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by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.

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by ToughDev
How to use picojpeg library on a PIC with ILI9341 320×240 LCD module
by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.
by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?

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13 Feb 2022 by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?
8 Jul 2015 by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
6 Sep 2022 by EgorYusov
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
17 Nov 2022 by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
This work proposes the development of a Raycast engine in JavaScript to facilitate the 3D game development.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new feature called Post-Cache Substitution, which is aimed at optimizing the development experience for this mostly-cached