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by honey the codewitch
Using a popular RTOS to enable easy multithreading on your IoT gadgets
by johnniealan
ArcNet Protocol basics
by tomm13
Comparison of Firebase and SynergyKit while developing chat application
by Sacha Barber, Doron Somech
Small demo app showing how to create a streaming Publisher / Resilient clients using NetMQ + RX

Latest Articles

by honey the codewitch
Using a popular RTOS to enable easy multithreading on your IoT gadgets
by honey the codewitch
Take a page from .NET and enjoy an easy way to safely pass information between threads on an ESP32
by johnniealan
ArcNet Protocol basics
by Vincent Maverick Durano
This series of article will walk you through on building a simple Online Poll System with real-time updates using SignalR 2, jQuery, Core EF, Core MVC and Web API 2.We will take a look at how each of the technologies will be used within ASP.NET Core 1.0.

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15 Jan 2015 by CPallini
Assuming 'code reusing' is not a requirement (otherwise you probably would have already followed the MFC 11 migration path), I would do some tests toward the fully managed path (that is all C#) with option 4 (that is C# GUI, C++ for time critical components) as plan B.
15 Jan 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I rather agree with Solution 2. My answers:1. Quick Questions & Answer might be not the most suitable place for such a wide problem, but main idea could be: don't assume you migrate; you create the system from scratch, because the technologies are very different. Consider it as a benefit:...
27 Feb 2021 by honey the codewitch
Using a popular RTOS to enable easy multithreading on your IoT gadgets
15 Jan 2015 by Shmuel Zang
It's depends on how much your core implementation is coupled with your UI. For instance, if you use a window handle to the window that the graphic should be paint on, in your core code (not a recommended pattern but, I already saw an implementation like this), creating UI with a new platform can...
15 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
The term "embedded system" can refer to anything from a toaster to a special purpose server whose source runs to tens of millions of lines of code, so it's hard to say much without knowing what kinds of embedded systems you mean. That said,...
15 Jan 2015 by Vitaliy Kunin
I have a multi-threaded windows desktop application that runs on a standard PC motherboard. It collects images from cameras , displays them onto the UI, performs image processing on these pictures, also displays the results onto the UI and sends information via the Serial port to the PLC to...
15 Feb 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
Quote:A manager (who is not technical) has said the firmware is too buggy and needs to be rewritten from scratch using a methodology like Misra. They say that by doing this the code will be bug free and we will have more robust and maintainable code.Ummm... there is no such thing as "bug free"...
15 Mar 2022 by CHill60
This is a quick answers forum and your questions can't really be answered quickly. I recommend acquiring a good book on the subject e.g. Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++: Michael Barr: 9781565923546: Books[^] or Embedded C...
19 Mar 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
You should ask the question at Getting Started with MARKET.RTD -[^]; this has nothing to do with programming.
8 Apr 2014 by MinChanSike
I have a sample project with SignalR and test for real time information.In my project is entry data from some page and show list data at one page in real time.It okay with SignalR when I use Multiple Form/View ( Entry Form, Listing Form ).But I got issue when I use Single Form/View with...
14 Dec 2014 by Member 10789046
I've made a functional mini social network app in Rails. I'm using the Sync gem in order to make my app realtime so that when a user posts something, it'll immediately show up on their home feed. I feel like I'm extremely close to making this work. The form works and there are no run-time errors...
25 Feb 2015 by ninodago
Good morning,I have the following scenario to develop.Let's start from the assert I have low experience in web development, I am more focused towards desktop programming, but this could be an advantage, because I have no prejudices towards any solution.The scenario to model is this. We...
27 Feb 2015 by Matej Hlatky
Hi Nino,Just in short, there is no right answer to question „Which is the best programming language to model this scenario“. Some may say Node.js, Ruby, Python ... or any other language, but my recommendation is to stick with the programming language you know best – .NET or Java (as you...
4 Mar 2015 by nadim_bh
* implementation of a generic USB protocol for interfacing product:how can i create a driver?Is there to tricks or doc that will help me in this?Device Details: -TWR-k60f120M, ARM cortex-m4-eclipse kepler C/C++-GNU Tools ARM Embedded -OpenOCD-Real time OS:...
4 Mar 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
This question is far too broad for a Quick Answers forum, and it is impossible to provide much useful information. You need to do some research into USB protocol, embedded systems and drivers. You will also need to study the hardware of the device(s) you intend to support.
2 Jul 2015 by tomm13
Comparison of Firebase and SynergyKit while developing chat application
23 Aug 2015 by CPallini
It is difficult to outline a winning strategy based just on the details you posted. Possibly you might just improve the performance of your code (fine tuning it). Possibly the algorithm could be actually parallelized to exploit the multicore (I assume it is) CPU. Possibly, lastly, you simply...
7 Oct 2015 by Jesús Álvarez
I have several problems when i have a very large number of point on my series in my chart area, the problem is my GUI block, but chart point are ploting perfectly, my progress bar and my timer (elapsed) stop running, but qhen a i resize my form to small resolution, it work perfectly.(sorry...
7 Oct 2015 by phil.o
I'm not really sure, but I have the impression that you are adding the points one by one.Maybe you could try to add them all at a time, enclosing the add operation between chart1.Series.SuspendUpdates(); and chart1.Series.ResumeUpdates();.
21 Oct 2015 by Jesús Álvarez
The problem was that the datareceived event and this.Invoke("other event"), block I because the read operation and paint operation (in chart), fill all the task queue and the UIthread never keep alive between that, result the GUI dont refresh until datareceiver is working.I need to...
17 Oct 2016 by misaqyrn9677
Hello Dear All ProgrammingI Want Showing Data In SqlServer (Real-Time) But When Use Time Its Not WorkingNote : You This In My Function Loading Data in DataBasePlease Help MeBy Regards Yarian
17 Oct 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
You can try applying the concept of SqlDependency with ASP.NET SignalR: Database Change Notifications in ASP.NET using SignalR and SqlDependency – TechBrij[^] Or you could schedule a frequent push on the server just like what is demonstrated here: Integrating with ASP.NET SignalR push...
7 Dec 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
It would seem kind of obvious to just check to make sure the height is greater than 0 before drawing the rectangle.
14 Dec 2016 by Member 12752611
Please Guide me: I am going to make my Final year project in image processing using the concept ofreal time video processing. Project will contain the following Task:capture the video in real time.track the face and eyes pupal in real time.if eyes are closed then alarm.What I...
12 Feb 2017 by jim rock
I need to implement push technology in my application. I need to display data on the web page as it gets inserted in the database in real time. I am using ASP.NET MVC with IBM Informix as backend database. I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use signalr with Informix? Does SirnalR...
12 Feb 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Signal R[^] is just used for Real time communication between Server (ASP.NET) and Client(Web Browser). It has nothing to do with the database.You can use any Database engine as backend.
15 Feb 2017 by nv3
This is difficult to answer without taking a look at the code. From what you describe there are two engineers working on the code more or less permanently. So they apparently do understand the code - perhaps not in all parts and perhaps wishing they had invested more into documentation and code...
15 Feb 2017 by Patrice T
Quote:Should we rewrite our software from scratch?We are at the worst place to give you informed advices because we don't have details on that code and its problems. The 2 engineers working on it probably have a better idea on the question.Quote:They say that by doing this the code will be...
15 May 2018 by Member 13710355
I have a project where I have used an Arduino ultrasonic sensor and have connected it to a java program which reads the values produced by the Arduino ultrasonic sensor via serial communication, the java program produces a real time chart plotting values that are being read from the Arduino. I...
8 Jun 2019 by Hastimal Suthar
can any one tell me how to receive NSE udp data on ms excel from Thanks What I have tried: can any one tell me how to receive NSE udp data on ms excel from Thanks
8 Jun 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
See How to Receive NSE Feed Using UDP[^]
30 Aug 2019 by Member 13482508
I made this function to sort the rectangle so that it will draw. private Rectangle SortedRect(Point P, Size S) { if (S.Width
26 May 2020 by Member 14845028
I am building a flutter auction application, I am stuck at the countdown time of an auction product so I use firebase realtime database. I have to make sure all users see the countdown at the same time. Please help me whether it's just a keyword...
7 Mar 2022 by Member 15535708
I have been tasked with creating an interface between a delta motion controller which is attached to a servo valve. I want to read back the position in real-time. I started coding in C# and even though the loop is running continually with no...
7 Mar 2022 by Gerry Schmitz
You can't realistically sample "continuously and without delay". You need to determine the frequency / cycle time of the device, and establish a comparable "frame rate" / cycle time for your app. Even if the source is "continuous", your app...
15 Mar 2022 by Member 15314815
I have some C, C++ programming skills which can be utilized for building embedded applications in real time. I am working on learning C, C++ programs for developing embedded applications in real time. As I do not have full time work experience in...
18 Aug 2022 by Member 14651650
For example, ThinkOrSwim graphs permit multiple studies - like RSI, MACD, Stochastics, etc. Given the chart is showing minute bars, the "current" minute bar is redrawn with each trade. Also, each study is recalculated and is redrawn for the...
25 Oct 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're going to have more load on the server no matter what you do. The data is always going to come from the server. You either start up a timer in your client javascript and call an API method to get the data, or you can setup a SignalR...
14 Dec 2014 by Sacha Barber, Doron Somech
Small demo app showing how to create a streaming Publisher / Resilient clients using NetMQ + RX
6 May 2015 by DrABELL
Web Application capable of NY MTA bus routes and stops monitoring in real-time/low-latency mode.
14 Dec 2014 by Martin Arrivets
WPF automated trading application
15 Dec 2014 by Sacha Barber
Small demo app showing how to create a streaming Publisher / Resilient clients using SignalR + RX
5 Aug 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This series of article will walk you through on building a simple Online Poll System with real-time updates using SignalR 2, jQuery, Core EF, Core MVC and Web API 2.We will take a look at how each of the technologies will be used within ASP.NET Core 1.0.
25 Feb 2021 by honey the codewitch
Take a page from .NET and enjoy an easy way to safely pass information between threads on an ESP32
20 Aug 2014 by sgoleary
High Resolution Timer EventArg Class for timing background tasks.
15 Jan 2015 by nv3
It is not so much the CPU load that I would fear in a managed environment, but the unknown interference of the garbage collector.Splitting the app into a managed front end and a C++ non-managed backend gives you nice options for the UI (Windows Forms), but you are introducing some complexity...
8 May 2015 by DrABELL
CSS3 technique utilizes HTML5 div elements to produce compact pseudo-graphics
7 Dec 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Let me Google that for you...[^]
3 Aug 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This question can be better answered by reading an entire guide or a book about memory mapping in ARM architecture. Trying a quick Google can bring about 3+ books for this topic that can provide you with details on how this works, Google search results[^].Try the books found on that...
7 Dec 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I think you ask this question because of the the comments on one of the answers or questions, where one member and myself commented that SignalR has nothing to do with real-time, and I added that there are many different unrelated and confusion uses of the term "real time".You can read about...
1 Aug 2015 by chandrAN2&
In µC/OS-III Features with Longer Critical Sections section , it is mentioned that "Multiple tasks at the same priority" will create longer critical section.Below is the reason mentioned for the same"Although this is an important feature of µC/OS-III, multiple tasks at the same...
7 Dec 2015 by Anisuzzaman Sumon
Sir,I am Confused,Please help me prviding the answer following questions.What is SignalR?And What is real time web apllication.What is the relationship among them.Can it possible to write realtime application with Manage code?
15 Feb 2017 by bhagman
We have a project written in C. It’s about 70K lines of code and has been written over ten years. Features and options have been added onto the original functionality over the years. The application is real time firmware to run on a microcontroller and it has some very carefully crafted...
25 Oct 2022 by ravithejag
I want to implement a solution where my web page has to be refreshed whenever there is an new entry in our Influx/SQL Database. In current scenario we are refreshing the data every 5 seconds over WEB API built on C# , due to frequent calls to...
23 Aug 2015 by JinxLeader
Hello, everybody. I have a problem about The design about real-time data reception,treatment and save. I have a read(cBuf,length) function to receive real-time data.I make a core exclusive thread with SetThreadAffinityMask(). In this thread, it have the read function and treatment etc....
30 Aug 2019 by kursatdemir58
Hello, I ve been googling for hours. Please help me! Im having trouble with real time rectangle drawing, Let's say 1st second I want to draw y1 to positive heigth, in 2nd second y1 to negative heigth. But DrawRectangle doesn't except negative values and doesn't draw. I show in drtail in picture...
20 Sep 2017 by ZhEaIsNsAaBn
I wanna to build a stock exchange application : which is a form have datagridview and its data change in it immediately (reel-time) - it will be something like this => [
19 Mar 2023 by Hankster2
Using market.rtd I am able to get dividend date and ex-div date. But not the dollar amount of the dividend. Is there a formula for that? Or other method to automatically get that info when a dividend has been announced? What I have tried: I'm...