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by HoshiKata
Practical on the fly fast mesh generation from arbitrary points.
by User 6679439
Comprehensive unit parsing library
by practicalDeveloper
JavaScript, HTML based physical computer models on canvas
by Arav Singhal
Representing shapes, worlds, and integrating forces and velocities in a 2D physics engine

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by aroman
This post is about the relaxation method combined with a multigrid method applied on the Laplace equation.
by practicalDeveloper
JavaScript, HTML based physical computer models on canvas
by Arav Singhal
Calculating the mass and inertia of a body and applying forces to it
by User 6679439
Comprehensive unit parsing library

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12 Nov 2012 by HoshiKata
Practical on the fly fast mesh generation from arbitrary points.
1 Jun 2018 by User 6679439
29 Sep 2020 by practicalDeveloper
JavaScript, HTML based physical computer models on canvas
17 Feb 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It really depends on your UI library and what you call rendering. In WPF, for example, rendering is already a thread separate from UI thread. I don't think this is a correctly posed question. In all cases, you should separate the game scenario from UI. Then you just have to render the scene in...
29 Jan 2018 by Arav Singhal
Representing shapes, worlds, and integrating forces and velocities in a 2D physics engine
25 Mar 2014 by CPallini
Even if you limit yourself to the collision of rectangles, the actual physics is not simple, see, for instance this page: MyPhysicsLab – Rigid Body Collisions[^]. For more complex shapes things start becoming interesting...[^].
10 Nov 2015 by Patrice T
A simple Google research on longitude + latitude + bearing + distance leads you to...
12 Nov 2018 by Arav Singhal
Calculating the mass and inertia of a body and applying forces to it
30 Jun 2016 by OriginalGriff
Start with the maths, it's pretty simple: Acceleration is the change in velocity over time.Equation: a = (v-u) / tWhere a is the accellerationv is the current speedu is the initial speedt is the time(This is from a very, very quick google: calculate speed of accelerating object -...
25 Jun 2018 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
erdeV = erdeV + Fgrav Fgrav is a scalar value and not vector... You can add two vectors but only divide or multiply vector by scalar...
17 Feb 2013 by Member 8061245
Hello , I am developing now some experimental game engine for 3D games (via XNA) and i was thinking of splitting the physics and rendering processes to separate threads in C# .So , i was reading in some article at StackOverflow that Multi-Threading isn't always effective and may even hurt...
21 Feb 2013 by ArunAmalraj
Michio Kaku's Hyperspace and Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe are good sort of primer books. Not quite "Physics For Dummies", but they both have very approachable writing styles and cover a lot of the basics
18 Apr 2013 by yudhistira dewanata
I'm creating an animation of a guy hitting a sandbag (Imagine the game Grand Theft Auto)what I'm having problem with is how to simulate the swinging of the sandbag when punched.The Problem is not in graphical, i have no problem in doing the 3d simulation, what i'm a bit confused is how to...
18 Apr 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
Well, you curtainly picked a difficult topic for the question. The easiest way of threating the problem is to use a bar, like a tuning fork or a free bar:[^]However sand is nonlinear so it might be a little more difficult to get...
21 Feb 2014 by Member 3540150
How to correctly build bullet physics with d3d11 to build a c++ Channel-Operator (a dll file like BulletChop ) for TouchDesigner using code::blocks, or Visual Studio.o I...What i was trying to write was a Chop (Channel operator) inside Touchdesigner, that can only be built with a c++...
21 Feb 2014 by KarstenK
your compilation settings for the type btVector3 are somehow wrong. Change the declaration of the type and its decoration.[^]
10 Nov 2014 by Member 10948508
PoolGameSingle poolgame = new PoolGameSingle(); var cue = poolgame.CueStick; Body CueStickBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, 15, 15,1); CueStickBody.Position = new Vector2(902, 250); cue = CueStickBody; Geom CueStickGeom =...
10 Jan 2015 by Amarnath S
If I understand the issue right, you have f1Int(a, b) = integral of f1(a, b, c) with respect to cf2Int(a, b) = integral of f2(a, b, p) with respect to pf12Int(a, b) = f1Int(a, b) + f2Int(a, b)Now, f5(a, b, d) = f3(a, b, d) * f12Int(a, b)Similarly, f6(a, b, d) = f4(a, b, d) +...
20 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You are not even trying to calculate the trajectory/timing of the motion. "Weird" and "glitchy" motion may exist in your code, but not in reality.In first approximation, the motion of the projectile is described by simple equation: motion with constant acceleration (Earth gravity, in this...
15 Nov 2015 by Member 12142188
Dear everyone,i try to integrate physx3.3.2 sdk into opengl graphic library. I use the simplest code to implement ,however i fail to integrate it. I have seen physx3.3.2 PhysXGuide and PhysXAPI,but the problem can not be solved. Hoping everyone can give some guidence or can give me some help...
15 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
Very much the wrong site: this is for software development.You want to Google for "do my physics homework please" instead.And to be honest, if you can't work out that problem for yourself, you're going to fall the course big time ....
15 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
See here: [^]
25 Jun 2018 by Member 13886286
I'm implementing a solar system with VPython in GlowScript. Now I have received this error when running: Error cannot add scalar and a vector. I think I've done all correctly. Do I have to change something with the pos. ? Here is the code: GlowScript 2.7 VPython from visual import * scene =...
12 May 2019 by OriginalGriff
We can't help you directly with that: we have no idea how you are testing your implementation, so we have no way to tell is the implementation that is at fault, or the algorithm, or the test data, or the evaluation of the results. So, it's going to be up to you. Fortunately, you have a tool...
21 Jul 2021 by aroman
This post is about the relaxation method combined with a multigrid method applied on the Laplace equation.
12 Sep 2021 by Ryan Peen
I am recieving the error seen in the question title when attempting to run my code which attempts to perform some math and will later desire to plot some conditional functions. My code is as follows import math import numpy as np def...
17 Jul 2013 by Rudi Breedenraedt
The ultimate Unit and Amount classes for your business and physics applications!
17 Oct 2012 by Florian Rappl
Creating an super-awesome browser game that follows the path of the legendary blobby volley!
29 Jan 2018 by Arav Singhal
An introduction to all the math required to get started on your own 2D physics engine
28 May 2013 by Ian Sullivan
A short guide to making an HTML5 physics based multiplayer game
29 Jan 2018 by Arav Singhal
The basics of spaces, transformations and bodies used in a 2D physics engine.
25 Jul 2013 by Matt Scarpino
Simulating displacement, velocity, and acceleration in code.
28 Feb 2015 by Hydeen
How I made my 2D Game, a Mario platformer type of game. I searched around the internet for most of these things, but had trouble finding it. Especially collision detection that I ended up creating a simple solution by myself.
25 Mar 2014 by mayooran99
I am implementing a game where the objects are rectangle bounded. But once a collision has taken place, they need to move like how pool balls would move when they have collided. I saw some pool game collision responses but they are all for circle bounded objects. Please advice how to do the same...
25 Apr 2013 by ravi1989h
Two rods A and B of lengths 100 m each are joined end to end. Velocity of sound in A is 800 m/s Young’s modulus (Y) and density (d) of B are two and eight times of their respective values of A. Find the time taken by sound to travel between the free ends of the rods. ( Velocity of sound in...
30 Jun 2016 by Member 12612602
I am very new to coding and I have to calculate the speed of an object, moving in a straight line at a non-constant speed. I need to measure the speed every 30 seconds. I do not know where to start, all help is appreciated.What I have tried:research which I do not understand
10 Jan 2015 by Member 11365216
suppose we have four functions.....f1(a,b,c),f2(a,b,p), f3(a,b,d), f4(a,b,d)......i integrated f1 and f2 with respect to c and p respectively and left with f1(a,b) and f2(a,b),,,now i have another function f5(a,b,d) = f3(a,b,d)*integration of function f1 with respect to c (i.e. f1(a,b)) +...
20 May 2015 by Member 11706357
I am making a game which needs an "arrow" to be shot from a stationary location (a set coordinate). The arrow's trajectory is based on the location that the user Clicks in the GUI. This is essentially an Aiming feature. I cant get the arrow to follow a working path, any equations ie used have...
10 Nov 2015 by Jammes_Ca
Hello i want to calculte long2 lat2 using a long1 lat1 distance and the angle longitude latitude (43.619117 1.3719584) distance 4 kmangle 323