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by M. Hudak
This secure textbox deceptive keyloggers

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by M. Hudak
This secure textbox deceptive keyloggers

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9 Jan 2012 by OriginalGriff
And why would you want that?I can't think of many legitimate reasons for wanting that particular combination of features...
9 Jan 2012 by richard_k
1. Keyloggers are definitely malicious. 2. Writing a program 'in the manner of a keylogger' is also by definition malicious. Why wouldn't you want your program to be discoverable/managable by the user? If you are looking to hide your program from users, you want to hide it for a reason.....
10 Jan 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
There is no C code that you can add to a program to use less CPU. It will use as much CPU as required by the execution of the instructions in the program. Maybe you need to explain in better detail exactly what problem you are trying to solve, just as long as it's not about hacking.
10 Jan 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
The best way for you to make your application to use less CPU and resources is to use this really cool exit(); function. It works really well. You'll find that your application will sleep really well and use virtually no resources.
21 Jul 2011 by Dalek Dave
Have you not tried trusting your son?Why would you need to spy on him?Is he a Jihadist? Is he try to learn how to cook Meth?Or is he like every other boy in the world, just trying to see naked woman and talk to his friends?Good old fashioned parenting skills would be better...
14 Sep 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
No, you don't need it. The reason for such an application is to bypass security, and we do not condone such activities. If your company does not trust you with the administrator password then take it up with your manager.
22 Dec 2015 by CHill60
Firstly - anything that is intended for logging keys, grabbing passwords, hiding from Antivirus is intended for malicious purposes. That behaviour isn't just prohibited here but on all reputable sites. You will get no help with it.Secondly - you said that your teacher asked you to make a...
6 Feb 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
There is only one reason to be doing something like that. That's to grab someone's password when they log into a certain site. Sorry, but you're not going to get any help with this.
1 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support, or assist in the production of malicious code in any way, form, or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers. If you want to know how to create such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and antivirus...
30 Jul 2011 by «_Superman_»
You need to store the HHOOK variable in a shared data segment.Create it using the #data_seg directive.Take a look at my article - Mousey! Roll Over and Park[^]
30 Jul 2011 by ravi_2105
I have been trying to make Global Keyboard hook program in visual C++ that writes keystrokes to a file "log.txt"..I am new to windows programming and i have gone through the msdn library to get an understanding of hooks....I think i have understood the concept theoretically but when i implement...
31 Jul 2011 by mbue
Try this:////////////////////// DLLHHOOK __hhook = 0;LRESULT FAR PASCAL KeyProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ // do the things you want return CallNextHookEx(__hhook,nCode,wParam,lParam);}int FAR PASCAL DllMain(HANDLE hModule,unsigned long r,void*...
11 Nov 2012 by muneeb131
I am trying to store all the keyboard inputs being monitored using the kbfiltr driver (given in the Windows Driver Kit). At present, I can only create a text file using the ZwCreateFile routine, inside the DriverEntry routine; but I cannot write any information to file inside the...
23 Nov 2012 by Dharmateja Challa
I did it differently, but you can give it a try,KbFilter_IsrHook( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PKEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA CurrentInput, POUTPUT_PACKET CurrentOutput, UCHAR StatusByte, PUCHAR DataByte, ...
18 May 2014 by karthik Udhayakumar
Hello Amin,There are no such approriate language which can be considered as best for crackingI suggest you to follow these before posting anymore questions in the same...
4 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is not too hard to do. All the basic steps are explained here:—SA
6 Nov 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
See Code Project Quick Answers FAQ[^].
16 Oct 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't. Services run under a desktop that never receives the input focus so it never gets any notification of keyboard or mouse messages.
16 Oct 2018 by Richard Deeming
You can't do that. A Windows service is a non-interactive process. It cannot display any user interface, because it's not part of an interactive session. Therefore, it can't respond to window messages, because it can't have a window to receive them. Stick with an application which starts when...
13 Jul 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Start by choosing a programming language, and use Google or the MSDN documentation to find information on collecting process information.
22 Feb 2023 by Member 15041691
So I created this simple keylogger program in pycharm, using python. The program is supposed to get hold of the keyboard presses and then store it in "log.txt" file. The console does show the program doing it's job i.e it's locking all the key...
9 Jan 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
If you want it to use less CPU then write fewer instructions. If you want to run it in stealth mode then that suggests you are or wish to be a hacker: we do not support such people on this site.
20 Jan 2013 by M. Hudak
This secure textbox deceptive keyloggers
21 Jul 2011 by Christian Graus
Well, this forum is more for programmers than users. However, I suggest that your best bet is to put your computer in a public place, not allow notebooks in bedrooms, and build a relationship with your son that's based on some level of trust, instead of spying on him.
23 Jun 2011 by Christian Graus
Comments like 'I have to know' are like tags like 'keylogger', They show a complete lack of thought. You're asking random strangers to do your work, we do it out of kindness, we're not motivated by expressions of urgency, and 'keylogger' is not a useful tag, because it doesn't tell us anything...
23 Jun 2011 by tcoolt
Hey! I was making a keylogger with an emailing function and it works with all windows/7 /XP/ and Vista but i got into some trouble in the coding.... my keylogger has a timer that send all keyloggs every 10 secs, but when it sends all keylogs, the keylogger stops working after this..... so i was...
4 Apr 2015 by charysri206
I want to provide protection from the keylogger application. Keylogger is a software which secretly logs the keystrokes with out the knowledge of user. I need to detect the keyloggers using Anti-hooking technique ...Is their any other way to detect the keyloggers in the...
4 May 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
I really doubt if someone would help you for such a thing. You should search for such stuff somewhere else (I mean some other website all together!)
4 May 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Lots of options here.
10 Jan 2012 by XristosMr
Hey guys,i was wondering how can i make my C program (which let's say is a Keylogger) use less CPU.I ask you especially for some C code that i insert to my source code and make my program even always use less CPU or just "Sleep" it for a while. Answer ASAP please.Thanks for your time.
30 Jun 2021 by Super Hero City Rescue Sim
how it works ? You could use Try-Except to capture any runtime exceptions. See 8. Errors and Exceptions — Python 3.9.1 documentation[^] It is very unusual to see a filename without a path - try including the explicit location of the file -...
21 Jul 2011 by AlexBanu
You can put your app in trusted app for avg. Or can try another method like a remote server (team viewer,logmein etc) on your son computer.
6 Feb 2018 by abhishekagrwl25
My requirement is to get keyspressed when user opens specific URL in chrome. For that I am firstly checking for URL opened in chrome after that I am setting hook using below code if(condition==1) { _hookID = SetHook(_proc); Application.Run(); } else if(condition==2) { Application.Idle...
4 May 2011 by Code Master38
Hi, I was wondering here I could get a GOOD free keylogger to monitor my computer? I have windows 7 ultimate.Any help would be welcome.P.S.I tried PyKeylogger and it is only trial, i don't know python and don't want to edit the source code to it to get the full version; and it takes...
6 Nov 2017 by Member 13463289
I tried Lots Of Code For Anti-keylogger in c#, But Nothing Work For me Still, Any body have solution for anti-keylogger which work on hookbased and application as well as kernal based please update here. Regards, Akshay Patil What I have tried: i have tried windows sendkeys function but it...
16 Oct 2018 by SANTOSHSGURAV
Hi Techies, I have some applications which I want to launch when user presses specific keys from the keyboard, and for this I want to use WndProc method. I am successful in this in a WinForms application. I want to develop a Windows Service to achieve this. I get the following errors while...
13 Jul 2020 by Mukund Kr Kedia
I want to write a script to get the processes running in the process explorer of Windows, according to the filters I provide.. What I have tried: I have no idea yet, how to proceed in this ..
22 Feb 2023 by Member 15931981
it works normally, just try to add the argument in write_file function: "def write_file(keys)" and reduce count to 10 for example.