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by Shemeer NS
Error Number 8013150a, 80131515, 80131522, 80070002, 80004002, 80004005, 80070057, 80131500, 80131018
by Aleksandrs Vorobjovs
Error Logging to the Windows Event Log using ELMAH
by Foothill
Complier Error: RC1004
by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".

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by freedeveloper
The move of the WEB from server based pages to Client based pages can create a security problem if we don't modify our traditional form to report errors.
by Benktesh Sharma
How to handle 'Which has higher version than referenced assembly' error (Error CS1705) through Package Manager Console
by jgauffin
Coderr automatically detects and analyzes errors so that you can focus on solving them.
by SlavaUtesinov
How to log client side errors with rich and useful information about them at case of AngularJS.

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23 Sep 2012 by Shemeer NS
Error Number 8013150a, 80131515, 80131522, 80070002, 80004002, 80004005, 80070057, 80131500, 80131018
4 Dec 2014 by Ravi Bhavnani
The selector case(numero1>numero2): is invalid. The switch statement can only compare numero1 with other ints. The expression (numero1 > numero2) is of type bool.It seems you need to read up on C# basics./ravi
28 Sep 2014 by Bernhard Hiller
It might be caused by the use of keywords as column names - most likely candidate is Date. Try to "escape" all column names: sql = "INSERT into tbl_Record ([Name],[Date],[Toothno],[Procedure],[Amount_Charged],[Amount_Paid],[Balance],[IDrecord]) values (@Name, @Date, @Toothno, @Procedure,...
5 Mar 2012 by Aleksandrs Vorobjovs
Error Logging to the Windows Event Log using ELMAH
15 May 2011 by Foothill
Complier Error: RC1004
31 Aug 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Have a look:Solution to Error 175 The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration or is not valid[^]
1 Oct 2010 by #realJSOP
It appears that using a float type induces less precision, and when the resulting value is cast to an int, it rounds down to the nearest whole number. Note the following:float y = 0.04F * 100F; // 4 - without casting DURING the math operation, it's x = (int)y); // 4 - and then...
28 Nov 2010 by CPallini
The exception message is clear: 'another computer' lacks of a COM component that your computers instead provides. :)
16 Mar 2011 by Henry Minute
If you want to use your Enter_DataGridView in other projects, it should be declared as public. public class Enter_DataGridView { ................... }
28 Apr 2011 by walterhevedeich
cry1978 wrote:what software fix all website errors automatically?None that I know of. It there was, many programmers will probably lose their job.cry1978 wrote:or tell you how to exactly fix the error?As I said, no software that does such exist, or at least, none that I know of. The error...
2 May 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
8 Jul 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
In order for any item in your aspx file to be visible to the code behind you have to tag it with runat="server" and recompile. It should be all you need to do.
14 Jul 2011 by OriginalGriff
OK, the code you have posted doesn't look too bad (apart from the SQL Injection Attack caveat I mentioned).So, first things first.Have you isolated that code, and tried it without the rest of your program, just to eliminate any other factors?How many rows do you expect it to return? How...
7 Oct 2011 by P.Salini
No one is able to tell you where exactly you are getting error with out having the knowledge about the code written by Place break point in Ok button click event in your code and see where you are getting that error.change datatype of phone number from int to varchar and then check...
23 May 2012 by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
26 Sep 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In addition to what was already said, j >= j * n is strictly equivalent to n
21 Dec 2013 by OriginalGriff
No, you can't.The whole idea of Generics is that they are type unspecific - they are general purpose rather than linked to a specific class: so you can declare a List class that work as a collection of a generic class, and it will work the same with an integer and an SqlCommand.Declaring...
19 Jun 2016 by User 11060979
In your first Approach you simply mixed up the keys.Primary Key:UserName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,Email VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,vs. Foreign:UserName VARCHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY (UserName) REFERENCES Signup (UserName),password VARCHAR(50) FOREIGN KEY (password) REFERENCES...
22 Jun 2021 by freedeveloper
The move of the WEB from server based pages to Client based pages can create a security problem if we don't modify our traditional form to report errors.
14 Mar 2022 by Richard Deeming
Your script is hanging because you have introduced an infinite loop: Quote: if (student = 1) { This statement sets the student variable to 1, and then tests whether the assigned value is truthy[^]. Your outer loop will never terminate,...
29 Apr 2011 by #realJSOP
First, you should use the Site Bugs & Suggestions[^] forum for this kind of question. Second, it's working for me, so it's probably something you're doing. Lastly, if you still feel compelled to post this in the correct forum (cited above), make sure you include the OS and browser (and...
5 May 2011 by Ramalinga Koushik
In you connection string just add the 'database='. This prevents SQL server to create the auto-named database.
8 Jul 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
For starters, why are you using a timer for a manual process that should be handled by the KeyPress event instead.Secondly, we can't really give you a lot of other help if you don't tell us what the exception itself is. We aren't mind readers, you know... Cheers.
8 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
All wrong!Throw out this code and never do anything similar. Don't poll keyboard using timer, use keyboard input events provided by .NET. In general, avoid using timers; use threads whenever possible instead of timers.Don't use Thread.Spleep for waiting for some condition or without...
13 Jul 2011 by tolw
xcnxx seems to have the right answer - but let me explain a little.First of all - you encounter the errors because you are trying to use a const_iterator to call methods which are not const. Obviously there are two solutions: either, as xcnxx suggested, use a regular iterator, or, and if I'm...
11 Jan 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
Instead of trying to run the exe from there, I would suggest opening the solution in Visual Studio and try debugging the application. That would be your starting point.The reason your release build is opening an old version is quite simply that the release build was done when the code-base was...
10 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Of course there is nothing wrong about this code; it compiles perfectly. Most likely, you used the same name in some other file, that's it.Having the namespace same as some class is a bad naming style and does not make much sense, but not really a mistake. I did not mention the quality of...
30 Mar 2012 by Frank R. Haugen
I want to draw a huge number of line in a canvas uniformly spaced from top to bottom, (will have left to right also, when I've med it work one way). My approach might be all wrong, or there are some error I can't find. Please review my code and see if you can find it. I have also included the...
19 Jun 2012 by OriginalGriff
It's a odd question to try and answer - it depends on when you want to check, and what you want to happen.Normally, you would check when they press the OK button or similar (or better, disable the OK button until the entries are valid)But, if you do that then showing a message means...
26 Aug 2012 by hiteshprajpati
Now this problem is solved.By using .Net framework cleanup tool.I have uninstall .net framework 4.0 then re-install it.Also I have read articles for this error each article gives some useful suggestion so it helps a lot to understand the problem and how to solve it....
26 Sep 2012 by CPallini
The error message is clear:j >= j * n;is NOT a valid statement.What are you trying to do (you know, you may just use the (valid) statementj++;for incrementing j).BTW there is NO "setting j greater than or equal to i", but only "testing if j is greater or equal to i" (at...
9 Oct 2012 by Wes Aday
printf("%f",c[i][j]);You have not declared "c" in this statment anywhere. To use c in main you have to declare it just like you did for a and b.product(a,b);Does nothing because you are throwing the result away.
29 Apr 2013 by CPallini
You may replaceQuote:Console.WriteLine ("Please Enter the Size of the Array Between 1-99"); sizeOfArray = Console.ReadLine(); convertedSizeArray = Int32.Parse(sizeOfArray); with something like do { Console.WriteLine ("Please Enter the Size of the Array...
25 Aug 2013 by OriginalGriff
Am I right that you are creating a new SqlConnection object and opening it for each Data_Con class instance? If so, then you are probably making a big mistake. Without knowing exactly how your system is set up, you may well be running out of concurrent connections (some versions of Sql Express...
23 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please, always comment the line where the exception is thrown.It looks like you try to parse the string "[29.42051539113255, -1.3622522059837383], " representing a coordinate pair (and something else, ','), as integer (Integer.ParseInt). You should 1) first parse this string into two...
17 Nov 2013 by CHill60
As suggested by ryandev posting this solution as OP now reports problem resolved.I suggested ... Instead of using "print" for your message populate a label with the error text, then you can position it where you like.Note that OP couldn't get to work, but swapped to another form to...
6 Jan 2014 by Member 10336592
1) Right click on your project in VS2005 or VS2008 or VS2010.2) 2) Click on Properties3) 3) Click on Web tab4) 4) Under Servers, click on the radio button Use Visual Studio Development Server 5) Check Auto Assign Port radio button5) 6) Uncheck NTLM Authentication...
21 Jan 2014 by Ron Beyer
As per OG:I'm not a PHP guy, but it looks like you are trying to set the where of a numeric field using a string constant. I think your query should look something like:$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET username='$username', dob='$dob', ...
11 Dec 2014 by Tomas Takac
From OleDbParameter[^] documentation:The OLE DB.NET Framework Data Provider uses positional parameters that are marked with a question mark (?) instead of named parameters.So your commands need to look like this:delete from users where [userid] = ?insert into users...
9 Jun 2015 by OriginalGriff
Don't do it like that!Do not concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Use Parametrized queries instead.Surprisingly, that'll also cure your problem...When you concatenate...
9 Jun 2015 by Richard Deeming
Your code is vulnerable to SQL Injection[^].NEVER use string concatenation to build a SQL query. ALWAYS use a parameterized query.A side-effect of fixing this serious security vulnerability in your code will be that you will also fix your problem:public string InsertUpload(string...
3 Apr 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to import the Math library Math (Java Platform SE 7 )[^].
20 Apr 2016 by ZurdoDev
As Richard pointed out, don't do it this way. Not only does it lead to syntax issues but it is very easy to hack your db when you write code this way. Instead do like this:Dim q As String = "UPDATE Table1 SET " & "FirstName=@FirstName" & "',SecondName=@SecondName" &...
23 Oct 2016 by SlavaUtesinov
How to log client side errors with rich and useful information about them at case of AngularJS.
3 Jan 2017 by Wendelius
There are quite a few problems to fix. Consider the following alternativestring sql;DataSet dsa = new DataSet();DataTable dt = new DataTable();dsa.Tables.Add(dt);using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) { sql = @"SELECT * FROM [Sales Record]...
26 Apr 2018 by phil.o
Correct syntax is INSERT INTO RESERVATION (R_RESERVATIONNUM, T_TRIPNUM, R_TRIPDATE, R_NUMPERSONS, R_TRIPPRICE, R_OTHERFEES, C_CUSTOMERNUM) VALUES ( ... ); You have to indicate which columns, and in which order, for the INSERT statement to be clear about what goes where. Moreover, the...
20 Jun 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
try { // your code here } catch(Exception exp) { // you can log the exception here or simply do nothing } finally { // the finally block is optional but you can put code you want to happen here after an exception occurs if you want } That answers your question but it isn't going to...
28 Aug 2018 by Jochen Arndt
It tells you that the line contains text that can't be converted to an int. strip() will only remove leading and trailing white spaces. To handle such cases you can use try - except: for line in read: try: num = int(line.strip()) aList.append(num) except: print...
11 Jan 2020 by OriginalGriff
To add to what has been said - and 0x01AA is spot on here - you are missing a semicolon before class. Change this: int main() To this: int main(); Or this: int main(){} That'll fix the one error you have spotted. There are more, loads of more...
28 May 2020 by phil.o
Why ignoring the success for the last step? You could try either newTask.Priority = ReadPriority(out success); return newTask; // ignoring success status or newTask.Priority = ReadPriority(out success); if (!success) return null; return...
11 Jul 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
You need to give proper security permissions to the folder you are trying to access. Currently, the file you are trying to write in must be readonly or the ASPNET user must not have the permission. If you are using impersonation then you need to give that user the write priviledge. :thumbsup:
13 Sep 2010 by AspDotNetDev
It's obvious that you're using a bunch of memory and you're doing a lot of processing.ListBox1.Items.Add(CurrentFile)With that line, you are saving a file info object for every file in the path specified, and you are adding it to a listbox. That could consume a lot of memory. Also, you may...
4 Oct 2010 by Al-Farooque Shubho
30 Nov 2010 by strogg
You've declared PropNames() As StringIt's an empty array.The next instance where you're using is PropNames(p)= xxxYou're assigning to an empty array.Declare PropNames as an array of a definite number of stringsEg: Dim PropNames(10) As String - will hold 10 stringsYou may later on...
20 Dec 2010 by Rajesh G Manwani from Mumbai
I updated an interface of an ActiveX control with two methods. I compiled the .idl file and generated the ocx. The interface had 89 methods. I got the following warning which I ignored:warning MIDL2362: too many methods in the interface, requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or greaterI am compiling...
30 Dec 2010 by Henry Minute
Take a look at this[^] thread from Microsoft Connect.I found this by copying your entire error message into the search box of a search engine. A good tip if you get unexpected errors.
3 Apr 2017 by clausont5
This should be an easy one but I am missing something and have been working on this for two days now.I am trying to insert a date/time in a short date format (date/time mm/dd/yyyy) into an access database and I get the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" every time. If I comment out...
3 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
Assuming that your solution is running as a service, or under IIS, using Excel interop might be your problem. Use something like this[^] as a replacement.RegardsEspen Harlinn
2 Feb 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Since you're using asynchronous processing, what you want cannot be (simply) achieved. In your call to ConnectToServer you are starting a process and hook up to the OutputDataReceived event handler. The errors that happen inside the event handler cannot be directly propagated to the main gui thread.
21 Feb 2011 by CPallini
santoshmaruti wrote:I have also tried SelDllDirectory() function but its gives an error: function not found.The function's name is SetDllDirectory[^], anyway it is helpful just for explicit DLL loading (i.e. via LoadLibrary).You might be interested in Dynamic-Link Library Search Order[^]...
1 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
It compiles OK for me once I'd invented the stuff I assume you have above this: What do you have above this? What line is the compiler complaining about?The error message should take you to the error line if double clicked.A thought:Have to got a prototype of dimiourgia defined above...
10 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
A quick Google suggest that this occurs when there is a native code DLL of the same name as a managed DLL.Try changing the name of yours and see if it goes...
14 Mar 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Please have a look at this excellent article. Taking it as a given that your method objstud.viewtudentphoto(String txtImg) does indeed do what you expect of it please take a look at this article on CP: C# Image to Byte Array and Byte Array to Image Converter Class[^].Hope this helps...
15 Mar 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Answering to the reply about exception:Here is the advice what to start with. The problem is that you don't provide enough information about exception. Please see my directions:How do i make a loop that will stop when a scrollbar reaches the bottom[^]When i run an application an...
15 Mar 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
Simple... Your endpoint is incorrect.On your computer it works because the endpoint is local
15 Mar 2011 by Espen Harlinn
Markus is definitely on to something - that binding will not work for deployment.I'd also wrap the Grid1.ItemsSource = e.Result; in a try/catch block, like:void webclinet_GetRowsCompleted(object sender, GetRowsCompletedEventArgs e) { try { webclinet.GetRowsCompleted -=...
22 Mar 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Writing data to a file with admin accessHow/Where did you used the admin privilege to access the file? Above code does not show that.Error clearly means that the security configuration is not properly set for the file such that you can access it via code. Further, don't forget it's a...
11 Apr 2011 by vaishnavirs
I am trying to run a Word Web application in a tab control but unable to do it. I have pasted my code for your kind reference.Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged If...
11 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is what it is. The exception message is self-explanatory. You always need to comment exact like of code where it is thrown when asking your Question though.You start some process, it starts and finishes, but you still have the instance of the Process PR. You assume the process is still...
28 Apr 2011 by CodingLover
Each language has several options. But I don't think you could fine one solution. Here is a list of tools and IDEs I'm using most of the time..Net (C#/VB) - Visual StudioJS/AJAX - Firebug, IE Developer Toolbar (with debug enable in IE), Chrome has it's own toolsPHP - phped ,Phpdesigner,...
17 May 2011 by Kurt Degiorgio
Make sure you include usbdlib.h and if building in visual studio (i.e not manually through cmd)check that the configuration is good.
17 Jun 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
"Input string was not in a correct format". This simple means that the value of GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text is not an integer and hence when you are trying to convert it, it throws an exception. All you need is to put a DEBUG point and see it by yourself using Visual Studio debugger.
21 Jun 2011 by TRK3
Try this link instead:[^]From that discussion it appears to be an issue of linking in a library that was either compiled with an earlier version of VS or which expects to link to the CRT...
22 Jun 2011 by thatraja
Fix linksParser Error: Could not load type…[^]You may receive the error "Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'X" when browsing an page [^]
23 Jun 2011 by Varun Sisodiya
errors occurrs due to some properties were not functioning inside tag.
24 Jun 2011 by thatraja
Fix links, See theseWhat could be causing an XML Parsing Error: no element found ?[^]XML Parsing Error: no element found[^]XML Parsing Error: no element found Location.....[^]jQuery Ajax Get XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal[^]
8 Jul 2011 by Faisal(mfrony)
Hiif you write like below it only availabe on client browser means u can call this control by using client script(javascript/jQuery) but not in C# .cs file but if you want to access the control from C# .cs file u have to use runat attribute . if you runat="SERVER"thanksFaisal
12 Jul 2011 by TRK3
Is this happening on the very first instance that's created? Or only on all the rest of them?See:[^]Which states in part:"requests to open the file for writing by this or another process will fail until the FileStream object...
20 Jul 2011 by Albert Holguin
Your interface class implementation should probably be contained within your namespace.
7 Oct 2011 by arunrv
science u have not yet shown the code may be it s postback problem due to view state
7 Oct 2011 by sravani.v
I think the problem at phone number.The integer range in sql server is-2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647so change the data type of ur ph num from int to varchar and try again
7 Dec 2011 by Anoop_Ravindran
Hi all,I have a .net 4.0 windows application which is migrated from .net 3.5. This windows application is using a third party DLL file (from Windows\system32\MyScanner.dll) which is used to connect with a scanner attached to the system through USB port. This application is working...
20 Dec 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
You got voted a 1 because you posted a massive code snippet, of code you didn't write, you never explained what you want it to do, nor do you have any clue at all what it does.The error messages you posted are easily fixed by someone who's used written code for a decent length of time. All...
13 Feb 2012 by Jonathan [Darka]
Why not fix the problem so that no exception occurs, that would be the best solution.
31 Mar 2012 by Roman Lerman
WPF - How can I make a brush that paints graph-paper-like squares?[^]As i understand you want to draw a grid.I am using approach that posted above, for drawing ECG like paper in my application. DrawingBrush is what you need, draw 2 lines and then use the TileMode="Tile"...
15 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Your issue is not common. It would be difficult to say whats going wrong. You need to troubleshoot and see if something helps.Since it is looking for dll of version 4.0, some file is missing and needs installation. Try iInstalling: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio...
15 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
First of all, make sure you’re application pool is running the correct .NET Version:.NET 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 web applications, should use an application pool that uses .NET 2.0.NET 4.0 web application, should use an application pool that uses .NET 4.0Now, based on the configuration and...
22 Sep 2012 by kk2014
ok i got the solution....after spending few time on google i found below link:[^]However, if you are developing a web site you can’t expect your...
26 Sep 2012 by Christiaan Rakowski
The error you get is because you don't actually 'do' anything, you only check.>= means check if greater than, or equal to. It does not change j.To inclement j you need to use something like below, depending on what you need to do.j = j + 1; //Add 1 to j, and store that in jj += 1;...
9 Oct 2012 by Nelek
Your main problem is you are declaring the function as float, but you are not returning anything. This is because C is locally declared.Other point you have to consider is that you are passing two empty arrays to the function, because "a" and "b" have no values, you use them just behind the...
10 Oct 2012 by CPallini
You should write something similar to:// a, b are IN parameters, while c is the OUT parameterint product(float a[20][20],float b[20][20], float c[20][20]){//... }and then , in the main function: //.. float a[r1][c1]; float b[r2][c2]; float c[r2][c2]; ...
22 Oct 2012 by dashingly
I had to check if value was null, but it only worked in the certain way: if (rng.Value2 != null){}
30 Dec 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
One of the tools for logging, a very popular one, is Apache Log4Net:[^].—SA
7 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You would better ask the author of this article. Load the article page (follow you own link you provided above), locate the section "Comments and Discussions" and click "Add a Comment or Question" to ask author your questions. The author will receive notification on your post and get a chance to...
17 Feb 2013 by OriginalGriff
If you are getting two errors related to the combobox, then the project you have built has not succeeded - a different project in the same solution may have.If you have any errors in the compilation, then a new EXE file will not be produced and any existing one will be run. Clear the errors,...
25 Apr 2013 by Bernhard Hiller
Use your own Exceptions. Create appropriate exception classes inheriting from System.Exception or System.ApplicationException or other, and add your ErrorCode property. Thrown the exception when appropriate in the Business Layer. In the Presentation Layer, you need some try...catch blocks, and...
2 May 2013 by OriginalGriff
The only people who can help are either the original author (contact them via the messages at the bottom of the article) or the Admins (contact them via the Sugs'n'Bugs[^] forum, linking to the artciles in question). If it is a number of article you are having problems with, then Sug'n'bugs is...
8 May 2013 by Jochen Arndt
The error message indicates stack problems around threadno. And it is really helpful here when looking at the occurences for that variable:char threadno[2];itoa(threadNumber,threadno,10);strcat(threadno,".txt");Did you see the problem? The string can hold only one character plus NULL...
8 May 2013 by CPallini
You didn't bother to close the file, did you?Call fclose(fpSend); when you've done with it (before returning from the WndProc).