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by Member 13737597
This article show the structure of import library file (.lib) used along with header to link against DLL
by hairy_hats
When linking a mixture of mixed-mode and unmanaged DLLs to an unmanaged C++ executable, the link order can affect how the program runs.
by Zehaie M. Hailu
What is missing in articles on the Internet about Autotools is the cue of how they all fit together in a simple and concise manner. You will have less of a hard time following the story if, like Jerry, you have some knowledge about Makefiles and compiler, linker, and preprocessor options.

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by Member 13737597
This article show the structure of import library file (.lib) used along with header to link against DLL
by Zehaie M. Hailu
What is missing in articles on the Internet about Autotools is the cue of how they all fit together in a simple and concise manner. You will have less of a hard time following the story if, like Jerry, you have some knowledge about Makefiles and compiler, linker, and preprocessor options.
by hairy_hats
When linking a mixture of mixed-mode and unmanaged DLLs to an unmanaged C++ executable, the link order can affect how the program runs.

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1 Aug 2018 by Member 13737597
This article show the structure of import library file (.lib) used along with header to link against DLL
21 Jan 2012 by JackDingler
You're missing glut32.lib from your linker list.Add it in your configuration properties, under "Linker/Input/Additional Dependancies" or a similar place, depending on the version of VS you're using.
22 Oct 2020 by CPallini
Quote: Do i have to define UNICODE in every single source file? Yes, you have to. You might, however, define it as a compiler option, see /D (Preprocessor Definitions)- To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment |...
3 Jun 2010 by Sauro Viti
The mapinfo linker option has been removed since Visual Studio 2005, so I suppose you have imported a project created with Visual Studio 2003...To fix your problem open the project properties, and move to the section Linker -> Command Line, and remove the mapinfo option from the Additional...
9 Apr 2011 by Albert Holguin
that's quite a project... controlling a UAV through a 3G modem seems like it wouldn't work very well... what happens if you drift out of reception range? you'll lose the aircraft and all the equipment, this isn't the type of project that someone can do on their own with limited budget.
11 May 2011 by Olivier Levrey
Most likely you forgot to provide the corresponding .lib file in the Link tab of your project properties.Find out which .lib you need for this interface and just fill it in the Link tab.Otherwise, it might be a version issue: check that the version of DirectX you use in your code matches...
11 May 2011 by Albert Holguin
Here's a post with someone who had the same problem:[^]It mentions what .libs you may be missing.
26 Jan 2012 by hairy_hats
When linking a mixture of mixed-mode and unmanaged DLLs to an unmanaged C++ executable, the link order can affect how the program runs.
15 Mar 2012 by User 59241
Why did your change require you to set the /force option?If the linker is not complaining why set it? This is really just a workaround for problems that ( may) exist with the linking of your program.Have you set the compiler warning level to 4? If you are getting warnings can you explain...
3 Jul 2012 by enhzflep
Nope. No can do.MS compiler produces .lib files, GCC produces .a files.You can't link .a files to projects with Visual Studio. Nor an you link .lib files to projects with GCC.What you trying to do/achieve?
13 Feb 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
How hidden? I just tested with notepad.exe:dumpbin %windir%\notepad.exe /importsPart of output:File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE Section contains the following imports: ADVAPI32.dll 10000C000 Import Address Table 10000D1E8 Import Name Table ...
5 Aug 2013 by User 59241
Quote:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbolTells you immediately that the linker cannot find this symbol in any library. You most likely have not included the required boost library in your project.See this link for "Using Boost libraries"Building Boost libraries for Visual...
22 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
You can define it in the Project Properties in the Advanced -> Character Set box. This will ensure that all source files will be compiled with /D "UNICODE" as standard.
6 Dec 2020 by Mladen Janković
Storage class specifiers -[^] Names at the top-level namespace scope (file scope in C) that are const and not extern have external linkage in C, but internal linkage in C++. So solution to your problem would be: //...
2 Jun 2010 by ah123ah
I imported an application into a VS2008 and I am getting the following error.Error 1 fatal error LNK1117: syntax error in option ;mapinfo:lines;Can someone help me in solving this problem?
9 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
Why is one of those strings using backslashes, and the other (Outputs) using forward slashes?
21 Jun 2011 by TRK3
Try this link instead:[^]From that discussion it appears to be an issue of linking in a library that was either compiled with an earlier version of VS or which expects to link to the CRT...
3 Oct 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
See here[^] to check your code is following the correct rules. Also, make sure you have defined your JNI calls within extern "C" {} blocks, to prevent name mangling by the compiler.
4 Oct 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
I don't know why this happens BUT:In your C code, if you replace the line:res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);with// this should contain the path to the JVM DLL fileHINSTANCE hVM = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll");if (hVM...
5 Oct 2011 by Espen Harlinn
It's customary to locate the java runtime trough settings from the registry, and then load the dll dynamically.Have look at:Jace[^]Jace offers some additional features you might find interesting too.[Update]The _imp__ prefix indicates that you have a problem with your library - I...
12 Apr 2013 by H.Brydon
I have seen this problem going back to somewhere around VS2003. It seems that even if you have all project settings and dependencies setup correctly, the 'rebuild' choice does not work as intended. If my memory serves (with VS2005), it did the project cleans and builds asynchronously such that...
26 Feb 2014 by PrafullaVedante
Hi,I am linking two Third party libs in my application. (Both libs are from different vendors)I am getting the following error1>slic.lib(xmllsp.obj) : error LNK2005: _endElement already defined in libxml_mdd.lib(legacy.obj)1>slic.lib(xmllsp.obj) : error LNK2005: _startElement already...
20 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's something likeconst StructType * myVar1 = reinterpret_cast(0xA000);// ...Also, you can face some problems with alignment of separate members withing your struct and possibility of padding the memory in structure with unused memory fragments, for the sake of access...
10 Apr 2016 by Zehaie M. Hailu
What is missing in articles on the Internet about Autotools is the cue of how they all fit together in a simple and concise manner. You will have less of a hard time following the story if, like Jerry, you have some knowledge about Makefiles and compiler, linker, and preprocessor options.
3 Nov 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
I have explained the answer to this question a number of times and yet you still insist on reposting it. All the required libraries for these products are clearly listed in the LDFLAGS sections of the Makefile. If you really cannot understand how to do this, then just use the make command and...
21 Nov 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
The libraries to search should be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
7 Jun 2018 by Jochen Arndt
I'm not going to download an unpack a ZIP archive or visit a link to see a compiler / linker error message. Please edit your question by using the green 'Improve question' link and add the full error message (just copy and paste it) and information about the function mentioned in the error...
11 Nov 2023 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Try to use Process Explorer - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn[^] tool and find out which process is holding the file. Usually it can be the debugger service which may run under system account. In Process Explorer you can kill process. Or at least...
11 Nov 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
30 May 2010 by Member 7031749
I am creating a source file. In that I am defining TARGETLIB. One way is TARGETLIBS=$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\setupapi.libBut to include a library which is not in "SDK_LIB_PATH", how to include?I have library by name proxy.lib in "c:\sharing\suresh" folder. how to include this?
2 Jun 2010 by M. Mohsen
There is how you can edit the mapinfo linking option
13 Jun 2010 by happydebug
DATABASE_API CAlarmDatabase* GetAlarmDatabase();I export a method like this, but when I use the method of class CAlarmDatabase, I get a linker error "Cannot resolve the external command".I just don't get it!
13 Jun 2010 by Niklas L
In addition to supermans reply, also check that you really exported the function. This can be done in e.g. the tool depends.exe (located somewhere under your VS install dir)
19 Oct 2010 by Fred Hebert
Dear,We are developing large C++ application. Link time of debug target is one of our biggest irritant here (we build C++ native applications). In fact, that's our biggest problem related to our usage of Visual Studio (2005, 2008 and 2010). We know that the main bottleneck is the Hard...
9 Nov 2010 by basementman
Another, free, alternative is to create subprojects that stick seldom-changing objs into a LIB file and then just link to the LIB files in your main build. Much quicker (what we used to do in the 80's/90's with MSC5.1/VC1.0).
22 Nov 2010 by BarryPearlman
I get the following when debugging my aplication: "Intellisense: #error directive: Please use the /Md switch for AFXDLL builds."I am using MFC under VS2010 and I understand what it wants me to do. The question is how or where do I set the /Md (and other) switches?Thanks,Barry
22 Nov 2010 by Abhinav S
This[^] post might just help you.
8 Jan 2011 by tommorris
I have a *.lib file that I want to add a *.obj file to. In the past, I used the custom build step feature in MSVC. I build the *.lib then add the additional *.obj file to create an alternate and additional *.lib file.In the past, I have used the following script in the Custom Build Step...
9 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
Why not use nmake?MS lib utility is called lib.exeLIB Reference[^]Visual Studio allows you to create a "Makefile Project" using the "Add New Project" dialog under the "Visual C++" node.Here is a small nmake...
9 Jan 2011 by tommorris
Thank you for your replies.I have tried to run nmake from the command line as suggested... without success. Here is the script in my make file, tGenesisi_lib.mak...!include...
9 Jan 2011 by Aescleal
Can you run lib manually, from a command interpreter and does it build the library if all the correct doodads are in place?Secondly can you transplant this command line into a batch file and run that as a custom build step?If you can't pull either of those things off then the problem's a...
2 Apr 2011 by adrian622
Hi. I have a problem.I included ximage.h and try to compileCxImage image; image.Load("C:\\screen.bmp", CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP);if (image.IsValid()){ if(!image.IsGrayScale()) image.IncreaseBpp(24); image.SetJpegQuality(80); ...
2 Apr 2011 by Albert Holguin
there should be a project options area somewhere to add libraries or objects, i can tell you exactly how to get to it in studio, unfortunately not sure where it is exactly in Dev...i've heard nothing good about Dev btw...
9 Apr 2011 by johnnyq8
hello guys i will be working in project that could take up to 4 years with me because im alone there will be nobody to help me with it so i will begin in god welling i will be creating a UAV ( Unmanned aerial vichele ) if you played Battle field BC2 you will know what im taking about first i can...
21 Jun 2011 by AndrewG1231
Hi everyone,My compiler keeps telling me I have a linker error:libpng.lib(pngerror.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __iob referenced in function _png_default_errorI think this is referring to libpng library, but I am unsure what it is telling me to do to fix it? Is...
20 Jun 2011 by వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)
Try googleAlso check this discussion,
2 Aug 2011 by S Houghtelin
One forgotten or mistyped include, definition or declaration can generate many errors. The following links provide information and examples of how the errors can be generated.Have a look at this MSDN page for LNK2019.[^]Here...
13 Sep 2011 by TRK3
There is only four ways to specify the location of libraries you want to link to:1. Copy (or symbolic link) the library into your working directory.2. Copy the library into the standard default library directory3. Specify the directory path for the library using -L4. Add the directory...
4 Oct 2011 by anktrive
Hi, I am new to JNI and I have been trying to write a simple program to call Java code from C++. I am facing problem in creating the JavaVM from C and am getting the Linker error. I have tried changing the GNU library files in dev C++ (I am using Dev c++ compiler) but no luck so far....
5 Oct 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
My apologies but I was compiling as C++, which does not work for standard C. Modify the code between the lines #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_2 and #else as follows:#ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_2// definitions required to get the proc address HINSTANCE hVM; typedef jint (CALLBACK *fpCJV)(JavaVM**,...
4 Nov 2011 by vikky08
I have a project in vc++ which using standerd windows library and source file include file1.h.A method in header file defind as file1.hvoid _stdcall fun(char * text); but the plateform was the x86 and vc6.Now I converted the project in vs8.and plateform x64.I also add the file1.lib...
21 Jan 2012 by Niickehh
Hi there,this is really getting on my nerves now - I've been trying for hours to get some code working that I have been learning from, but whenever I try to compile my code, all I get is the error "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol". I've had many different errors for the vast amount...
21 Jan 2012 by chandanadhikari
hi this is happening because you have used some variables or functions in your code which are declared in some header file and the linker is not able to find that header file because it is not added to your references properly (for example the location of that header file changed or its path...
21 Jan 2012 by Niickehh
Hi, this is what I'm getting in my error box. I've completed the code, but I'm still getting the errors.Quote:Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _gluPerspective@32 referenced in function "long __stdcall WndProc(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)"...
9 Mar 2012 by Member 3782238
I was testing out some changes to stdafx.cpp so I set the /force option in the customize link options. This worked fine but I noticed the .exe when compiled was 2MB smaller than when I compile it without these changes any ideas as to why? The code executes fine and shows no difference other than...
8 Mar 2012 by jk chan
so you are saying like when you used /fore option exe size is reduced by 2mb? are you using any other .libs in the program ?
16 Jul 2012 by cass3000
I tried to create Visual Studio Shell Isolated application, but when i run the app see following error: "LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt" does somebody solved this error?
16 Jul 2012 by Wes Aday
The file is corrupt.The file is not a valid file type. An example of an invalid type is a 16-bit OMF object.[^]
18 Jul 2012 by cass3000
Well, finally I think I found, not the solution, but the cause:In fact, the probably cause is corrupt files generated by VS 2012 RC. I assume this because I repeated the same steps in another PC without VS 2012 RC and it worked perfectly.
25 Sep 2012 by Member 3498908
I heard you need to install the SP1 for VS2010. Got the same problem ;-)
10 Apr 2013 by Iron-Eagle
I have a very strange problem. I have a project in VS2012 that links statically with another lib. If I build project everything is fine. However, if I REBUILD the project it will fail with link problems. The lib is compiled, I do not compile it during the build. It is no difference if I clean...
10 Apr 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
I know of two possible reasons for this.1. You have two source files in the project with the same name. Link success or failure then becomes link order dependent which can lead to what you see.2. Visual Studio has never really dealt with the NTFS timing granularity issues when it comes...
5 Aug 2013 by gssajith87
Hi Friends,I am not sure why i am getting the below linker errors. Can some one help me in understanding what the error below says., I have no clues on what this errors tell me to do. Kindly help me to understand the error so that i can solve it myself.>RegularExpressionFilter.obj :...
26 Feb 2014 by Stefan_Lang
Check the full error message: it should list the symbols that are multiply defined as well as the object files (or libs) that defined them. The symbols may be obfuscated: If you have trouble identifying them, I strongly suggest you copy&paste the full error message here.P.S.: after checking...
29 Sep 2014 by frksks
Hello,QuestionIs it possible to create assembly which contains two or more .netmodules?If yes, how to achieve that?Which tool should I use?I do not want to reference them, I want to put modules inside assembly.I already found that there are several tools which are able to...
8 Jul 2015 by Member 11824274
Hi All,I have a test.o file, to which I did a readelf and I see rodata has both READ & WRITE permissions. Here is the output.[14] .rodata PROGBITS 00000000004005f8 000005f8000000000000001c 0000000000000000 WA 0 0 8Now my question is how can I make the rodata READ only.Any linker...
22 Jul 2015 by mayooran99
I have created a C++ file which has a function that should be called from the Python file. But this C++ file requires to be built through cmake as there are OpenCV dependencies. When I run the main Python file I am getting the following error:ImportError:...
23 Jul 2015 by Albert Holguin
Your extension definition needs to include your dependencies.See here:[^]Example from above:module1 = Extension('demo', define_macros = [('MAJOR_VERSION', '1'), ...
23 Jul 2015 by Albert Holguin
I don't think you can... if you want to use CMake, you'd have to use Swig to tie your C++ in with your Python. You're sort of mixing two things that don't have too much to do with each other.
20 Aug 2015 by Rage
I have defined sets of constants in a structure table that I want to place in memory at linker time (so statically, not dynamically) using the following pattern:Assuming I have a table of 3 structs of type StructType e.g. StructType MyVar[3];. The StructType has a size of 20...
2 Nov 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Please do not repost the same question more than once. I already answered this at linker crash in C++/QTwhile access DLL file[^].
15 Mar 2016 by Member 10305620
I am trying to compile Libcurl for my project but I am getting below error.g++ -g -o Main.exe Main.o L"C:\Test\src\WebSocket\lib" -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DWINVER=0x0601 -DCURL_STATICLIB -llibcurl /mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -llibcurlWhen I built libcurl usinf mingw32 I got...
15 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
If you look closely at the Link Options - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)[^], you would see that the option should be -lcurl.
10 May 2016 by dravoss
I want to use "__Link" and "__smtpDate()" in the subject line when i send a compaign to any isp like yahoo , gmail , but its not understandable for the isps , what is the php function that i can use for theme please .What I have tried:i tried __Link and any word that begin with "__" like...
20 Feb 2017 by Graeme_Grant
I'm not a C++ dev, but found a StackOverflow Q&A[^] that should point you in the right direction.
30 Oct 2017 by CPallini
Assuming the installation is fine, you shuold issue g++ testSpeak.cpp -o speaks -l espeak-ng
21 Nov 2017 by Member 13376650
I have downloaded the last version of `espeak-ng` from github, and did `./ ./configure make make install`. so I wrote a test program as you can see below: #include #include #include int samplerate;...
15 Apr 2018 by mikcutu
Hello, I am interested in working in Oracle and Cassandra in same application. Is there a possibility to interrogate Cassandra from Oracle? If yes, should it be done via a DBLink from Oracle to Cassandra? Can someone provide a tutorial for this approach, please? Thank you, What I have tried:...
23 Apr 2018 by calimero88
Hi, I'm just testing gtk in codeblocks, i downloaded the libraries from: Static GTK+3 for Windows |, serious side[^] i added all the includes paths for mingw and gtk all the libs paths and i added all gtk static libs in the project options. but i still get cannot find -lgtk-3...
23 Apr 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Those are linker messages telling you that the linker does not know where those library files are stored. You need to add some option with the name of the library directory so it can find them. I don't know what that option might be as I have never used code::blocks, but I would expect the...
23 Apr 2018 by Jochen Arndt
You have to tell the linker where to search for libraries. This can be either done by adding the path(es) to the environment variable LIBRARY_PATH or by passing them on the command line using the -L option. I have not used CodeBlocks so far but there should be an option for those pathes...
8 Jun 2018 by KarstenK
It is obvious that the linker is complaining about the URL of the resource. So check that a) this configuration and use of the resoure is allowed by the IDE b) the file exists and it has the correct data format c) that the linker has the access rights (like internet access and access to this...
21 Jun 2018 by Member 13034100
I apologize to ask a simple question by not being pro-CS. I'm a dedicated autodidactic programming learner, and I'm trying to build some GUI application but I'm still confused about the basic process to link engines ( core code ) with graphics resources which are the front end. Can you...
24 Jun 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
transfer information from Sql Server to MySql - Google Search[^]
11 Jul 2018 by Member 13034100
Thanks to all for all your great suggestions but I think that finally I came across with I was looking for: SLD2, a powerful library that allows you to manage not only the all graphic features but also, mouse, keyboard, sounds...etc. Now I'going to learn it from tutorials, books...etc. Cheers!
22 Apr 2020 by Member 14810494
I know that this response is over 3 years removed form the original posting, but I ran across this posting while researching and wanted to offer a response. I've experienced this type of undefined reference before. It can happen when one is...
7 Sep 2020 by VD-Flash
Here is the solution to your problem. I was experiencing the same problem as you when I first used FreeGLUT. First confirm that you have a OpenGL32 and FreeGLUT library. If you are using MinGW then these should be located in the lib directory...
22 Oct 2020 by Avtem
(My IDE is Visual Studio 2019) So, the question is about the macro UNICODE. Which works fine if there is only one source file in the project. However, if there are multiply source files, and UNICODE macro is defined only in one of them, linker...
6 Dec 2020 by KarstenK
The way correct, but sharing variables isnt a good idee. Better is to code some setter und getter interfaces between the files or better classes. If you need a lot of data, than it is best to create some data providing class aka "Repository"...
11 Dec 2020 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us...
23 Mar 2021 by EmmiMSVA
Hello all, I'm working at my first own big project in C++ for my thesis, so I had never problems like the following before. I'm an absolute beginner. The goal is to read TIFF images, therefore I'm using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 with...
10 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
We cannot fix this for you: we do not have access to your code, and you need this to fix it. LNK2001 and LNK1120 are both concerned with undefined symbols: your code is referring to a symbol which can't be found in the object files or libraries...
10 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
Without seeing your code, it's impossible to answer other than to say that you're using a symbol that's still undefined after all your code is linked. Linker tools error LNK1120 | Microsoft Docs[^] Linker Tools Error LNK2001 | Microsoft Docs[^]
8 Nov 2022 by Member 14769677
I am writing a kernel, the base is working fine, but when i went to add I/O ports, with this header: #ifndef __PORT_H #define __PORT_H class Port { protected: //protected: Port(uint16_t _portNum); ~Port(); uint16_t portNum; }; ...
8 Nov 2022 by k5054
Quote: I am using gcc as a compiler I hope that means you're using g++, and not gcc. You've not shown your main() class, but the given code compiles cleanly to a .o file g++ -Wall -Wextra -c -o port.o port.cpp so the problem must be when...
8 Nov 2022 by Rick York
I got this code to compile with just a few tweaks. I used Visual Studio 2022. Here are the modules : #pragma once #define PORT_H class Port { protected: Port( uint16_t portNum ); ~Port(); uint16_t m_PortNum; }; class Port8Bit :...
22 Nov 2022 by CodeSie Programming
list.h: class list { private: int mCount = 5; public: int getCount(); }; core_list.cpp: #include "list.h" int list::getCount() { return mCount; } main.cpp: #include "list.h" #include int main() { list newList; ...
22 Nov 2022 by Rick York
As an experiment, take the implementation of list::getCount() and put it in your main.cpp file. You should see it compile and link correctly. If so, that means the linker is not seeing the object file from core_list.cpp. The reason it does not...
22 Nov 2022 by CPallini
Your source codes and makefile work fine on my Windows 11 system (MinGW32-Make 3.82.90, g++ 10.3.0). I suggest you to try, via the command line: g++ -c *.cpp -O2 -Wall and then g++ -o Game.exe *.o If the last command line gives link errors,...
22 Nov 2022 by k5054
Check what .cpp files you have in your directory. You may be linking in something you're not expecting when you're using wildcards. Better yet, use the power of make: CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -O2 Game.exe: core_list.o main.o $(CXX) $^...