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Great Reads

by Anoop Pillai
Exploring Reactive Programming including a detailed look at Interactive and Reactive Extensions for .NET and C# developers.
by Eric Pap
An easy to use custom control basedon textbox that allows Autocomplete, compatible with WCF
by John L. Vidal
Know how an event in your app is performing by using Reactive Extensions
by Modesty Zhang
A practical example of utilizing Reactive Extensions RxJS for autonomous states in React components with greater expressiveness and concise code.

Latest Articles

by G.TR
This tip shows two different approaches for disposing view models that use Reactive Extension
by Chris_Yu
Functional programming in front-end development
by Gerd Wagner
Reactive programming and how it works
by Modesty Zhang
A practical example of utilizing Reactive Extensions RxJS for autonomous states in React components with greater expressiveness and concise code.

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1 Sep 2013 by Anoop Pillai
Exploring Reactive Programming including a detailed look at Interactive and Reactive Extensions for .NET and C# developers.
10 Jul 2014 by Eric Pap
An easy to use custom control basedon textbox that allows Autocomplete, compatible with WCF
10 Jan 2015 by John L. Vidal
Know how an event in your app is performing by using Reactive Extensions
27 Nov 2015 by Modesty Zhang
A practical example of utilizing Reactive Extensions RxJS for autonomous states in React components with greater expressiveness and concise code.
21 Oct 2014 by greggma
Demonstrates how to extend RX with fluent extensions using an synchronised, pausable and batch observable.
18 Jul 2016 by Gerd Wagner
Reactive programming and how it works
31 Oct 2018 by Janardhanam Julapalli
I have used react-native-simple-auth for social logins.My code is like import React from 'react'; import { AsyncStorage } from "react-native"; import firebase from 'firebase'; import { StyleSheet, Text, ScrollView, Picker, View, ActivityIndicator, ...
16 May 2021 by G.TR
This tip shows two different approaches for disposing view models that use Reactive Extension
20 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please don't tell us "because my manager asked so". We help software developers only, not people who don't know why using this or another APIs. May be your manager is the real software developer, but certainly not you. Talk to your manager to resolve this problem. If your manager consider...
28 Jan 2013 by Paulo Morgado
With Rx, events are first class citizens that can be passed around and composed as needed in a very simple way.
22 May 2013 by Basmeh Awad
you have declared Dim db As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("select * from PERSONAL_DATA where F_NO =" & Val(vl), cn) and later on you are reading samedb = rdr.Item("BIRTH_DATE")how this can be chage it to dim dt as Date= rdr.Item("BIRTH_DATE")
11 May 2015 by Andy Lanng
Hi,Quick overview:I have a service that starts two processes:1: A message based workflow2: An event based 'tracker'The tracker handles several third party APIs that either push data (async) or that we pull data from. I have managed to set this up so that all of the data...
18 Jan 2016 by Matt T Heffron
I'm starting to use the Reactive Extensions (Rx) v2 and I'm having some trouble with .Publish().I have simplified test case in my WPF application, reduced to:// Class level: IObservable Messages;// in a button's ICommand.Execute() handler ...
5 Apr 2018 by Member 11551853
I am beginner in react js frame work, and i have experienced in visual studio .ney mvc frame work,i have learn to integrate a react js in visual studio environment. What I have tried: Please tell me how i will integrate react js in visual studio environment.
8 May 2018 by Vishal Bhatia0112
My boss have given me a task to learn about Rxcpp but there's not enough information i can find on internet. Can someone help me with some guidance, where should i go? What I have tried: Tried various site but could'nt find any worthy thing.
8 May 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
See Rxcpp - Google Search[^].
20 Aug 2018 by Josh415
11 Apr 2023 by ramweb12345
How to use href tag using const in react. I tried below code but getting html code also. I want display only text message� const ExpiredMesaage�= � 'Your session has expired. Please login again via
11 Apr 2023 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
That is a plain string, so React will render it on the DOM as it is. You can render the hyperlink inside a paragraph. Use this: const ExpiredMesaage = Your session has expired. Please login again via
18 Dec 2022 by Member 15868733
everyone I'm working on a small project where I already did the backend and nginx configuration with docker Now I want to add frontend created by react this is the project architecture Docker-compose Dockerfile (1) docker (folder) ...
7 Apr 2011 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
This article covers the creation of maze game all the way from its WPF animations to its music integration with two sound engines.
2 Sep 2014 by gjvdkamp
This is a minimalistic example of how WCF, Rx and Excel-DNA can be used to stream realtime data to an Excel client.
2 Jun 2014 by Fitim Skenderi
A small MVVM framework using RX
23 Mar 2015 by Sacha Barber
Showcase of how to use a sort of Attached Behaviours for ViewModels, and how to build BIG XAML apps
25 Apr 2011 by David Sehnal
A computation wrapper with built-in progress tracking using Reactive Extensions for .NET (and AsyncCTP).
15 Mar 2015 by inter8ection
This article illustrates how to get started with using Obvs as a messaging layer between a simple client and server.
25 Sep 2017 by Chris_Yu
Functional programming in front-end development
28 Jan 2013 by Paulo Morgado
15 Sep 2015 by Member 10215505
I have modified RTD server code available posted by some person Code Project to send DataTable, but I am not able to display it into Excel using RTD Client...Code Snippet as below.. Can someone guide how can I display DataTable in Excel?using ExcelDna.Integration;using RTD.Server;using...
20 Jul 2011 by Arash_73888
I want to read a small (1kb) file and a big (10gb) file together asynchronously without locking the main thread. I should do it with a console application and Rx extension not with system.threading and other methods because my manager asked so! . Could anybody give me some help plzzzz? tanx in...
22 May 2013 by adesewa
The code below can not read the value of field "BIRTH_DATE" giving conversing errorvl = InputBox("PLS,ENTER THE STAFF'S FILE_NO TO UPDATE") Dim strConnection As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=c:\Users\BELLCONSULT\Documents\COUNCILS.mdb" Dim cn As...
11 May 2015 by Andy Lanng
GAH - the code works fine >_
17 Jul 2022 by 758_Dharini Iyer
Hello..I am somone who's rather new at AngularJS..can i please get some help with creating a reactive form which when submitted must be viewed as the same form on another component in disabled view.Also how can i retrieve the form data submitted...