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by Cinchoo
Simple fast lite CSV file reader for .NET

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by Cinchoo
Simple fast lite CSV file reader for .NET

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26 May 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
Try :string s = "MR00001012";int val = int.Parse(s.Substring(2)); // first digit starts at position 2
3 Jan 2022 by CHill60
Actually that code is gong to produce something like "; expected" as it won't even compile. When I fix that problem your code appears to work ... unless of course the label text is completely blank. You either need to start with the label...
7 Mar 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes and no. No, because you are totally confused, and, formally, the questions don't even make sense. You cannot say "conversion" and "extract source code". There is nothing to extract. Source code is not contained in the assembly modules. It is not "kept". You just don't understand.At the...
7 Mar 2015 by manchanx
In addition to what Sergey wrote and answers to the questions in your comment:Quote:You say .Net Assemblies, i say .Net Application, same thing?.Net Assemblies are either Executables (.exe) or Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll) which are being used by Executables. Usually you refer to an...
26 May 2015 by _Asif_
Try regular expression with [0-9]+. There are tons of information present, you just need to google!Regards,Asif
8 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I have no idea what makes you thinking that you can identify the source of some image by capturing some specific pattern. I don't think so. And of course the expression "hex pattern" is absurd: "decimal" or "hexadecimal" is just the artifact of string representation of some numeric data in...
1 Apr 2016 by Rajesh Londhe
Hello,I had searched lot of sites and much more googling. I had found several tools like,Emgu CVNReco.videoconverter (dot net wrapper for ffmpeg)Dexter.libBut all this tools works fine on avi video only. None of this tools works on any other video file formats.Friends, it's...
4 May 2018 by Maciej Los
Check my past answer: How to read table from pdf?[^] You may be interested in reading this: GitHub - bubibubi/ExtractTablesFromPdf: Extract tables (and paragraphs outside tables) from pdf[^]
7 Jan 2019 by RickZeeland
This one is free, see CodeProject article: Extract Text from PDF in C# (100% .NET)[^] This one is expensive, but you can try a trial version: Windows 8 .NET PDF Text Extractor & Converter - Extract Text from PDF C#/VB.NET sample in C# for Visual Studio 2013[^]
20 Jan 2019 by Stefan_Lang
If you intended to copy a file, maybe you should use std::streambuf instead. There's a good code example here: streambuf::sgetn - C++ Reference[^]
25 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
Numbers aren't difficult to extract with a regex: (\d+(\.\d+)?) will do it, it matches one or more digits optionally followed by a decimal point and one or more digits.
30 Jan 2015 by Member 11237565
Hi, I wanted to extract value from a grid view and post it on to a PDF. Everything is working except the image extracted from the grid view is always too big. For eg:There is 4 columns in the grid view. The 2 column would be the image. It would always overlap with the other 2...
16 Feb 2015 by Member 11401942
Dear All,I am using excel to get the data from the server. Everything works fine until here until I decided to run count(distinct) values for the date of sales. Some of the customer are member since 2004. I just want to check their visit per year. Please bear in mind the customers might have...
27 Apr 2015 by dimaba10000
I created a custom installer a bit ago and it works fine but I am having a few issues with it.Unlike a package installer it is by far slower at installing.This is how the installer works:1. It deletes all the temporary files on the computer in case the installer was previously...
27 Apr 2015 by virusstorm
Based on what you described and without seeing any code, I suspect your issue is the deleting of temporary files. It sounds like you are deleting the contents of the entire temporary directory and for some users, this could be tens of gigabytes of data. I suggest you create a directory in the...
11 Aug 2015 by isuru chanaka
i have auto generated HTML source text file look like this:var staMgrParaInf = new Array(1,0,0,0,10,48,2,1,0,0,0 );var staEntryInf = new...
11 Aug 2015 by Maciej Los
Try this regex pattern: \W((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}..(?:\d{1,9},){8}\d{1,9})\W
9 Dec 2015 by AD89
HiI m currently working on windows application that is loading electoral roll pdf file. What I m trying to do is to get the data as per Sr. No., Epic No., Name, Father's / Husbands Name, Age, Sex, House No. and pincode. Data is available in 3 columns and 10 rows i.e. 30 persons details per...
20 Apr 2016 by Member 12474211
I have a cab file called "" and another cab file within this cab file called "". The inner cab file contains "result.xml". Is there a way for me to get the contents of result.xml without having to write to disk? (Do it all in memory)? I have this, which writes to...
20 Apr 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
check out the bottom answer on this SO post c# - Unpack cab file in memory - Stack Overflow[^]
15 Jun 2016 by NEETHU RAMESH
I need to extractmalayalam text from pdf.While extracting the text with itextsharp text extraction strategy some special characters are also coming with the text.What I have tried:I HAVE TRIED THIS PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(fileName); for (int page = 1;...
15 Jun 2016 by Bernhard Hiller
See How to extract text from PDF file with IDENTITY-H fonts using VB.NET - Stack Overflow[^]When looking at the example there, I think there might be some possibility of reverse engineering the specific "identity h encoding" of your file. Get the bytes of the text first (byte[] bytes =...
10 Jul 2016 by chrisflo2705
Does anybody here ever had to fight to properly extract images from PDF documents that are encoded with either DeviceN or Separation scheme ?I mainly program with C# and VB.NET, but also know C++, and C. Any help, anybody ?(Thanks in advance...)What I have tried:iTextSharp...
15 Nov 2016 by ahmdr
Hello,I am extracting data from database and adding them to Excel sheet, my data as below:ID, Name, Description, CV Linkand already extracted the CV's to be in physical folder, and I wrote in the excel sheet the data even link for CV in physical folder.My problem how can I make...
2 Apr 2017 by Jochen Arndt
Requesting the headers for about 300,000 IMAP mails will off course require a signifcant amount of time. My suggestions: Why do you call imap_search()? You want to process all messages. Then there is no need to do so. You even don't use the returned array anymore besides calling rsort() which...
4 May 2018 by srinivas vanka
I need to read the pdf content as it is there in the pdf as c# tables So that I can get the values for the keys I needed. Please suggest me any better idea thanks in adavance What I have tried: I have tried ITextSharp but it is giving only the entire content at a time.
29 Jun 2018 by samisyed80
Hi, I am working in a healthcare project where we have developed lots of stored procedures, web application, and even the ETL involved in it. Very often, we receive a separate data from client in excel file to compare with the data in our system and we need to generate the report for the same...
29 Jun 2018 by Maciej Los
Without knowing the details, an answer may be opinion-based only and the common answer would be: "It depends on many factors.." ;) In my opinion, the best way to automate "comparison process" is to distribute a service. I can't tell you exactly how to construct the service (what should it take...
6 Aug 2018 by raddevus
Not entirely sure what you're looking for, but you could use jQuery. var links = []; $('a').each(function() { links.push( this.href ); // output of links: ['', ''] // According to comment // if you need each link separately then //...
31 Aug 2018 by Andiko
hello I have a txt file like this: [srv1] label = testserver enable = 1 protocol = http device = ipaddress user = test1 password = test2 group = 1 version = xxxx hop = 1 audio...
31 Aug 2018 by CPallini
Have a look at this article: INI Files Will Never Die: How-To in .NET -[^].
31 Aug 2018 by Andy Lanng
Write a quick settings reader: vb converted from c# with Code Converter C# to VB and VB to C# – Telerik[^] Public Class Settings Private ReadOnly _sectionNameRegex As Regex = New Regex("(?
7 Jan 2019 by Member 14110659
I want to extract data from PDF and store it in database using asp .net and SQL. Could you please tell me the best tool in terms of accuracy and cost? thank you What I have tried: I tried Foxit but I have some difficulties to know how to use it
12 Aug 2019 by mike_j7909
In python, I have a folder with many tar.gz files. I want to be able to get to one .data file in each tar.gz file and collect a line of data. How do I loop a folder and read contents in a file like this. list...
12 Sep 2019 by 4bakra
Hello, I'm really green. I want to extract images (JPGs) from Oracle PDB. Table Looks something like this: select * from BOB.USER_ID t LINK_ID ID_SCAN 1 340101001 ... 2 340101002 ... 3 340101003 ... 4 340101004 ... 5 ... If possible, I want...
12 Sep 2019 by Maciej Los
Please, read the documentation: OracleBlob Class- Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes[^] 5.10.3 Reading a BLOB from the Database to a File on Disk[^] It might be helpful too: Read / Write BLOBs from / to Oracle using C# .NET DataSet and DataReader[^] Oracle Blobs – Reading & Writing...
12 Sep 2019 by MadMyche
The easiest way to do what you want is going to be to write a programming script to do this, and utilize that line of SQL to get the data you want. The basic structure of the program is going to be something like this- you will just need to choose the language and place the language appropriate...
25 Oct 2020 by Patrice T
Just a few interesting links to help building and debugging RegEx. Here is a link to RegEx documentation: perlre -[^] Here is links to tools to help build RegEx and debug them: .NET Regex Tester - Regex Storm[^] Expresso Regular...
14 Feb 2021 by Maciej Los
First of all, you have to: 1. extract text of pdf to List 2. use Regex to find emails and ids. Here is an idea how to extract emails from list of string. See: C# code to extract Email from text · GitHub[^] We have no idea how your pdf...
4 Jan 2022 by John Bon Jovy
I have a very specific situation, so please, don't question the approach, but snippets of other approaches are welcome for educational purposes. I have a for loop and label. For loop performs calculations and assign the result to the label....
3 Jan 2022 by OriginalGriff
As an improvement on Chill60's solution, use the string Whitespace checker: int labVal = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(label1.Text) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Regex.Match(label1.Text, @"\d+").Value); But a better solution if you are using a loop is to keep...
4 Jan 2022 by PIEBALDconsult
Store the numeric value in the Tag Property of the Label and define Extension Get and Set Methods for the Label. public static void SetLabelValue ( this System.Windows.Forms.Label Label , string ...
14 Jun 2022 by Ziya1995
I have read about "Converting .exe into a readable source code".Is it really true? It writes "Yes".Now i am making an app to sell its source code on a marketplace, what stops buyers from turning my .exe app into a readable source code?I mean, i show my app for free and they may buy its...
9 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can extract whatever you want. You can use SevenZipSharp, a .NET wrapper of 7-Zip:[^],[^].—SA
27 Sep 2022 by Cinchoo
Simple fast lite CSV file reader for .NET
15 Feb 2024 by Skynet1970
I rebuilded it an now it works => public static class ExtractZipFileHelper { /// /// Extract zip file for Azure fileshare folders (cloud directory). /// /// ...
25 Oct 2020 by Josh_0101
Hi, I'm using VS2008 MFC VC++ and trying to get dynamic numbers from a string and paste them into another string. Let's say there is a dialog and get the window caption as String A: String A (input string): Voltage: 2.0V, Current:0.4A,...
9 Aug 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
In addition to solution 1: If you use .NET 4.5 you may use the build in ZipFile[^] class...
20 Jan 2019 by Anti-Antidote
Is there a way to extract data from an ifstream directly into a parameter? I will demonstrate what I mean: // Normal method ifstream yeet("yeet.txt"); string kek; yeet >> kek; print(kek); // What I am trying to do, to some effect ifstream yote("yote.txt"); print(yote.extract()); Is...
30 Aug 2021 by sahnoune_khaled
I am trying to make a program which extracts the text from a PDF document PDF documents contain ARABIC text written by different types of FONT when I extract the text it works with some files and others not it gives me ambiguous Text I am using...
12 Nov 2014 by Member 10010793
There are number of libraries available to extract all the links from a given page. But I want to group the links by page position.If you know any library or code sample in any language, please share with me.Thanks in Advance
15 Sep 2020 by dejf111
My next step is: protected void FillForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var streamReader = File.OpenText(@"C:\\Users\\Name.txt")) { string inputString = null; int...
9 Aug 2014 by Amir Hosein Nasr
I Have a 7-Zip file that contains many files inside. How can I extract one special file inside without extracting the whole archive?Is it possible to list all the files and choose one to get in C#?TNX!
26 May 2015 by arunsiddhu1992
I have a string as 'MR000000001'. Also the string value can vary from 'MR000000001' to 'MR999999999'.I want to extract the numeric value form that string.I tried TryParse method but it does not work.Please help me out.Thanks in advance.
8 Jun 2015 by JasonLai1991
how to i scan for a particular 'pattern' of a picture file using c#?I am able to scan for the header and trailer of the file using the binaryReader.when the header has been extracted, I will compare it with the header code in the local database, and it will return the designated file...
6 Aug 2018 by Member 13939421
Hi.I want to extract the addresses of the links of PDFs which are available at multiple webpages or all the open tabs,from the same web site(i DON'T mean the addresses of the webpages or the tabs themselves).Please let me know how to do it in an as easy as possible way,i don't have any code...
15 Sep 2020 by dejf111
1) Create a form with one button and a text line (button + textbox) 2) You will then enter the location of the text file in the text line 3) After clicking on the button, the program should load the text and at the same time create a second empty...
15 Sep 2020 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us...
14 Feb 2021 by Member 10481360
I want to extract all email and respective client id from a pdf file to any control in how can I get this? What I have tried: I have tried string urlFileName1 = "C:/Users/rtech/Desktop/Create-PDF-Images/PDF-Files/123.pdf"; ...
23 Feb 2022 by Eddie Winch
Hi there, I have the following two Codes which make up a DOS Game Graphics Image Extracting Program, written in C :- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace Unpac { class Program { ...
2 Apr 2017 by dravoss
I want to extract all reply-to emails from headers specially from outlook email service , i tried this code , but it not work very slow and extract just 4000 email although i have more than 300000 email in my account. I want to extract all reply-to headers from all 300000 outlook emails in my...
15 Feb 2024 by Skynet1970
I have a Azure fileshare directory with a zip file, lets say I want to unzip this with C# code in a C# Azure function. What I have is the right filled CloudFileDirectory. Now I want to call a method that unzip the file thats is in this...