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Everything / Geolocation



Great Reads

by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
by veen_rp
Use and benchmark of coordinate transformation using the C++ proj4 library in VB.NET and C#
by Kamren Zorgdrager
Transitioning from callbacks and messaging to promises
by Giovanni Scerra
A simple and easily extensible IP geo-fencing engine

Latest Articles

by Giovanni Scerra
A simple and easily extensible IP geo-fencing engine
by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
by Peter Leow
Explore geolocation with HTML5
by Nirav Prabtani
How to calculate distance between two geolocations or find out distance within a specific radius by SQL Server

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10 Aug 2022 by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
17 Jan 2016 by veen_rp
Use and benchmark of coordinate transformation using the C++ proj4 library in VB.NET and C#
28 Jan 2014 by OriginalGriff
You can't.There is no link between your location as reported from your IP address and the actual physical location you are at - or if there is, it is only recorded within the database of your ISP. They are very unlikely to give you any further info without a court order, partly because it...
13 Oct 2016 by Midi_Mick
You can use the IEnumerable.Where(Func) extension:results = rows.Where((r,i)=>i % 15 == 0);
17 Jun 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're creating a new GeoCoordinateWatcher on every timer tick. DO NOT DO THAT! You only one instance. So, create a class-level variable to hold the GeoCoordinateWatcher and use that to get the coordinate on every timer tick: public partial class Form1 : Form { ...
23 Apr 2013 by StianSandberg
It's actually quite easy to do this. You are using sql server 2008 and this database supports the geography data type. Using this datatype you can easily query data like you ask for (radius of 100 meter etc)Getting Started with the geography Data Type[^]
9 Apr 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
1) It is only possible for your own applications2) Your app needs to send it's "location" to a global server.3) You query the global server for users locations.4) You show the list of locations on a map.What have you done so far?
13 Jun 2012 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,I'm building a website for mobile users. Part of the site uses geo location. As part of testing I've had to instruct my phone deny geo location requests. But now this is done, I can't find anywhere within the phone to re-enable the permission.Can anyone tell me how to manage which...
13 Jun 2012 by Stephen Hewison
Finally, only took 4 hours of tweaking my Google search to find the answer:Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Location Warnings
28 Jul 2020 by Jashobanta
Hi,I am writing a simple code to test the geolocation feature in HTML5; I am practicing the code from and it is working fine in the website. But when I write the same code in a textpad and save it as HTML, after asking permission for sharing the location it is showing...
25 Jul 2012 by scottgp
After a little testing and research, I found this:[^]. I happened to have Python installed, so I copied a test file to the Python directory, started the web server the link mentions with "python -m...
30 Jul 2012 by Erik Rude
Try following this to see if that helps:[^]
15 Aug 2012 by Agis Markouizos
Hello,i need to calculate the latitude and longitude of a point if i have :1) the lattitude and longitude of a known point2)the distance from the known point in km.3) and the direction from the known point in degrees.What i want to calculate is if i have a boat in...
15 Aug 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
You should be able to find out moist of those things by looking at this article:[^]
28 Nov 2012 by c_muzo
Hello, I am looking for a third party software component (in SDK or DLL) to build in a existing commercial GIS software using Visual studio.One of the features i am looking for is converting the gps location (bluetooth GPS receiver) to X,Y values based on the GPS map projection.I...
28 Nov 2012 by Jason Gleim
Most Bluetooth GPS modules connect using the BT SPP (Serial Port Profile). The fact the device is BT really has no bearing on how you would connect to it from your application. To your program, it would simply look like a COM port. The same as if it were connected via USB or a real serial port....
24 Jan 2013 by FrankLavigne
Hi,Did you add location as a capability in the app manifest?Thanks,Frank// Frank La Vigne / US Public Sector Developer Evangelist // 30 To Launch Sign up at @tableteer /
22 Aug 2017 by salamkudru
Hi,I tried to get the location of user by using google's geolocation api but I am getting null value in PC(winnodws7,firefox 8) and time out error in mobile(samsung galaxy s3 mini,android,firefox).I have taken api key and activated the api but stil I am not able to get the location,I ll...
22 Apr 2013 by michael floeter
I got mobile my current geolocation (long./lat.) , i will store this geolocation online in a sql server 2008 or 2012 Database. How can i check that i not already have this location (maybe in an radius of 100 meter) saved ?If i have already the location , i don't save it. Later i will show...
23 Apr 2013 by RedDk
There is an article here on this site:Search term, cp Article(tick) on "spatial geo"[^]
31 May 2013 by AlphaDeltaTheta
Open source web apis?? There are lots of Free services out there though. Did you Google it?? If not then, let be Google that for you[^]Yahoo's API, though not free seems more useful since it doesn't have the map use restriction.I also spotted Geonames[^] but some say, it is not very...
16 Jul 2013 by berkayerdi
I want take people location who use my program. But I cant access. Because I havent allow for this function.There is my code. How can I access? public async void KoordinatBel() { Geolocator location = new Geolocator(); try { ...
15 Jul 2013 by Paw Jershauge
The first use of the Geolocator object to call GetGeopositionAsync or subscribe to PositionChanged events must be made on the UI thread so that the consent prompt can be shown to the user.Guidelines for devices that access personal data[^]
19 Jan 2014 by rchacko
hi is anybody have idea about data uploading to Google Map or to Google map engine dynamically?? the req. is like reading multiple text addresses from a csv or xlsx and create placemarks on maps engine/ map (not Google earth) dynamically. (ie. I click on a button, it creates a csv/ xlsx or kml...
19 Jan 2014 by rchacko
yes, the problem is similar to that; in this example lat/ lng are given inside ; but in my case a csv file having only physical addresses and trying to pass that file to maps engine to read and process.more specifically, the FORMAT of a query-string which calls the maps...
3 Feb 2014 by Member 10182971
I am using geographic datatype in sql server 2012. I want to retrieve those data same as i stored in it. Means if i am storing a location in it, then i want to display that location in a map..
6 Apr 2014 by Codes DeCodes
I am using geolocation api to get latitude and longitude of place i am in.. here is my code.. var x = document.getElementById('add'); var c = function (pos) { var latitude = pos.coords.latitude; var longitude...
6 Apr 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
See[^] for the explanation.
22 Jun 2014 by Codes DeCodes
I am developing website that uses Geo location to track users location. As the code is executed, a browser asks user permission to share location or not share. The option chosen by user is stored in Tool menu, under page info tab/permission/Access Your location in mozilla firefox...
18 Sep 2014 by Dev Sharma
Hi all,I am trying to turn on/off gps system setting using cordova/phonegap.I have gone through all the materials that are available on internet but no result.Only I got some comments on it.I have got some materials on for native android code and full source code also.The same question asked...
7 Oct 2014 by Sibeesh KV
There are some steps you must follow,1. You must accept the geolocation permission 2.try clearing browser data and restarting Chrome 3.Set permission for geo location read here[^]4.You can read some here...
17 Mar 2015 by calincoosmin
I tried to use "navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()" in my ASP MVC site but it doesn't work on Safari. It's working perfectly on IE, Chrome, Opera or Mozilla. This is what I tried: $(document).ready(function () { ...
26 Mar 2015 by Rohan123Perera
I have a problem with geocoder.Geocode function. When i put it into a loop like in below method, it can't even be debugged into the geocoder.Geocode even if i have placed a debugger in side the function. what happens there is the loop just continues without even calling that...
1 Apr 2015 by Member 11511789
I am developing an android application in which I allow the user to search for a given location using Geocoder. If user types the address on auto completer, and selects a particular address, I show a marker on that point.The problem is that I am not getting all the addresses as per default...
9 Apr 2015 by Member 11593959
how can i get all the user location who are using the application ? i want to show all the user location real-time on the map . All user location will be shown to everyone who are using the application.
13 Apr 2015 by Sid_Joshi
Code to find current Latitude and LongitudeStep 2 A from Solution 1GPSTracker gpsTracker = new GPSTracker(this); if (gpsTracker.canGetLocation()) { String stringLatitude = String.valueOf(gpsTracker.latitude); textview = (TextView)...
27 Apr 2015 by Vi(ky
Hi,I am working on Android app using WebView. I want to prompt the to ask user to enable geolocation. To do my complete android code is written with help of[^] I have HTML file in which to...
13 Nov 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
20 Jun 2016 by Kamren Zorgdrager
Transitioning from callbacks and messaging to promises
17 Jul 2016 by Member 10966495
(ExtJS 3.2.1)I need your help. I'm trying to create a grid.I use as a store.var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ title: "WMS Capabilities", store: wmsStore, cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ {header: "Name", dataIndex: "name", sortable:...
13 Oct 2016 by Herman<T>.Instance
Hi Folks,I am writing an ASP.NET website which show global coordinates/geolocation on a google map.Below that map I want to show a graph which displays some values that belong to that GeoLocation. Since it handles hundreds of thousands (it is a GMAP polyline with additional data. That...
16 Dec 2016 by Jochen Arndt
You need a database containing the ZIP codes and the corresponding locations.Then you can create a circle around a given position using the distance as radius and query the database for locations inside that circle.But it would be much simpler to use a square. Then you just have to check...
16 Dec 2016 by Patrice T
On earth, the formula to calculate the distance between 2 places is called great circle distance.Great-circle distance - Wikipedia[^]
29 May 2017 by amagitech
I can open whatsapp from standart href link without any problem. Also firefox is works very good. But i need javascript for sending location. So i write a javascript code. If i open it on private web page and using command it works perfectly. But if i open it from normal tab it...
29 May 2017 by amagitech
I hava a trick for it. Firstly i added an tag with id for it. Later i changed it's href attribute with jquery when page loading. HTML Side ... JS Side $('document').ready(function(){ if (navigator.geolocation) { ...
3 Jul 2017 by Dhanish Balloo
Hi, I have an application which captures the location of a tablet every set interval of time and stores them in a database. I then wrote a simple javascript script to display those locations on a map and trace the route of the tablet. However, besides displaying the appropriate route of the...
25 Jul 2017 by Lan Yung Lee
$ curl "{IP or hostname}" This is the cURL. This is used to get the location of the user by IP address. However, i do not know how to convert this to C#. What I have tried: I have tried the following codes: public IPData...
25 Jul 2017 by David_Wimbley
I haven't run your code but i think the first place to start would be your class that you are trying to deserialize the response to. I took the URL and got the json from the site itself and your structure doesn't look correct. I used and got the following as what you should be...
22 Aug 2019 by nolamo
I need to do some very basic geo-targeting for a WordPress site. Something like: Till now I used the GEO service provided by You can see the code...
11 Jun 2018 by batmanrobin22
I am trying to locate the longitude and latitude of using Geocode in C# but i have an error like { "error_message" : "Invalid request. Missing the 'address', 'components', 'latlng' or 'place_id' parameter.", "results" : [], "status" : "INVALID_REQUEST" } and sometimes response error ...
11 Jun 2018 by Eric Lynch
I'm not very familiar with Google's maps API, but since you haven't received an answer, I'll give it a try. My guess is that (at a minimum) you need to URL encode the address portion of your query string: queryString = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(queryString); Without this, the spaces in...
11 Jun 2018 by Patrice T
No matter what you do, there is only 1 reliable way to use a webapi like that. Get 1 example from documentation, make sure it works. If it don't work, check that exact parameter is what it should, do not assume something is ok. When doing a request, always store the final request string in a...
17 Aug 2018 by Member 13685517
I inserted a map using bing maps portal, but now I need to access the users location and I want them to get the directions if the click on the POI. How can this be done? thanks. This is in UWP What I have tried: Got location to display in textblock but it is not that accurate( was on a button...
17 Aug 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
Get the user's location - UWP app developer | Microsoft Docs[^]
8 Nov 2018 by SherryT6$
I have a two points: 1) start point 2) destination point To draw the path between the two points im doing so with the function shown below called calculateAndDisplayRoute(): What i want to do is track the user live location marker to be shown on the drawn path and also how can i test user...
17 Jun 2019 by Member 13459382
I have a C# form application in which timer is set for every 1 second. Within that I want to check the location of my device. Code is as follows: This is how timer is called this.Time1SecTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components); this.Time1SecTimer.Interval = 1000; ...
19 Aug 2019 by Jassim Rahma
Hi, I'd like to ask how can I make the Xamarin Forms Compass to point to a specific degree? I already have my Compass and I am passing the Value to it as you can see in the below code but I want ti make sure it updates when the user moves. I am getting the correct degree there but my problem...
19 Aug 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
If the code in your "Click handler" works, then make it into a routine that you can (also) call from a TIMER routine that "ticks" at 100ms or longer which "gets the location" and updates the text box(es) in question. (100ms is the "lag" threshold).
13 Dec 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
algorithm - Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula) - Stack Overflow[^]
24 Feb 2021 by tomtomGIS
I have 1,000 polygons and 1,000 poly points or single points defined within QGIS 3.16 I want to add to each shape a geofence. I want to track movement events as one gps locator moves in or out of the defined geofences. example: a ship is...
20 Sep 2022 by Giovanni Scerra
A simple and easily extensible IP geo-fencing engine
15 Dec 2017 by Peter Leow
Explore geolocation with HTML5
8 May 2017 by Nirav Prabtani
How to calculate distance between two geolocations or find out distance within a specific radius by SQL Server
5 Jan 2013 by Anup Kumar Verma
Using all Ultrabook sensors on Desktop Application
4 May 2016 by Marla Sukesh, Pradeep Shet
This is part 2 day 2 continuation of article Learn HTML5 in 3 days.
29 Jun 2015 by DrABELL
Web app to find geographical coordinates and apply them to the Bing Map
31 Aug 2014 by Carmelo La Monica
As explained in the previous article, the geolocation is one of the most frequently used features in the mobile and beyond, with it we are able to retrieve the location and information about the place in which we find ourselves, and used by an application to have otherinformation, such as restaurant
26 Feb 2013 by Shine Jayakumar
A tip on how to find the geographical location of an IP address.
29 Jul 2012 by Aadarsh Gupta
this is what I tried following.. but no use.. I don't know why.. I noticed is they'r using WPF Application template, but I was trying it on Windows Forms Application
3 Jul 2017 by Peter Leow
Check this out: HTML5 Geolocation[^]
28 Jan 2014 by Pranav-BiTwiser
How do i get my exact location, latitude and longitude in windows C# project I have already tried many API's, but all are showing only the city name not the current exact address...HELP ME..!!Infact, all the API's provide only the city name and latitude,longitude..but not the exact...
16 Dec 2016 by kkakadiya
Hello,How can I get nearest Zipodes on the basis of inputted zip code & miles/distance?Ex. 07302 is the zip code for jersey city. So if I enter 07302 and distance is 10, then it should return other zip codes within 10 miles.Thanks.What I have tried:I have tried with diff....
31 May 2013 by Member 9562469
First let me start off with I'm aware of the API's offered by Google, Yahoo, Bing but I'm unable to use them as far as I can tell due to the restrictions on saving the results and like in the case of Google having to use the coordinates only for display on a map. I'm also aware of the Tiger/Line...
22 Jun 2015 by hariprashanth11
DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> Click the button to get your coordinates.
7 Oct 2014 by anssary2010
Geolocation API getCurrentPosition example#map { width:100%; height:800px; }Click on the marker for...
29 Oct 2014 by Vijay m. parmar
i am Working on an Application in that i have to know that the given latitude and longitude is inside of given range of latitude and longitude.for example i have multiple lat,long of an area now i put a single lat,long. and application check that the single lat,long in inside of given range...
13 Nov 2015 by Member 11446249
In my android app, I have a geo-referenced image which I am going to use as map. So I need to divide it into tiles. For that I want its top left and bottom right image coordinate(x,y) with location coordinate of corresponding image coordinates using java codes which is supported in android. Can...
22 Aug 2017 by Member 13373213
Don;t use your key Find a route using Geolocation and Google Maps API
28 Jul 2020 by Member 14901560