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Great Reads

by Michael Haephrati
Chrome stores all passwords and other credentials in an encrypted database but guess what: they can be retrieved by anyone with the proper knowledge. This article will show you how.
by Athari
A walkthrough of creating a user style which changes GitHub user interface to one resembling classic Windows GUI from Windows 9x.
by Michael Haephrati
How to fetch and search your Chrome history by accessing the "history" Sqlite database
by Rion Williams
Updated Chrome Debugging tools that are worth mentioning

Latest Articles

by morzel
Safer Binding due to TypeScript's keyof Operator
by OwenDavies
How to store internet bookmarks to disk in a non-proprietary way and make them easily accessible
by Jeremy Likness
Advanced Blazor techniques are covered such as sharing Razor class libraries between a Blazor WebAssembly project and Blazor server-side. Shows how to reference embedded resources like JavaScript libraries, debug on server-side then deploy as client-side and debug in the browser.
by timtocci
Originally this application was a console application that I developed to get the music off of my iPod. After my post on transparent forms in VIsual Basic I decided to port it to a Widget format to make it easier to use and demonstrate what goes into creating a transparent Windows Forms application.

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30 Jan 2017 by Michael Haephrati
Chrome stores all passwords and other credentials in an encrypted database but guess what: they can be retrieved by anyone with the proper knowledge. This article will show you how.
8 Jul 2018 by Athari
A walkthrough of creating a user style which changes GitHub user interface to one resembling classic Windows GUI from Windows 9x.
14 Jun 2019 by Michael Haephrati
How to fetch and search your Chrome history by accessing the "history" Sqlite database
22 Jun 2017 by Rion Williams
Updated Chrome Debugging tools that are worth mentioning
12 Apr 2018 by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
6 Jan 2012 by Joe Rattz
The purpose of this article is to explain how you can update your ASP.NET 2.0 site to properly recognize and identify Chrome.
5 Dec 2014 by Nabeel Saleem
Some ways to fix unity webplayer issue in chrome
17 Jun 2016 by Matt Scarpino
This article explains how to code extensions that customize, access, and augment the capabilities of the Chrome browser.
25 Jun 2018 by Sean Rand
This is an article to help you clean up browser processes during automated Selenium testing.
3 Apr 2017 by dan!sh
Extension to block selected hosts from Chrome brower
1 May 2013 by Abhishek Kumar Goswami
This helps to make a visible date field in Chrome native datepicker while it will bind from the Model in ASP.NET MVC 4.
20 Nov 2019 by Jeremy Likness
Advanced Blazor techniques are covered such as sharing Razor class libraries between a Blazor WebAssembly project and Blazor server-side. Shows how to reference embedded resources like JavaScript libraries, debug on server-side then deploy as client-side and debug in the browser.
15 Nov 2012 by Ashim Malgope
Can someone suggest a (good, open source and updated to the latest version ) .Net library for implementing gecko or webkit browser engine in windows form application?The web browser toolbox contains the default and old IE engine and does not render HTML5 or CSS3 properly.
15 Nov 2012 by Ashim Malgope
For latest wrapper visit[^]They have decent solution.
19 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. It looks like you think this is pretty easy. Think again.Please look at this CodeProject article: Hands Gesture Recognition[^].—SA
19 Aug 2013 by babydragoner
Introduce how to use oGrid
2 Jun 2014 by agent_kruger
sir, please see the below link. It might help you[^]thanks in advance
6 Jan 2016 by Richard Deeming
Restricting which browsers can be used to access your site is a bad idea. It's much better to allow all browsers to access your site, even if some of them don't support all of the features you want to use.Closing the user's window when they try to access your site would be an extremely bad...
26 Jan 2016 by jgakenhe
Here is how to check if web page is connected in JavaScript: This is well explained and you should take a look.//I added the location.reload() if connection fails.function doesConnectionExist() { var...
17 Feb 2017 by sameh obada
Implementation of mouse capturing for HTML5 Broswsers
21 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Just a note: your PHP script cannot perform differently on different browsers in principle.This is because the browsers have nothing to do with PHP scripts which is run only on the server. The browsers only receive what is generated by the script on the server side; there is no a way to...
10 Dec 2012 by MAU787
hi all,I have a website in asp .net.In that i am accessing local using following code:var shellActiveXObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");alert(shellActiveXObject.FileExists('C:/temp.txt'))it is showing me alert when file is running...
13 Feb 2013 by Ankur\m/
I searched for beforenavigate2 firefox[^] and this[^] was the first result. I guess it's what your are looking for.
19 May 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
How to use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse in .NET[^], may give you some ideas about how to get started.
11 Sep 2013 by melvintcs
i cannot find any related question/solution at google, trying my luck here.i want to check either user already install the chrome extension or not. here by i got 2 ideas.1. Use code behind directly check their chrome's extension, which i not sure it's possible or not. if any of you have...
11 Sep 2013 by Joezer BH
It is possible for some extensions, using Javascript, in Firefox. See:[CP] Detecting a Firefox Extension Using JavaScript[^][SO] Can a Website detect what browser extensions are being used?[^]I don't know of other browser allowing detection of some (and definitely not all)...
1 Oct 2013 by newman.h128
I have a bootstrap modal in my mvc code that it's body bind in runtime. first time I click on the some button and modal work good (body return from controller by jquery ajax).then must change model’s body dynamically , it works good too(by jquery Ajax and json). then I close modal....
26 Jan 2014 by OriginalGriff
You can't.You cannot run anything outside the browser with Chrome, and it's difficult even with IE.This is for good reasons: security. If you could do it, so could malicious websites...
28 Jan 2014 by Aravindba
what error u got ? in ie u get folder full path,but in chrome and firefoxe u not get full path in text box ? this is basic one,in below ie 7 u get full path in text box,but above 7 and other browser u not get definitively.Pls post ur code and mention what error u get ?
5 Feb 2014 by CoderPanda
I think this discussion[^] should help. [Please accept/up-vote answers or solutions that work for you to encourage others]
22 Mar 2014 by Member 10691875
I injected contentscript into a page by : //this is in background.js chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {"file": "contentscript.js"});Then to check if it inserted well or not I modified an element on the page, but no changes made.Did I inject it properly?Here are my files :...
30 Apr 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
After a long discussion with OP I finally understood what his problem...There is a HUGE difference between browsing a web page hosted on some web server and opening some html file with a browser...When browsing a hosted page, the browser uses http or https protocol to load content, so when...
16 Jun 2014 by Schatak
Try this simple one:function changeCol(txt) { $(txt).css('color', 'red');}html:
20 Jul 2014 by Amey K Bhatkar
using System;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Security;using System.Text;namespace Demo{ [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods { //get title of the window #region Delegates public...
13 Nov 2014 by Geo_Fri
Hello, I am pretty new to web-based programming languages. Right now I am trying to figure out how to make an automated script that clicks certain links on a page then retrieve some text. The site is a school website where you can click on classes you have and on each class page there is an...
29 Nov 2014 by mark zuck
whenever i am trying to run my unity webplayer game in chrome, i am getting this error and after refresh it stuck and never plays.does any one have an idea what should i do ?
15 Mar 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
You have two options:1. do it from the code behind...[^]2. Set default focus property of the form...
21 May 2015 by Vladimir Dorokhov
Development cross platform Chrome Application for Azure developers.
8 Aug 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
WHY??Running inside a browser is not the best choice as the browser environment is very strictly sandboxed for security reasons. You don't get access to a lot of the system, such as the file system, user documents, registry, and many other things.
18 Aug 2015 by OriginalGriff
You can't.Your website has no access to reading or writing files on your client computer for security reasons. Think about it: if you could do it, so could malicious sites...
18 Aug 2015 by AnvilRanger
If you are wanting to read the file without some form of user interaction, you are out of luck. JavaScript always runs in the "sandbox" of the browser and does not have access to any resources outside of the sandbox. This is done for security reasons.However if your users are selecting files...
7 Jan 2016 by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
11 Jan 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I really sympathize with your efforts; you are trying to study despite of pretty difficult situation and tough schedules.I would like to give you just a few ideas.First of all, you can do a lot of development and study without your own Web site. As you mentioned "go to back end and upload...
24 Jan 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
This has to be a plugin for the browser since, well, if the page doesn't load, neither does your javascript to automatically refresh the page if not available.You'd have to write a plugin for each browser you want to support.
8 Apr 2016 by Maxim Komlev
Suppression of Browser dialog of Basic Http Authentication and customization
5 Aug 2016 by Parveen Siwach
Chrome extension does not allow inline java script. To call the javascript on button click, you need to assign ID to your control (button) and through eventListner bind the click event. Also, separate your javascript method in .js file refer that in your html file.For more detail go through...
16 Feb 2017 by Jochen Arndt
Please post such at Bugs and Suggestions[^] because the site admins might not read all QA posts. Mention also which editor (I assume the article editor). The QA and forum editors are actually working for me with Firefox.
25 Apr 2017 by David A. Gray
This article describes a handful of powerful shell scripts that I use to further automate my Angular 2 application development.
8 Jun 2017 by Richard Deeming
Firefox doesn't support custom scrollbar colours. There's a request to add this that's been open for 16 years, with no sign of a resolution: 77790 - (scrollbar-colors) Style the scrollbar (binding ::-moz-horizontal-scrollbar to XBL)[^] If you really need to style the scrollbars, then you're...
8 Nov 2017 by sunil kumar meena
Found solution, in latest versions of Chrome after adding "Transfer-Encoding" header it starts working. Response.AddHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "identity");
9 Jan 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: how to prevent chrome and firefox from adding mask to time field Short answer: Don't use time field, replace with text field and handle everything yourself. The browser is free to do anything it wants to get desired result, it is the same with date or integer.
23 May 2018 by OriginalGriff
As far as I know, you can't do that for security reasons: that would trap passwords, bank account details and so forth and would probably count as malicious code.
5 Jul 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: How to run a .exe from chrome browser using javascript? Short answer: you can't. It is for security reasons. Just imagine, you visit a random website and it launch any EXE it wants on your PC.
14 Aug 2018 by Dave Ceddia
Frameworks like Vue have the notion of “computed properties” – a way to derive some new, possibly complex data based on something passed in. This post covers how to achieve the same result in React.
26 Aug 2018 by Toby Steed
Selenium - locators
16 Feb 2019 by OriginalGriff
We can't tell without your exact system and your code running. It may be as simple as you haven't set the Form KeyPreview property to "True", we can't tell. So, it's going to be up to you. Fortunately, you have a tool available to you which will help you find out what is going on: the debugger....
16 Feb 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Why re-invent what is already available? You can close any application in Windows with Alt+F4.
5 Apr 2019 by Patrice T
Quote: How do I open .exe from Client's Machine in chrome Browser.Earlier this was done using ActiveX Object but as Chrome does not support ActiveX object. Short answer: Basically, ActiveX is not supported in any recent browser because of this possibility which is a major security threat....
5 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
You pretty much can't - ActiveX was only ever available in IE, and even there it was disabled by default pretty damn quickly as it is a massive security hole. You will notice that even Microsoft didn't leave it in Edge when they released that! Think about it: if you could do it, so could the...
9 Apr 2019 by Haseeb A. Basil
LambdaTest Selenium Testing Tool Tutorial with examples in 2019
21 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
Quote: I want to count my products in stock by android phone using its camera. but i don't want to use any specific android app. I just want to open chrome browser and load a webpage something like which is built to count products using phone's camera and read barcodes....
31 Oct 2019 by MadMyche
Not a solution for this; but a suggestion or two... Don't use the generic "alert" function. Try using a Modal window and give the end user a pleasanter experience. A great example would be phone number validation, where you could give various formats that are accepted. Another option would be...
6 Jul 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
You are NEVER going to get millisecond accuracy to place orders. It's simply not possible to do that because the internet is a shared system where traffic fluctuates constantly and impacts the delivery and response times of your content...
9 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
If you are new to coding then I suggest you start again with something less advanced. The first thing you need to learn is a useful computer language, and C# would be a good choice. Charles Petzold has written an excellent introduction to the...
31 May 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
ActiveX isn't supported in any modern browsers today because they are considered security risks.
31 May 2021 by Patrice T
Quote: Activex control is not working on edge and chrome browser created in VB.NET project Activex have never work on browsers other than EI and will never. You can consider Activex as a dead technology. As MS start to uninstall EI in latest...
21 May 2022 by OriginalGriff
The simple solution is: set your system clock to the current time and let the OS keep it accurate via an internet time server. The only common reason for changing the date and / or time is to fool software licences into thinking they are still...
13 Jan 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
Quote: Is ArgumentList is ignored in .Net6.0 ???? Not according to the documentation: ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList Property (System.Diagnostics) | Microsoft Learn[^].
23 Feb 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
Sorry to say but I don't think this is possible through standard means. I mean, you might be able to write an extension that traps the onclick event for the send, and then allows for the behaviour you want but, as this would have to go through...
31 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
You'll have to talk to Google tech support. THis may help: Understanding Chrome browser support options for your business | Google Cloud Blog[^]