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Great Reads

by Melih Mucuk
Configuring and using CocoaPods on iOS projects.
by Michael Gledhill
How to add an fade-in message to your iPhone app in 5 minutes
by Prashant Kurlekar
A simple Twitter client application targetting iOS and Android using Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Auth and the LinqToTwitter library

Latest Articles

by Prashant Kurlekar
A simple Twitter client application targetting iOS and Android using Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Auth and the LinqToTwitter library
by Michael Gledhill
How to add an fade-in message to your iPhone app in 5 minutes
by Melih Mucuk
Configuring and using CocoaPods on iOS projects.

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4 Mar 2014 by Melih Mucuk
Configuring and using CocoaPods on iOS projects.
18 Jun 2014 by Member 9712514
I'm trying to create a chat application using Titanium appcelerator for iOS. For that i have implemented OTR.JS in my node js application. That works fine, But now i want to implement OTR.JS in Titanium Appcelator.I searching modules in Titanium Appcelator to implement OTR for my...
7 Aug 2017 by JagdevMishra
How to show alert message when closing a Mobile Browser window?
15 Dec 2014 by Rajan Maheshwari
I have successfully created the .pem and .p12 file by Tutorial. We are using java as a server so I also exported my .p12 key using this link as there was an error of directly exporting the .p12 file...
19 Dec 2014 by Shahan Ayyub
Instead of sending it like this, try sending a multipart request.Send request from iOS like this[^]Handle it on server side like this[^] (This is a c# code to give you an example).I have used it and it works perfect for both when we have some arguments along with image data or just...
22 Feb 2014 by wILDFriCK
Hello,I'm developing tweaks for jailbroken iphone, iOS 7, and I have a problem that I can't solve for a while,is it possible to close all apps running in the background directly from Springboard without opening the background switcher panel?All the tweaks and source codes I've seen, like...
18 Apr 2014 by ahmedask
hello,can i design an ios app to send sms automatically after hitting the button without showing the message composer Ui ?
12 May 2014 by NeerajRathi
Hi, I have created simple video from images in iOS.I want to create animation video from images. It should simply be an animation of the front picture turning around, not he y axis, to reveal the second/back/grayscale image on the back, which should be...
13 May 2014 by KarstenK
use the animation classes of the framework
28 May 2014 by ravikhoda
Hi all,i am generating a zip file using sharp zip lib in c# window application. this zip file is password protected. now i want to unzip this file using the mini zip library on ios7 but when i try to extract it using the password it show bad or corrupted file in the ios. however if i...
28 May 2014 by Rob Philpott
This *could* be to do with 64 bit extensions. If it works without password protection then this isn't the problem.It is however a common problem that if you use the latest version of SharpZipLib, Windows XP can't understand the format and claims the file is corrupt. Afraid I don't know...
28 May 2014 by shankha2010
Hi I have an android app developed using phonegap [cordova] in Win7 PC.Now I want to utilize the flavor of cordova cross platform compatibility.I want to port the full app in iphone.But I don't have mac machine.I have few pluginsdeveloped by myself in android native lavel which I need to...
28 May 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
try this framework.. :)Develop mobile apps the way you want to[^]Requirements[^]
12 Jun 2014 by future2015
1>Is there a way of developing ios app without having mac PC?Yes, you can use VMware workstation. Install Mac OS X on vmware and then install Xcode.2>Is there any substitute emulator available in windows PC?Xcode is IDE with iPhone emulator.
12 Jun 2014 by shankha2010
Here is our situation.We have a MAC OS hosted in remote cloud server.we have started developingiOS app for the first time.We have an iPhone with us.My question is1>Is it possible to deploy any app from that remote MAC OS to the iPhone in our hand?[We don't have any local MAC os , We...
19 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
What should you install? Whatever you want. You need to make a choice between multiple boot and virtualization, or the combination of both approaches. Both have benefits and drawbacks. It highly depends on the expected life time of each OS installation. When it comes to a laptop, one problem is...
3 Jul 2014 by shankha2010
I have iPhone 4S [iOS version 7.1.2].Its connecting fine with my bluetooth audio playerbut not able to recognize any other bluetooth device [like and android or plain Nokia phone]My main main objective is to connect it with one rfid reader [see here]which doesn't support what iPhone...
6 Jul 2014 by Peter Leow
Well, go ahead and implement your idea. If you encounter coding issues, then come back to this forum to seek help. Good luck.
22 Jul 2014 by Member 10963195
well i have added another ui in that i placed one label.My problem is when pass the lable data in pop view controller before its loading after then the following code is executingformSheet.willPresentCompletionHandler = ^(UIViewController *presentedFSViewController) { // Passing...
4 Aug 2014 by CPallini
You are supposed to do that (good luck). Ask here just specific questions.
4 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see this answer:[^].—SA
4 Aug 2014 by Member 10907890
It is my java code please give me the equivalent Objective cObjectInputStream inStream = new ObjectInputStream(getClass() .getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(keyFile)); key = (SecretKey) inStream.readObject();
5 Aug 2014 by KarstenK
NSData *data = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:path];in data is than the content of the file.If you want specialized data, I recommend learning from the NSCoding tutorial of the famous Ray Wenderlich.I really encourage you to learn such stuff, because that makes...
24 Aug 2014 by Member 10889658
Hi All, I am working on a location based project like around me app. I have two views, in first view controller created grid view programatically(banks,atms,cafes etc.). and in second view controller, created mkmapkit showing the user current location using google maps. but i need connect...
11 Sep 2014 by Dennis E White
Not entirely sure what you mean by a gridview but my assumption is you mean a UITableView.So what your application will entail is probably something like a UITableViewController and on click of a UITableViewCell a seque to a different UIViewController is performed. The second...
22 Sep 2014 by KaushalJB
U can for sure look here for them : developers
23 Sep 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
This is not a good question. First of all, what have your tried so far?This more a methodical question which can be easily solved by looking at documentation.Did you try looking on Google[^]? The very first few articles themselves look promising to me.
26 Sep 2014 by Suvabrata Roy
Hi,JQuery :[^]Jquery Detect unload or close :[^]Quote:The exact handling of the unload event has varied from version to version of browsers. For example, some versions of Firefox trigger the event when a link is followed, but not...
20 Oct 2014 by Waseem Ahmad Khan
Do you have apple developer account? As you need to create iPA file using xCode. For this do archive using Xcode -> Product menu and export to desktop. Now you can sync this iPA file with iPhone using iTune or you can upload ipa here[^]This will generate URL that...
29 Oct 2014 by jaleel nazir
I want to change width of uisearchDisplaycontroller when click its cancel. i add my code for reference...mySearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc]init];[mySearchBar setDelegate:self];resName_search = [[UISearchDisplayController alloc] initWithSearchBar:mySearchBar...
17 Nov 2014 by Nelek
don't think we can read minds or do astral projections to see your monitor. If you need help, the least you could do is to explain your problem in such a way, that the users of CP can understand it. Otherwise, nobody will be able to help you.Please use the "improve question" and add relevant...
30 Jan 2015 by Marcin Kozub
There is many tools/technologies for creating mobile apps.1. Xamarin - which allows you to create native apps using C# language.2. Meteor - Javascript framework for creating responsive websites. All in javascript. It's built on node.js. You can create server API for chat and use meteor in...
2 Mar 2015 by Anil Kumar Ch
Am new to swift.I have UISegmentcontrol with 3 segments i.e. New,Accepted,Completed. I need to display orders separate as New ,Accepted and Completed.and am using one tableview with custom cell for displaying orders data. am getting data from JSON and i can display the data on tableview.Now i...
9 Mar 2015 by Anil Kumar Ch
Hi,I am unable to categorize my data which i am able to get from JSON in for example: if i am having a list of data. i like to seperate my data based on one Column value. if i am having a Column named as Status under this column im having different status like: New, Accepted,...
15 Mar 2015 by giaosucan
Xamarin SDK framework It's a cross platform[^]
15 Mar 2015 by Peter Leow
'Best' is very subject and depends on a myriad of factors. This may help you to decide:[^]
22 Mar 2015 by Rajan Maheshwari
After a lot of mess I am finally asking regarding the splash/launch screen confusion of iPhone and iPad. I visited many links but couldn't find an appropriate answer for that. I want the dimensions of iPhone and iPhone launch screens. Currently what I did for foriPhoneDefault-568h.png (320...
15 Apr 2015 by Member 10907890
please take a look on this link the use taps on some locations and that forms a can see the area covered by the polygon in output. I want same thing to be achieved in iOS through map kit. currently i...
16 Apr 2015 by KarstenK
The area of a polygon can easily calculated by Polygon triangulation. It means, that the area gets divided into triangles created by the points of the polygon.
20 May 2015 by Dadecki
Hello,I think that in this case you can use Xamarin. It is the best way to write advanced applications.You can write your applications in C# code and it works on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.Please see these links:There are two ways for writing app:1) Xamarin Forms: here you...
19 Jun 2015 by Prasad_NC
I have a textbox inside a form tag for implementing site search, My problem after entering text in textbox and On clicking go button in android devices page redirection occures and search result is displayed, but in IOS devices postback not occuring My code is shown below
19 Jun 2015 by Ben J. Boyle
Not sure if this is your exact problem but there's a bug somewhere between MS and Apple – when they updated Safari on iOS8 they bumped the version to be Webkit 600, but the code in .NET that’s looking for the browser capabilities screws up and only looks at the first two numbers, so it’s seeing ...
24 Jun 2015 by Praveen Raghuvanshi
After following[^], I have created a file upload web application using angularJS and WCF service and developed in Visual Studio 2013.However, I am stuck with few issues.1.Home page URL: The index.html resides in Project ->...
20 Aug 2015 by KarstenK
it is quite simple by doing it in the Interface Builder on the Attribute Inspector or by using the API:[_textField setReturnKeyType:UIReturnKeyDone];
24 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question makes no sense, sorry. The term "exception" means something very different:[^].—SA
25 Aug 2015 by KarstenK
On ios it is better to use the common controls. In this problem the UIAlertView or ActionSheet is the right solution for ios 7. But for ios 8 and later use the UIAlertViewController. So you need to implement both, if you cant avoid the old ios 7. It is common technique to implement both ways and...
26 Aug 2015 by KarstenK
Your question isnt so clear, so normally you can adjust properties of text and controls in the interface builder. It is the same with constraints.If you want to build apps for the Apple world ou must understand interface builder. Try it by watch some videos on youtube.
5 Jun 2016 by 梅君
I want to develop an IOS SDK for Unity/COCOS/SpritKit game app to record video.Main program is to synthetic video after screenshots. Now I do the test with IOS project from unity game on IOS 7.0 device and try to use Opengl function glreadpiexls() to read pixel buffer, but always got the...
30 Jun 2016 by Surya_Narayan
well keyboard appears when u will enter text in iOS we can enter input text using UITextField or by using UITextView..h File#import @interface ViewController : UIViewController @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField...
20 Jul 2016 by Member 12644662
Hi Guys,I am working on HTML5 Game Development which is Responsive. There is an instance where I want to do spritesheet animation using background-image but the problem is it gets spoiled onresizing the window since background-image size is in px rather than "%". Kindly let me know if...
13 Sep 2016 by Surya_Narayan
Easiest Way : Simple remove the navigation bar from storyBoard or Xib .. and x constraint of used segment view to 0 .. Complicated Way :create a view .. add series of button to it. then add that view to the subView of navigation bar.
21 Sep 2016 by saurabh chaudhari
i have added Label's and Switch's by this manner ...when i move slider to increase the value then it should be added one by one as per slider value,,but now i want to remove label's and switch's one by one as per i move the slider value in decreasing manner...What I have tried://for...
1 Dec 2016 by Tanuj Goyal
I'm getting some weird error while trying to add cordova wkwebview plugin in my existing application.Error: if i try to update ios cordova platform ///////////////// admins-mbp:WKWebView admin$ cordova platform update ios Updating ios project... Error: Uncaught, unspecified "error" event....
21 Jan 2017 by Christopher Smit
Good day,This may be a dumb question, but I only started with swift about 3 weeks ago. I am using SWRevealViewController to display a menu on my app. From this menu I am going to a certain view controller based on selection. From that selected view controller I would like to unwind back to...
21 Jan 2017 by Member 12960991
In your case, I think your are not dismissing the view.Can you show me the code, that how you are moving to second one from first. Example : If using this self.present(ViewController, animated: false, completion: nil)then you need to add below code on back button or submit...
2 Jun 2017 by Member 13237994
We are building a solution for field technicians that utilize Apple iPhones out in the field to track data for installations at assigned sites. The iPhone is running a custom-built application that field techs utilize to view their list of assigned installations for the day. They can also log...
28 Jun 2017 by getche_c
I created the single view application using storyboard. I have viewcontoller.h file #import @interface ViewController : UIViewController @end I have viewcontoller.m file #import "ViewController.h" ...
7 Aug 2017 by Jyoti Kumari96
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) { e = e || window.event; // For IE and Firefox prior to version 4 if (e) { e.returnValue = 'Sure?'; } // For Safari return 'Sure?'; };
23 Feb 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Short answer - No! You cannot have that.Long answer - They're also developers, who started to help others like you who know C# only, so that developers like you can easily get their applications built for cross-platform support. You wanted an easy framework, they needed financial support....
13 Jun 2014 by Michael Gledhill
How to add an fade-in message to your iPhone app in 5 minutes
12 Mar 2014 by benhadi
Hi All,I want to send an image from iOS to wcf service to save it in my Sql server I did the following, but I cannot save the Data in the DB.-(IBAction)AddMeal:(id)sender{ UIImage *myImage = imageView.image; NSString *imgBase = [self...
20 Mar 2014 by 0xMoonstar
I have an ASMX-Web Service and tested whether I can access the iPhone over the web wervice url (using json instead of soap) and everything worked. What bothers me is if there is any possibility to exchange objects than Collections or primitive data types? Is it possible to send LINQ-TO-SQL...
14 Dec 2014 by Prashant Kurlekar
A simple Twitter client application targetting iOS and Android using Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Auth and the LinqToTwitter library
23 Aug 2015 by Jeyavijay Nedumaran
Will anyone help me to do dropdown menu using Button without using pickerview.. In google i didn't get the perfect solution.. plss help
23 Jul 2015 by Jeyavijay Nedumaran
Any one help me to find a solution for displaying mapview and nearby hotels r places in ios using xcode?????
17 May 2015 by tejas.chudasama
dear team which is the best platform where we can develop 1 time for all mobile os app android ios and windows means 1 time coding for all mobile os support in c#
29 May 2014 by ravikhoda
Hi all,i have a c# application where i generate a zip file using sharpziplib with a password. now we need to unzip this file on ios using minizip library. issue is when we unzip a file without a password it works successfully on ios but when we try the same for password protected file it...
18 Jun 2014 by Member 10893646
Hi guys, I have a new laptop and its features are: Intel I7-4700HQ CPU 240 GhzGeforce GTX 765MRam 12 GbI want to program in most used languages (Objective-C,Php,Python,Java,C++,C#,js, Ruby, ASP.NET, JavaEE, JavaFX) and you know, put in my laptop a COMPLETE programming station,...
25 Dec 2014 by Aldimer
How I can use To Do List on a PC and my smartfhones and tablets, (Windows 7, android, windows phone and iOS?regardsAldimer
26 Mar 2015 by Ayushmaan Lavania
I am new in ios development and working on ios in xamarin.Can anyone please tell me the code to write in xamarin ios for timer , in which i ll get hours , minutes and seconds .Any answer will be helpful thanks.
30 Jun 2016 by Jeyavijay Nedumaran
How to add Done button to the keyboard will any one explain it elaborately???
18 May 2014 by NeerajRathi
Hi, I want to send email in iOS7 from source code without opening the email dialogue box.I have tried SMTP but its not working.Can you provide the any source code that is working.ThanksNeeraj
4 Aug 2014 by Member 10907890
Hi i have key.dat file which is the key .i am unable to encrypt the below string to the output:H6ckSNuLNI6esReMTNEHeQ==if i use nsbundle to read key.dat file i am getting only first two characters that is ¨ÌPlease solve my problemstring:60266203key:...
27 Aug 2014 by Singh.Ankita
.......step attribute is not working on iPhone...what is the alternative....please help....i am using phone gap
11 Jan 2015 by Member 11342373
Here is my .h file FYPViewController.h#import #import @interface FYPViewController : UIViewController{ SystemSoundID PlaySoundID;}-(IBAction)Sound:(id)senderHere is my .m fileFYPViewController.m@implementation...
16 Feb 2015 by Member 10907890
I have to develop one LMS application . should i need any other technologies(or tools) to develop LMS app like Phonegap,Titanium,Rhodes by Motorola,GoMo Learning?. Currently i am native ios developer. i am only familiar with uikit ,quardzcore,corgraphics.
23 Feb 2015 by Member 8649895
Hi All,I am working as .NET developer(Web application) for past 3 years, I would like to start developing iOS application using c#.Any way to get free version more than 30 days for developing iOS apps using xamarin ??
16 Jun 2015 by Member 11767527
This code works fine if enter the value in text field and edit it using stepper Basically it takes stepper values to give uicolorI can't figure out to take text field values at the end to give colour to the viewBecause when user types values and does not edit through stepper the user...
26 Aug 2015 by Jeyavijay Nedumaran
How to make a alignment from center to left using drop down meu in Xcode? will anyone explain this concept with a picture and by using constriaints i can't make it plss help and suggest me the solution
9 Mar 2016 by Ahmabdallah
use this ,its helpful AFNetworking 2.0 Tutorial[^]