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Great Reads

by Chakravarthi Elchuri
How to use WIA supported scanner using C#
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
by Akash Gutha
Exploring ways to create abstract images in C#
by dynamichael
Build an oct-tree from a color palette for a fast nearest color search

Latest Articles

by Bloody Chicken
Algorithm for printing an bitmap image with textwrapping and alignment in ESC/POS thermal printer.
by dynamichael
Build an oct-tree from a color palette for a fast nearest color search
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
by Rajesh Londhe
Face alignment rotation to improve face recognization

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4 Jul 2014 by Chakravarthi Elchuri
How to use WIA supported scanner using C#
22 Jan 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
10 Dec 2015 by Akash Gutha
Exploring ways to create abstract images in C#
25 May 2019 by dynamichael
Build an oct-tree from a color palette for a fast nearest color search
6 Jul 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It wasn't a matter of discussion before you clarified: JPEG. Thank you.In this case, you need to parse EXIF:[^].See, for example, this library:[^].—SA
11 Nov 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
If you're talking about the port you plug your monitor into, you do NOT treat it the same way you treat a serial port. The same code will not work.What are you trying to do with this??
6 Mar 2013 by vinodkumarnie
Try below.. .first_image,.second_image,.third_image { text-decoration:none; color:#565656; cursor:pointer; } .first_image:hover,.second_image:hover,.third_image:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:Orange; } ...
13 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You are not getting it. "Color specification" it totally irrelevant to it. You images are really different: motion, lighting, noise, and so on. One second is huge time to make images very difficult on a pixel level. Even nearest frames (no matter what your frame rate is) will be very different...
6 Jul 2014 by Michael Haephrati
I found the solution after reading this [^]excellent article.So that parts actually give you the "Date Taken" property, which as Sergey rightly stated, is taken from the EXIF that only JPEG based files have. EXIFINFO exifinfo;memset(&exifinfo,0,sizeof(EXIFINFO));Cexif...
13 Jul 2014 by Michael Haephrati
I wrote an article with the required source code to change the Date Taken attribute. Date & time batch changer for photos and other files[^]Sergey Alexandrovich is absolutely right that it will only work on JPEG files.
10 Jan 2018 by Dylan Green
Put simply, I need help creating an algorithm that places the images in a larger image in a grid. Currently, I'm working on a system that can be used to generate infinite random maps based on the x and y coordinates of a panel. A core piece of functionality is the ability to subdivide this...
14 Nov 2019 by Bloody Chicken
Algorithm for printing an bitmap image with textwrapping and alignment in ESC/POS thermal printer.
6 Nov 2012 by Rachel Jia
Get the solution to integrate Image Grab from webcams in a .NET application. Achieve the functionality in just a few lines of code.
11 Nov 2012 by mehdi_k
Hi,I was wondering if there is a way to get data directly from graphic port in c# or c++? Like what we do with serial ports(we can open serial ports and read data from it).
9 Dec 2012 by nagiub2007
i have agridview populate from database when i clicked image in gridview it opens in new image called imgFull this image illustrate my explain more[ Image]i want to put next and previous button to get in my div the next image from database i want to develop it by jquery or javascript...
9 Dec 2012 by VishwaKL[^][^]
1 Jan 2013 by Arunprasath Natarajan
Dear Friends,I have done a modification in web-page.I wish to show the modification done in a video presentation to end user.Any idea, kindly guide
1 Jan 2013 by Christian Graus
Create a video. Embed it in your page.
11 Jan 2013 by Dynamsoft
Control Scanners & Webcams in JavaScript.
21 Jan 2013 by Dynamsoft
5 Mar 2013 by saibansal
function mobile(links) { if (links == 1) { document.getElementById('theImg').src=""; } if (links == 2) { ...
13 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is done by a separate class, one of the derived classes based on System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapEncoder. Please see:[^].Actually, this is a very good WFP feature: persistence is isolated from...
20 Apr 2013 by gunkrr
i have code like thisforeach (Point p in clusters[i]){ //this is my code}p is coordinates of imagelike (4, 100) where x=4 and y=100what should code addso that each coordinate p, changed the pixel value
20 Apr 2013 by OriginalGriff
Use Bitmap.SetPixel: myBitmapToChange.SetPixel(p.X, p.Y, Color.Green);
23 May 2013 by Dynamsoft
The article will show you how to develop a cross-platform document imaging solution that works with all mainstream browsers by using ImageCapture Suite.
3 Jun 2013 by Dynamsoft
This article will show you how to decode barcodes from an image captured or scanned in a web application with the help of ImageCapture Suite.
13 Jun 2013 by sairam pamidi
I got some issue like this: I convert loaded image into some fixed format like 180X35 using Image Thumbnail () method.But coming to .png Image, I got black color image not shown the actual image looking.How to reslove these issues?I'm using the following code:static void foo(){ ...
13 Jun 2013 by sairam pamidi
if (ImgImages.UploadedFiles.Count > 0){ UploadedFile file = ImgImages.UploadedFiles[0]; fileData = new byte[file.InputStream.Length]; System.Drawing.Image myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream( file.InputStream ); // Compute thumbnail size. Size...
13 Jun 2013 by lukeer
Without saving to disk, there is nothing like .jpg or .png or whatever image file format. Therefore, you don't need to convert anything in this respect.But you need to convert the data you get into something you can work with in memory. I strongly suggest to use the System.Drawing.Image[^]...
8 Aug 2013 by Member 8273291
HI,I have application with scanner integrated to it. Am using Microsoft windows imaging Acquisition (WIA) libray to scan the documents. Everything works fine in development server but doesnt work when i deploy to web server.Please help. Its urgent. Below is the error.Creating...
30 Aug 2013 by naga.cherry
I have a picturebox control in which by using mouse down and mouse move events ,I am drawing a image using points and storing it in my database. and in update mode I am retrieving the bytes and drawing an image in to the picture box control and now I am adding few lines more on the image but...
30 Aug 2013 by naga.cherry
Creating the grahics of image and drawing lines on to that graphics object has solved my problem. //Ref with above Code//Creating the graphics of the image if exists gxcomp=Graphics.FromImage(im);and //writing my new drawn points on to the graphicsgxComp.DrawLines(pen,...
12 Sep 2013 by Dynamsoft
Scan and Save Images to a Database in C# Using Dynamic .NET TWAIN
3 Jun 2014 by Neha Mukesh
string fileID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();Byte[] imgBytes = p.ImgContent;string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Docs/" + fileID + p.ImgName);FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath);fs.Write(imgBytes, 0, imgBytes.Length);fs.Flush();fs.Close();liContent.Text += "
3 Jun 2014 by ZurdoDev
The reason the images do not show is because you are linking to them using the file system. Meaning, the path is something like, "C:\intepub\wwwroot\yourapp\docs\filename.jpg"The path needs to be a url because it is the client's browser that will actually request it and needs access to it.
14 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see the comment to the question. It depends on the purpose, of course, but for most, your comparison have too little practical sense. I hope I explained why.Now, didn't I tell you before that GetPixel is prohibitively slow? You have to use...
5 Nov 2014 by AeroClassics
A 1920 x 1080 image is a 16:9 aspect ratio. I can put the image into a D3DImage no problem. I am using this as the background of a Canvas object. That works very well too. To get proper scaling when the Canvas is resized by the user changing the size of the Window I have the Canvas inside a...
1 Feb 2015 by LEADTOOLS Support
In this white paper we will show how to set up a master form template then extract the data from a filled invoice.
1 Jun 2015 by LEADTOOLS Support
The LEADTOOLS HL7 SDK simplifies the integration of complex HL7 standards into any healthcare application.
8 Aug 2015 by Member 11895535
hasn't been done yet but it seems the direction its going
1 Sep 2015 by LEADTOOLS Support
LEADTOOLS is an imaging toolkit that can be utilized to help enable end-users to utilize almost any camera as feature-enhanced scanner and “scan” anything, anywhere, any time with excellent image quality.
2 May 2016 by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will explore how programmers can use LEADTOOLS Driver's License Recognition or Barcode Recognition to extract identifying information from driver's licenses.
28 Jul 2016 by Member 11571212
I'm VB.NET userI want to load an image from file , then rotating and scaling it using Graphics class, then saving it to a file.What I have tried:I managed to load an image from file to create a graphics class object.I managed to rotate, scale, and draw it on form.but I failed to...
28 Jul 2016 by RossMW
Your question is a bit too generic to answer on a forum, however google is your friend.Try something like this to get a idea and a starting point and raise a question on specific issues you are having.How to: Rotate, Reflect, and Skew Images[^]
4 May 2017 by Toni_s
Hi all. I have a question about how to play animation without to use too much memory. I want to load in every Timer Tick only one frame directly from the disk, without to load all frames into memory in a variable. I have make one function for this, but if i called it slows down in every frame a...
31 May 2020 by Coder969
Hi, I am checking whether it is possible create an application which can deploy the windows image (wim) to the remote machine? Anyone tried to create an application using the windows deployment service or using any other apis? What I have...
31 May 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Did you look at About the Windows Deployment Services API - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs[^] ?
6 Nov 2020 by vetrichelvi
I want to draw text, mark up and draw lines, rectangle, arrow marks on image. My application is windows based desktop application and it depends on .NET framework 3.5. User must be able to edit the image, draw text over image at run time. There...
6 Nov 2020 by OriginalGriff
What you are trying to do is pretty complicated - there are a huge number of packages available which will let you do that, and which provide the important "layered storage" that you need to save it and then continue working later. This is...
6 Nov 2020 by RickZeeland
Take a look at: GitHub - GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET examples, plugins and showcase projects[^] Although it is on GitHub, it does not seem open-source however ...
23 Sep 2022 by mayaduc
Hello everyone, I am new to the programming world and I'm trying to develop a script in python (and PyQt) that does MRI slicing. I am using Pyvista to slice and display MRI images. The problem is that slicing takes too long when I'm using...
11 Sep 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Well, either you're going to have to keep searching, because it's not entire clear what you mean by "transform into a polygon image", or you're going to have to find a library that comes close to what you want and add the functionality you're...
11 Sep 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
open source c - Google Search[^]
17 Sep 2016 by Rajesh Londhe
Face alignment rotation to improve face recognization
14 May 2014 by nibbio1971
Hi I'm trying to create an aspx page that receives some parameters and responde with a dynamic image (a barcode image), or a memory stream (of the barcode) to be used in ms report (.rdlc file) I can use easily the image in a webform Me.b39.ImageUrl =...
22 Jul 2014 by hansoctantan
Hello everyone,Have a problem in manipulating image in Picturebox.I don't know what term should I use in this, hope someone will understandThis is my code on putting initializing imageImgViewer.Bmp = New Bitmap(ImgViewer.ImagePath)ImgViewer.PageNbr = 1ImgViewer.TotalPage =...
30 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You have to support it in code. Take bounding rectangle and consider two separate cases: if its aspect ratio bigger or smaller then the target one. In one case you can create two vertical unused bands on left and right, on second case — two horizontal bands on top and bottom. The same aspect...
5 Nov 2014 by JJMatthews
Here's an aspect ratio function I use written in C++, you can easily convert it I imagine. inline CRect GetTargetRect(CRect rTarget, CSize szSource, unsigned int uiAlign = DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER){ // Keep the aspect ratio float fLeft = (float)rTarget.left; float fTop =...
13 Mar 2013 by Ariana Bond
Hi,I need to export a WriteableBitmap that I get after cropping an image. I am not getting how to do that, I am using the following:try { byte[] byteStream; byteStream = ToByteArray(sample); Stream stream = new...
14 Aug 2014 by Naija Coding
I'm working on a project using AForge algorithm to filter objects i need in an image and use them in comparison to another image of the same format to see the percentage similarity of the objects. I have the code below but it only gives me the percentage similarity or difference of the whole...
13 Jun 2014 by Member 10860939
hi everyone,I want code a project that it will take a screenshot from webcam and compare screenshots who taken from the same webcam. I tried to compare images by pixel but the RGB values of 2 pictures is very different. However they are taken from same camera in 1 sec. That's why...
6 Jul 2014 by Michael Haephrati
HiI am looking for a way to programatically access the DateTaken attribute a .JPG photo has.Can anyone give me an example in c++?Thanks
8 Aug 2014 by darkelflemurian
Hello everyone,I have been working on a silverlight project that involes images from a database.The process is as follows: 1.- We have a table in the database that has images. 2.- Using WCF we get those images, we don't get a collection, just one image per query. 3.- What...
12 Sep 2023 by Member 12390651
I need an open source C# library that will transform a rectangle image into a polygon image with something as simple as DrawImage(Bitmap, Points);, What I have tried: None of the ones I've found so far mention this functionality.
7 Dec 2012 by ChifeWotan
Color Matrix 1.5 can it do more then 256x256 imag size like to make biger transparent screens at least 1920x1080 or you have one better that can do all and any size ?
3 Jun 2013 by johannesnestler
Hi sairam pamidi,If I understand you right your Problem is just how to make an in-memory copy of your Image while changing the format? You could do something like this: static Image ConvertImage(Image imageOriginal, ImageFormat formatTarget) { Image...
8 Dec 2014 by M.D. Carter
i want to create a website that allows users to enter a quote (basically some text) and chose a background Image (Already available locally on the website), and the Style of the text (Fonts, Size, Color...), and than downloaded the resulting image.I found this example : where you can write...