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by miteleda
Copy DataGridView contents to clipboard regardless of current selection.
by RedDk
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...
by Jochen Arndt
An overview of clipboard and Drag & Drop object formats
by Jochen Arndt
Add drag & drop support with drag images and drop descriptions to your MFC applications

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by Jochen Arndt
Add drag & drop support with drag images and drop descriptions to your MFC applications
by Jochen Arndt
An overview of clipboard and Drag & Drop object formats
by RedDk
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...
by #realJSOP
Eliminate the tedium of generating model and viewmodel classes for your WPF projects, and save a butt-load of time in the process.

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21 Feb 2011 by milantony
Thanks Jaykay832 :-D Your answer was straight forward.double width = image1.ActualWidth; double height = image1.ActualHeight; RenderTargetBitmap bmpCopied = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)Math.Round(width), (int)Math.Round(height), 96, 96,...
9 Nov 2012 by miteleda
Copy DataGridView contents to clipboard regardless of current selection.
1 Apr 2016 by Jochen Arndt
According to the documentation at Clipboard.GetDataObject Method (System.Windows)[^] it should be NULL when there are no data:Quote:A data object that enables access to the entire contents of the system Clipboard, or null if there is no data on the Clipboard.If this is not NULL, you may...
2 Apr 2016 by CHill60
Instead of using the Clipboard.Getxxxx methods use the Clipboard.ContainsData method.You need to pass this a parameter which is the textual description of the DataFormat you are looking for.This function first enumerates all of the DataFormats and then checks the clipboard for data in that...
1 Apr 2016 by Matt T Heffron
Slight improvement on Solution 3 by @CHill60It looks like the .Aggregate(...) could be more efficient as .Any(...), like:using System.Linq;...public static bool IsClipboardEmpty(){ var dataFormats = typeof(DataFormats).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static) ...
2 Oct 2013 by Eduard Keilholz
I think you'll have to use some p/invoke:[DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]public static extern IntPtr SetClipboardViewer(IntPtr hWndNewViewer);See this [^] article on how to set up a clipboard monitor in c#. Basically you register your app as a clipboard viewer...
18 Jun 2016 by Mehdi Gholam
Instead of a timer use the Clipboard WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE: .net - How to monitor clipboard content changes in C#? - Stack Overflow[^]Also save the last text in a variable and recheck that and the current text from the clipboard and do your stuff if it has changed.
23 Apr 2018 by Michael Haephrati
When GetClipboardData() is used to access the data captured by the Clipboard, is there an API call or flag to distinguish between a Copy action (CTRL+C) and a Cut action (CTRL+X)? What I have tried: Searching the web. Generally speaking, I couldn't find any documentation about the difference...
23 Apr 2018 by OriginalGriff
No. You can't tell, because the application which places it on the clipboard: 1) Doesn't tell the clipboard anything other than "here is some data, it's this type" 2) Doesn't have to obey "normal" cut or copy rules at all: it could for example move text to an archive, and copy it to the...
23 Apr 2018 by Jochen Arndt
As said in solution 1 and the comments: There is no general way to know what had happened on the source side. But there is one exception: Delete-on-Paste Operations These are used when cutting files (e.g. from within the Windows Explorer). With those the source requests the target to get...
6 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
Try: Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText( string.Join("\n", trueBenchScoreList.Select(t => t.ToString())));
8 May 2012 by OriginalGriff
"Can We do this with out using any programming"No.It isn't even that easy to do with programming!You would have to hook into the global Cut and Copy operations (which may not be possible, I've never had to try) or the global Keyboard handler to detect when a clipboard operation is...
13 May 2012 by Mr. Tomay
BOOL CEditEx::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg){ // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class // Intercept Ctrl + Z (Undo), Ctrl + X (Cut), Ctrl + C (Copy), Ctrl + V (Paste) and Ctrl + A (Select All) // before CEdit base class gets a hold of them. if...
3 Oct 2013 by BillWoodruff
I suggest you learn about GlobalHooks in .NET: [^].If the end-user triggers your GlobalHook action by copying some text, and then pressing some keyboard combination: you have the great advantage that you don't have to parse every single number the user copies, and your code doesn't have to...
9 Dec 2014 by OriginalGriff
In C#, you don't "order Windows to copy" to the clipboard: instead, you use the Clipboard class[^] to copy things onto it:Clipboard.SetText(myTextBox.Text);But be very careful: if you start overwriting the clipboard content without the user's knowledge, your software will stand a very,...
7 Jan 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You can often find the answer just by reading the documentation for the class you are using: Clipboard.SetText Method (String, TextDataFormat) (System.Windows.Forms)[^].
14 Jun 2016 by Simon_Whale
Your best off using the clipboard class. Have a read of this Clipboard handling with .NET[^]
8 Feb 2017 by RedDk
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...
25 Apr 2017 by Jochen Arndt
See the documentation: DragQueryFile function (Windows)[^]. Call DragQueryFile first with iFile set to 0xFFFFFFFF. That call will return the number of file names. Then use a loop to get each file name: UINT fileCount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xffffffff, NULL, 0); for (UINT i = 0; i
15 Jul 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Read the description again: “an application sends ...”. That means that your application can send this message to a control in order to let the control know that there is data on the clipboard. The message is not a general notification that you can capture.
15 Jul 2018 by Jochen Arndt
The WM_PASTE message is an application internal message. It might be send for example to the active control window when choosing the Paste option from the Edit menu of an application, the context menu of a control window, or upon the Ctrl-V / Shift-Ins accelerators. Besides a few execpetions,...
12 Aug 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
The GetWindowText function (Windows)[^] requires the second parameter to be the address of a memory buffer. You are passing s StringBuilder reference.
24 Jun 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
Yeah, you just drop a "\n" (assuming C#) into the string you want to put on the clipboard.
25 Jun 2022 by 0x01AA
Finally I found the solution. Simply surrounding the 'cell data' with a double quotation mark is enough and Excel will handle them as one cell. string clipboardData= "\"Col A\"\t\"Col B\n2cnd\"\t\"Col C\"\r\n"; If you copy that to clipboard...
15 Jan 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
This is not a programming issue, you need to get help from CKEditor 5 | Powerful Framework with Modular Architecture[^].
15 Apr 2010 by gihanatt
Hi,I got a embedded file in a word document (Insert-->File). And I want to save that to a file to the disk. So far I copied the InlineShape to the clipboard. Then used following to get the file.IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject();object fileobj;if...
18 Apr 2010 by The Manoj Kumar
Could you explain your question a little bit more and also can you please post your exception details as well. That would help us to identify the root cause.
13 Sep 2010 by shetty ramesh
I am a beginner I would like to import data from the clipboard which was copied from the excel range and save in to the datagrid.I would like it validated in the datagrid and posted to the data to the tables.How I can achieve this in vb.netPlease help Ramesh
13 Sep 2010 by Dalek Dave
Rather than do it from a clipboad, do it directly...see here[^]For Clipboard...see here[^].Now the second link is for c#, but the principals are the same and it should be easy to convert.
18 Oct 2010 by kavithaprajeeth
I am trying to copy the image to clipboard. I am using the following code. void test::OnEditCopyImage() // Copy to the Clipboard.{ bool clipboardAcceptedData = true; // Capture the window to a bitmap. COXScreenGrabber ScreenGrabber; RECT rect; ...
18 Oct 2010 by Shog9
Gotta assume that the problem is in COXScreenGrabber, not this code. If it's actually grabbing part of the screen buffer instead of rendering your window, then anything above it will tend to get caught... Including a quickly-fading image of the selected menu item. If possible, investigate...
20 Feb 2011 by milantony
How to copy image to clipboard in WPF using C#?I've an image control with an image.Need help to copy image from image control to clipboard. :) I tried some code from google, those are not working. :sigh: Technology: WPF, C#.Net
20 Feb 2011 by Ramalinga Koushik
this[^] and Clipboard[^]might help you.
21 Feb 2011 by Abhinav S
In addition, have a look at this[^] tutorial.
23 Jun 2011 by Zubin 2
Whenever any user copy files/folders, A HDROP data is placed on the clipboard.I registered my window as a clipboard viewer, Now whenever i get WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD notification, i check for HDROP on the clipboard(using GetClipboardData() and I get the list of copied files to clipboard(using...
29 Jun 2011 by taffholter
I am having an unexpected challenge. I am trying to copy an image from an external source (i.e. Explorer/MSPaint/IE) into a vs2010 C# app Win Form image control. I would assume this is not an uncommon feature. If I copy the image onto the clipboard from the C# app I have no issues accessing...
29 Jun 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
The biggest cause of this that I've found is the coder expecting there to be an image on the clipboard only to find, with further digging, a filepath instead.You can build a tool really quick to see what data formats are on the clipboard. Just create a Windows Forms app with a Button and a...
6 Jul 2011 by Tom Affholter
As it turns out, when you copy an image to the clipboard, be it in Explorer, off a Web page, etc., you are not copying the image itself but rather the path to the image. It never places an image on the clipboard. I am surprized there is not much nore written on this. Once I looked for the...
1 Oct 2011 by geoff7
Hi,I'm trying to put Unicode UTF-8 data directly onto the Windows clipboard. Why does this not work:HGLOBAL hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 16);unsigned char *px = (unsigned char*) GlobalLock(hGlobal);//a 3 byte UTF-8 character:px[0] = 0xe0;px[1] =...
1 Oct 2011 by Ray Radin
CF_UNICODETEXT states that the data you're passing is a Unicode text, which is 2 bytes per character.UTF-8 is multibyte per character.They are not the same.Convert your UTF-8 text to Unicode first, or use CF_TEXT instead.
16 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Anything on the Web page can be copied to the clipboard.If you want to do it programmatically, 1) think twice if you really want it; normally, the users themselves can do it better; 2) if you are decisively want it and still have a problem, go back to your question, tag your technology,...
16 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In response to clarified question:For this purpose, I would use jQuery library which you can freely download from[^].This is a jQuery plug-in good to copy any data to the client's clipboard:...
26 Jan 2012 by Mr. Tomay
When subclassing from a CEdit class, the default clipboard functions (Ctrl + X, C, V, Z, A) (Using the keyboard input & not the context menu) wont work.How to make it possible in both CDialog based apps & so for CFormView on SDI or MDI apps !?Help me please
8 May 2012 by Ganesh KP
Hi Friends, I have small requirement that I want to save my clipboard contents to some folder when ever I Use the Ctrl+C Command on either a folder or a file or a text in a word document or some thing else. I want to save the clipboard contents automatically so that When ever power is gone,...
17 May 2012 by CertNerd
Hello all,I've written a few applications which are meant to enable the user to copy text to their clipboard either just by running the application or by clicking on an element in the application GUI. Most of the time, this works perfectly fine: public static void grab(string text)...
17 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question.One problem I can see immediately is: as your object is always a string, you should use Clipboard.SetText,[^].From the other hand, if this string carries some special semantic (so, this is some...
25 Jul 2012 by calebboyd
I am having an issue copying clipboard data from OneNote 2010. I would like to be able to copy the clipboard, serialized it and paste it back in. But it always loses its formatting (OneNote HTML..) so the text and images are not arranged in the way that they were copied. I'm just using the .NET...
19 Aug 2012 by Divine Intellect
Hi, I am using function IRichEditOle::GetClipboardData(CHARRANGE *lpchrg, DWORD reco,LPDATAOBJECT *lplpdataobj) to retrieve a clipboard object for a range in edit control. At this step whenever image is retrieved for the range, I could see an increase of 12MB memory for my application (No...
30 Nov 2012 by MR. AngelMendez
Hi all,I am trying to make an app that automatically updates my USB when I plug it in. All is well, I got my program to detect my usb drive when I plug it in and a messagebox prompts the user if they wish to update it.Heres the inner workings of my program. There is a button that the...
30 Nov 2012 by OriginalGriff
You could use File.Copy[^]OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string src = ofd.FileName; string dst = src.Replace("C:\\", "D:\\"); File.Copy(src, dst, true); }
30 Nov 2012 by André Kraak
These MSDN example should be helpful: How to: Copy, Delete, and Move Files and Folders (C# Programming Guide)[^].The idea is to recursively copy the folder, by first creating the folder at the destination (if needed) and then copy all the files in the source folder to the destination.
13 Dec 2012 by AlexandreN
I am trying to copy to clipboard my custom text data, after Ctrl+CDiverse attempts to use overrideOnCopyingRowClipboardContent(DataGridRowClipboardEventArgs args) or CopingRowClipboardContent event, don't help. Either clipboard gets empty or standard row text, but not what I would like to...
14 Dec 2012 by AlexandreN
Solution was foundYou need to set the ClipboardRowContent property of DataGridRowClipboardEventArgsstatic void dataGrid_CopyingRowClipboardContent(object sender, DataGridRowClipboardEventArgs e){ e.ClipboardRowContent.Clear(); e.ClipboardRowContent.Add(new...
9 Jan 2013 by jamescaunt
AddClipboardFormatListener(this->GetSafeHwnd());if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { if (::OpenClipboard(this->m_hWnd)) { HGLOBAL hg_clipdata = ::GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); LPTSTR lptstr; lptstr = (LPTSTR)::GlobalLock(hg_clipdata);...
9 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
You have reposted the same question in detail here: clipboard globalunlock windows[^]Next time onwards, please use 'Improve Question' link to edit/update the question. I am removing this one.
30 Jan 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
The expression SKYPE4COMLib.TChatMessageStatus.cmsSent is a boolean, so it returns true or false. You need to copy the actual message content from wherever you have saved it.
30 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I found:[^].It has the class ChatMessage with the implemented interface IChatMessage. As I can see, this class and interface represent the message, nothing else. And it has the member BSTR Body which you probably need. Do with this...
7 Mar 2013 by supernorb
I don't know why the method GetData() requires a parameter of Type, I thought the Type is to specify that of which class/type the object should be. I have a structure called GraphicsPathWrap, it's made serializable by implementing ISerializable. I tried the following copy...
16 Apr 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
I think your problem is here:List cellsList = new List(); string[] cells = lines[x].Split('\t'); cellsList.AddRange(cells); table.Add(cellsList);In order to create the table you should perhaps do something lik:string[] lines =...
16 Apr 2013 by babu saravanan
Try thisplease refer following linkDataGridView-Copy-and-Paste
16 Apr 2013 by jessicachen12
The solution is quite simple, I just add e.Handle like this :PasteData(Clipboard.GetText());e.Handle = true;this means that all enters with be handled by humain.In fact, the problem comes from the fact that it not only created table and copy data from the table to gridview, but...
24 Jul 2013 by Member 9522119
As you see my timer check if user click ctrl+ mouse middle, after timer1() send ctrl+c keys to active program and get selected text to textbox1 but sometimes get some my MessageBoxs text content why? How can I solve this problemSuch as Textbox1 text content ...
25 Jul 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't see why not. Just put something in the clipboard in the handler of the onload event and see what happens.—SA
11 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In JavaScript:[^],[^]."In C#" this is always possible, but it would mean you are getting clipboard information form...
2 Oct 2013 by Yesudasan Moses
Hi friends,I am running a hidden windows application made in C#.If the user copies a number from anywhere, A window Popup will come and show "Call ######?" with a Call and Cancel Button.... public partial class Form1 : Form { string LastClipBoardText = ""; private...
2 Dec 2013 by Sixty_vr
Good morning, i have using Zeroclipboard to copy information of 2 iframes to clipboard and i can't do it. I want that if i click in iframe "a" it copy the information of that iframe to clipboard and for the other iframe "a1" the same. But it only copy's me one information, i can't get put the...
4 Feb 2014 by Mohamad M. Mohamad
In a grid view that contain hyperlink template to copy the data of the hyperlink text to clipboard after being bind data from database.
9 Dec 2014 by john1990_1
How to save data in clipboard (all of it), and then set the clipboard to it after the clipboard have changed?
10 Dec 2014 by /\jmot
See the may help.[^][^]
10 Dec 2014 by BillWoodruff
Saving an 'object into the Clipboard, and reading it, is not difficult: the one requirement is that the 'object must be serializable. But, remember that the Clipboard is meant to be used by the user, at any time, "inside" or "outside" of your Application. To try and restrict its use is a serious...
6 Jan 2016 by Member 12248948
Hi,I want to copy text and text font from my application to ms word application using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.When i press Cntl+C i have done my coding Clipboard.SetText(textbox1.text) in my wpf application.when i'm press Ctrl+V in ms word it only pasting text not text font.If any one know...
15 Feb 2016 by JulesKo
Hello all,I'm currently implementing a text editor which needs to be able to handle non-breaking spaces .(  /  ). My problem is that we need to copy&paste pre-existing MS Word content into the TextBox (or RichTextBox). However, the non-breaking space was lost somewhere between copying...
16 Feb 2016 by Jochen Arndt
When the character is not present in the clipboard text but within the source, it is probably replaced when Word creates the clipboard objects.Then the only solution would be not using the Unicode text clipboard format but another one. With Word, there should be at least RTF and HTML....
22 Mar 2017 by ByeByeByeByeBye
I would like to check with a custom C# method alike "IsClipBoardEmpty" if my ClipBoard is really empty of anything. The method shall be in pure C# and not require any STA_THREAD or external API or whatever. I have tried different solutions which weren't working for me. I have a menu item "Clear...
1 Apr 2016 by phil.o
There is a GetDataObject method that you can use; if it returns a null value, then the clipboard is empty:public static bool IsClipboardEmpty() { return (Clipboard.GetDataObject() == null);}
1 Apr 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
The only time the clipboard is ever truly empty is right after you login or something calls the equivalent of Clipboard.Clear(), which rarely ever happens.
15 Jun 2016 by Manoj Chamikara
I create a small application I select files form folder then Press My Hotkey it sends a Copy Command Like thisSendKeys.SendWait("^C");but after i cant get file paths from Clipboard but notepad text working fileWhy is that any other way to get file paths to clipboardWhat I...
15 Jun 2016 by Alan N
It is possible that SendKeys is not activating the shortcut command Ctrl-C. You may get the desired result by sending a sequence of menu commands.In Explorer the menu equivalent of Ctrl-C isAlt-E Open the edit menuC 'Click' the copy menu itemInstead of Ctrl-C send Alt-E...
17 Jul 2016 by joonood
I have a win app (C#) that use clipboard to send and receive data to/from other applications. for example i wnat to use Word app in windows, I copy a text using c# to the clipboard, but when i want to simulate paste key (Stroke Ctrl+v) in c# , the clipboard is empty and i just got "v" as...
17 Jul 2016 by OriginalGriff
Start by using Clipboard.SetText instead of SetDataObject - it shouldn't make any difference in this case, but it's a simpler way to do things.Your code works: I tried it in a simple form in one of my apps:private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...
24 Jul 2016 by Member 12620249
hithis is my activity protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.word); et =(EditText)findViewById(; btnz =(Button)findViewById(; btncopy...
24 Jul 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to save all information relating to the item that you are putting on the clipboard. This is described in the section titled "Implementing Copy or Drag" at ClipData | Android Developers[^].
29 Jan 2017 by Member 12972343
When i copy a texts (separated by tab), my program split the copied texts and store in the array of string. when i press the button it will display the array of text one by one and display along with set the text to clipboard. i am able to display text but not able to set in the clipboard. Can...
29 Jan 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
That's because you only set one string into the clipboard in your main method thus: StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection (aa[i]); clipboard.setContents (stringSelection, null);You need to wait until you have collected all the text in the array, and then convert it into...
25 Apr 2017 by MarshalS
I just created an MFC application to find the file names from the clipboard.This code is working fine when we copy 1 file, but when we copy multiple files it only shows the first file. Is there is any method to find out all the file names that copied to the clipboard? What I have tried: ...
27 Nov 2017 by Member 13545139
In vbscript I am initally copying contents from pdf to clipboard. And then copying clipboard contents onto a string. The code works perfect on a windows7 machine with UFT version 12.53 , Adobe Acrobat DC reader version 15.1536. However the same script fails at "Copy from clipboard to string" in...
27 Nov 2017 by RDBurmon
That's because - there are different method for window.clipboardData.setData I had the same issue but my purpose was different - See below blog which I had referred and that resolved my issue In Windows 10 (build 14332) window.clipboardData.setData does not work as expected. · Issue #1071...
12 Aug 2018 by Dilan Shaminda
I am using Win32 API functions to register the current program in the Clipboard chain. Below function retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the clipboard. The problem is GetCaptionOfWindow always return null. [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr...
12 Aug 2018 by Mehdi Gholam
Read this : how to get GetWindowText[^]
21 Dec 2018 by Marcin Bednarek
I have in Microsoft Word 5 lines od text with auto numbering. All lines have it's own formatting like bold, italic, etc. 1. Line 1 2. Line 2 3. Line 3 4. Line 4 5. Line 5 When I copy to clipboard selected lines 2-4 and paste it into TextBox control in VB.NET Windows Form Application I get...
21 Dec 2018 by RickZeeland
Here is a (lengthy) discussion about the same problem, which seems to be solved: [RESOLVED] How to copy Auto-Numbering and Pure-Text from RichTextBox or MS Word ?-VBForums[^]
31 Oct 2020 by Sergiy P
I'm getting data from clipboard and checking its type: const QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); const QMimeData *mimeData = clipboard->mimeData(); if (mimeData->hasImage()) { ...
13 Sep 2021 by Sarah Rozaizee
Is it possible to copy datagridview with image column to the clipboard and paste it on excel. Cause I'm using copy datagridview to clipboard paste it on excel for excel exporting but the image column was not copied. Is there a way to fix this? ...
13 Sep 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
The documentation at DataGridView.ClipboardCopyMode Property (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Docs[^] states: Quote: Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users can copy cell text values to the Clipboard and whether row and column header...
10 Dec 2021 by Lord_Nick69
I just wanted to say that Solution 3 worked great. I used this to copy everything in a listBox so it could be pasted into a .txt file; of course you can paste it anywhere once in the clipboard. A note here, remember to add Using System.Threading;
25 Jun 2022 by 0x01AA
Dear experts a.) We know: Write something into clipboard where fields are separated by and lines separated by we can paste it easily to Excel. b.) Now, in Excel we can edit a cell and with alt& Enter we can force a 'line break' in a...
24 Jun 2022 by OriginalGriff
More importantly, why are you going via the clipboard at all? In Interop - where you talk directly to Excel from your code - it's simple: the LineFeed character'\n' is an "in-cell" line break Going via the clipboard may seem simple but if your...
15 Jan 2024 by Red Kipling
I have installed ckeditor5 in my forum But the issue is after submit a css code for example (shown correctly in editor) it is shown like a plain text (code block plugin is installed) The table is not shown after submit but it is shown...
22 Jan 2024 by Red Kipling
thanks for help problem resolved
7 Mar 2018 by Jochen Arndt
An overview of clipboard and Drag & Drop object formats