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by Massimo Fabiano
I know that "returning DataSets from WebServices is the spawn of Satan" but...
by Daniel Carvalho Liedke
Project to generate Excel Spreadsheet from DataSet with auto size (AutoFit) columns, auto-filter, alternating light blue background color with Open XML using ASP.NET MVC
by Mr.PoorEnglish
what is "typed" on typed Dataset, and how to use it
by ASP.NET Community
Confused how to use DataSet and How to use DataReader?I am trying to give some of basic understanding about and differences between DataReader

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by Alaa Ben Fatma
In this article, we will walk through the basic concepts of de/serialization and how to create a very basic de/serializer.
by Daniel Carvalho Liedke
Project to generate Excel Spreadsheet from DataSet with auto size (AutoFit) columns, auto-filter, alternating light blue background color with Open XML using ASP.NET MVC
by yuvalsol
Print DataTable, DataView, DataSet, DataRow[] to Console, StringBuilder or Stream
by Mehedi Shams
Create a data dictionary for your database tables

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28 Sep 2016 by Massimo Fabiano
I know that "returning DataSets from WebServices is the spawn of Satan" but...
25 Nov 2017 by Daniel Carvalho Liedke
Project to generate Excel Spreadsheet from DataSet with auto size (AutoFit) columns, auto-filter, alternating light blue background color with Open XML using ASP.NET MVC
3 Oct 2015 by Mr.PoorEnglish
what is "typed" on typed Dataset, and how to use it
21 May 2012 by Mohamed Mitwalli
Hi , You can use Session //for assign DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Session.Add("Name", ds); // for retrieve ds = (DataSet)Session["Name"];Exploring Session in ASP.NET[^]Session management options in ASP.NET[^]Session Management in...
21 May 2012 by P.Salini
Go through State Management TechniquesState Management in ASP.NET[^]how to pass the more textbox value from one form to another form in[^]
21 May 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Client Side:View State – Asp.Net uses View State to track the values in the Controls. You can add custom values to the view state. It is used by the page framework to automatically save the values of the page and of each control just prior to rendering to the page. When the page is...
21 Jun 2012 by OriginalGriff
21 Aug 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Try something by your side first Mohan!A simple search on google[^] with your question gives 180,000 results to me.Here is CP Article of same search:Using RDLC and DataSets to develop ASP.NET Reporting Services Reports[^]You can also try search on CodeProject[^] which gives you many...
18 Jun 2014 by Thanks7872
The first DataTable you add will be the first one, and so on. Its obvious that it will be tables[0] in your case.Regards..
4 Feb 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
from the JasperReports web pageThe JasperReports Library is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data sourceCheck the documentation for non-database sources.
3 Jun 2020 by Maciej Los
Quote: I use open XML library Sorry, but you're wrong. You're using EPPlus, because OpenXml does not have built-in LoadFromDataTable method. All you have to do is: 1. create Excel file (workbook) 2. loop through the DataRows collection of...
9 Dec 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
DEBUGGER! Ruin the code under the debugger and set a breakpoint on the line that fills the DataSet. Execture the code one line at a time and hover the mouse over variables to see their content. You could have figured this out in seconds! The...
28 May 2012 by Maciej Los
Take a look at below example:IF NOT OBJECT_ID(N'#Sale',N'U') IS NULL DROP TABLE #SaleCREATE TABLE #Sale (ProductName VARCHAR(30), CountOfPosition INT, TotalPrice FLOAT, SaleDate DATETIME)INSERT INTO #Sale (ProductName, CountOfPosition, TotalPrice, SaleDate) VALUES('Fruits',...
27 Dec 2017 by Itz.Irshad
Hi All,How we can copy one or more than one rows from a data grid view to other data grid view on same form. Here, I've searching option which search from the first grid and if found some matching rows then copy them to 2nd grid. How I can achieve this ?Thanks
20 Jan 2013 by milenalukic
Hi,Set the table not to allow nulls and it will take the default value when a value is not assigned on insert.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Confused how to use DataSet and How to use DataReader?I am trying to give some of basic understanding about and differences between DataReader
5 Nov 2013 by Amitava Bag (Kolkata)
//Alter "btn_FetchName_Click" Event//Alter LinetextBox_EmpName.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", dataSet1.Tables[0], "EmpName", false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));//New LinedataSet1.Tables[0].RowChanged += Form1_RowChanged;//Add New Eventvoid...
27 May 2014 by Member 10192936
Instead of lineds.Tables["employee"].Rows.Remove(row);just userow.Delete();The logic behind is that DataTable is just an off-line in-memory object representing data from your real DB table. You filled real DB employee table into your off-line DataSet ds object by callingda.Fill(ds,...
20 Sep 2015 by PIEBALDconsult
Right, well obviously that method can't handle C/C++/C# syntax; it's actually pretty limited in what it can do.Fortunately, .net allows you to compile code at run-time. There are several articles here on CP, including mine: Compiling Source Code from a String[^]
8 Aug 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
try thisDataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID"); dt.Columns.Add("Name"); for (int i = 1; i
24 Feb 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
try using SQl Data Adapter[^] private void cbPlan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cbPlan.Items.Clear(); string pullsub = "select PlanID,PlanName from fbkPlanMaster(nolock)"; string connString =...
21 May 2012 by sravani.v
Refer these:[^][^]
4 Jun 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Please refer:Merging 2 data tables in[^]Best way to merge two Datatables[^]datatable.merge and rowstate[^]Combine/Mege DataTables using VB[^]DataTable.Merge Method (DataTable)[^]
21 Jun 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
HI...Try this code... Public Function ReadPolicyStep1(ByVal custnum As String, ByVal symb0l As String, ByVal policynum As String) As DataRow Dim con As OdbcConnection = New OdbcConnection(_connString) Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("SELECT CUST0NO,...
22 Jun 2012 by exposed12
There are several Constructors for OracleParameter:* OracleParameter()* OracleParameter(String, OracleType)* OracleParameter(String, Object)* OracleParameter(String, OracleType, Int32)* OracleParameter(String, OracleType, Int32, String)* OracleParameter(String, OracleType, Int32,...
29 Jul 2012 by om3n
Dear All,sorry for my english, I'm newbie in .Net programming I am using vb. net 2010 framework 4. I want to make the autocomplete textbox but get error message "AccessViolationException". provisions:2 pieces that use autocomplete textbox, textbox each data retrieved from a database...
29 Jul 2012 by Trak4Net
There are issues with changing the AutoCompleteSource on the fly. I am assuming your secondary code is happening as the user is typing i.e. TextChanged event.I have heard that setting the AutoCompleteSource to AutoCompleteSource.None prior to re-assigning the new source should solve the...
21 Aug 2012 by V Mohan
I have some data stored in Dataset. I need to convert those in RDLC . Previously i use MSChart Control to bind this . But Now i want to Bind this Dataset in RDLC . Pls anyone help. This is Very urgent
25 Aug 2012 by Mohamed Mitwalli
Hi , Check your asp31TableAdapter if it has UpdateCommand and DeleteCommand match to your need and try to execute them Query from the Designer to make sure it works fine then rebuild your application Best RegardsM.Mitwalli
13 Jan 2013 by David_Wimbley
Here is sample in sql management objects on creating a database/copying schema and data of a source db.Server srvr = new Server("(local)");//Set your source databaseDatabase db = srvr.Databases["BugTracker"];//Create transfer class for source DBTransfer transfer = new...
16 Jan 2013 by __TR__
This is because the default value will be applied only when you don't insert any data into that column.Lets look at the below table. Here FaxNo column has a default constraint with default value set to 0.CREATE TABLE Address( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), [Name] VARCHAR(100), FaxNo...
4 Mar 2013 by OriginalGriff
They is no such thing: they are different structures, meant for different purposes. Trying to find "the best" is like arguing if bicycles are better than delivery vans.For some things, a DataTable is ideal - particularly if you are dealing with anything that is sourced from, or intended for...
6 May 2013 by Joezer BH
That shouldn't be a problem, see Updating Existing Records in a Dataset[^]Cheers, Edo
6 May 2013 by Raja Soosai
Use .select method in datatable. The parater for this method is a string. You can specify the filter condition here. The filtered records will be come as Data Row collection. From that collection you can update any record. if no records for your criteria u can directly add that row into the...
17 Jun 2013 by Richard C Bishop
Try putting a space between _advUploads and WHERE and where is "@imageID" value coming from? My guess is you want something like this:sql.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM WP_advUploads ");sql.AppendLine("WHERE imageID = " + imageID);
26 Jun 2013 by ErBhati
Plz Check your connection string.The connection string to connect to the SQL server instance needs to be changed - i.e. the SQL server name, and database Name metch with Systems Server Name and dbName.
29 Jun 2013 by pooja keshri
SELECT a.imageID, a.categoryID FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PaymentID) AS RowNo FROM WP_advConfirmed) AS c WHERE c.ROWNo=2) AS a INNER JOIN WP_advCategory AS b ON a.categoryID = b.categoryID WHERE...
22 Aug 2013 by Trak4Net
You will need something like below. You can create a new datadapter and everything when you go to update the data (from my experience anyways). You will need the dataset and the row states for the dataset should be set to trigger updates for those modified rows. If you accept changes on your...
25 Aug 2013 by abbaspirmoradi
Dim sqlcommand As String = "UPDATE studentdetails SET student_name=@txt_name , student_branch=@txt_branch ,student_class=@txt_class "Dim com As New SqlCommand(sqlcommand, myConn)com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txt_name", txt_name.Text)com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txt_branch",...
30 Aug 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You did not show where the exception with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is thrown. Not to worry. This is one of the very easiest cases to detect and fix. It simply means that some member/variable of some reference type is dereferenced by using and of its...
9 Sep 2013 by Espen Harlinn
The simplest way to do this is by using xsd.exe[^]You could then use something like cs-script[^] to execute the generated code at runtime.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
14 Oct 2013 by idenizeni
Try removing the escaped quotes around your search string. Try using this when you build your search string...string a = "brtoc" + " " + "=" + " " + "'" + ucitavanje_brtoc + "'";Also, here's the same thing but with simplified concatenation...string a = "brtoc = '" + ucitavanje_brtoc...
19 Oct 2013 by thatraja
Here possible solutions for this issue.Crystal Reports: Avoiding Blank Pages[^]Crystal reports - Mysterious blank pages[^]Crystal Report Blank / Empty / Not Displaying. No On-Screen Error, But Event Log ‘ConfigurationErrorsException’ Received[^]
31 Oct 2013 by thatraja
Here you goDataGridView to Crystal Report in C#[^]
4 Feb 2014 by thatraja
Agree with Kornfeld. Do it either on server side or client side. Don't mix things. I give you samples, customize it.Server side - Checking Existing Records Using Array of Data Rows[^]Client side - JQUERY: Mark rows with identical values in a table[^] Searching table rows with...
5 Feb 2014 by thatraja
Lucas Juan wrote:I see that there is another method which is using dataset. My problem is I don't use a database because I just print what it is in the screen that the user inputted. So I can't create a query for it. Is there any other way for me to solve this dilemma?You could use Dataset. To...
2 May 2014 by ravikhoda
well you can simply add the datatables to dataset by usign below methodds.tables.add(dt);add some for loop if you want to add multiple datatables to your dataset.
3 Jun 2014 by norbitrial
Use backslash before double quotes and it will work properly:"
3 Jun 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
see this.. :)DropDownList in Repeater[^]How to bind a DropDownList from inside a Repeater ?[^]RESOLVED-Data-bind-DropDownList-inside-a-repeater-contol[^]
18 Jun 2014 by Mandip Grewal
First of all, the first row of table is present at index [0] so the code should be as following to access first row of data table. // Considering that "dt" is an object of DataTabledt.Rows[0]Please find below the code to insert same value i.e. "11" in all columns of first row in...
16 Jul 2014 by Sohaib Ahmed
I have a crystal report which contains two different Datasets. I build the report by report wizard which has two different Datasets. Each dataset has a Stored Procedure which returns some columns. I am trying to show the report having all the columns returned from both the reports. But the...
17 Jul 2014 by Manikandan MAC
Are you looking like a sub-report. I hope we can achieve that by using sub-report in crystal reporting without grouping.Please have a look in that,[^]
27 Apr 2015 by Maciej Los
To be able to sort data on non-numeric field and get sorted list in numeric order, you have to do some trick. You need a dictionary[^], where TKey should be Detail and TValue should be corresponding numeric value. That's all!Dictionary DetailsDict = new Dictionary
28 Apr 2015 by Karthik_Mahalingam
HI Sathishbasically you are not supposed to ask the complete code directly, you shall try something and if u face any difficulty in that approach you can post the same here. asking the code is not encouraged in this forum. :)for now you can try the below .string folderLocation =...
31 May 2015 by anynameformecodeproject
to solve this problem write your code like this. public override string Text { set { base.Text = value; this.OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } get { return...
12 Sep 2015 by Maciej Los
If i understand you correctly...Try this:DataTable dt = new DataTable();dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Group", typeof(string)));dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SubGroup", typeof(int)));dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{"A", 1});dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{"A", 2});dt.Rows.Add(new...
20 Sep 2015 by Maciej Los
There is - at least - few ways to read/write xml data, for example:1. Linq to XML[^]2. Xml Serialization/deserialization[^]Based on this[^] i'd suggest to create custom class collection as follow:Car class is used to store data about single car.public class Car{ private...
29 Sep 2015 by Muhammad Idrees GS
It seems there some problem with variables you are using. There are two global table varaibles Table_c and Table_a, but you when you are filling through adapter, you are using tables from dataset, and when you are adding tables to another dataset here you are using that global varaibles (which...
8 Jun 2016 by CPallini
You shouldn't delete allocated nodes (you are basically destroying the list at the same time you're creating it).Deallocation of memory should happen only when you need the list no more.
27 Sep 2016 by .Net Jim
Entity Framework 6 no longer supports wizard items. You are expected to use NuGet instead, then work entirely manually. Bottom line...used entity framework without the data source. Do in page load or other page event and bind to collection coming back or load collection into Datatable or...
17 May 2017 by Developer29
I have the total numbers of hours in the string format(HH:MM:SS) in dataset.I want to calculate sum of HH:MM:SS in crystal Report. For example 52:42:04 +20:34:04 = 73:16:08 I tried the below code in function...But the Output is 00:00:00 What I have tried: WhilePrintingRecords; NumberVar...
13 Jun 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Quote: Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound I would say it is quiet clear... As you grid now use to display some data source (hence data-bound), you can not alter it directly... You have to add rows to the data source and...
7 Mar 2018 by OriginalGriff
here may not be one. It could be held in a configuration file - the best way - and read on demand when the connection needs to be established (or read into a local variable which only exists while a method is running) It could be in a const value - and the compiler may optimise that to a in-line...
20 Feb 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
@ATTRIBUTE sex REAL @DATA M,0.455,0.365,0.095,0.514,0.2245,0.101,0.15,15 You have declared column 1 (Sex) as a REAL type, but your data uses a character type. I have never heard of Weka or ARFF but found the information quite easily at Arff...
24 Jan 2021 by CPallini
When working with floating point values you usually search for the 'nearest value' match instead of 'equal value' match (there are good reasons for that). In order to search for the 'nearest value' match, a good strategy could be a binary search...
30 Nov 2021 by OriginalGriff
I suspect that that code isn't being executed, or isn't affecting the tables you think it is: Dt = new datatable(table name) Dt. Rows. Clear() Dt. Columns. Clear() Dt. Reset() The last three lines are irrelevant, as the DataTable is already...
7 Jan 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
That error means you're trying to call a method or get/set a property on a object that is null, meaning that object doesn't exist. You haven't shown the code that's throwing the error, so this is about the most you're going to get for an answer....
20 Sep 2015 by Maciej Los
In addition to soultion 1 by PIEBALDconsult[^]...Computed column of DataTable object can accept quite difficult expression[^], but it is limited to these operators:ANDORNOT==INLIKEThe following arithmetic operators are also supported in expressions:+...
21 May 2012 by Sangramsingh Pawar
See Following links[^][^]
21 May 2012 by Nilesh Patil Kolhapur
Hi, save dataset in application state like followingsqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dSet);System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();// Write the DataSet to the Application state.dSet.WriteXml(sw);Application["dSet"] = sw.ToString();then u can use it in any pagebest...
21 May 2012 by vangapally Naveen Kumar
By using State management concept you will pass data from one page to anothersee this links you may get some idea[^][^]
23 May 2012 by jitu8187
Hi,you can use Session for pass the value from one page to another page.SessionFrom Page:DataSet ds = new DataSet();Session["var"] = ds.Tables[0];To Page:DataSet ds = new DataSet();ds = (DataSet)Session["var"];Regards,Jitendra
28 May 2012 by ujjwal uniyal
HI all !!! I have some values in table and i need to calculate the sum as followsMonthlyContri || Arrears || total || MonthlyTotal 1000 || 0 || 1000 1000 1000 ...
28 May 2012 by vangapally Naveen Kumar
Try Like this Dim con As SqlConnection=New Sqlconnection("Your Connection string") Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim ds As DataSet Dim da As = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from sample order by mtotal desc", con) ds = New DataSet() ...
4 Jun 2012 by ujjwal uniyal
Hello!! I am trying to merge two datatables into one. The problem that i a facing is that when merging values from only one table is showing in the third table not from the second.Dim dt1 As DataTable = ds.Tables("Mon") Dim dt2 As DataTable = ds.Tables("Vcr") Dim dtAll As...
17 Jun 2012 by Member 8226665
Hey Friend how to identified when row is empty when data set is used
17 Jun 2012 by sinhasourabh
you can use dataset.rowfilter
17 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
how to identified when row is empty when data set is used Not too clear but all it makes sense if you want to know that if dataset table has any data. If so, you can use Rows count. if(myDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0){ // there is some data.}Having an empty row in a table does...
21 Jun 2012 by Member 3491662
Hello everyone,I have a question regarding a dataset.How do I return only one record from a dataset that has mulitple records.If anyone can help me, that would be great! Here is my code in advance. I am currently using VS 2010 if that helps.Thank youPublic Function...
21 Jun 2012 by Prosan
22 Jun 2012 by Member 3491662
Thanks everyone for the help. I found a solution that I beleive might work. Due to the fact I am working with a DB2 database and NOT microsoft sql or t-sql the syntax is different when returning only one record.Instead of saying "SELECT TOP 1 bla, bla, bla, FROM TABLE" I needed to code...
30 Jun 2012 by Alok Sharma ji
hi folks,i have a problem with gridview in which data is showing like thistitle headers : person name address city transaction_req other detailsdata: someperson someaddress somecity someprice something.......repeatingnow if the person has come through a group it should show in...
30 Jun 2012 by _Amy
Hi,Here is a grate article on grouping header:Group GridView Data[^] the above link..You'll find...
2 Jul 2012 by meeran1234
hi , Dim s As New datasetDim s1 As String = s.Tables(0).Rows(0)("testColumn")so, s1 should be always "customeValue" with column value .I want make sure rows(0)(column) should always override a custom set value from class file like below, Private _myProperty As StringPublic...
11 Jul 2012 by Ranabasu
Hello Every1...... Im doing a project that required to graphically represent the acquired data from the serial port. First I send/ store all the ascii type data available at the serial port to a text file. So that part is done, I want to load this data to a data set and after that...
21 Jul 2012 by Member 9169438
Hello,I currently have a dataset which contains data from 4 separate tables. The reason the dataset contains data from the 4 tables is in order for the data to be more reader friendly i.e. I have a table which contains descriptions based off an I.D. and I have another table which just...
21 Jul 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
You'll have to write you own SQL statemnet and build the SqlCommand object yourself.The CommandBuilder will NOT build UPDATE query statements from SELECT statements that contains any kind of JOINs.
25 Aug 2012 by kanha.460
Hello freinds,I am using a dataset page dataset.xsd. In it i am having a table named asp3, Whenever i am trying to insert the data in the table through DataSet1TableAdapters.asp31TableAdapter class, data is inserted but if i am trying to update or delete the data it is giving an error. My code...
25 Aug 2012 by nitin bhoyate
to update and delete using table adapters you need to set update command and delete command for tableadapterRefer following URL to set update command and delete command1[^][^]
26 Aug 2012 by vishal pise
You can use thisFor reading data we use state table and function is//for read data public void readstate() { //Insert dataAdState.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from state_master", con); dataAdState.InsertCommand =...
21 Jul 2021 by Shanmugam Vasu
hi,please guide me, how copy a datatable value to dataset datatable. my sample code is below:dim dt as new datatabledim ds as dataset....ds.tables("Name")=dtBut it returns the error 'Property item is ready only'.Thanks
28 Aug 2012 by StianSandberg
Use the Add method:ds.Tables.Add(dt)
28 Aug 2012 by Manas Bhardwaj
You can use DataTable.Copy()[^] method.
31 Aug 2012 by Andrew Alix
Built a CR using following data taken from a database and loaded into a dataset. Below is the code to construct the dataset and set up the report. I put 2 Datagridviews on the form to display the data. Both grids display data, but the report shows nothing. Dim ds As New rptDataSet...
31 Aug 2012 by Wendelius
One thing that's missing from the code is an AcceptChanges statement. Try adding that after you make modifications to the data table.Also, since you have two separate data tables in the dataset, one thing that comes in mind is: Are the joins defined correctly in the report and do the tables...
2 Sep 2012 by Andrew Alix
The code in the box is the correct code. I didn't copy the code from my app. I typed it in and did it correct.My datasource is a dataset called rptDataSet with all of the fields defined, but unbound. When I declared the following: Dim ds As New rptDataSet 'DataSet I created using the...
10 Sep 2012 by Kschuler
To me, the important part of this error message is this:Invalid negative valueIt sounds like your Crystal Report is expecting a positive numeric value in your report but you are passing in a negative one. Check your data. If you're passing incorrect data, then fix that. If a negative...
13 Sep 2012 by greatabby
Hi Guys,I have a problem here on crystal reports, as i am loading it in the web application so at that point it gives me an error of that LOAD REPORTS FAILED i don`t know why? whats happening in the backend, i am taking the stored procedure from the back end and in that stored procedure i am...
13 Sep 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Here, have a look at these CP Tips:Crystal Reports: Fix for "Load report failed" error.[^]Crystal Reports: Fix for "Load report failed" error.[^]