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by Yisrael Lax
Library that provides custom casting functionality from one type to another between properties with disparate names and types
by Frakon
Deep cloning code made with Linq.Expressions. Tests and test classes are enclosed.

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by Yisrael Lax
Library that provides custom casting functionality from one type to another between properties with disparate names and types
by Frakon
Deep cloning code made with Linq.Expressions. Tests and test classes are enclosed.

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24 Apr 2018 by Yisrael Lax
Library that provides custom casting functionality from one type to another between properties with disparate names and types
13 Jul 2010 by Member 3790038
Does anyone know how to detect if multiple monitors are running in cloned mode? Seems easy, huh? I thought so too, but I've been searching for weeks! I've tried EnumDisplayDevices which works on one machine, but not on another. The one it doesn't work on is a laptop with an extended cloned...
10 Feb 2011 by Max Power Sr
I have several objects that have a lot of fields (40+). Each object is slightly different.In order to edit these values, I used binding to bind each field of each object to GUI TextBox items. This keeps the objects in memory and the GUI in sync.Once the user has entered values I want to...
10 Feb 2011 by Laurence1234
Hi,My experience of reflection is limited, however if that's the way you want to go, might I suggest trying:// Get classType myType = typeof(myClass);// Get Properties of that classPropertyInfo[] myClassProperties = myType.GetProperties(); MethodInfo[] myClassMethods =...
15 Dec 2011 by Sander Rossel
In .NET I want to make a deep copy of an Object. But how deep is exactly deep?For example, I have a SalesOrder Class. I could deep copy it by creating a new SalesOrder Object and copy all value types into the new Object. However, a SalesOrder has a collection of SalesOrderDetails. Luck has it...
15 Dec 2011 by lukeer
It totally depends on your needs. You won't copy anything just for the sake of copying it. Instead you definitely have a requirement that uses desired copy. This requirement dictates what should be included in your copy.Serialization is not that bad. It can handle circular references pretty...
15 Dec 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Depending on your serializer it will go as deep as the serializer goes.For example if you are using the Binaryformater it will create a copy of all the objects referenced, including circular references.For other serializers usually circular references are ignored or broken out of at a...
2 Sep 2014 by aphex92
You need the QueryDisplayConfig function via user32.dll.The parameter pCurrentTopologyId determines whether multiple monitors run in cloned mode.See the DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID enumeration for interpretation.I found this subproject on GitHub: MultiMonitorHelperLine 86 in...
21 Jan 2020 by MadMyche
Welcome to the world of Web Development; hopefully you will enjoy it. And let's get to best practices right away: this code is vulnerable to SQL Injection. Whenever you are going to take user information and place it into a database you should be using Parameters; and not piecing together an...
23 Jun 2020 by music0011 hop
I solved this problem by removing all device entries in HKLM\System\MountedDevices Follow the link for a thorough explanation. clone - Cloned Windows 10 hangs in black screen with cursor - Super User[^]
12 Apr 2021 by F-ES Sitecore
You'll need to clone those properties in the clone method yourself. There is an example of a shallow and deep clone in this link Object.MemberwiseClone Method (System) | Microsoft Docs[^]
13 Jul 2010 by Member 3790038
Thanks for following up with my question Emilio. From my experience as well, the information reported is unreliable. However, with the new Windows Logo Program, there is a push for manufacturers of monitors to provide accurate EDID information down to the OS.In addtion, all new monitors must...
10 Feb 2011 by dasblinkenlight
This may not be the best way to handle the problem, but if you need a field-by-field copy, you could use reflection to write something similar to this guy's copy constructor[^]. The idea is that instead of writing forty lines like thisthis.Property123 = other.Property123;you would let the...
10 Sep 2012 by Killzone DeathMan
Something like that:int i = Convert.ToInt32(textbox1.Text);while(i > 0){ GroupBox mygroupbox = new GroupBox(); foreach (Control ctrl in this.Controls) { if(ctrl is GroupBox) { GroupBox gbx = (GroupBox)ctrl; mygroupbox = gbx; ...
25 Sep 2012 by Kendell
Hi all,I've tried everything I can think of and cannot figure this out. Basically, I'm making an Outlook 2010 Add-In that makes adjustments to incoming HTML formatted emails for the purposes of making them more Accessible to visually-impaired users (visually impaired users in...
25 Sep 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Try DeepCopy() in fastJSON[^] or fastBinaryJSON[^] as they don't require the object to be serializable or clonable.
20 Oct 2012 by AmolPatil19787
hi Everyone,I have one serious problem,if you have any solution please let me know.I have one WPF bar chart.I am creating this using below function.public Chart createwpfbar(Chart wpfbar) { DataPointSeries datapointseries = new ColumnSeries(); ...
12 Mar 2013 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
You can declare cursor property like below: $( "#draggable" ).draggable({ cursor: "move", cursorAt: { top: 56, left: 56 } }); see more on[^]
9 May 2013 by Cosmin D Popescu
Hi there,I have an issue regarding developing a secure way of doing licensing for a software application. This application would allow the user the possibility to use some how of "offline licenses" for consuming, stored in an encrypted file. The problem is that the main vulnerability is...
9 May 2013 by Jason Gleim
Don't use a flash drive for delivering licenses. Open source tools and proprietary apps like Ghost will eat you alive. It is too easy to image a thumb drive and post the image to BitTorrent or, God forbid, put it into a thumb drive duplicator and create 50 copies at once.Either look for an...
30 Aug 2013 by mayankkarki
I am working on a winrt javascript project and in a situation where I want to create a object clone. How can I clone a object in javascript?
30 Aug 2013 by Mahesh Bailwal
Follow below link 4 creative ways to clone objects[^]
5 Nov 2013 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Yes, it definitely can be done! Tools like "Drive Snapshot" and "VMWare Converter" let you make a clone of your system's disks in a defined state that you can later boot from while you are still able to work with the system. For more details you should look up the term "Volume Shadow Copy". That...
18 Nov 2013 by pabuman
What does this mean? Do I have to go into Task Manager and shut down every file running (except clone program)?If I do that the whole desktop and file system vanishes and I can't run the clone.
28 Sep 2014 by BillWoodruff
I remember David Maxwell's work very well; for a while, he was about the only in-depth source of information about working with Microsoft's WebBrowser Control.Have you examined the current MS WebBrowser Control to see if it meets your needs ? [^].Do search CodeProject: there are several...
24 Jun 2015 by Albert Holguin
Google provided an answer quickly.[^]If there is something there you don't understand, ask, but please try to find online resources first before asking questions.
2 May 2019 by Member 14351839
Hey, I'm attempting to clone an object. The Update Student Scores form should create a clone of the current student object and then apply changes to the clone. That way the changes will be saved to the current student only if the user clicks the OK button. To create a clone, the Student class...
2 May 2019 by BillWoodruff
Sometimes it's easier to just do it yourself; see if you get some ideas from this: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace YourNameSpace { public class Student { public List Scores; public Student CloneOf; public Student(string name,...
21 Jan 2020 by Member 14722768
I am new to Web Development and am working with C# for Server Side and HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery for Client side. I have a form with multiple fields which upon being submitted saves the data into SQL database. I have used controls (textboxes, checkboxes etc) because they are easier to access on...
23 Jun 2020 by music0011 hop
I cloned Windows 10 from a HDD Partiton into an SSD Partition. The SSD has 2 Partitions: one (1st) is Windows 7 (manually installed) and the other is the cloned Windows 10 from previous HDD. I created the entry in Boot Menu, transfered the Boot...
23 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
We are not a PC tech support site: You need to find someone local who can actually look at the hardware and what you have done to it - and we can't do that.
23 Jun 2020 by Maciej Los
There's lot of differences between HDD and SSD drives. Few months ago, i've used AOMEI standard edition[^] (free for non-commercial use) to migrate my OS from HDD to SSD drive. I'd suggest to read this article: How to Migrate OS to SSD or HDD...
15 Nov 2020 by Member 14993672
Everything that I have tried hasn't worked when trying to create a deep copy of this linked list that is created. Whenever I try to use the basic implementation from my textbook it doesn't work because the int can't be dereferenced. What I have...
12 Apr 2021 by Member 11072126
Hi, I am working on a requirement. So, basically there are three entities in EF and lets consider them as: 1) Employee Table (2) Primary_Address Table (3) Secondary_Address Table Here, Primary_Address Table and Secondary_Address Table are in...
30 Jan 2017 by Frakon
Deep cloning code made with Linq.Expressions. Tests and test classes are enclosed.
10 Jul 2010 by Emilio Garavaglia
Whatever solution you can find will be unreliable.This is one of the thing you cannot too much messing in, since it mostly deals with the OS / to Driver interaction.The OS API tells you how the video drivers shows the display(s) to the system. If I have a device deriver that makes 3x3...
12 Mar 2013 by geethika amu
HelloI am doing a project in that I need drag images from drop down list to container after dropping on to div the image should be selected at the same time it have to show anchors for re sizable and rotatable.I have done till drag,drop and clone of images (in that the image is going out of...
18 Nov 2013 by Ron Beyer
This is very off topic for this forum, we are a programming community, not an IT one...That being said...It sounds like you are attempting to clone your main drive, the one that Windows runs on. This usually isn't possible while the OS is running since there are many open files and...
5 Nov 2013 by amltzy
It means clone one hard drive to another without disruption the running system.So you can worked as you cloned.Am I right?
3 May 2019 by Christian Graus
We answered this yesterday. You seem lost on the most basic level. Clone needs to return the same type of object, a Student. Create a new Student object and return it
2 May 2019 by Christian Graus
Value types are not referenced anyhow (int, bool). strings are immutable, they are also not referenced. If you have a class you want to deep copy, and it contains class instances, you need to build new instances of that class, or they will be referenced
28 Aug 2012 by Eren GENÇTÜRK
How can duplicate this groupbox in c#?[^]
5 Nov 2013 by hotisfire
Exactly, Live Disk Cloning means clone one disk to another without breaking off the running operating system (It is called "Live Disk Cloning"). That is to say, it can clone while working without interrupting the running programs. refer to
2 Apr 2013 by HRVP
Hi Andy Fan. This is vino.. Open Internet Explorer IE browser Press F12 key you will get complete css and lot more.regardsVino
28 Sep 2014 by misterff1
Hi guys,Perhaps you recal a webbrowser example called IE7 Clone, which was released by Thomas Maxwell in 2007: (Working with the Web Browser Control in Visual Studio 2005 - IE7Clone.)?Some time ago I made a pretty decent webbrowser out of that, but I was really annoyed by the terrible...
17 Dec 2014 by
Hi everybody,So i have : class Personne implements Cloneable...The personne class uses Adress class in it's field. private Adresse adresse=ADRESSE_UNKNOWN;So what i want is having a option to : modify the cloned Person adress BUT that the original Person...
17 Dec 2014 by
Ok Guys , so with help i understood. The possibility to override a clone() method is giving the opurtunity to modify the fields of the cloning class. As a proposed solution a reset the Adress field of the class to NULL. Then i created a setter that giving an option to modify the clone adress...
24 Jun 2015 by pyler
I want to download some "*.c" and "*.java" files onto my dektop from a server I connected to via ssh. CVS is the only currently supported version control system on the server and I'm not very familiar with it.So how do I checkout files/folders from the server onto my desktop using cvs?