraries and there seem to be no error in linking of the library. So here is the structure of my application. The entry point of my project is...
30 Oct 2018 by Seal2002
Just one point I see in your code, that is your projection in the FontRenderer is bigger than your viewport. I also suggest you should init VAO, VBO inside the FontRenderer instead via the variable. I also use the freetype for render the text and it is fine. I will send you the link demo if you...
30 Jul 2020 by kiskeya
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a React page slider app with 3 simple page components (home, about, contact). I created a component PageSliderMgr to slide the current page out of the view and slide in the page on the link. The problem is...
8 Sep 2020 by ahmedbelal
I have A problem in Code-First in project mvc when i Click Create Action or Click Edit Action the Error Message Is "InvalidOperationException: The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered by the page at...
8 Sep 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
A similar discussion[^] - quoting from there for easy reference: It means that you have defined a section in your master Layout.cshtml, but you have not included anything for that section in your View. If your _Layout.cshtml has something like...
13 May 2021 by Abhinav kaimal (Abhi)
I'm trying to create a step slider in d3 (v5) with the years 2000 through 2021. (Using plugin d3-simple-slider) const slider = sliderBottom() .min(new Date(2000, 1, 1)) .max(new Date(2020, 1, 1)) ...
14 Jul 2021 by Member 14192879
I want to create a pdf of the current xamarin form. I used pdf sharp and itext7 to implement it but unable to do it. but below code only capture the text of xamarin, not the image. i just want to save currently viewed xamarin form to pdf. I am...
5 Jan 2022 by Member 11931581
After exporting SSRS report into Excel rendering format , Grid lines are not showing ,it is showing empty page. For example : If we have data for 10 rows ,Excel export Report is showing with Grid lines till 10 rows only ,after that export is...
10 Feb 2022 by Ritika 2022
I am using nextjs. I need to render custom landing pages according to their specific url. I am able to render all the details from the database of that particular URL except for the object which contains the details for the page. The pages has...
21 Jan 2023 by Vivek Sharma 3
const data = [ { "laboaratory": [ { "status": { display: "Code", value: "23123" }, "observation": [ { display: "Code", ...
21 Jan 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
We can simply map an array with children inside of it, and some of those children have sub-children, and it can go on, your code should look something like this - import React, { useState } from "react"; export default function Family({...
21 Jan 2023 by Vivek Sharma 3
function RecursiveComponent({ content, level = 1 }) { const Header = `h${ level }` if (Array.isArray(content)) return {, i) => ) } if (typeof...
7 May 2023 by Member 14930137
` A code project with no squishy text.Using the sping-mass model,the text is converted to a particle seperated by springs.The particle should behave like soft body physics as springs. The i simply no output of the spring. What I have tried: I...
3 Jul 2012 by TrayMenu
My program got a tray icon (notifyicon) for which I have added contextmenu which in its order has toolstripmenuitem(s) that expands after right-click on notifyicon.I want to do the custom-look of toolstripmenuitems through renderer.I've searched through multiple forum how to do that and to...
23 Sep 2012 by BeStelios
Hi,I have an ItemsPanel extended with my IscrollInfoLogic, ContainerGenerator etc.. (Virtualizing)The ItemsPanel contains FrameworkElements which have a Property type of Drawing.If the Item is visible i do:On the Onrender if the DrawingProperty is not null i go with...
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to use picojpeg library on a PIC with ILI9341 320×240 LCD module
13 Jun 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
Read these :[^][^]
12 Jan 2016 by bjay tiamsic
Hi.I have this code and I use it to render GridView to MS Word and download it automatically for the user. However, I am having a hard time searching how to add page numbers on each page of the downloaded document.Here is my code:public void BindAndRender(System.Data.DataTable...
7 Aug 2013 by sl65agm
I am try to modify the HOOPS 3D source code to satisfy the demand of occlusion culling of large amount of triangles, for the reason that the dx9 driver can not discard triangle primitives in its render pipeline. So I have to figure out the render process of the platform by reading its source...
22 May 2024 by Sh.H.
How may I retrieve the final render size of width and height of RowHeader of a DataGrid in WPF ? What I have tried: In bellow code I tried, the final RenderSize of RowHeader should show in the Label. but doesn't work. Class MainWindow ...
6 Jan 2013 by HariPrasad katakam
We have migrated our web Application from windows server 2000 (IIS 6) to windows server 2008 (IIS 7). we were using Pin Edit third party controls in the application.These controls will be rendered as iframe with src, when it was rendering in old server windows server 2000 (IIS 6) the src...
14 Dec 2013 by Steve Vink
It's a question full of allsorts, let me break it down.I currently have a 3D Windows app that takes the user-supplied image, applies it to a 3D model and then displays the result. The model is in OBJ format. I would like to be able to do this via a website. The process is:1. Submit and...
8 Jun 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Instead of C# or Java, please search for a 3-D modeling tool. Because what you have shown has no feature that needs a back-end script or code (using Java or C#), but it needs a powerful 3-D modeling tool, that can render the graphics and allow you to create different models and apply textures...
7 Oct 2015 by Member 10364701
Hi all!I have problem. I want using C# DirectX render to Bitmap (Not render to control). Then using GDI+ draw bitmap to control.Can someone help me?Thanks!
17 Aug 2017 by ddgjgj
This is the model : e[DataType(DataType.Date)] public Nullable PublishDate { get; set; } This is the view : e @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.PublishDate) @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.PublishDate) ...
30 Oct 2018 by simarmannsingh
Thanks @Seal2002. I really appreciate it. It is working fine now. :)