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by Andrew Rissing
An intuitive-fluent API for generating Linq Expressions.
by Kenneth Haugland
How to calculate a reverbration time in a room
by Ordiales
When no XP support is necessary. Better Icon structure arrises and easy conversion is allowed.
by John Atten
Examination of a quick way to create more useful expandable groups in the .NET ListView control.

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by Vincent Maverick Durano
This is a tale of a professional developer.
by Łukasz Bownik
Updated concept of "The Surgical Team"
by Łukasz Bownik
This article discusses the psychological reasons of software project failures.
by IAmJoshChang
Today we are going to demonstrate how to use Top Down Dynamic Programming to solve the problem, Coin Change.

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10 Oct 2012 by Andrew Rissing
An intuitive-fluent API for generating Linq Expressions.
23 Oct 2011 by OriginalGriff
No. Properties and fields are very different animals.Fields are used for internal class storage - if you make them accessible to the outside world, then you are fixing the design of your class, because you cannot change how your class works without considering the effects on the outside...
31 Jul 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
How to calculate a reverbration time in a room
29 Jul 2013 by Ordiales
When no XP support is necessary. Better Icon structure arrises and easy conversion is allowed.
21 May 2014 by OriginalGriff
It's fairly simple, though it may be difficult to understand.Try doing it like this:double d = (0.1 + 0.7);int v = (int)(d * 10);Console.WriteLine(v);And look at the value of d in the debugger.It's not what you expect - 0.8 - but 7.9999999999999999 instead.Why? Because base 10 and...
22 Jan 2011 by Nish Nishant
Use an obfuscator. It's not 100% decompile-proof but it will make it harder for people to do it.This SO thread lists several popular ones:[^]
22 Jan 2011 by Shahin Khorshidnia
As Nishant Said, There is not any absolute way to protect your program. you can only make your code difficult and more difficult.
22 Jan 2011 by RaviRanjanKr
My answer is just same like the given answers you need to use Obfuscator because some protection is much better than no protection. so if you worry about protection of your code then you should use strong programming against reverse engineering you need to use Encryption,code splitting,multiple...
1 Jun 2011 by #realJSOP
0) New and Innovative Ideas1) Content beyond a simple step-by-step guide that mostly uses screen shots of the steps, or a mere code dump.2) Full discussion of theory and practice, and how the two almost never converge3) Attention to detail - spelling, grammar, ACCURACY4)...
14 Mar 2012 by OriginalGriff
It really depends on what you know, and what you want to do with it.If you know VB at or before V6, then you will have a large amount to learn to move to later versions (VB under .NET) as the framework is enormous! Easy to use, but enormous...VB for the .NET framework works well, and it...
3 Sep 2012 by John Atten
Examination of a quick way to create more useful expandable groups in the .NET ListView control.
5 May 2014 by Gerald Gomes
This article will make an attempt to describe a basic way to start implementing animation in WPF.
10 Jul 2010 by «_Superman_»
Creating different names of classes for unicode and non-unicode doesn't make sense.It's the string data type that really matters here.So your CMap example makes sense because it contains a character pointer.You might as well use -CMap...
3 Nov 2010 by vnmatt
Code generator for creating XML serializable classes from scanning the XML file itself.
27 Jun 2012 by Technoses
The above code will slow down the browser and the browser can hang when Rows in Grid will be 10000 or above.Please view the below suggestion:CS Codeprotected void grvGroups_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){ if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ...
19 Feb 2012 by OriginalGriff
As far as I can tell, it isn't a number of points - it's an amorphous "contributions to the site" scale.They don't tell us what the contributions are, probably to prevent idiots gaming the system.
12 Feb 2013 by V.
How to dynamically build a JQPlot graph through the code behind.
1 Feb 2014 by tonywilk
Example server and client using different protocols over a Websocket (php/js)
5 Mar 2014 by Mark H Bishop
A quick demo of the JEL expressions library.
30 Nov 2014 by Stefan_Lang
In newer versions of Windows, on multicore systems, the system will by default prevent any single process from using all cores at the same time as a precaution against single (faulty) tasks freezing the entire system. A second process however is free to use any remaining processing power, so...
24 Sep 2016 by Nelek
Although the text editor from the site is very powerful, sometimes... well if you use it, you know what I mean ;)
29 Jun 2010 by Johnny J.
If you select Features | Surveys from the menu and select the top survey which is the only one open at the time, then you're right; You can't vote there (strangely enough - in my opinion you ought to submit it as an issue under Site Bugs/Suggestions)The voting form is actually at the very...
29 Jun 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
No, Surveys don't need any reputation level to participate.You can vote for the open surveys. For voting in Weekly surveys, go to Homepage of CodeProject[^] and look at the center bottom of the page. You can go ahead and vote there.For voting in Monthly competitions, the link to vote...
22 Jan 2011 by Christian Graus
Everyone worries about this. The odds that you've created something so groundbreaking that people will be trying to steal it, are low, but if that's really the case, then there's no real protection. You'd be better off to use C++, if you're that worried.
28 Feb 2011 by Espen Harlinn
An interface is as the name implies an interface to an implementation, a while an abstract method is a virtual method without an implementation. You use an abstract method (or property) when there is no logical default behavior for a virtual method.You use an interface when you want...
21 Jun 2011 by Dylan Morley
It's saying redirect to the UserDetails page and pass in a query string [^] with a name of 'Id' and the value is retrieved from the Session.Basically, when the UserDetails page loads, it will be able to retrieve the Id passed to it and load up the User that matches the Id.
23 Oct 2011 by Sander Rossel
Interesting. Though I never heard of Properties causing performance issues (not Properties without further logic anyway) I guess there could be slight overhead. A Property in .NET is nothing more than a wrapper for a get and set Method. That means that in IL Properties are simply Methods like...
23 Oct 2011 by Espen Harlinn
If you want to understand how this actually works out there is a couple of information sources on the net that provides valuable insights:The blog for the code generation feature team working on the Common Language Runtime (CLR). [^] - these are the guys that that make it possible to generate...
23 Oct 2011 by BillWoodruff
You have three excellent answers here (all of which got my +5), but I will add an extended comment in regard to your statement that you read ... re Properties ... that you should "avoid setting or getting private fields directly."I have the feeling that you were reading content in the...
5 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Generally or in code? You didn't mention any Tag in your question so I give you simple way.Use the SYSTEMINFO command in DOS. Check the value of System Up TimeFor code, search System Up Time(with language C# or VB) in GoogleEDIT----------------------Retrieving the Operating...
20 Feb 2012 by thatraja
By great contribution....I think it's a big dealRegarding Code Project Most Valuable Professional[^]
4 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes and no. At least it is not obviously bad and widely used. It depends how you use it. It's hard to say without seeing the detail.Best techniques are lazy: they can be sophisticated in fundamentals but lazy in ad-hoc usage; they should not require a lot of boring calculations and too much...
1 Aug 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
You put n instead of and in one sentence and the reviewer corrected it for you. The use of such abbreviations, as used in txtspk, is strongly discouraged here.
16 Aug 2012 by jgauffin
An inversion of control container with modules, decorators, commands, domain events and more.
12 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
MSDN is always best, have a look:[^]
1 Jan 2014 by Yvan Rodrigues
Design professionals are susceptible to the same assumptions and biases as the rest of us.
31 Jan 2014 by Mattias Högström
To be an expert it is good to also know other languages.You need reference points and a broad view.You need to learn both languages, preferably even a few more.With Java you will certainly be more productive,and use more advanced technologies and concepts.Knowing C++ gives you...
6 Jun 2015 by OriginalGriff
There are a number of ways to start:1) Find a course.2) Find a book3) Find an online tutorial4) Grab a compiler and find Google.com5) Get a job working in the industry.These are in descending order of effectiveness: a course is best, because it is run by a real human who (should)...
29 Apr 2016 by 23ars
This will be a simple article about Linux Device Drivers, in fact about a char driver that controls the GPIO ( General Purpose Input-Output) port of the Beaglebone Black.
1 Dec 2010 by Slacker007
Come up with a project, not too big, and design, develop, and test your project. Try to use a little bit of everything you have learned so far and other topics that you have not learned so far.This helped me learn a lot when I was starting off. Good luck. And post here when you run...
5 Jan 2011 by wizardzz
I don't know where the CP article is, but here's a great article. I think it was originally in a newsletter article regarding a meetup and memorial for one of the fathers of...
10 Jan 2011 by Dalek Dave
Lemon Juice and Newspaper is just as effective!If that fails, Keep a tin of white emulsion handy!
3 Feb 2011 by sam, atlanta
I was asked this question in an interview, but could not figure out the answer. I did some google too, but maybe was not in a proper direction. Maybe someone at codeproject can help...String s = "Codeproject";String s = new String();what is the difference in these two...
23 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
No.You first have to define "best": Best for a sort algorithm might be "fastest": but even then "fastest" will depend on data - if you know the data has a particular pattern, then the "fastest" general algorithm may not be the quickest to sort the specific data.
24 Mar 2011 by Espen Harlinn
If there are open-source implmentations available, and there usually are - test that each of them is capable of correct behaviour - sometimes some algorithms are not able to evaluate all possible inputs - so it's a good idea to check that they have the desired behaviour.You may be interested...
1 Jun 2011 by Sander Rossel
I want to add to Johns (great) answer, comment the code in your sample projects. Do not just dump all the code in your article and explain it in one or two sentences. Just copy the most important code and explain it bit by bit. Comment ALL the code.Good luck on writing good articles!
21 Jun 2011 by Abhinav S
Id is the querystring parameter, This will be redirected to the next page and the id value can be used as the parameter.See[^] for more information on query strings.
6 Jul 2011 by #realJSOP
Well, if you know your score, you can easily find yourself in the scheme of things by going to the Features | Who's Who menu item and filtering on Reputation score. If I recall correctly, people with about 12k scores start at around page 25 or so (with 25 users per page), so that means you're...
12 Jul 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
What do you mean by 'telugu unicode'? You keep repeating this question and refuse to respond to any of the suggestions that have been given to you. If you want to display your telugu characters in the correct manner then use a font that supports those characters, such as ఈ.
7 Aug 2011 by #realJSOP
You have no recourse other then to try to convince him to change it (all he has to do is re-vote with the appropriate rating. In the meantime, you can "vote to remove" the message, and if enough other people also do that, the message, and the associated vote will be removed automatically.
30 Aug 2011 by wizardzz
I agree with the other answers, but would like to add another suggestion. You can always try to create something that will help people, make the world a little bit better for somebody. You can check out[^] and see what kind of projects have been worked on it the past, for...
2 Dec 2011 by thatraja
By great contributionPosting Articles,Blog posts,Tip/TricksAnswers in Q/A sectionAnswers in programming forumsBTW think about your life..
19 Feb 2012 by _John1974_
Could you guys tell me how many points require to be a Codeproject MVP or I think I should ask, what would it take to be a Codeproject MVP.Thanks all.
18 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
Go for 4.Nothing, but nothing is more important than learning that the real world is vastly different from what you do in school - and it's not just programming that this applies to.Then 1, 2, and finally 3.
24 Apr 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't think so. Even if somebody tried to write a big thick book on the subject, it would be pointless, because it mostly depends on available technologies and the goals of the development in a particular organization or a particular team. So, by the time such book is finished, it would be of...
10 May 2012 by Wendelius
If you're working with local drives, then you can use DriveInfo[^]
23 May 2012 by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
13 Jun 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Have a look on experts blogs and similar discussion; hope you get some help to improve your skills by their views and experiences they shared:How can I become a better programmer[^]10 Effective Ways to Become a Good Programmer[^]How to be a good programmer[^]There is always room for...
8 Aug 2012 by Christian Amado
You must add a complete url of the image in the src attribute. You must add a link of the image E.g.[^] =)
28 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question; the statement is not clear…First of all, I hope that by LibA and LibB you mean the assemblies. Actually, every .NET assembly is a library, even if it is named *.EXE (in case you still did not get it); and there are cases when even *.EXE should be...
5 Oct 2013 by Ron Beyer
Just adding to what Ian said...x86 is a correct acronym for a family of processors, I.E. 8086, 80386, 80486, 80586. The x is the prefix (80, 803...), so saying x86 refers to any processor family based on the x86 instruction sets. There are extensions to these sets like MMX and other...
24 Feb 2014 by OriginalGriff
You can't, except to articles and tips that are moderated.This is deliberate, as this site is not intended to be blacklisted by any work related site filters. Allowing the posting of images directly would require that every single message posted be moderated for content prior to posting to...
5 Jan 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
No way. It was possible in some obsolete OS, but hardly in some modern widely used OS. What is stored in an executable module can only be read-only. When any executable module is loaded for execution (any PE file; there is no difference between .EXE, .DLL and other kinds of PE files, it's all...
31 Dec 2020 by OriginalGriff
Instead of posting questions every time you don't understand something and hoping people will explain in the detail you want, start using Google to at least do some research for yourself. I copied a bit of your question and pasted it into Google,...
6 Feb 2010 by Christian Graus
I doubt you can write a virus with VB.NET, but if you could, we would still not help you.
29 Jun 2010 by Laxman Auti
I don't found an option to vote for surveys that are open to vote? Does it need any reputation points?
20 Sep 2010 by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
9 Mar 2011 by Indivara
A collection of tips to help you maintain your legacy code more efficiently
1 Dec 2010 by Narvius
So, I've been programming for quite a few years now. And now, after reading an article from today's Insider, I felt like I ought to teach myself some computer science theory (I'm still in high school, and I can't really rely on it to get me *any* kind of IT-related knowledge).So; does anyone...
28 Feb 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question is asked many times. I want to show old Answers, because they are interesting, as well as discussion. I already gave my Answer, but see for others as well.Please see the discussion on how to decide on use of interfaces vs. abstract classes: How to decide to choose Abstract class...
24 Mar 2011 by CPallini
Yes, run a test: feed the two algorithms with the same input data (making sure the output is correct) and measure performance.
11 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Never round any numeric values, to avoid rounding errors, which can event accumulate, depending on calculations.What you really need is not rounding but just the rounded visual (human-readable) presentation of results in the form of strings, only when you present them on screen. This is a...
1 Jun 2011 by Marc A. Brown
John's[^] and Naerling's[^] answers are great. Also, as Smithers-Jones[^] stated in the comments, if your piece is too short to be an article, post it as a tip/trick[^].
6 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Getting more CodeProject points does not make a person more competitive. Looking at this score does not provide any evaluation of person's competitiveness. :-)Just a note.—SA
16 Jul 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
That's quite easy to achieve by using MD5 hashing. Hash all your MAC IDs and distribute them along with your application applying some salt also. To authenticate use the MAC ID of the system, hash it and see if it's contained in the list of allowed IDs. The salt is the critical piece here....
18 Jul 2011 by RaviRanjanKr
A tip enable you to learn how to use Column_Index instead of Column Name with Order by clause
19 Jul 2011 by Joan M
You can't add an image, not at least directly... you must find an external server and host the image there... after that you can post a link to that image.Hope this helps...
27 Jul 2011 by «_Superman_»
You can point the compiler to the Microsoft symbol server to get more information on the crash.For this create an environment variable called _NT_SYMBOL_PATH and set its value to symsrv*symsrv.dll*c:\localsymbols* where you can replace c:\localsymbols...
30 Aug 2011 by Steve Maier
I have found that for a pet project do it on something that you are interested on or have a need to solve. Such as I needed to transpose chords a guitar player was playing when he had a capo on. So I wrote an app to help me. It kept me interested in the project until I finished. Ok, that one...
15 Sep 2011 by kribo
System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog in a small WPF project TextEditor.
15 Nov 2011 by JackDingler
Here is the Microsoft article on how to do this.Building Preview HandlersAnd the Windows SDK Sample
18 Dec 2011 by thatraja
What about a search?Codeproject has section for Algorithms and Recipes[^]And here more than couple of ways to learn anything in internet.Education Needed[^]What is a good free site for a child to learn simple coding?[Long post][^](Contains more than couple of interesting threads...
26 Dec 2011 by Varun Sareen
Dear Prashant,Please follow this link:-[^]Hope this will give you a clear picture for your question.please don't forget to mark this as your answer if it helps you out.Thanks
9 Jan 2012 by BobJanova
Why go via a byte? You can go straight to uint. Unfortunately C#/.Net doesn't have bit booleans so I am not aware of a better approach thanuint BoolArrayToInt(bool[] bits){ if(bits.Length > 32) throw new ArgumentException("Can only fit 32 bits in a uint"); uint r = 0; for(int i = 0;...
12 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Best testing tools are the brains of software and testing engineers, architects who make sure the software is testable by components, those who organize proper development cycle and support it in technological and organizational aspects. Testing should be the integral part of architecture...
8 Mar 2012 by Pranit Kothari
First thing I wanted to clear that if you have done any certification and you have knowledge then at whatever place you write, it is difficult to hide. If you think you have achieved anything write it at very first part of resume, so you can get advantage of good first impression. But IMHO...
25 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
3 May 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
The translate tools are not so accurate to use for example it might convert you table to मेज़(Mej) which might not be right in many contexts.better use localization and globalization. refer this: Using Globalization and Localization in ASP.NET[^]
4 May 2012 by idle63
Hello allA lot of times I do enable/disable GUI elements in “OnIdle” according to the systems state (I’m aware, this is definitively not the way if determine the state costs CPU). More and more I feel this is a lazy way and I become unhappy with this. Can somebody confirm that this is...
4 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Does this help: A Simple Wizard Control for .Net 2.0 with Full Designer Support[^]
11 May 2012 by OriginalGriff
Google is your friend: Be nice and visit him often. He can answer questions a lot more quickly than posting them here...A very quick search using your subject as the search term gave 16 million hits: Google[^]The top hit gives a full solution with an explanation....
14 May 2012 by member60
API, is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. A programmer then puts the blocks together.Most operating environments, such as MS-Windows, provide an API so that...
14 May 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
In short:API, an abbreviation of application program interface, is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. Most operating environments, such as MS-Windows, provide an...
16 May 2012 by ledtech3
You could do a text change event something like this, but then you have to remove the extra Char. before validating the password.Private Sub PasswordTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PasswordTextBox.TextChanged If...
22 May 2012 by Pete O'Hanlon
The problem generally isn't that SQL Server is a poor choice for bulk inserts, the problem actually lies in having to rebalance the indexes after each record is inserted. The more indexes you have, the more work the database engine has to do to cope with it. A common solution to this is to drop...
24 May 2012 by Espen Harlinn
I guess you are looking for bool next_permutation[^]Call it i times and you'll have the i-th permutation. (or the i-1 combination)Best regardsEspen Harlinn
24 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
I am able to download it well and good. Even extract and see the files. Re-try!