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Design patterns


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by PureNsanity
Fundamental aspects of software design and understanding individual elements of principles and patterns
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
by Thoits
A design pattern for C# that reuses a generic base class, modifying it using a traits class to allow changes that cannot be accomplished through overrides in an inherited class.
by Jung Hyun, Nam
Introducing NConcern, a free open source compile-time AOP framework

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by Dev Leader
Origin and principles of Memento Pattern in C, and different components & steps to implementation!
by Dev Leader
Learn about the pipeline design pattern in C#, discover how to create and chain pipeline stages and get code examples, tips, and use cases for this design pattern
by Dev Leader
Integrate Unit of Work Pattern in C# with Clean Architecture for efficient programming, benefits and C# code examples
by Dev Leader
Check out these examples of the observer pattern in C#! Learn how the observer pattern in C# can simplify the usage of events in your next project!

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Design patterns 

15 Apr 2021 by Thoits
A design pattern for C# that reuses a generic base class, modifying it using a traits class to allow changes that cannot be accomplished through overrides in an inherited class.
7 May 2017 by Jung Hyun, Nam
Introducing NConcern, a free open source compile-time AOP framework
21 Nov 2018 by Yisrael Lax
Why poorly written code is expensive code
28 Jul 2020 by Mirambek Nagashbekov
Demonstration of filter pattern along with pipeline on data driven application
29 Jul 2023 by Glenn Viroux
An overview of a couple of useful design patterns with examples in modern Python
17 Jan 2021 by Tomas Takac
How to implement your retry strategy in an object-oriented way
15 Oct 2017 by Vinayak Hegde (Vinnie)
JavaScript Design patterns - The Constructor Pattern
3 Feb 2019 by Vahid Asbaghi
This tip describes one of the beneficial design patterns that is named Multiton. Multiton pattern is used when we want to have a singleton instance of our class for each key.